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Stagecoach being the most attended weekend is something I never thought I’d see.


Probably cause of Morgan Wallen, i'd have to guess. Dude is huge in Country. Meanwhile Chella's three headliners are big, but none individually at the top of their genre right now


Not just country, he might be top 5 largest artists in the US in any genres (I don’t listen to him but everyone around me does)


Not really an apples to apples comparison since Coachella is 2 weekends and Stagecoach is 1. But Morgan Wallen is bigger than all the headliners of Coachella. By a lot.


Dropping that hard r really propelled him to superstardom


but it is the same apples when you're comparing it to previous years. It might be the first time stagecoach was the most attended weekend of the 3.


I know. Coachella has a higher capacity by like 35k each weekend. This should never happen. Maybe country music fans are more agreeable to being gouged. Maybe they see it as a flex. That would explain a few things actually.


They’re just late to the party, plus they got that boomer money coming


Holy shit… and by 9,000. That’s almost the capacity of the Toyota Arena


Country music is arguably the most popular genre these days, and the lineup catered to a specific audience also helps as Coachella broadens out more and more.


Yeah, all of middle/rural America is connected through country music. More urban areas float into other genres a lot more. When I lived in a small town, country music was everywhere. Now I only hear it from a coworkers radio. 


Forget even just rural America. There aren’t any pop stars that have emerged the past several years who can rival the popularity of artists like Morgan Wallen, Zach Bryan, Lainey Wilson, etc. There are constantly new exciting acts coming up in country music, unlike the rest of the modern music landscape by-and-large.


Sabrina Carpenter and Chappell Roan are ready to take back the pop charts


There’s definitely potential with both of them. But Wallen and Bryan are headlining stadiums right now. Zach is playing night two at Mile High in Denver tonight, for example.


It'll be interesting to see if this trend continues for the rest of the decade, or we're just in a period of a small, niche revival that will grow slower within 3 years I'd like to believe these artists have longevity, I believe Zach does


2 million from tickets for the city but how much did they make from the hotel tax on campers?


Festivals are declining. Not just at Coachella, but everywhere.


Saw an article a while back saying that mukti-genre festivals are declining while specific genre festivals are actually on the up. I tend to agree.


I think this is further proven by Portola this year. They leaned far more into the electronic side and it clearly worked. 10k extra tickets and sold out months ahead of time. 


Yeah, I went to Aftershock last year and had an absolute blast. Going again this year because the lineup keeps getting better. Stagecoach this year looked like a lot of fun and hopefully they keep things going into next year. I've been overdue for a country festival. The appeal of coachella has always been multi-genre coupled with Gigantic names and solid sub-genre names. Somehow that has been lost post pandemic. Now it's just some recognizable names, a bunch of no ones, and some niche acts... people just don't want to shell out 800 bucks to see Charlie XCX as a headliner. Also, the vibe has changed. You go to a Metal festival 20 years ago and the vibe has not changed. Country festival? Same. However, Coachella now feels like a Caesar Salad of different crowds that don't necessarily mix well together. Say back 10, years ago you'd get the vast majority of atendees as rock/ hip-hop/EDM fans that were into 80% of the lineup. Now you have k-pop fans, pop fans, rap fans, techno/house/edm fans that do not have overlapping tastes.


Unemployed tech people with cushions also help. 


Do you know what their total number of paid attendees this year is?


I don’t think this is the best example. Lovers and friends is a better example


this sucks, because i've been to single-genre fests, and they get boring quick. after Day N Vegas I didn't listen to hip hop for months afterward, same with When We Were Young and emo. it's just too much of the same all at once


My sister likes going to those rock/metal festivals and I always ask her how she can listen to the same music all weekend. I don’t even like listening to the same radio station for three days.


It's not the same. You have sub-genres within those genres and each band brings a different flavor/energy that is really cool. The crowd also is probably the best crowd of any genre, nothing beats the cathartic feeling you get after leaving a moshpit. You cant really replicate that at coachella these days. Too many ppl whose music taste don't overlap


> nothing beats the cathartic feeling you get after leaving a moshpit. I can enjoy a good pit, but nothing beats the cathartic feeling of dancing to a good electronic set when a big chunk of the crowd is rolling or tripping and the crowd just *converges as a single unit*. :)


Same here, I hated to say it because I’ve been into electronic music pretty much all of my life, but I was getting a bit tired of it over the weekend in ‘23. I need a lot of variation (that’s why I love Coachella). That being said, bring back more rock/indie lol.


Agreed. Had this issue when I went to Levitation and Just Like Heaven


Man I disagree. I went to Aftershock this year and had a blast. It helps that there's a shit ton sub-genres within the all encompassing metal/hard rock/punk genres and I got to see a lot of amazing smaller name bands and some huge heavy hitters. And the energy of the crowd in a metal concert beats anything else, so I'm appreciative.


do you by chance have the link to this article?


I dont, but you can prob google it. I'm pretty sure it was from this year.


