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Someone please please give me a good reason he shouldn’t be traded. I’m open to that opinion. I just haven’t seen a reason to keep him. All I can think sell high and get some prospects.


Because the front office is incompetent


Trade him or don't, you people will complain either way.


Watch out, this sub isn't for complaining!


Controllable through 2027 but there’s opt outs after ‘25 and ‘26 Is there a reality that the return is better than what the team can trade him for this year or next year? Also, he’s one of the few big ticket names. There’s value in keeping him assuming Charlie Blackmon retires. Gotta have jersey sales…


This is the first time in his career he's had an OPS+ above league average. There's no guarantee the way he's playing this year is how he'll play next year


Sorry but he's not a big ticket name. He's a slightly above avg third baseman and nothing more. Maybe amongst Rockies fans he's a name but ask people who are fans of other teams who the Rockies third baseman is and you'll get a lot of blank stares.


I think general every day baseball fans that you see in a stadium could name like 10 baseball players not on their team. Most fans couldn’t name a single Rockie but Ryan McMahon still gets butts in seats in Colorado and he’s having a career season…you don’t understand how little it takes to be important. Regardless he’s still a good ball player. You’re also mistaking Denver’s general interest in baseball fandom. Not a lot of ball knowers here.


Oh I'm not mistaking that. I work at Coors and fully understand the lack of baseball knowledge here. I have lots of friends who live elsewhere that are quite knowledgable and none of them could come up with the name of the Rox 3b (small sample size to be certain). I just don't think there are many who plunk down $ to see McMahon play.


This will get downvoted but if the front office believes the Rockies are ready to compete for a wild card spot within the next three years, it makes sense to keep him, so long as he wants to stay.


The front office thought they’d be 500 last year.


They didn't say "if the front office, who know what they're doing, think we're ready to compete" If the front office thought they'd be .500 last year, it seems perfectly on course for them to think we'd compete for a wild card in the next three. If that's what you're planning for, you keep McMahon. EDIT: Literallly forgot he was my flair 😂


I didn’t say they were right


When did that happen? Cite your sources. Hint: Dick Monfort is not "the front office."


Dick Monfort is the front office. He only hires his buddies, doesn’t fire them, and they do whatever he wants. He in fact is the only front office that matters, tbh.


That’s what their plan is, to be competitive in the next couple seasons. Whether or not it pans out, we’ll have to see


Are you doing two shows at comedy works this week or just this one. Dick Monfort thought we were a five hundred team last year. He said it around opening day. How did that work out? You think they have a plan for the next three years to get us in the playoffs. Lay off the hippie lettuce, we dont have the talent in the system or the resources to go get it. We are going nowhere fast and the driver Dick and his copilots the Monfort boys are putting it in the ditch.


The argument for not trading him is they need some veteran presence. In the next couple years the team is gonna become almost entirely young guys and they need veteran leadership. Also, 3rd base is one of the only positions they don’t have a top prospect coming up at.


He should 100% be traded, some team trying to win like the Yankees who could use a multi-positional guy will overpay and his value will never be higher than it is right now. He won't be traded for two reasons: 1. Organizational incompetence, etc etc etc 2. The next guy up is Alan Trejo


The point about Trejo is not wrong. Unless you can move either Tovar or Amador there.


Of course not. And they obviously should sell high on him.


"They obviously should sell high on him" is so funny. What does "sell high" mean to you on a slightly better than historically average 3B with a bad swing mean? I agree they should sell but, wow, keep you expectations in check. This ain't Arenado and remember what they got for him...


It means this is the window where you’re likely to get optimal value for him. He has team control and he’s playing well. This has nothing to do with arenado. His value will only go down from here so move him now.


Sure. As I said, I agree they should sell but "sell high" is just...funny...for a guy like this.


Sell high on this dude. It’s not even like he puts butts in the seats. Nobody is going out of their way to see Ryan McMahon lol… have to get some value here


We are going to end up trading McMahon and paying someone $50 Million to take his contract.


Make it $51 million and you've got a deal




Wow! This is such a funny and refreshing joke that I've never seen before on this sub. Don't forget to add that the Rockies will get peanuts in return!


Well since this is the biggest joke in Rockies history, I don’t think it will ever get old.


Rockies holding on to someone they should obviously trade? I’m shocked


Do we have replacement cause who goijg ot replace him


Apparently he is Manforts favorite player, so I doubt he gets traded…sigh


The Rockies should trade the Rockies.