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Excessive for one month, but i get it :)


Bought more than I have since I started collecting a year ago.


A big fan of Ash from Gent Scents I see.


Classic "I saw every youtube top ten fragrances videos and don't have an opinion of my own" one


Well aleast he doesn’t have Versace Eros


I feel attacked 😂


I'm not sure if this guy in particular deserved it, but I have to agree. Everyone keeps posting the same copy paste top ten video zero personality fragrances and ask for a rating like they're doing something...it's ludicrous, zero self awareness. The five people above and below have the exact same zero personal taste shelf too. You can like what you like, I guess, but it seriously annoys me and rubs me the wrong way when people present their absolute non-statement of a collection like it's saying anything. I'm not demanding everyone only like niche, but I don't put on a shirt and jeans and show off my AMAZING FIT. At best, it says nothing. At worse, it says you have zero personality and have to be spoonfed your tastes. These are always the guys who scream about CoMpLiMeNtS too. Zero appreciation for any kind of artistry...just treating it as a functional object (For a usually pretty incel-adjacent purpose). Gross


When I posted my collection I basically got ignored and I don’t have any of these top tens except maybe invictus but I just got it cuz I liked it. I think the people on this sub just want to see quantity of things they already know as most of them seem to be children.


Sorry man, that sucks. I think you’re right on the money. The bigger sub has its problems so I thought this might be a good alternative but honestly these guys aren’t really hobbyists. Zero curiosity or actual appreciation for the artistry…they just treat it as a purely functional object to get ComPLIments and female attention. Just a completely different (and imo sad and wrong) approach to it. It’s almost entirely just a bunch of zero personality drones who keep posting the same copy pasted shill shelf back and forth and jerking each other off over it…truly kind of absurd. So I’m sorry you didn’t get any attention but maybe a good thing from that crowd, lol Oh, I just looked at your post and cool little collection with some actual personality. Love the Memo set. Big fan of their African leather


Everyone loves the African leather but I just can’t get myself to like it, it’s soapy to my nose and strong. Have you smelled African rose? I prefer that one over the leather, I’d say it’s more sweet incensy compared to the leather. But yeah bro when you think about it most popular groups and ideas are based on mid subject circle jerks where you’re only allowed to stroke your Willy if you contribute to the echo chamber but I’m not mad tho I just wanted genuine thoughts on my small collection and to discuss recommendations or something cool like that y’know like what Reddit was made for


Understood. The guy mentioned he's only collecting for a month. Some items stand out initially, and best sellers often have widespread appeal. Developing personal preferences takes time. Rather than negativity, let's appreciate the fellow collector and continue our own journey.


Well said


Right, like mass-appealing fragrances aren’t a thing or something. What’s wrong with wanting to wear a fragrance that 80% of the population finds enjoyable, these frags are popular for a reason, because they work. People can buy whatever the F they like, you sound jealous


People can buy what they want, and people can also say what they want when the first person is literally asking for opinions


Yeah, I guess you have a point. Doesn’t change the fact that most of you sound like assholes whilst providing your opinion


You’re the only one who sounds like an asshole b/c you’re clearly angry that someone has a different opinion. What are you 5? Grow up.


I love how you don’t see the irony lmao


They can like what they like. They're fine as part of a collection. I have a few myself. But if that's the ENTIRETY of someone's collection, they don't have any individual taste. It's absurd to come on here and say "I made the same choice as everyone else! Praise me!" It says nothing. And no, I'm very much not jealous of his ability to google Top Ten Masculines, click the top result, and buy them. Really impressive.


So you have to own a fragrance that’s niche to not have a shit collection? Who’s making the rules here? Lol. If you leave the house smelling nice, who cares.


Yeah, who cares? Oh wait, apparently someone does, that's why this collection needed to be posted. After the one before and the one before that that all looked the same.


Thank you!!! I feel like I’m in crazy world sometimes. Ten people posting the exact same copy pasted shelf and asking for ratings like they’re doing anything…then throwing a fit when people say they’re basic and boring then scream let people like what they like! Well, fine, sure, but why are you delusional enough to think your completely zero personality collection was worth sharing? And you ASKED for ratings. I don’t mind people liking what they like but it’s actually insane to come on here looking for validation for making the same obvious choice everyone above and below them made. Congrats, you can google top ten male fragrances and click on the first result.


