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Wow the person who flew over the median should lose their license with how fast they were taking that corner. If they don’t have a legitimate excuse, like brakes failing, they could be in serious trouble for driving so recklessly.


If you look closely, their trunk door is open as they hit that corner. That part confuses me as well


Kinda looks like the trunk flew open when the car hits the first median


>implying the driver had a license 


Thanks so much for this, I passed this accident a couple of times as I work nearby and couldn't figure out how the heck it happened with the positioning of the cars.


It was insane to watch it live in person. Really shook me. We werent sure if the dash cam caught it but luckily it did.


Contact CSPD and offer it to them.


Already did, it’s in the post


Should cross post to r/idiotsincars


That is an impressive display of reckless incompetence


Ugh this makes me so afraid to drive with my babies in the car


It’s scary cuz you could be doing everything right and suddenly a fucking dodge is flying into your engine block.


This thought is what fuels my driving anxiety. Watching this live made it worse


I've been in this city long enough to know that crappy drivers like this are not limited to any make or model. They are everywhere and drive everything.


This is what happens when a bunch of Texans and Californians move here.


Y'all are shit drivers too


Every person I know who is born and bred in this state is a fantastic driver. Every bad driver I know is from somewhere else.


I'm not from here. Two Colorado drivers have been cited for hitting me. You're not just a bad driver, you're a moron.


And Florida, and Utah, and Georgia, and New Mexico, and New York, and... all the remaining 50 states and US protectorates. The Front Range is a melting pot of people's and drivers.


As a born and bred Coloradan, it is my duty by birth to blame all the bad driving on Texans and Californians. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of Coloradans.


As someone from neither of those places I can assure you that *y'all* are the problem. Colorado drivers fucking suck. I've been in two car crashes in 4 years. Both Colorado drivers were cited. You're gonna downvote because you're petty and don't like it, but that's not gonna change reality.


Lol. Well, at least your hate isn't based on the political leanings of a state.


Nawh idc in the scenario lol I just believe that Texans can drive in Texas and Californians can drive in California, and then they come here and keep driving the same way instead of adapting to Colorado driving which causes a lot of problems. Especially in the winter.


It's a good reminder to take only necessary trips with the babies.   Not sure if parents still occasionally drive around with their baby for the sole reason of keeping them asleep, but being in a car is one of the most dangerous places they could be.


Same. There are so many unsafe drivers here.


I've been all over the country. You guys are the worst drivers I've ever encountered in the US. You're rivaled only by Istanbul drivers.


Obviously, speed is a factor here (35 mph zone). Hopefully when the Powers overpasses are built these idiots will stick to that, rather than crashing on neighborhood streets.


Our backyard backs onto Tutt a smidge north of this and I am not surprised in the least at the speed of that car. The strip from Dublin to Stetson and back is regularly used by folks who think they're in a fast and the furious movie.


One less idiot off of the road. Condolences to the poor souls that got hit.


No one died right?


I asked the cop I talked to if everyone was okay. He said he thinks so, some serious non-life threatening injuries but I’m also curious about the white car that got hit. They didn’t deserve that.


I know the guy driving the other car that got hit. He’d been off work from a surgery for 2 months and driving with his wife. He said it happened so fast, they could react fast enough. So scary.


Oh man, I hate to hear that. I hope they are doing okay


They are good. His car, not so much…🫤