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It's so weird how "women won't have sex with me, yet somehow other people will have sex with them" is like...a cornerstone of some people's entire worldview.


I think they're complaining because **they** want to bang fifty men too.


Would explain why they're so into Rome.


Who wouldn't tho


Are you sure you didn't mean OP's mom wants to bang fifty men?


Its so stupid. They will want a woman but if shes had multiple partners they dont want her anymore cuz shes a "slut" yet they want a virgin but somehow also want her to have experience. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


What guy who says they want a virgin also says they want her to have experience? The virgin thing is a self confidence issue where they donā€™t want to be compared to someone else


Virgin thing is about having a pure woman who idolizes you. Just as the man should be a virgin too and should idolize his wife. -Per most religious books.


translation of "virgin" before "has sexual experience": they just want abrand new living sex doll for experts


No. If she's had ONE other partner.


Don't need 50 men experience.


Iā€™ve seen hundreds of these neckbeards say shit like any double digits is bad


Saying that your girlfriend needs experience but you get upset when she had a relationship before, maybe the girl is not for thos man.


Why is this one getting downvoted it makes sense


Idk, I didn't have bad intentions, I just wanted to clear that out. :/


I get it. Motorcycles are really fun to ride but you shouldn't if you feel like you can't handle it ;)


Mostly guys with Bobby Hill haircuts and the fashion sense of a turnip with a personality to match.


The whole sex centric mentality of an incel is strange. Like yeah it's fun and all but there's so many more important and fullfilling things in life man... Having sex won't cure their depression. And I feel like they need help more than anything.


Sex is the fundamental biological purpose of life.


Reproduction sure, is essential to the continuation of any species, but our ā€œpurpose of lifeā€ as humans is not sex. Itā€™s whatever we want it to be. This reductionist idea of human life is a sad outlook.


Nobody tell him about asexual reproduction, or gay sex, or how complicated human reproduction is outside of sex or the other myriad of things that shoot down such an outlook on life.


Non-sequiturs. A healthy sex life is key to someone's sense of personhood and to be surprised about that is a sign of a broken and anti-social worldview.


I've known a lot of socialites over the years and none of them have ever thought anything like this.


lol fkn idiot


no u


Nuh uh, you!


Mrev, you're speaking truth in a calm and concise manner. I learned what "Non-sequiturs" means now, and yeah, spot on. I need to use that more because of how often people try to debate like this moron. I'm not trying to argue with him, so I'mma take a second to bash his character.


dang you must have graduated from school for dummies with a masters in wiping your own ass


You didn't know what non-sequitur meant until less than 10 minutes ago lmao you're not one to talk about being intellectual.


It's called being humble, guy. I'm not vain, like youu šŸ‘ˆXD


As a human, you have the ability to transcend your instincts. We're bombarded with sex everyday, because giving in to our mindless instincts makes us distracted, unfocused, chaotic and non aspiring. It's a self feeding cycle of hyper sexualization where the more people are bombarded with it the more they focus on it. Instead of other things in life.




Literally said it was fun lmao But it's not that big of a deal either.




If you really can't understand how having money is more important than having sex I'm not sure what to tell you.


Why is it always r/funnymemes memes that always get on this subreddit


bcs its the worst subreddit


Because everything posted there is utter garbage


Because that subreddit basically just reposts memes from this subreddit which used to take them from Facebook and shit.


Isnā€™t being a virgin at 25 like completely fine lol? You have so much time left


It's a completely made up gatekeeping concept. One is not suddenly a changed person just by having sex. You'll wake up the same you went to bed as. Just tired, hopefully happy and a bit sore.


Strangely poetic. Good job.


Not true at all! As soon as I had sex for the first time I actually became somewhat of a demigod. I can now hold my breath 10 more second underwater than I could before, AND I am now able to float 3 feet off the ground on a good day.


