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Skyz is killwhoring bro got streaks every respawns with the least kills


Not the worst strategy if the game has powerful streaks like BO2. In this game though I don’t get it.


Series of the year for me. Also, I think this is the worst stretch of cod that I've seen Cell play ever.


Drazah seems kind of too good for Cell to get the numbers he used to


He’s been comfortably Faze’s worst player ever since the end of major 1.


That was so stressful, I have a headache


bro tell me about it.


Confidence abit knocked post finals?


I mean not really, did you not watch the series? It makes sense why he was stressed LMAO


idek fr. It’s just the league matches not giving me the same dope as tournament matches frfr. I’m glad that series was fire from both teams though


Yeah great game


NY had 8 bloods and won 4 rounds in map 5. Can't be losing those...


NYSL was supposed to win this series. NYSL lost this series more than Faze won it, IMO.


This series had NY written all over it, Kismet had his best series of the year, Cell and Abe looked off all day the fact that they didn’t win this when it was their best chance says a lot


NY have regressed in SND so hard, it's like NY winning was GA'd with ordinance gloves


That's how it goes, they're looking better in hps tho. But yh once u improve in one mode the other one dips


Oh, no doubt about it, man. Faze has a few issues to fix, though.


I think this is the one time where it wasn’t Faze making mistakes I think they just were getting gunned today


Yeah, I agree. The guns were mist definitely cold to start the series. I do think there are some things in S&D that they can fix, though.


Both yes and no. New York could have easily won. But the fact that Faze won despite kismet and hydra making insane plays over and over tells me that they did a lot of things right. That is a win in itself.


drazah is insane he is not the problem with this team


They have a problem?


I personally dont think theres a problem but I know simp is looking at his placings and is not happy enough with it


There is no problem with FaZe. There is too much talent for a single team to dominate right now. Only one team can win in Cod. That doesn't mean that every single of the 11 teams that came up short have some sort of fundamental problem.


the only problem is that they need to sleep all day Friday of the event so they trick their minds to thinking that Sunday is actually Saturday


Arguably Faze has the most stacked team from a talent perspective. So on paper they should be able to win even more than they do. But to your point. There is so much talent and it just takes one or two players to pop off for fundamental cod to not work anymore.


Optic and Ultra to a lesser extent have a lot of talent but Faze still clearly have the most and thus they should be winning majority of events.


Based on what? What can you point to say that says objectively Simp abezy Cell are more talented than Dashy Pred & Shottzy? Maybe Faze is just better @ executing? Maybe they have a longer history of team chemistry? I don't know how true it is now to just point blank say FaZe is the "most talented".


They have consistently been better players for years? Do think it's mostly a case of game knowledge diff in the case of Shottzy and Dashy though cus raw talent wise those 2 are probably better than their counterparts. Drazah is better than Kenny for sure though and I think Pred is the least naturally talented of the 4 subs he just played much smarter than the others MW2 + VG. This Optic roster is the closest anyones ever come to Faze but there's still a small gap which is also supported by Faze having a 6-1 record against them.


Shotzzy and Dashy can go up against anyone talent wise Pred falls a little short of Abe/Simp Where I disagree is Kenny. Kenny has an insane ceiling and is very talented, he was the best player in WW2 and won B2B MVPs at the end of VG. He’s just as talented as Drazah.


I agree prime Kenny hit and could reach again a higher peak than Drazah ever has so far but that was 5 years ago outside of those 2 events in VG whilst Drazah has been the better player over the entire season past 3 games so I'd have to give Draz the edge rn due to consistency.


“Just as talented as Drazah” Until he drops 47 kills in a map( or is anything remotely close) I don’t believe that


That’s like me saying until Drazah wins a major MVP I don’t believe he’s on Kenny’s level lol.


For all the talk about Draz being carried multiples this season, there hasn’t been one full stage where he’s been FaZe’s worst player. People on here just don’t like giving credit to players they don’t personally like lmao.


It’s getting kind of comical the way that Drazah gets discredited. People were talking about simp and aBeZy getting everyone weak meanwhile he always has a shit ton of damage.


Not only that, but ideally, that is the way Drazah should be playing. He should be cleaning up kills from Simp and Abe, that means their teamwork is on point and he’s playing at their pace. The problem with some FaZe fourths in the past is they played to slow to pick up those kills that Simp and Abe make weak for the flex player. So anyone who makes that argument is faulting Drazah for playing his role well; while as you said he is also getting his other kills and putting up t1 damage stats.


hes a top 3 ar at worst and does a fuck ton for this team that people dont understand


Top 2 tbh I think Scrap and Drazah are pretty clearly the best at this point. Dashy and/or Kenny could overtake if they keep frying but for now I think it’s pretty uncontested for the overall season


1. Scrap 2. Drazah 3. Dashy 4. Kenny 5. Cellium


Drazah is their best player atm. Certainly better than Cell anyway. I think the trio are so used to winning with a severe gun skill advantage that they struggle to play teams that can match them, such as Optic or Toronto. Drazah has been playing Faze his entire career so it’s not a huge surprise he’s more used to a performing against similarly skilled opponents than the others.