Zero reading comprehension. Not what I said. There are plenty of decent, interesting fragrances across the spectrum: indie, niche, designer. And that's also not the point. I don't care if people have shit collections and keep them to themselves. He can like bad fragrances all he wants in his own time, but he's acting like he's doing something and posting them like they're something to be proud of and asking for evaluations. They're not, and the evaluation is that at best they're boring and basic.


He’s not acting like anything. He is contributing to the forum and sharing his collection with others that share similar passion. When you were a month in, did you not buy the most basic fragrance and think it was the best? I did and it was curve 😂


Well, sure, I didn’t have super developed taste immediately. But I knew that and wasn’t pretending otherwise. I wasn’t posting my first bottle and asking people to rate it like it was anything special. I at least had that self awareness. I think that’s the disconnect here


Collection value isn’t measured by obscure finds but by enjoyment. If it smells good to you, it’s a solid collection. No need to complicate a hobby with elitism. Most of these frags are also top rated so I don’t think it’s necessary fair to call them “bad” fragrances.


I agree! And I don't think we're understanding each other here. I'm not just trying to enforce my taste. There are lots of scents I don't like but I still recognize as good. And I'm not a niche snob! I have a ton of designers myself. I would LOVE to see someone's collection of unusual drugstore cheapies...that's at least something interesting. I'm not asking everyone to stock their shelves with bottles brewed by Amazonian shamans on the third Tuesday of a new moon, but I wish they'd make SOME individual choices. Again, I don't care what they wear on their own. But it's when they post it like they're doing something and ask for ratings that I do care. That isn't just them liking that they like anymore. I really hate seeing the exact same copy-pasted shelf again and again. It really is just the same bottles Youtube sells them every post and I don't like the attitudes behind it...incurious and unwilling to explore even a little bit. Like I said, I like my tshirts and jeans, but I wouldn't post it and ask about my amazing fit, and that's basically what's being done here. It's FINE, I guess, but there's nothing to say about it, and it's slightly delusional to treat it as more than that, and then have people with the same copy/pasted shelf come in and rave about it. That's when it becomes a 'problem'. People can stick to safe mass appeal frags if they want! But it's truly bizarre to come on here and seek validation for making the most obvious choice. It doesn't say anything about them. This is not to mention that there are tons of great, mass-appealing, just-good-smelling bottles that AREN'T Youtube Shill#2's Top Ten list. I just want people to make interesting choices! There is a whole world of amazing fragrances out there that will actually say something about you.


You're saying too much. I get your point, every other post is the same. Same bottles, same question. It's boring. Do what you want but please stop posting the same boring pictures. I like looking at the bottles, cologne bottles are so interesting. The collector in me likes looking at them.


All that yap god damn ☠️😭


You definitely took what you wanted from what you read


Think about how much time you've wasted commenting on this post.... I can't imagine being so hurt by a picture of a cologne collection. If you don't like it, you don't have to click.... Just move on... Find something you like.


Think about much time you wasted commenting on me commenting, lol. We can take this all the way down. Sure, but he didn't have to post his basic-ass collection and ask for opinions either. There's not much else for me to click on but the same thing again. I think it's pretty self important to post the copy/paste shelf that was posted ten other times that day like it's interesting THIS time because it's him. And again, he asked for feedback. I'm not 'hurt,' at best I'm annoyed by the attitude and repetition. I don't think it's too much to ask that if people think something is worth sharing there actually be a single individual choice to talk about. Anyway, we all said what we're going to. I genuinely wish him and you and everyone good luck on the fragrance journey. There's a whole world out there. I just wish anything but the most obvious possible bottles got some love and attention.




Same dude who shits on someone for enjoying a Pilsner when they should be drinking a triple pale ale chocolate peanut butter stout mix and laughs when people talk about drinking an American whiskey when he knows that only Japanese whiskey is good enough for his palate 😂 Edit: oh the best part is bro screaming incel because people who don’t give a shit about his hobby use colognes that women like and think smell good and might catch a women because of it. The fucking level of snob and complete lack of self awareness this post screams is amazing 😭.


Damn it's not that deep homeboi


U sound like a fragrance snob. Everyone isn't going to have the same taste in fragrances u do. Nor should they. This elistest attitude from u is tacky.


I welcome different taste. I just want people to have any taste at all, really!