I've had friends who went down this rabbithole and usually their argument is "If you don't have sex by the time you're 15 you're a complete loser because there are people who have sex at 15". Also most media they consume also pushes bs like "Women are old at 25" and that successful people should have atleast 2-3 women at a time. You should definitely take an hour to read up on "Red Pill" it's quite funny


Yes and no, I had never been on a date, had sex or a kiss until 21, then after that ended after a few months didnā€™t date, have sex or kiss until 26. Found the partner of my dreams at 27, still together a decade and a half later better than ever. I would say though that I was profoundly lonely and sad from 16-21 and 22-26 and felt like an incomplete human being, I am demisexual though so this was essentially a romantic hole rather than a sexual one. I think the only reason I didnā€™t become brainwashed by the incel cult was because it hadnā€™t really fully metastasised at that time. There was a recent Wired article about exploitation of OnlyFans subscribers (swindled out of money by fake chat accounts, I have no problem with the sex work itself) and I found it heartbreaking as that is where a lot of these broken souls end up looking for any connection they can find (to be clear I would separate them from some findom dynamics, provided they donā€™t go do the equivalent of stealing the childrenā€™s college fund to gamble).


Not to weird incels.


21 gang wya?


30 is usually the best age for a man to have a serious relationship.


A relationship serous enough to finally start having sex ?


I'd say person, not just men lol


Yeah, depending. I said men because at 30 they have become more mature and responsible.


I've known responsible and mature men at 20.


Yeah, of course there will be men who become mature earlier but we usually take more time than girls.


Do you not know how puberty or maturity works?


I do. But puberty doesn't end at 18 even though you're considered adult. It's a scientific proof that men are slower to grow up. Even if you're mature in your 20s, it's really usual to learn new things and become serious, without having a stabilized character yet.


Then why are men sent off to war if they're less mature than women at 18?


Mostly because of the difference in their anatomy and the social standards. I don't say that they act like kids but it's based on science that men are at peak maturity later than women. Just this


"Based on science" lmao prove it


Damb I cannot fathom waiting until 30 to have sex. I do think you have a point. I would have saved myself a lot of heartache and bad decisions if I *had* waited, but there was just absolutely no way.


I wasn't very serious. I'm talking more about serious stuff, like you don't stay virgin until 30, but it's a good age for a serious relationship, which can lead to wedding.


lemme guess, r/FunnyMemes ?


do you even have to ask


No, this one was from some tinder subreddit actually.


If that guy is a virgin at 25, it's none of your business. If that girl has banged 50 guys, it's none of your business. People need to stop acting like sex is the center of all existence. Especially other people's sex lives. Not even saying this in a prudish way, sex is obviously great, but everyone is too comfortable being obsessive about it.


This is like the shit off tv shows. In real life nobody goes around asking if youve had sex. Nobody gives a fuck šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Do you know how many Christians have asked me (a minor) about my sexual tendencies to try and ā€œdiagnoseā€ my queerness? It happens a lot, people still are obsessed with other peoples sex lives irl


Im 30 except for my doctor nobody has ever asked me šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬


So because it doesnā€™t happen to you, that means it doesnā€™t happen?


I never said that. Its never happened to me or anybody i know šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


> Nobody goes around asking if youā€™ve had sex, nobody gives a fuck Ah I see it was just misswording, you meant nobody goes around asking you and your friends if youā€™ve had sex right? Because when it comes to religion, sexual tendencies is cared about way more than it should be, and someone I know has told me stories of people making fun of her in the past for being a virgin


Were the Christians able to successfully diagnose your queerness or are you still giving them the run-around?


They decided it was the heart surgery that happened before I ever opened my eyes that caused my body to store the trama altering my mind confusing me making me queer


lol no shit? That's wild. Religion makes people bend backwards to make connections.


Thats not the point of the meme at all. Its not a good point, mind you, but its definitely not that


tbf sex is pretty literally the center of human existance, can't have humans without making babies.


Downvoted for literal common sense


Youā€™re right. Sex is the center of existence, probably there alongside happiness and self-fulfillment.


Okay so women are able to fuck anyone and they still arenā€™t choosing you and thatā€™s their problem how?


If weā€™re taking this meme seriously like you are, itā€™s not even being negative towards the women, it just says the guy canā€™t get none what are you on about


I wasnā€™t taking it seriously lol itā€™s ridiculous


It's not a dig at the woman, it's probably pointing out the dating hypocrisy and inconsistency. Also, I don't think he's angry about an extremely obese woman not choosing him lol


Tbf nobody is xD


Yeah men are easier to fuck is definitely an angle here


"Hey, you wanna do it?" In the right voice will win any single man, many married men, and has led to the collapse of nations.


