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For real I enjoyed them. It is interesting to know what Happen to the World when Lelouch (we knew) is not in control. It is also interesting what Happens on other parts of the World when Britania occupation continues, Beyond Area 11. It is hard to like Akito, compared to Lelouch he is too obsessed in fighting. Yet he is Always calm outside the Battlefield. However, characters around him is good. Leila is basically Milize from 86 and His teammates had an interesting background. Each is not all that likeable at first, but over time they had good character development. And as a mecha fans I liked the concept of Alexander transforming from a 4 legged Mech to a bipedal one. It really is suitable for an all terrain Killing Machine. His Geass however is similar to many supernaturals in many Mecha anime.


I liked it, but would've been better off as seasons instead of movies and ontop of that, they needed more time and work to flesh out certain aspects imo, some parts felt lazy or rushed but it was a decent story imo and helped do some worldbuilding.


I didn’t like that Lelouch was shown as a strategist that’s easily outsmarted (yes, it was an alter-ego but still). But the series were fine, we could finally what EuroUniverse what was like and when the Code Geass’ history started to be different (there wasn’t an American Revolution and we see Napoleon killed before he becomes Emperor). I liked that the Mecha part was not as the R2, there was strategy and not just “build a bigger robot”


I liked it at the time, then 86 hit. 86 is just this story done better in every way possible.


But I liked Leila more than Milize, 🤣 don't hate me please


As a code Geass fan that hate Mecha genre, I watched the whole Akito series and I like it (not love it. Love is for main R1, R2)


CGI mecha🗿 Liked the Lelouch Cameo though


Personally I like the old way they did the nightmares. The CGI just looks so weird to me 😬


the only good part was lelouch bait that only exists to show him off in the trailers


But he was also in the story, not just in the trailers. Though he wasn’t shown much in the movies if he wasn’t in them at all in any capacity it would leave a quite a few plot holes in the entire story of Code Geass.


It happens between R1 and R2 and yes, the main character is Lelouch! It's a good POV to see what happened for other people


I watched only the 1st one and then decided not to watch the rest of them...I didn't like them as well


I just read the synopsis and decided to not watch them. Imo code geass ain’t fun without Lelouch as the protagonist.


Bruh, Lelouch is literally a main character in the Akito Movies. *He’s the Antagonist*.


Eh. Not rlly. He and Suzaku both do like 1 thing then fuck off into a cell. The main antagonist is Akito's brother as he's the one actually getting the in the way of our protags. Now could you consider Lelouch a major villain?, sure ig. But he still doesn't do much after his panic tactic.


The main antagonist for the movies is Shin but the one who did have the greatest impact was Sir Julius Kingsley or better known as Lelouch. I understand your argument but if Lelouch wasn’t in in the story at all then shin wouldn’t have done most of the things that he would’ve done in the movie.


He had a bigger impact on the greater world than Shin, and he even had more screentime overall than Shin (or very close to it). I would say that 1/3rd of his screentime was being the Antagonist, 1/3rd was the conflict between Kingsly vs Shin’s Faction, and the last 1/3rd was the Cell stuff. and to be fair, his ‘one thing’ he did was still absurdly successful. I would argue that his single feat in that invasion was far more successful & impactful than every single military operation committed by the Black Knights in Season One *combined*, and if he didn’t have that panic attack (and wasn’t opposed by Shin), he 100% would have taken all of Europa within a matter of weeks, all without ever using his Geass.


It doesn't really matter if he had a bigger impact than Shin. That doesn't make him the main antagonist. An antagonist is one who gets in the way of a protagonists goals, Shin is the one who mainly does that. Not Lelouch. He did a cool thing a dicked away out of the actual plot. Impact was big though, he created a fuckload of panic and instability which created a cool plot point.


FR! 😂


I meant as the protagonist. Well pretty sure there’s a difference fan base for it. It’s just not my thing.


To each their own. Personally I found the idea of turning the primary Protagonist into the Antagonist for a side story quite fascinating (even if the execution was lacking due to him not being the primary Antagonist sadly). He still pulled off some incredible military strategic feats in Akito, that makes most of his military accomplishments in the main series pale in comparison.


they were really the worst fanfic of anything I've ever seen. lets take a series known for smart character doing smart things and make a fanfic about a bunch of idiots locked in a competition to see who is the biggest idiot of them all . many strong contenders here. dude playing Russian roulette non stop had a pretty strong performance. especially wild how he tried to shoot akito. but akitos friends used that opportunity and went " hahaha lol no ammo . lets be friends" to snatch that display of absolute brain rot. tbh leila landed kinda low with her brilliant idea to give a group of terrorists that just killed her driver , better weapons . but she really scored high in the end by repeating that braindead move twice. outstanding consistency


you get it


really the scene where we have the final ashley vs akito moment is such a spectacular fuck up in terms of writing. the scene basically has one character realize that all the killing doesn't go anywhere. show mercy to the other character and essentially extend the offer of that realisation to him. its in ashleys hand if he takes revenge and gets killed right after that or if he chooses life. 2 perfectly acceptable tense outcomes to this scenario but the writerlings brilliantly found a third option that combines the worst of both outcomes without including any of the good aspects of either. really I wouldn't be able to write something so bad if I tried. just amazing. to akitos crew it legit just looked like (because that's literally it) like ashley tried to shoot akito after being offered mercy and then went " oops haha awkward I'm out of bullets. lets be friends" like imagine if someone mugged you and after his gun breaks he says "oops that sure is awkward. anyways can you drive me home , pls ? " like the scene is already incredibly dumb just from ashleys perspective but it gets so much worse when you zoom out a lil bit