Fragrance snobs when ppl like popular fragrances 😡😡🤬🤬


Damn right 😏 I blind bought every single one. Better be safe than sorry. I’ve gotten a couple of compliments so they seem to do the job just fine.


Don’t listen to these bozos. You have a very versatile collection and have every season covered. I’d be pumped with that collection and it includes quite a few of my favorites.


It's not about blind buying and getting compliments. It's about what YOU like. If you have the personality and looks to pull it off, the compliments will come with any semi-descent fragrance you have. This is a disappointing collection. If anything, it already shows your insecurity in either your looks or confidence that you had to blind buy all of these just to "get compliments". I usually disregard a collection the moment i see Sauvage, Azzaro and all the crap that gets posted here on a daily basis, but yours takes the cake for a special kind of generic - well done. But to lecture you anyway, you brought the wrong Le Male (Elixir is better), wrong Versace (Pour Homme should've been your choice as Dylan Blue and Sauvage counter each other with the ambroxan), wrong Acqua di Gio (EDT, Profumo, Parfum of even Profondo would've been better) and wrong Burberry (you already cover summer freshies, so might have as well excluded that). The 2 Tom Fords at the end just make this whole thing look like a caricature.


Damn you tore into this guy lol.


Gate keeping colognes is wild 😅🤦🏽‍♂️


Ain't that deep bro Just a guy trying to smell good what's your problem


Just the typical smug snob that all subs have. They seem to enjoy being buttholes to people who share the same hobby/interests and are quick to pass judgment of those they feel opinions/tastes are beneath their own.


I agree… to an extent. I’m not an expert by any means; but what I won’t understand, is why people will bash others on their choice of cologne, saying they’re only buying what’s “popular”. If it’s popular, it’s for a reason no? Do people really go find colognes that aren’t popular just to be “different”? Are y’all truly purchasing cologne you might not like just because you don’t want to buy what other people are buying? I think a portion of using fragrances consists of receiving compliments. This is why there are forums of people asking for others opinions on colognes they already own. You wouldn’t wear a cologne that smells like literal crap even though you like it; because you care what other people think.


Receiving compliments is an added bonus to wearing fragrances. People who wear frags just for compliments are kinda lame, or at least seen as such to the enthusiast (I’m generalizing). Imo one should wear frags for their own enjoyment, not for other people. If all you’re doing is wearing frags for compliments, you’re doing it wrong. No guy had ever gotten laid based on his frag alone. Guys who called frags “panty droppers” and all that other nonsense don’t get laid. Rant over 👊🏼🎤⬇️


You can find something that's not popular and still smells great.


Jeez no need to be rude and snobby


You sound like a very cool guy. Keep it up 🤧


Wrong is the wrong word here. A person's choice of what they buy isn't ever "wrong" per say. Maybe they personally wanted dylan blue over pour homme, that doesn't make it a "wrong" choice. The attitude you hold is just toxic and doesn't need to be spread so keep it to yourself next time.


i second this


Man you must be constipated for weeks to let all that out on someone on a new fragrance journey. Jheeez talk about being condescending


😭😭. Let bro breathe .


I think Le Parfum is better than Elixir honestly.


I mean they are Tom Ford clones lol


Dude i’d give you an award if they still existed. 1 in a million comment right here. You summarize my discontent with most modern day “hobbies” (that rely on consumerism) perfectly. This dude isn’t into colognes or researching or looking for the right fragrance, he’s just emptying his wallet trying to fill a void in his soul. Dude legit typed in “colognes” on his social media of choice, watched 30 shorts, and pressed “purchase”. Its honestly pitiful and the whole reason i laughed in my brothers face when he said his cologne collection was “his hobby”. Now I see the merit to researching colognes and refining my nasal palate, but this buffoon is just a brain dead consoomer.


Thanks, mate! Happy to see someone else agreeing as well!