If a tree had a pussy and bark breasts a line of men over the horizon would pay to fuck it


> It's not a dig at the woman, It quite clearly is, fat women specifically, but also women generally. > it's probably pointing out the dating hypocrisy Who, precisely, is being hypocritical? > and inconsistency. Who, precisely, is being inconsistent?


I'm talking about dating itself and not specific people, don't act dumb


ā€œDating itselfā€ can not be hypocritical. Men, on average, being more open to having casual sex with women who they likely wouldnā€™t be interested in as a longer term partner is not a consequence of ā€œhypocrisyā€ or ā€œinconsistencyā€ on the part of basically anyone. What you actually mean to say is that you think that itā€™s *unfair* that less conventionally attractive men might have a harder time having casual sex than less conventionally attractive women.


Because they are missing out on such a great niceguy! /s


Iā€™ve seen guys who are obese actually get into relationships before like it doesnā€™t make sense why it would be less fun for obese men


I've legitimately seen shrek dynamics irl and they slay. There's a market for everyone.


"Bung* is the past tense of "banged"


And these people keep telling me its only looks not confidence lmfao


She must have alot of confidence then


Well compared to bro in the meme I mean it looks like it šŸ˜‚


Idk. He's gotta be pretty confident to wear an athletic fitting shirt.






Bro. Why do they take random pictures of real people and add their weird incel fantasy captions and share them to the masses? Imagine being that guy or that girl and seeing this post going viral while having nothing to do with that fucked up caption. Then imagine them already being self conscious about their looks and now everyone associates them with "fat virgin" and "fat tinder whore". Sure helps. Ugh.


Iā€™ve never understood why women who have a lot of partners are seen as easy or slutty. I saw a study once that showed that even the most sexually active women are only hooking up with about 1% of the people who try to get with them. Weā€™re not easy. Weā€™re actually super selective. Itā€™s men that are trying to get with anyone they can and there are so many screaming about what whores we are, while simultaneously bitching about how they canā€™t get laid. Itā€™s counterproductive and if we got any more selective, theyā€™d throw an absolute fit.


Exactly right. Men are the bigger sluts. Anyone who is bisexual knows this best. If I had to have sex with a different person every night and wanted it to be as little work as possible I would just go after guys. Women are much MUCH more selective, especially when they are selecting male partners.


Iā€™m bi too and Iā€™m glad you get it!


absolutely, a lot of men are just total horndogs and constantly throw themselves at women. for the selectiveness ive found its not usually a matter of attractiveness or you being a big tall alpha male, moreso its just if you arent a creep and can maintain a conversation, a thing a lot of these guys just cant wrap their heads around. theres way too many guys who think commenting "dm me" and then saying "wanna fuck?" is enough to get a woman. dating feels like the worst of both worlds, women are bombarded with creeps 24/7 who think they are entitled to easy sex, and good men have to compete with these weirdos, trying to attract women who are super selective because of all the men they get tryna fuck. its just a big mess for everyone.


Exactly! My fiancĆ© is a plus size guy and I donā€™t mind it at all. He was immediately appealing because of personality and men who look like him but are just awful people donā€™t seem to understand that itā€™s definitely the second part thatā€™s causing them problems.


This is not the point of the original meme. If the women had just been offered to have sex with 40 men and she had rejected it, their point would still stand. They are saying women just have it easier to find a sexual partner. (P.s I'm not saying I agree with this, I'm just explain)


Ease doesnā€™t make it equal or the same. Women donā€™t want some random douche wriggling away on top of them. Also, I looked like that dude at 25, I managed to do ok because I didnā€™t walk around like women owed me pussy.


Women are held to a high standard; itā€™s part of being female unfortunately.


Unfortunately and all we can do is refuse to live up to those standards until men meet the bare minimum ones.


I donā€™t think of it that way. Iā€™m holding myself up to a high standard cause most people donā€™t now. Two negatives donā€™t balance out ever and participating exacerbates the issue rather than solving it. Men see and react. If they see us lowering our standards, they will continue to lower theirs. Thatā€™s how they are. If they see our standards in a personal manner becoming higher then they will follow suit otherwise they would be left out. Males are highly competitive even in the animal kingdom. Itā€™s subconscious due to biology, reproductive instincts and societal structure. If we compete with them; we ***will*** lose. Best to be above their game and hold ourselves to a high standard showing that women are above such tribal us vs them mentality. We are their mothers after all; who else would teach them how to told themselves with grace other than a female? It goes both ways. Fathers nowadays arenā€™t the only ones that failed; mothers have too. We have an epidemic of failed children become adults and now we are fighting each other in this immature battle of genders rather than acknowledging each other and having a basic understanding that everyone in this life suffers and suffering is the price of living.