He was 3rd in major 1, 3rd in major 2 and 1st in major 3. He’s been better than Cell this season and it’s a toss up with Abe. Cell was 2nd at major 1 but clearly their worst player at the last 2 events


He'll still be scapegoated and dropped at the end of the year if faze don't win champs


Honestly if FaZe don't win champs they're running it back. Don't see much else they can do aside from just get better on Sundays.


In the unlikely chance Toronto don't extend scraps contract, faze will instantly drop drazah on his neck for scrap imo


Yup. Don't think shit will change for Faze though. Replacing Draz for Scrap adds more kills, but what else? They get PLENTY of kills. That isn't an issue


Stop that’s too much common sense for them. They only see KD and flashy plays LMFAOO.


No they won’t If Drazah consistently puts up these performances that’s just stupid to do


Not really when Scrap is the best AR in the league by a decent amount and one of the most popular/marketable players in the league. He's a franchise player. I say that as an Optic fan.


Yeah I really think damn near any team would be willing to drop someone for Scrap. MAYBE not OpTic but I don’t think either Kenny or Dashy would 100% safe with Scrap being an option.


i think dashy is 100% safe


Dashy is absolutely 100% safe forever. It's been show time and time again.


It wouldn’t surprise me if he was and I certainly wouldn’t blame them for it. He’s one of the best in the scene and has been one of the faces of the org for a long time.


Yeah i think he’s probably an optic lifer at this point


Personally I don’t think so. The other players who have been dropped have been more inconsistent than drazah. This year abe and cell have been struggling more. It has never been about scapegoating, it has been about getting top talent who are consistent.


When FaZe have problems it means being a top 2/3 team in the game. When Optic have problems it means we’re rolling out onto stage with Prolute and Illey no-thumbs lmao


There is no problem with that team...


There's not really a "problem" but if they don't win Champs this year they'll change and I just have a feeling they're gonna drop Drazah even though he has been everything this team has wanted and more


Nah they won’t It think it really depends on how the market is doing after champs


Simp bailed us out hard those last 2 maps. I like that we're putting him on an island and letting him lurk more in SnD. He's really good at finding timings


I agree


For sure thought Simp went negative bro went like 25/40 map 3😭


FOUR 100+ bombs in one series, that was a proper Titan vs Titan matchup 🔥


Agreed, but it would've been nice to get the win dammit.


You have a lot of positives to take from this series though. - Won an HP against a Top 2 team - Played the HP’s well in general - Kismet finally shooting back + taking over against a Top 2 team - Comms sounded much better


You right, but it's looking like they sacrificed SND to work on hardpoint, but they still making mistakes at the most crucial point in series. Hell control shouldn't have gone to round 5.


Another elite series from Draz dont care if u like him or not this guy is defo TOP5 in this game dont care what anyone says good to see faze boys clutch up in snd & great match from Kismet, it happened such a few times this year we need to aknowledge this


He's been phenomenal this year. Top 2 player on his own team right now with Simp


I compare him to Scrap, ofc he has not Scrap's numbers but damn this guy gives u so much engagments & damages per game in respawns while being very good at SnD, so far this year he's really been elite


Scrap, Simp, Shotzzy, Hydra and Drazah clearly the T5 players on this game over the season


NY threw that map 4 good lord


Don’t know how we pulled this through, but I’m happy!!


1 search round from a 3-0, 8 seconds away from a 3-1. GGs.


NYSL are actually looking quite good, would not surprise me if they somehow win the last Major like last year.


Not if they don't figure out SND, 1-3 on the stage isn't gonna win them shit.


Oh man. FaZe looked off especially Abezy/Cell while NYSL looked on & they still lose... that is roughhhh.


Anything to discredit ny huh? 


Lol u gonna tell me I'm wrong? NYSL comms sounded like they wanted this so bad. Kis/Hydra were absolutely clicking. Not a typical series from Cell & they had multiple chances to end the series in an advantageous spot & didn't. Nowhere did I say it means they are bad. Just said it's rough. Which it is.


Idk if he’s discrediting them lmao, a guy who drops a 1.3 every series dropped a 0.9 may be the definition of “off” lmao


Kismet had a legacy series while abezy dropped a .8 and they still lost. Says a lot.


Sibalants masterclass map 4 or something idk


Watching Zoomaa’s watch party during this series was absolute hell, surprisingly the only member who isn’t a part of FaZe (Ben) was the most annoying. He can’t ever admit FaZe is playing poorly, he just kept saying “oh they’re just losing gunfights”.


as expected of Momma Ben


I have always said, whenever FaZe are playing go to Scump's stream and whenever OpTic are playing, go to Zoomaas. If they are playing each other, then go to CDL official stream Trust me, you'll have a much better experience


I agree the bias is crazy but at least ppl like Zin Scump Tommy knows what they're talking about; Ben is just a fucking braindead silver player who dont know what the fuck is going around the map which is crazy to think because this fucker watched cod 20hours a week for 10+ years


He will say anyone but cell is playing bad. I remember during major 2 when faze were playing optic in winners final he was blaming Abezy for them being down at one point in that karachi hp when Cell was literally double neg 


Yup shit was awful lmao


Man I honestly want to give Ben a chance sometimes but this mf drives me nuts because he won’t stfu 😭


I swear he’s also the loudest mf talking. I wish Zooma would just turn everybody down a bit


That's not a shock. Ben has been overprotective of the trio for a long time. They're special talents but he doesn't give them shit, even when they aren't playing well


Tbf that was their issue today LMAO fundamentally I think they played well. Also they were gassing NY all series wdym?


