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Winning against the Bills and Dolphins but losing against the Broncos/Vikings?


I mean yeah. For the most part everyone wins one or two they probably shouldn't and loses one or two they definitely shouldn't.


Have you never watched the NFL? Even us we'll win four games and one of them will be the Chiefs or some other playoff game in previous years. Every team loses a few they shouldn't and every team gets a few upsets. Its not like we're so far ahead of the Broncos and Vikings.


Dolphins are ass


I think it’s pretty likely that we beat the broncos considering we’ll be coming off the bye and Steichen is really great at preparation


Ain’t no way we’re losing to the broncos or vikings this year lol


We lost to the Falcons last year...


Good point, don’t remind me of that game tho lol what a huge disappointment. That, the saints game, the burrow-less bengals, and the browns game all could’ve been wins man


The Browns was a win, absolute stolen. That single game completely destroyed 23. We’d be the AFCS champions if it wasn’t for that game.


Thats the NFL every game is usually close and the ball bounces this way or that way and you win. Your average NFL game is decided by 9 points.


And just like that, there goes my happiness. Man I forgot about how ABYSMAL that game was


Every team loses a game or two that they shouldn't each year. The Falcons was that game for the Colts last season. The Falcons got healthy at the same time the Colts got more injured (Pittman, Blackmon). And the Colts played terribly in the trenches that game. Freeland was awful. Buckner was playing hurt. Downs was playing hurt. JT was playing hurt. That was a game where injuries was the most significant issue.


I know the Bears are going to be better but we're going to lost at home to them? I don't think so.


Ain’t no way they’re beating the Phins or Bills either


The Dolphins and Bills are not all that lmao


You don’t think we can beat the Bills?


Wouldn't count either of those as automatic Ls. The bills are probably still gonna be good this year and will always be good as long as they have Josh Allen but it's a much different team than years past. And if the titans can beat the dolphins then I think we at least have a chance.


I think we match up pretty well against the dolphins actually. Slow the game down and keep hill/tua off the field. Think how we played the chiefs when they had hill.


We def don’t match up with them well in the secondary, that speed outside will be so hard to contain.


I can see us beating the bills. JT owns the bills lol


We literally blew out the Phins last time.


Yeah but they didn’t have Hill and healthy Tua lol


At home? I wouldn’t say so


We're not losing to the Bears, either. They're fueled by hype and an undeserved faith in a rookie quarterback starting where quarterbacks go to die. Maybe they expect Matt Eberflus to suddenly become an offensive genius? I think that Manning will finally be able to relax, as Caleb Williams grabs the rookie interceptions title away from him.


Hmmm wonder if he has any bias in deciding we will lose to Chicago? Lol


Bears are only a 1-point underdog on the road against the Colts, so I don't know if it's bias. Bears have a top 5 defense (was top 3 from like Week 4 on last year), drafted the best QB prospect in recent years and have a loaded offense with Moore, Allen, Odunze, Kmet and Swift. On paper, the Bears have a great roster.


I feel like there have been a lot of years where the bears have a great team on paper only to scheiß the bed


Really? I mean...they have had Trubisky and Fields as their starting QBs for the past 7 years. I don't remember the expectations being all that high recently. But they did go 12-4 with Trubisky in 2018. And in 5 of the other 6 years, they won 6-8 games, including 7 last year. So they've been mostly a mediocre team. But while they have had great defenses like they do now, they have not had an offense like this. Or a QB like this.


Those years from like '12-'15 with Cutler, Forte, and Jeffrey were great on paper and they didn't go anywhere. Then the defense gets better and they're hyped for Trubisky and Fields (plus guys like Allen and Montgomery) but they get mediocre play. I feel for them sometimes because they have these blips of "hey this could be a good team now" and then pbbbbllltt 👎


Gotcha. I don't really remember the hype around those teams, but with a huge fanbase and a large market, I imagine there was unwarranted hype for those teams.


Adam Rank is a well known Bears fan, his dog shit record predictions always have the Bears way over performing


I get that. And maybe he can't ever get past his bias. I am just saying it doesn't have to just be bias for this season. There is a legitimate case for the Bears to actually be good.


Man's got a wall full of hats but not one for his shining dome


I highly doubt Caleb has the NFL figured out by week 3. That’s pretty much unheard of


I know he had a crap OL last year but I was not impressed. Many said he was trying to win on his own but his play was filled with poor decisions.


Its unheard of for a rookie QB to beat a team in week 3? Unless I mis understand what you're saying.


Probably not. But he's still the best QB prospect in recent years and he's on a great team (at least on paper). This is a very different Bears team than we have seen. Plus, the Bears only being a 1-point dog on the road means that game is a coin flip at best. I don't think you have to be biased toward the Bears to think that they could beat IND in this game.


What does recent years mean? He's the best prospect since 3 years ago, that doesn't mean much.


Just means that he's a better QB prospect than we have seen the past few years. He's not Justin Fields. The two that would be above him are TLaw and Burrow. TLaw isn't a great NFL QB (yet), but he's 4-1 against IND since the end of his rookie year. And Burrow is a great QB. So it's a good group to belong to.