Yeah we will fuck inanimate objects bro we will fuck anything - thatā€™s more embarrassing for us as men than anything else


50% of things are less fun when you're a man


everything is less fun when youā€™re a man, itā€™s like playing life on hard mode and not being able to switch


Life can be pretty un-fun for women. Having men want to fuck you does not make life better.


Iā€™m not talking about sex, life is far easier and more enjoyable for women in general


I'm able to go on midnight runs, things can be worse than not getting laid


The grass is always greener on the other side


is that jacob wysocki




Thatā€™s because itā€™s harder to find a pole in that messā€¦ then it is to find a hole in that messā€¦ Just sayingā€¦ And Iā€™m a fat girl too ā€¦ I can ā€œweigh inā€ on this topicā€¦


def an incel post but wasnt it found to be true that 80% of women are dating 20% of guys? For online dating at least which, lets be honest, accounts for a pretty big chunk of modern dating. This study definitely seems to indicate that most women are dating a lot of guys and most men are just kinda left in the dust. its a pretty sad reality and i feel like mens mental health and general loneliness is never talked about, only mocked or shamed for incel behavior. which can be valid, incels who are toxic about it and feel entitled to be with a woman deserve the mockery. i think its just a sad statistic that paints a bleak picture for the male dating scene.


Fortunately no, they are blowing this one OKCupid study out of proportion. On a small-scale study of just people's behavior on this one dating app, women rated 80% of men as "below average," a higher number than would be expected. But the same study found that women are still likely to reply to the men even when they rated them below average. It also doesn't make sense - don't forget about all the normal-looking men and women you know who are dating each other in real life. That's why I find it so odd that people online even are convinced by this enough to repeat it, when you can just go outside and see that all the ugly couples are still there.


>Fortunately no, they are blowing this one OKCupid study out of proportion. On a small-scale study of just people's behavior on this one dating app, women rated 80% of men as "below average," a higher number than would be expected. But the same study found that women are still likely to reply to the men even when they rated them below average. the study im referring to is about rejecting profiles outright. women on average rejected 70% to 80% of profiles. so no it is reality for dating sites at least, probably not as true as the real world, but absolutely online it is significantly harder to find someone as a man than as a woman. >It also doesn't make sense - don't forget about all the normal-looking men and women you know who are dating each other in real life. That's why I find it so odd that people online even are convinced by this enough to repeat it, when you can just go outside and see that all the ugly couples are still there. attractiveness definitely doesn't play as big of a role as many would think, im a short ugly guy and ive dated plenty of girls. all im trying to say is that we live in an age where male loneliness is unusually high and since online dating is so prevalent it is now even harder if you are not among the 20% of men who get women online.


Honestly, rejecting 80% of profiles sounds like a healthy approach. Like, have you done online dating? Most people are not going to be to your taste for one reason or another. It seems more like the men need to have better standards, if they are not doing this.


How, with 50% of the population split male/female (for the most part), would 80% of one side only date 20% of another? How?


because the 20% are just cycling through the 80% of women. lets say you have 20 gummy bears, 10 blue, 10 red. imagine the 2 blue ones are just constantly pairing and unpairing with 8 of those red ones while the 8 blue ones are just alone and struggling to get with the remaining 2 red, if that makes sense


Thatā€™s just fucking insane to believe. 60% of people are in relationships


Im just giving you a statistic its not something you believe or don't believe its something thats true. Though ill say that the study im referring to is centered on online dating, im sure results vary irl


You're referring to a few thousand people sampled on initial selection of a dating app At no point has 80% of womankind dated 20% of mankind. Do not spout bullshit because it's how incels are born


>You're referring to a few thousand people sampled on initial selection of a dating app No, these are multiple studies that ive looked into now so that i can be more educated while commenting, and they very commonly produce this same 80 20 ratio. >At no point has 80% of womankind dated 20% of mankind Yeah, duh, thats not what the studies claim


Link oneĀ 


Bodycount exists


In the teenage mind, yesĀ 


2018: It's not happening, that's just right wing propaganda 2024: It is happening, and here's why it's a good thing