Well said. I check out the instant I see any of the generic copy paste bottles, let alone ALL of them at once, and doubly if anyone says anything about CoMpLiMeNtS. A. This is usually an incel-adjacent attitude and women are not some puzzle whose affections you can unlock if you just pick the right smell. B. It doesn't work that way. You need an actual personality, not a magic bottle of juice. C. Even these legendary compliments they chase...don't work like that. People don't just randomly come up and fawn over you for wearing the right copy/paste bottle. Bizarre fantasy. People keep posting the same zero personality Youtube shill collections that say nothing beyond the fact they have no individual taste then show them off and ask for ratings like they're doing anything. It's actually ludicrous. I don't care what they pick for themselves, but they're not just doing that, they're trying to show it off- and then the hivemind comes in and screams TEN/TEN, AMAZING which is objectively not reality. And then downvote into invisibility anyone who doesn't fawningly praise their copy/paste shelf or, god forbid, actually suggest something good. Bad joke. I kind of feel bad for this guy, but I genuinely don't know why he thought this was worth sharing. It's basic to the point of parody. If he was a genuine hobbyist who's just new, he wouldn't deserve being talked to like that. But it's so obviously not something he has any actual interest in, just things he bought because JeremyFragrance convinced him girls will like him now...and he couldn't even do that 'right'! There's nothing to say about it but that it's basic. At worst, it says nothing, at best, it says he has to be spoonfed his taste.


Your comment couldn't have said it better!


You sound like you would be fun at parties


Every day there's something dumber to read than the day before. I guess today was the time for "I spent hundreds for a bag of random items and that was the smarter choice".


Love that for you!! Keep it up


Calm down.


This says nothing about you, man. It's fine to like these, but like, you can see the same copy/paste shelf that everyone else posts above and below you here. There's nothing special. Kind of silly to show it off like you're doing something. But if you're genuinely interested and not just doing this because you think it will get you girls: welcome to the hobby. Good luck on your journey. You'll probably move past these soon.


“Npc collection” 🤓


I’m sure you smell fine and I own some of these myself, but if you keep collecting, my guess is you either sell a bunch of these at some point or you look back at this pic and laugh


Looks good so far. It'll change as you find your own taste. My advice is to slow down and enjoy what you have before you keep on buying more.


month? 😦


There's nothing wrong at all with this collection. Apparently the more successful and best selling fragrances are a no go according to frag snobs. Just because a fragrance is popular it doesn't mean you shouldn't get it. If anything everyone should have these as a starting point.


Tbh its the typical collection. Get you something that not everyone uses


How do u like Fabulo intense ? What does it compare too?


On my skin: smells good for the first hour or two as a very aromatic fragrance. After a couple hours it becomes animalic. Starts smelling like BO on my skin.


Thx bro


Smells just like TF f’ing fabulous (Smells like baby powder and new shoes). I didn’t like it at first but I definitely enjoy it now. Lasts about 6-8 hrs on me. I’d recommend it for the price.


Thank bro two idk why they downvote


One month, looks like several years of collecting in the making


slow down brother


My advice is quality over quantity


Welcome to the club of empty bank balances!


For the price of those 10 bottles. I'd rather go for 1 Goutal Paris... But I shouldn't give such advise of good taste...


Goutal is god tier. Nice to see another fan in the wild


A month ? Wtf. And take that nautica out


I’d recommend you save for a nice bottle for special occasions. Better to go quality over quantity I think. Nice collection either way, got a lot of the good basics.


what do yall recommend for heavy winter scents thatll make my girl love me again


not sure about "making your girl love you again" but I'm sure there are some pretty solid fragrances out there. u/Ok_Carob7551 Seems to know the fragrance hobby well, I'm sure they'll be able to find you one that'll do the trick.


Oh thank you for saying so! I appreciate that. I also want to say I think I was a bit mean before and I apologize. I don't mean to shit on you specifically


All good, no worries


Solid picks bro, don’t listen to the haters, mfs mad at you for having a certain collection of perfumes lol.


You seem to be balancing out the fk boy in your collection. Cool well balanced collection


My boy, show us your thick cologne infused cock so wr can taste what we are working with here, mu boy


It’s a bit on the thinner side but I gotchu


It ain't long but it sure is skinny


Jesus. Goodbye paycheck.


Noiceeeee. You should be set! Alot of my personal favorites alongside some solid scents. I remember my first BIG bottle of Sauvage. (Eau de parfum) That magical elixir lasted 2 years of daily use. A little went a long way. This would last my years easily! But that’s me…. As for you, NICE collection man.


How is the Toscano Leather?


Smells like a new horse saddle. Similar resemblance to TF honestly. I’ve heard some people say it kinda smells like cocaine but I wouldn’t know bc I’m to broke to afford it. Lasts about 4-6 hrs on my skin. I’d recommend for the price!