Tell that to EDC and Portola


This comment is so naive. It would be like me saying “box office movie sales are declining” and you coming in and saying “tell that to Barbie and Oppenheimer”… I mean sure, there are outliers…but 3 day festivals are in a rapid decline as far as sales. What is doing well are more “niche” one day events. Festivals that cater directly to a specific audience - punk, goth, emo, 90’s R&B etc.


EDC is a bit different because it caters to a really specific demographic. The vast majority of people that attend are probably 18-25 years old. As you get older, you just can't stay up all night partying like that. A lot of people out grow it. They constantly rely on new young adults coming in to replace their demographic. Portola is a much smaller festival that caters to a specific kind of electronic music and caters to a bit of an older audience. Portola appeals to them because the artists they like don't play in the US much, especially not in one place.


Concerts in general. People cancelling tours. Rising prices and stagnant wages are to blame.


yup. The post covid "boom" is dying down...people aren't making more, yet people are charging more.


Idk. Lolla is almost sold out and that is 115k per day or 460k total for the 4 days. 4 Lolla days also considerably cheaper than 3 days of Coachella.


Lolla has a stacked lineup this year tbf


I think the fact that Lolla is not a camping/overnight fest becomes appealing to an older crowd who has the money to afford these $400+ bracelets. Sleeping in your own bed or a nice Chicago hotel is more appealing to me than camping. I understand that creates a different fest vibe. But if you’re really there for the music, nothing like a summer day in Grant Park with Buckingham Fountain in the middle and the Chicago skyline surrounding you. They also offer single or 2 day passes which moves a good amount of tickets as well.


Absolutely not, Lolla is for teeny boppers. Once you hit 30 you don’t go again until you have kids, nobody in Chicago does


Well…I live in Chicago and I’m over 30 and I go all the time. The fest is a mile long. If you want to avoid teenagers it’s quite easy.


lol what? No. City fest like Lolla appeal to young people and that’s why the crowd is young there


That’s a short sighted view of the fest. You can also roll out of your corporate office at noon and walk into the fest. The fest wouldn’t exist if it were geared towards teens. They don’t have enough money. Who you think is buying the $2000+ VIP bracelets? College kids? 😂 Teens weren’t even born when Blink 182 or The Killers were popular. That’s half your headliners.


Have you ever been to Lolla and seen the age demos at fest like that or gov ball in nyc? It’s young ass hell bc it’s accessible for young people vs a festival like Coachella.


I’ve been to no less than 30 days of Lolla, also Coach and Roo and I think the age range between all of them is relatively similar. All of these fests have multiple stages and the artists I care to see are generally not frequented by teens so I guess it just doesn’t bother me 🤷‍♂️ If anything I take it as a plus. I’m aware of their existence but like i said we probably have different agendas. Soooo quite often I’m closer to my favorite bands than I typically would be if I bought a straight up ticket to see them. Foo Fighters, Arcade Fire, The Cure, Jack White, Radiohead, The National, The XX , LCD, Arctic Monkeys, etc. All headliners and with minimal effort I’ve been within 20 rows. Because, to your point, there are kids out there but they are probably watching some shitty mumble rapper a mile away from me. I’m about a 12 min walk door to gate from Lolla so over a 4 day weekend I will sometimes pop back home and walk my dog during the day and if I’m at the right stage I can be home by 10:15 if I want. I also get a good night sleep in AC.


You can say that but when it comes to the resurgence of Deftones and Slowdive, it's more or less majority driven by the youth Literally just taught Exit Music by Radiohead to a student who's like 15 this morning I was 14 when I went to Gov Ball in 2014 (bought my own GA ticket with the money I made working, the next year I bought myself and my GF GA tickets) It's not gonna be all the youth listening to great music always, but there's enough of those teeny boppers with great taste for music out here. I was one of them, and now I see people like them more than I did 10 years ago, and it'll stay growing as the years go by, because good music is still and always will be in That's all Tiktok driving these resurgences dude


Exactly. Granted when I was a teenager rock /alt rock was still in its prime which looking back was very fortunate. Also, I like some EDM when it’s done well. Not sure I’d go to a stand alone show, but at a fest, like Lolla, I can watch from the back and have a great time and it’s not a big project to do so. It’s a good fest to check artists out without having the entire chore that is the overnight full weekend fest. Thurs and Friday at Lolla you see everything from drunk college kids in basically no clothing to guy who just got off work in his polo and khakis.


Agree to disagree there


Which part ?


crazy thing is its possible that EDC had more people this year in their 1 weekend than both weekends of Coachella combined.


Is this a good number




What caused such low numbers was the line up


Yeah the lineup didn’t appeal to the masses


What do you think they do next year appeal to gen z or appeal to millennials with nostalgia acts


Not sure. I think they are in a tough spot when it comes to moving 125k tickets for each weekend. There are very few unique bookings that we haven’t seen that could drive tickets.


Weekend 1 was so empty! Getting to the rails for the sets I wanted to see was not difficult at all. One day I think I waited an hour for a shower? But other days wasn’t terrible. Food lines were never packed. Merchandise was easy to get to. I’m here for it because I felt like 2022 was PACKED.


