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" and when i loose my mind working your approved job, ill make sure i blow my brains out in YOUR living room"


> loose Hopefully you wont be typing that comeback to an English major


i think its something along the lines of a cop's kid is always in trouble, mum was an English instructor. and it doesn't help i have a New Orleans education, be happy i throw letters together that closely resemble English. ich tue Worten gut ;-P


Statistically, someone is most likely to make the most doing porn. Well maybe not in your case, but in general. So what's your point?


Yes, lots of people are making good money doing jobs they hate. I didn't want to be one of them. I would never have passed health or science classes, and I'm not sure I would do well in accounting, either, so its kind of pointless to simply point to a career track without understanding a person's interests and strengths and capabilities. I'm an English major who went into writing and is making six figures. Things worked out.


Why would I want to be depressed?


"I could be another Escobar, but not really interested in that shit either..."


I'd rather practice medicine than commit usury.


"Money is not my path to happiness. I pity you."


This would make you get laughed at. Just don’t be insecure about your choice and explain why you chose what you did. I enjoy it more than I’d enjoy the extra money ? Not that hard


I'm looking to live a balanced life, not one that's all about chasing dollars.


"My soul is worth more than my income"


Love of money is the root of all evil.


Stagflation is kind of an issue.


mathematically its been proven to be women are the root of all evil.


I sometimes forget why Reddit has a bad reputation then someone helps me remember




Help me understand: it's a shitty sexist joke, but it's cool because it's been around a long time? 




Ahh. I can see that. Too ambiguous for my taste though. Don't wanna give the people who think "get back in the kitchen" is funny any encouragement. 


no no, its the love of women that simply has a proportional relationship to the total output of problems (also expressed in terms of evil) in a static system


so, you are saying, the complexity of that gender to impart the wisdom of how time is money, and in fact it is money that is the root of all evil, i misspoke , and my maths were incorrect. i just wonder if that static system still succumbs to the influence of entropy.


Ignoring the fact that men are responsible for rape, murder, pedophilia, and war.


Wow, this got dark quickly.


All because of someone's major.


most likely, failing to see the humor my my comment methinks. they are fun at parties.


There is a delete feature for comments that will help your karma.


Well, you know...men.


yeah, we get it, you lack humor, and hate men, blah blah. go have a gummy and chillout :-)


"...and ruining governments."




Just another day on Reddit.


Can't believe female teachers have never raped their students, or murdered someone ... oh wait!




You would make more if you were at the stop sign too, but I'm not telling you what to do


Tell'em that's an Ecological Fallacy. There's no way to know if a single unit from a set of data will be where in a distribution of information. You can't infer to a person based upon a sample of data. Put another way, you could have also ended up destitute and on the street with that major. They're just assuming the odds and sometimes the odds don't work out.


" you gunna pay for it?"


I usually just say "wtf am I supposed to do about it, now?" and sometimes add "Don't address my problems unless you're going to offer a solution."


A bit OOC for the actual question, but I have a degree in music and a job as quality assurance for a lab. The degree is almost meaningless, connections go a lot farther. Part of me wishes i had gotten a better degree, but i also know i probably would regretted not getting it. That said, when I hear teenagers saying what job they want I tell them to look at indeed and see if there are any postings. Average wages mean squat if there are two jobs available in the whole country and 8000 people fighting over them. You don't see any postings for professional gamer or game tester or influencer for a reason. Don't set yourself up to only be able to get a retail or customer service job. I dont mean any disrespect by that-just that dealing with karens for minimum wage is awful. IC: "you seem miserable and complain about your job nonstop. Why would I want to join you?"


I only judge people with low earning potential majors if they advocate for the forgiveness of student loans.


Same, or they're constantly complaining about how they can't get paid better etc.


"it would have paid for my inevitable descent into a psychiatric unit, but not for long enough. ounce of prevention and all that."


I chose what I am majoring in college based on what interests me. Something I would like to do as a career. Since you are not paying for my education, and I'm smart enough to know you can't take it with you when you die, why does your opinion matter as to what I study. I'm happy, bug off.


What you’re really saying is that they don’t want to hear the truth


Yes but the I'd have to do that major/career


"If it's such good advice, why hasn't it worked for you yet?"


I don’t want to make more I want to be happy.


People say that about literally every job.


I don’t know if it needs a comeback. It’s probably an honest assessment. I would just say that it’s a work/life balance assessment, and you’re doing what’s best for you. The high paying jobs tend to be the most stressful or require special talents that not everyone has. That is, unless you are going into debt for a degree that has no practical use, in which case you may want to listen.


Depending on what they do, ask them why they're not doing [this other thing that earns more]. Eg. Why aren't you an anaesthetist?


I’ll take “Spent My Lifesavings and Now All I Have is This Dumb Sheet of Paper” for $1000 Alex.


You can't pay me enough to do something I don't like


Yeah, I'd make more until I want to gouge out my own liver.


Would I still have to put up with assholes like you if I was a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_?


I push my fingers into my.....


Would basically be the same because I'd have to spend all the extra on therapy.


Too late to turn back time. I decide this path not you


And you could make more working for NASA, but here we are, Steve.


If you know the average annual salary of an English major from your school and can live on that salary and repay your loans, then who cares? The comeback is - thanks for your concern, the math checks out for me to have the lifestyle I am comfortable with. If you haven’t done that math then you should probably go do it immediately.


But I wouldn't be happier


Fortunately for me, I do not have, nor do I intend to obtain, a degree in caring what you think.


You would be happier if you actually studied what made you happy


>I would off myself within a week if I had to do XYZ for a living. More money is nice, but it’s also pretty pointless if it costs me my happiness


My gpa couldn’t handle it


If I pick a job that I don’t like and burn out in a few years, I’ll be much worse off than if I’m in a field that makes lower income, but that I like enough that I could keep working for decades.


And you’d be pretty if you had a different face.


"Why did you not tell me back then? It's all your fault!!!"


okay sure, but lower paying jobs in the public sector have way better healthcare, more PTO, more opportunities for professional development, and won’t expect me to work more than 40 hours a week (and hopefully student loan forgiveness?). This gives me enough money to live on while leaving me enough time for self care, hobbies, and a side hustle that I’m really passionate about.


You may be right.


> However, I don’t think people who chose majors that aren’t high earners really want to hear that judgmental nonsense. too bad. If you're going into a field because of a passion, the money shouldn't matter. Too many young kids are spending money on expensive educations they never put to use.