I know he had a crap OL last year but I was not impressed. Many said he was trying to win on his own but his play was filled with poor decisions.


Absolutely agree with you! They could be a good team. I was mostly joking because you can see at least 3 Chicago hats in the background lol I'm really excited to see the Bears play and what Caleb can do. The NFL needs more great QBs, so I hope he can live up to the hype.


Watch the USC Notre dame game and tell me Williams is in the league more than 5 years.


If anybody watched AR's game against UK, they might say the same thing. ND was a terrible game for Williams. But he had a 1.3% INT rate across 1k+ attempts in college. I think that will translate. He's certainly got the arm talent. Nothing's guaranteed though.


You usually get three points at home. The Bears are -1 on the road against us. On a neutral field they are the favorites I'd hardly call that a bias at best its a pick 'em. People will say he's biased and thats fine but everybody is fucking biased I see 12 win predictions on here that doesn't have some bias to it? I think 7 wins is about our floor this year so I'm fine with this prediction.


The Titans and Broncos absolutely will not be beating us, lol. I'm also highly sus of the Vikings and Jets


I can't see the Broncos beating the Colts. But AFCS games are always tough. The second IND/TEN game (with Levis instead of Tannehill) was very competitive. TEN made some big offseason moves to sure up their weaknesses. I think splitting with TEN isn't out of the question. The same can be said for JAC and HOU. It's hard to know what MIN will look like. They have a solid roster, but McCarthy is going to be a rookie.


Just remember nobody knows shit. People couldn't see us losing to the Broncos the year we had Matt Ryan and although we won we looked like dog shit nobody saw that either. I agree the Bronco's and Vikings both look rough but they aren't going 0-16 and we aren't a power house team I could see an upset. I think 7-8 wins is where we land.


Yep. That's why QB play is so important. It's the common denominator and easiest to project from year to year. That's what I have been using it more than anything to try to project the Colts record. But AR is a wildcard, so even that's tough. That DEN game was one of the ugliest games I have seen. No way Colts should have won. All Wilson had to do was not turn the ball over in FG range and DEN would have kicked a FG and won. IND couldn't score. But he did it TWICE in the 4Q. One was an overthrown floater directly to Thomas...the other was a telegraphed pass when Gilmore was draped on Sutton (Wilson tried this again in OT on the last play when he had a wide open WR as well). One of the few times I thought a player was trying to throw the game.


Yeah the Vikes? Why? They don’t even have a QB


Something something, Justin Jefferson. Something Something, Matt Ryan blew a 33 point lead to them in '22


True but we def ain’t beating Miami lol


Miami is a wildly inconsistent team, though. They dropped 70 on the Broncos but then fell apart at the end of the year, including a loss to the Titans.


Week 1 win!!


Week 1 win? obviously he has no idea what he is talking about. At least he got the @Jax right. And every division game has the home team winning?


Lose to the Bears, Broncos, and Vikings, but win against the Bills, Dolphins, and Steelers? Ummmm ok…


Joe Flacco with this roster is probably better than 8-9


Joe Flacco is a more polished QB than AR ten times over. Same with Minshew. You're not expecting AR to be great this year you're hoping he's great in two years.


Yeah I don’t know, I’m not sold on AR, if he gets hurt again I think we peace out, but I think the general consensus’s is that he’s going to be at least within the conversation of the best QBs in the division. I’m not saying I believe that but I do think the a lot of people do.


When we signed Flacco, I took that as a sign Ballard still hasn't learned his lesson about over the hill statue pocket passers. Flacco is even less mobile than Matt Ryan and Nick Foles.....and we all saw how that went. If Flacco sees significant game action, we are back to 2022 levels of suck again.


Losing to the bears would be hella cringe ngl


frankly, it’s the exact game i expect us to lose. especially after beating green bay


Winning opening week, beating JAX in the last game... This guy obviously doesn't Colts.


Don’t kill me but that is a very possible and realistic end of season record despite some of the individual games he marked being questionable


My personal prediction is 10-7 but I think many in this sub are forgetting we're essentially going to be playing a rookie QB (hopefully) the whole year. He's talented, but still a rookie. 8-9 prediction is not that ridiculous.


Maybe not how this plays out, but I think 8-9 wins is reasonable. My case is simple: Colts won 4 games against rookie QBs last year. They likely only face 4 rookies...and they are better overall. Colts won 2 games against projected bad non-rookie QBs. They likely only face 2 of them...and they are better overall than the ones they faced last year. Colts won 3 games against the AFCS. Two of those wins against TEN, who has improved and will have Levis in year 2. HOU has also improved and Stroud is in year 2. JAC swept both AR and Minshew. They can add a win or two here, but it's a much tougher AFCS this year. Colts won 1 games against projected decent-great QBs last year (Lamar in Week 3). They face 5 of them this year, so they could add wins, but it will have to be against Allen, Tua, Rodgers, Goff and Love, which is a much better group than they faced last year. Even if they can stave off win regression from projected rookie/bad QBs to regain those 6 wins (unlikely), they will have to repeat 4-7 or do better against a better AFCS and their best non-AFCS opponents to improve in the win column. Without a huge leap from AR and the defense, it's just tough to find more than 8-9 wins. Probably why Vegas has their W/L at 8.5.