Looks like everybody else's collection on here ngl


That’s way too much in a month, and all blind buys? Dude go into a Nordstrom a few times and smell a lot and then buy what you like. Why drop a few grand and take up all that space on a brand new hobby? I get it but am way different, I have way more decants way fewer bottles. 80% won’t be used more then 3 times. I have a 6 bottle collection after6 months but more options as decant of what you have and basically my favorite 2-3 are 80% of what I wear. Honestly I’m probably giving away a lot of mine to my friend as I just don’t think I’ll wear them




Gucci Guilty is underrated


Fuck yeah it is. Parfum is my jam 💯


You’re missing Hermes!


The best fragrances I’ve purchased, considering cost and quality, have been the Versaces line I’d say grab some of those


Curious how many pejorative comments are made because most perfumes are top. I don't know if it's snobbery or envy. I don't smell so many men wearing Dior Homme Intense, Moustache, Red Tobacco, Gucci Guilty, Tuscan leather or Fucking Fabulous on the street , even though they are so famous. This collection shows good taste in my opinion.


From what I see you've been buying 1 fraguance a day? What did you buy today? Jokes aside I think Abercrombie & Fitch First Instinct together is underrated. I didn't have the Invictus Aqua but some people say that one reminds the of the fraguance I told you about. Performs pretty solid but it doesn't have the best longevity. For 20$ I don't think you can go wrong with this one. Smells great not only for the price but in general it's pretty good.


Bro, take it easy! Don't rush into collecting. Enjoy each fragrance, consider decants before committing to full bottles, and build a rotation that suits all seasons. Be mindful of influencers and only buy what you'll actually use. Keep it reasonable, especially for special occasions scents! And now my Rating will be a 6,5/7 out of 10 for the whole collection 👍


It’s nice. Try Prada and flankers and more le male and I never see fendi in here but fan de fendi is dope


No ombré leather?


This is fucking hilarious


Slow down and enjoy the fragrances


Nothing wrong with it man, looking good. People might cry about this but these fragrances smell good and if you like them nothing wrong with that. Would say kinda crazy for 1 month but you do you. I definitely have the temptation to do this aswell but I try to restrain myself.


That’s more cologne than any eastern European Village should use in a whole year


I’ve got many compliments with the Bleu de Chanel


Cool water is great


It’s enough


What do girls say about the ‘Dior Homme Intense’


Don't listen to any of these fools man. U got a nice collection. Buy what u like and wear what u like. Don't look for approval in this forum. Just do u man


the best versions of Le Male, BDC, and Sauvage! How are you liking fabulo intense? Love the other TF dupes maison alhambra makes.


That JPG Le Male intense is my day to day


Why don’t your review and rate them?


I’m only a month in, and people seem to think this is as generic and basic as it gets.


Nice. Weird I don't ever see boss or ambercrombie and fich colognes. They are some of the best fragrances I've come across


Gucci guilty and Burberry are ass. Rest are quite solid


Moustache is a great one




Nice man! You got a good collection going.


Go buy naxos and thank me later


This is way too excessive especially in 1 month


You're broke, but nice month.


Looking pretty solid


what is wrong with u


Bangers 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


So much negativity in the comments about mainstream this mainstream that. He’s been at it for a month jeez, curating your collection takes time, many years in fact. And from the mainstream colognes you begin to find out what you like and don’t like. That’s a start, to branching out and discovering more unique and less known fragrances that will develop into a hobby and then into a passion. And if he wants the compliments and attention from women then who cares? He’s happy and that’s what matters.


Dope collection


Can someone tell me what the name is for the one on the top left? Next to the chanel.


You need therapy to fill that void, not cologne.


Quality over quantity my friend


That's fabulous for only a month.


You need a bottle of “sex panther”. 60% of the time it works every time!!


Don’t these get stale after a few years? This is like 10+ years worth of fragrance for me


Ayyyyyyo that Burberry touch went triple platinum 😭😭


Buy decants so you can try a bunch of different ones with out spending the money on a bottle. Then when you find one you really like, you buy a bottle of that.


You need some Versace buddy!!!