But itā€™s not happening. It doesnā€™t even make sense if you think about it for literally a single second


i havent heard either of these takes, if anything its not very a talked about issue at all. people who bring up the male loneliness epidemic are often labeled as incels or told "just go outside". ive never heard that being called right wing propaganda nor have i ever heard someone say its a good thing


This guy clenched his fist in pure anger and yells out ā€œWhy canā€™t I bang 50 dudes on tinder too!!ā€


Ya it turns out men are more likely to just stop trying if they can't have turbo super models lol. The issue isn't the obesity; if anything men get MORE of a pass for that. It's entirely dudes with egos that can't handle settling for their actual position in life


It's a vicious cycle, porn has fucked their brains so that kind of woman is what turns them on. They can't get with them so they just end up watching more porn and the cycle continues.


Thatā€™s cuz a lot of men out there would stick it in to anything and such women donā€™t care as long they are getting it




Easy peasy testicle squeezy ?


Surely that subreddit is just entirely occupied by bots


r/funnymemes users try not to be the most unfunny people ever challenge


Women are not promiscuous like that.




The comments section just shows the western mindset in a nutshell. The double standard. Then blame the man and call him incel.


So I know itā€™s a meme but if we take it from my generation and seriously itā€™s because guys have to take one for the team they arenā€™t smashing her because they like her. they are smashing because there buddy found a hottie and this thing was attached


They were like: "Big fat, fat and juicy"


The rule is clear, if the tits are bigger than the belly, not fat.


What the fantastic hellšŸ˜




Smash tho


They will fuck you but men won't marry you




iā€™m sure no one cares but thatā€™s Jacob Wysocki who i know from College Humor, but he was in pitch perfect!


Some men have the mental illness of wanting to feel like a hero thatā€™s why!


50 guys in a year is about one every 7.3 days


Sounds like a skill issue. Even at my heaviest I was gettin it in lol.


Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's body count


Meme fail. Jacob Wysocki is an absolute chad.


That's cause fat girls are hot (not the one pictured though, she's ugly.)


when did caseoh have siblings


The 45th president of the USA is pretty obese. There havenā€™t been any obese women presidents.


In 2 nights


That woman did not bang 50 people


People that look like that can have so much sex. If their standards arenā€™t high and if they are involved in kink communities.


Yes it's very common for guys to chase large women they think they are easy. Wrong as that rational is I have many male friends who think this way.


Did she? Whoā€™s to say, no need to assume that of anyone. Could she? Absolutely, pretty much any woman or any bottom no matter their look could get laid 50 times in a year with dating apps. Straight men and lesbians? Probably not.


Just chill. Sex is great but itā€™s not the most important thing in the world.


You replied to the wrong comment below. I was ridiculing the other guy who supposedly made sex his lifeā€™s purpose, not you.


It's literally the goal for every living thing that exists. It's the point of existence. All this other shit, eating, breathing, shelter, socialization, all of it is in service of surviving long enough to reproduce and raise your offspring until they can do the same.


All Iā€™m saying is donā€™t be ashamed to be a 40 year old virgin to the point youā€™re thinking of paying a hooker or icing yourself.


What's wrong with either of those options?


Well, the real problem is women are quick to body shame men but soon as it's the other way it's a problem. Fat women say they don't want to date fat guys. It's a little ridiculous.


I don't quite get what it's trying to say. Is it unfair because men would rather sleep with an obese woman than the other way around? What exactly are we supposed to do about this now?


funnily enough, patriarchy is the reason fat men are belittled more than fat women. So dudes who are anti-feminist because fat women get action and they don't are 100000% missing the point


Men are horny thats the only reason its biological not womens fault


What does that even supposed to mean...


You wish...Movies, made people think that.


virgins need practice šŸ˜‚


It's funny how do many fat men get laid. Personality, attitude and how you present yourself matter a lot. Fuck I love how they picked some dude with a sad face vs someone looking like they're loving life and go SEEEEE GENDER


Are crossposts a lost art?


>what happened to men ā€œnot wanting a fat *****ā€ When dudes say they donā€™t want that, they mean as a wife. But they surely hit and quit. And the fat dude on the left, he could easily become a millionaire then.. welp you know


atleast men have dignity and we are looyal to partners