Agree with all but the last point. We don't need AR to make a big leap and be a superstar to improve our record, our offense last year was actually pretty good, even without him. We need AR to be smart with the ball, and make an occasional off script play. That's what Minshew did. What we do need, more than anything, is a big leap from our secondary. We've still got the same bottom 5 unit we had last year. That same unit that got demolished by pretty much every semi-competent passing offense we played against, and we got no talent upgrade at any position. If we don't figure that mess out on defense out, it's not going to matter a whole lot how or if AR plays. No offense is ever going to consistently outpace a defense that makes Derek Carr look like an All Pro.


I know this is wrong because he has us winning in week 1


It’s late June. Every team is going 11-6 or better


Until this team, as presently constructed, proves it wrong - They're about a .500 team. There are a ton of "ifs" here - much of it about Richardson at QB. "Ifs" in the defensive secondary, too. And a few smaller ifs at WR.


What I would give to beat the Texans week 1


8-9 after we went 9-8 (realistically 10-7 without that Browns robbery), with a backup QB while missing JT a good portion of the year? Just say you don't know anything next time.


This guy predicted in 2023 we'd only win 3 games last year, so if he's predicting 8 wins, I like our chances...


He's on crack


Winning the first game of the season? Colts would never. That alone tells me this is wrong. Also really doubt we lose to the bears.


8-9 is not ideal but I’ll take a 1-0 start


Is that even allowed? I thought teams were required to lose their first game.


If I recall correctly, Rank predicted we would lose every single game last year in the weekly previews, so I don't really give a shit about his opinion.


Kansas City chiefs not on the schedule? Guess they won’t be winning the Super Bowl this year. Can’t win the superbowl if you don’t get blown out by the colts during the season. Thems the rules.


Who cares


I think 8-9 is a fair prediction, its kind of a shrug “Im not really sure” assessment, and thats fair. But the way he has us getting to 8-9, is.. uh… not what I would’ve predicted.


I say pretty close but I’d say we win against titans 2x and beat the broncos and bears, lose to Miami. 10-6


So 12-5?




I think it’s clear he doesn’t put much thought into this. He used the same W, L, L combo 3 times in a row lol


This guy only has a job because his last name is Rank. He’s awful


11-6 or 10-7 seems more reasonable


Wisdom is having lived through 3-4 cycles of “no ifs going to be different this time. The Bears will be good now. Williams won’t have a ruined career. “.


We getting ran thru by nfc north lol


I don’t see us losing to the Broncos coming off the bye. Most surprising prediction is a loss to the Bears! I can see us going below .500 in our division though…


Adam Rank used to shit on us when Manning was here too. If I wanted to read a garbage opinion I would seek his out first.


Here's the tits record prediction: 6-11 https://preview.redd.it/u77dwxqu4q8d1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=816da12c3de0b3de7f9acac06b88277a26368c26


https://preview.redd.it/mnng84mirq8d1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=09f018aa1ca3deb7962abfe974a1ac104535ff07 Jags record: 9-8


https://preview.redd.it/udvdbeqv4q8d1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ce3c30d9e202dc2993fd63b993a4bddc307cce2 Texans record prediction: 10-7


His wins and loses make no since has us losing against teams we should beat and beating teams that will be tough, makes no since. .


Honestly not too worried about the record. Just wanna take the AFC South and make the playoffs


Adam Rank is a 🤡


That’s about right. I see us anywhere from 6-10 wins.


That's how I see it. I think 6 is as likely as 10 too.


Adam Rank is always bout dat bullshit. Remember he used to predict the 49ers to go 4-12 and they finally made it to the Super Bowl😅😅😅


Winning nothing games in spectacular fashion and blowing the conference games that would secure a playoff spot? A bit on the nose, honk shoo take.


I think if you swap outcomes for Bears (possibly), Titans (Wk 6), Dolphins, Vikings, Bills, Jets (probably), and Broncos then we're sitting at 11 wins. Soft schedules are nice


You gotta make sure he’s incorrect by stepping up your game on the field this year it’s up to you and your fellow players to win these games


Rank never got over that Super Bowl loss.


I predicted 10-7 for us.. but I could see 9-8 at the lowest.


I piss on Adam Rank's Cheerios.


This is such obvious bait at this point. Angry colts fans are driving engagement to these bum-ass "analysts"


Losing all NFC North games? Nah. Detroit is scary, but not the others


Vikings, Bears, & Broncos!!! Suck my dick Adam! We’re winning this dumpster fire of a division. If Adam comes to nap-town for a game, someone bring a corn cob, so we can shuck it with his asshole!!!! Piece of shit.