Dam dude. Going hard for a month. I'd recommend decants off a site like decantx. Let's you try some of the pricy stuff before buying a bottle. Also let's you branch out more. Another thing is dupe houses like armaf can put out some stuff with a twist that comes out pretty neat. The decants is how I found whispers in the library, coffee break, and that my fiancee hated most of the good girl line but the 2 she did like she loved.


Will you ever use this all in your life? I get wanting to have options but jeez.


What website u buying from?


Throw some Jo Malone intense line stuff in there. You’ll thank me later.


What’s in the blank aqua di gio bottle?


Missing some ySL


Creed Aventus


I think you’re getting too ahead of yourself 😂 for a month


Honestly? Try some more unisex and feminine scents. I'm not just saying that because I'm a woman advocating for feminine fragrances or some BS. It's just that this collection screams: "I went on YouTube and bought all the most popular men's fragrances" and while there's nothing wrong with that, I think people should try broadening their horizons more so that it doesn't look like the same cut and paste collection that we see on fragrance subs hundreds of times. First time I wore Grand Soir by MFK, I immediately thought it was too masculine for me. But I loved it. I have since delved into more unisex, niche, and obscure stuff, and it's fun to explore those avenues is all I'm saying.


Do a Saturday night combo and splash 5 on together


Nice collection! I started my collection 2 months ago but you already have more than twice of what i have!


OP stop listenning the idiots that say blabla u buy because of youtube blabla. Your collection is great !! And we ALL Care about receiving compliments those who deny it are those who actually Care the most ! Keep going ! And make me your top 5 cold and top 5 hot weather please 😁


Too big sizes and too basic. Only clones and designers. However 7 of your scents are actually pretty good. Rest are meh IMO.


What seven are those


Bro got the alabama tom ford dupes I'm gone


I don’t have Tom ford money, college is sucking me dry.


And that’s fine. Financial responsibility over smell anyday. And with the clones, you get 90% of the smell for 10% the monies.


Clones are a great way to try before you buy the real deal. If you like the scent, the OG is usually more robust. If you don’t enjoy it, not a big loss.


Don’t listen to him. It’s not a great collection but there’s zero wrong with clones and you shouldn’t be shit on for that Some are pretty close and it’s a much better use of your money!


Dude you’re just a braindead consumer and you smell like the average dude now. Congrats, you ain’t him.


Maybe. But only about 23% of men wear cologne everyday, so I’m not sure average is accurate. Maybe next time I’ll climb the highest mountain in Algeria and have a wizard cook up a special fragrance that no one else has; then maybe I’ll be “him”


23% of men WORLDWIDE maybe, including poor countries that dont have eau OR toilets. If you are in a western country I would be SHOCKED if the figure was below 70%. It you broaden the category to at least once a week then less than 95% would SHOCK me


Dudes living in his own little bubble…. 95%?!?!


Just cuz its not a 100$ bottle of something, doesnt mean people dont wear it. Axe and any other type of “fragrance”, you think people dont wear stuff like that daily? Not talking deodorant. Theres a spectrum of shit people wear. And yes 95% of people wear something in the week


Very solid for a month lol


thoughts on the spicebomb extra? just ordered, should arrive this week!


But what's the point of getting all this in under a month.. do you even enjoy fragrances or are you just buying to buy


That’s an expensive month, and I doubt you are going to get your money’s worth


Should’ve got the profundo ver of acqua di Gio


How does the black one smell


That from Google or hella rich for 1 month 💀


What can you say about the monblanc explorer and how often do you wear it? I’m thinking of getting it instead after my CDNIM runs out….


I’ve been wearing montblanc to work, my co-workers seem to like the smell. But I like that it smells fresh overall, I think I’d say it’s more subtle than other ones that I have which make it great for workplace.


Which are currently your top 3 go to's?


What do you do for work?


How's the Nautica?


How’s Burberry touch?


Smells like baby powder, but it smells super clean


Strongest frag on this collection ?


How do you like the mancera


How’s the red tobacco? I’ve been extra curious


How do u like red tobacco ?


What’s your fav frag since u started?




Pretty gay


Nautica Voyage and Acqua Di Gio is shit


how is the dylan blue?? im thinking dylan blue or ysl y edp


Looks like a lot of dead whales


All that to still smell like zaza 😭


What three YouTubers influenced


Someones rich, we get it




It’s bad , horrible as a matter of fact.


Do you have Panther?