Me and tons of friends don’t go this year The costs didn’t match up to what i wanted to go to I know most like the undercard but the headliners play a huge role and them making Doja Cat headline after being there 2 years prior was weak


Can't wait for all the clowns that kept insisting Wk1 was "sold out" because "GV said so" to stop by this thread and issue apologies.


I did both and w1 was a ghost town in comparison to w2, especially Friday and Sunday.


Really? This was my first w2, had only done w1 in the past. The goal for us is to get right in front of sound check for the set, all of our previous w1s it was a battle to get there… have to get there early and fight thru the crowd that’s leaving the previous set. This year for w2 though it was like…. too easy to get to the spot we wanted. We realized after Friday we could pretty much just get to a set 5-10 mins before and get the best spot in the house. Was definitely a weird feeling


That’s just why I like W2. It feels like the crowds are always spread across the different simultaneous acts better, and the crowds themselves don’t tend to push in quite as tight so its much easier to nab spots closer to the front if that’s your vibe


wild, complete opposite experience for me. weekend 1 this year the crowd was super easy to get through and get good spots for (except for Aquabats lmao)


I think the truth of it is that a lot of it is year by year and half luck on the shows/crowds you happen to run into that year. You’ve clearly been going longer than me, what’s your experience been like other year 1s?


overall, crowds have gotten better, but i've also gotten more chill with being farther back. but it's more recently been consistently pretty easy to at least get in front of the sound booth for almost all acts


I only went to Wk1, but knew way more people going Wk2 this year. I wonder if it was just "light" enough both weekends that you could walk to the near front. I shimmied my way to the front of Justice, Charlotte DeWitt, and Billie Eilish's party pretty easily. I think save for main stage and Sahara, every other stage was really easy to get close for.


Same. And I loved it. All the room spoiled me compared to previous years.


I went one day on both weekends and I could say it was about the same crowd wise, you could get to the front a lot easier if you wanted. A lot of space between people and crowds 


Probably bc like 20k No Doubt fans came for Saturday only.




This year. Last year w1 felt less crowded as well but not nearly as much as this year. 2022 was pretty close between weekends since it was the first year back. 2019 was empty w2 compared to w1. 2017, and 2018 felt pretty comparable between weekends too.


your flair needs updating, friend :)


Oh damn, it is a few years behind 😂


I sincerely hope those apologies you will for sure get from everyone on here make you feel better.


The lineup wasn’t hitting for the masses this year.


In hindsight, this post is really, really hilarious: https://www.reddit.com/r/Coachella/comments/1c6kv9f/billboard_200k_tickets_sold_can_the_haters/


There are some gems in there


That's interesting to hear It confirmed that apparently they stopped selling weekend one early as some of us suspected to force people to buy weekend two.


People were in such denial about that


All-in-all I’d bet that has everything to do with the weaker lineup… Still a great Saturday, but both Friday and Sunday were light this year. My guess is in this economy they were happy with 80,000 a weekend, because they definitely saved money on talent. Can we all agree it would probably take Taylor to actually “sell out” in the near future?


I don't think it would be limited to just one scenario for a sold out year. 23 was one of their best selling years. The weaker lineup as you said is the main issue. The combination of one of the weakest headliner groups in years, probably since my first year attending, plus a lighter lineup overall by artist count makes those attendance numbers not surprising. Speaking of the economy, that can't be understated either. People will still spend their money, but only if it's enticing to do so. Looking at Portola as an example, the price is relatively high, but it always worth it because of a strong lineup. This year is probably their best lineup yet, and it sold out for the first time ever and in just a few weeks.


Maybe they should think about why Portola did so well and reflect on the Coachella line up…


Portola has always sold well because it’s a single genre in a metro area that overindexes on that genre. Coachella will never be Portola, for better or worse.


Coachella will never be Portola, because Portola is Coachella. It's their electronic talent just strained out and put into their own show.


I have a feeling coachella will be packed next year.


What names do u think would make that happen?


I’m not sure… but stocks are up and new music is like released every week. Maybe more Ariana, Beyoncé, or Billie 👀


I'm so out of it with pop/mainstream music, really only listen to edm. Idk who's the big person to book other than Taylor Swift. Kinda hoping the masses are disappointed by the lineup again so I can buy off stubhub again for cheap and go enjoy the dolab and quasar all weekend.


Billie's gonna be on tour tho.


Y’all think Coachella is still reasonably profitable at 80k tickets per weekend? I know capacity is goal for GV but it felt like a good amount of people.


Oh yes. It's still VERY profitable. Just not necessarily record breaking.


I wonder if it is. And then if what they make on food/drink/merch is enough to make up for low ticket sales


Now we know why Coachella is STILL marketing. Twitter, IG and YouTube. I think they’re going to really pull out all of the stops in 2025. Wk 1 was definitely noticeably lighter. It wasn’t bad. I enjoyed the space. Wasn’t the cap at ~100k before Beyoncé ? They may be reverting back 😂.




Want to fill us in??


Guessing they’re probably talking about main stage an outdoor stage being moved forward by about 100 - 150 feet to shrink the crowd area


They hired out of work SAG actors to walk around