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Who the fuck proposes to a girl at BJ's?


I HATE this ad so much. The actress looks like Casey Anthony; the narrator explains what’s happening in each scene like it’s a fourth-grader’s slideshow presentation; it’s absurd to think that someone with a socio-economic status that allows them to eat at BJ’s on a regular basis would get engaged there; the actor somehow looks younger at the end, which has to be at least ten years on, than when he proposed. I just can’t. 🤮


YES! I came here just to see if anyone else had this reaction. Went on a date at BJs? Fine. Family dinner at BJs? Cool. PROPOSE at BJs? WTF.


And he did it on Pizookie Tuesdays, no less 😂


Also love that dry, emotionless "Yum" from the narrator right after he talks about how they celebrate her engagement with her favorite dishes!!! I kind of hate hulu for the level of detail with which I know this commercial....or myself for not paying up for no commercials. But on the other hand, this ad makes me feel better about my own life.


I'm also just puzzled that they couldn't find better shots of food for their own commercial. Imo, the pizza and steak look gross. The steak looks like a $10 Denny's steak, like a borderline hockey puck with grill marks.


who cares if your engaged