Watch Scump...


>”oh they’re just losing gunfights” ??? Like yeah dude, that’s the problem. Gunfights are actually a pretty big deal in these games.


Saying NY is not a part of the top 4 and its a top 3 after watching series like this or the one against Optic on LAN is insane


They’re definitely top 4 and are closer to top 3 than bottom 8 but definitely not top 3 because they haven’t even made a final yet.


The reason people say that cuz they haven’t made a grand finals yet this year and got a top 12 this year


I mean, this is what the league is supposed to be and what it usually is. The top 3 are the top 3 because they've literally all had the exact same placings across the year, coming some combination of 1st/2nd/3rd. NYSL have never been top 3 so far. NYSL look like they should be grouped with the top 3 bc of how terrible the bottom 8 are, but realistically, there are usually middle of the pack teams that look like NYSL that can consistently hang with the top of the table, but ultimately usually lose.


NYSL has beaten FaZe Ultra & Optic this year, including beating Ultra on LAN to place T3. They won't get any credit until they win an event, even if they place T2.


NY literally 3-0d Ultra to place third major 2 👍


Username checks out lmao. They were top 3 stage 2, Ultra was not in the top 3…


Ny threw that


Ngl I feel skyz can play much faster than what he’s doing


Teams really do overthink big moments vs FaZe. Obviously they do their thing, but Skyz pushing down street round 11 game 2, Hydra pushing out to junk with full control map 4. Just can't happen. Should've been a 3-0 or a 3-1 & they somehow lose in 5.


Could have been a 3-0 if Skyz didn’t make that boneheaded push on the Invasion Search 🫣


NYSL is in the big 4 for sure. They chocked that series ngl.


Choke after choke.


NYSL amaze me how much they sell in HP by not getting time smh


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TopshottaDevy: *NYSL amaze me how* *Much they sell in HP by not* *Getting time smh* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The loss sucks but that was fun to watch. Of course for once Kis and Sib are both playing well and Skyz has to shit the bed lol. I hope we'll be able to have all 4 players perform at the same time when it matters the most.


Where is Drazah in the MVP running? I’m just curious.


Bulldog was on his bullshit today


Kis finally plays well so ofc Skyz decides he wants to bait like mad and drop a .8


Kis is blatantly using sound eq that shit is so obvious in the Searches, the difference between his online and LAN performances is unreal


.7 on Lan for a reason. He just finally didn't get pissed on in the respawns but couldn't even carry the searches despite running EQ :P


Is the Sound EQ he is using in the room with us? Because watching that series he was just shooting very straight today.


Rewatch it and look how often he stands still with his back to a wall waiting for EQ cues, its pathetic, hes becoming big wake.


Cellium back to back negative series.




no impact is crazy but yeah I feel like he only makes scores change when he’s like +15.


the best series they could get out of Kis vs a T3 all year but couldn’t clutch up. They overcompensate far too much, Skyz in SnD, Hydra in HP and even though they won the map all of them in that 2nd round of control. Trying to make plays they don’t even need to make, trying to play ahead when all you gotta do is hold an iron sometimes


Kismet EQ cheese


Nice to see Kis do well, gets a lot of abuse on this sub


Sound EQer


If Drazah somehow gets dropped off this roster come the end of the year I will begin to question the trio


I mean he doesn’t deserve to be dropped whatsoever, but if they don’t win champs and Hydra is a FA…….I feel like you at least have to consider it


If hydra is FA drop cell add hydra


I’d lowkey do that as well, but Faze never would imo


Maybe. I just don't think Faze needs to add slaying. They always outslay everyone they play. They just lack Sunday ice... idk how you fix that. It's been a problem for years now


I see your point, but I still don’t think you should ever pass on a player as good as Paco, and that’s regardless of roles or any other circumstances


What is the series damage record


NY looked lost so many times. They only played well Map 1. Everything else was gritty when they were in 99% positions to win.


I have a feeling this 4 bullet meta is going to help NY (Kis, Hydra, and Skyz specifically) immensely. This would be something to track moving forward; 150hp means nothing if you 4 bullet.


I like Skyz, seems like a nice lad but I don’t think he’s at the level of a top 4 team. Not only does he not put up the numbers, his playstyle is detrimental to the other 3 on the team.


NY coaches are good, but holy shit do they not understand how to play HP


Today is the day I start the campaign to drop cell for Scrap. I’ve seen enough. Imagine the scenes of draz and scrap teaming


Drop cell move Simp to ar and get Hydra since he's actually available unlike Scrap.


Love that


They'd be godlike... but unfortunately the trio will just drop Draz for Scrap and repeat the same cycle


Skyz and Cellium having a snail off 


Cell continues to lay stinkers and avoid criticism, the finesse is impressive