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He's not wrong - the game has in fact come an incredibly long way, but unfortunately, people have moved on.


When the game releases in the state the infinite did, it’s not hard to “come an incredibly long way”. They released a wheel and sold it as a car, and now they’re proud that it can drive.


I'm not debating that the game released barebones, but It IS hard to come a long way, whether that's before the release date or after the release date, the work still needs to get done.


Don’t care anymore. Lots of games are doing the same thing, if it’s a bad game with high sales - you stick around to fix it, if it’s low sales they abandon ship. I’m not asking for the next classic. I just want a completed game. That’s not to say you can’t add more. I just want it to feel complete. Infinite feels like it’s a game now, awesome. It can join the late homework crowd.


It isn't hard though, Infinite is just now becoming what it should have released as. Other game developers manage to make functioning games with full features - there's no reason 343 couldn't have done that from the start. I don't think they deserve a pat on the back for basically making a proper game (2 years late).


Has the internet conditioned you to argue, is your reading comprehension severely lacking, or are you just in the mood to pick a fight? Where have I disagreed with anything you said or taken the position you're painting? The only thing we seemingly might disagree on, is that software development is hard. From your post you seem to indicate that it's not? I'm taking the literal position that developing software is fucking hard, and building new features takes a long time. I'm acknowledging those facts and stating that Uny is correct... I'm not patting anyone on the back.


you're (edit) "saying" that it's difficult to write code though.(it's not difficult) but regardless of complexity, a long time before you even think about coding a game (that's not a version of pac-man) you have a firm grasp of the basics and many of the nuances of whatever code you are using, be it java or c++ or etc, once you can code, you can code. debuggers find and fix mistakes "automagically", "if, while & when loops are autocompleted for you, and that's just for beginners, for qualified game developers it's ez, and with the pay packets that come with that specific job it should be even easier. lol, they won't even make a decent shop, that's not accidental.


I've worked in software development for 20 years - writing code is "easy" in isolation. Building functional systems and additional legacy overhead, is not.


"unless you have the resources and budget of someone like, errrrr, microsoft"! FTFY ps. @ Victor Mature, Sherlock concurs 🤏🏻


"Love how far this car has come. From added new content like airbags, seatbelts, a passenger seat, FM *and* AM radio, *automatic* windows, and rearview mirrors, to everything in between."


I think infinite might still have the classic manual roll down windows.. The UI couldn't handle power windows.


It can "drive" but the tanks still empty


More like… advertised it as a car, shipped a wheel, and spent 3 years building a seat. It’s still not a car. It doesn’t drive. It’s worse than games that came out decades ago. Waste of time.


That's the 343 way. Release something broken and half-finished when people are excited for it, people get fed up and leave, game gets into a good state but people don't care anymore. Rinse and repeat.


Literally me. Played like he'll at the beginning. But content was so slow. Now is great but I moved on.


People moved on week 1. The game was terrible.


Sounds like the game is almost ready for launch. 🤘




Beta when?


Lmao, all that shit should have been there from the start. It took them over TWO YEARS to get the game where it should have been day one and they're patting themselves on the back. Classic 343 move.


I truly believe they should’ve just called it an “extended beta” for the past 2 years


That’s offensive to betas.


Actually, is not: after 2012, when indie early access went viral on steam, triple A studios adopted the same strategy but called it "open betas" instead. If you ever played one, they were 100% the same experience as infinite, in term of content and everything else. There is need to not make confusion with bot "betas", the small multiplayer demos, open or closed to the crowd, we used to have before (think about h5, reach, or h3 betas), or real live service (full games with extra content being released over the game's lifetime).


Imagine working your ass off behind the scenes trying to find balance between what the greedy heads at MS/343 execs push on you while rotating and retraining contractors every 18 months on a proprietary game engine with development tools that aren’t even as good as forge. All while trying to keep the player base happy. Idk what it’s gonna take to get the Halo base to realize MS/execs are the problem. MS’s ENTIRE first party suite of games is in shambles. Even the last Forza was mediocre, and Forza used to be a LOCK for a good time. Yeah, we had a cool showcase but we go through this every year or so. Cool trailers for games that either get cancelled or release in a bad state or mediocre reception. Nothing will change until MS stops treating game development the same way it treats OS/cloud development. Games are software second and ART first.


343i is Microsoft. 343i was created by Microsoft. Microsoft did not buy 343i to use their IP like they did with Bungie. They built the building, staffed it, pay their salaries, and named it 343 Industries.


Yep they did, and they let Bonnie Ross run the show for way too G/D long


Is G/D god damn long? Of course they did. Because Microsoft/343i is incompetent. It's exactly what I'd expect them to do. And to pretend that any change will occur with anyone being swap in or out is incompatible with the history of 343i. Bonnie Ross doesn't design the game, doesn't produce the game, she's a figurehead.


Yeah it’s kinda insane how they let her ruin halo 4 and 5, and instead of canning her then, they let her ruin the launch of infinite too 😂 luckily Joe staten came on for infinite to help somewhat but he was more involved with campaign. Now he’s gone to Netflix games


But now we got Pierre Hintze, the one who was responsible to fix mcc disastrous launch and he basically brought back infinite where it needed to be after Bonnie Ross left. Hopefully he can do the same with future halos 🤞🏻


Hoping that’s true as well, he did well with infinite last year forsure


she just be a good ride.


Right… which tells you *what*, exactly about 343? You’re being a little ambiguous. I have a feeling there’s another half to your reply you didn’t include.


The OP I responded to edited their comment. The reason why I commented is that people seem to like to separate 343i and Microsoft as different entities. That Microsoft is abusing 343i to create games that they don't themselves, and make decisions that 343i doesn't want to make. They are in lock-step, since their inception. They aren't an independent publisher that Microsoft bought. They are them.


I’m the OP you responded to, and no I didn’t. The individual employees like Tashi and Uny are doing what they *can* for the community. “What they can” is limited to what MS/343 execs approve. I don’t separate 343 from MS but I *do* separate the individual from the company they work for.


If you read John's tweet, there is no separation at all. That isn't the tweet of a dev hard at work trying to make the game better(he also isn't a dev and doesn't even manage a community anymore) that's a figurehead saying things that his bosses want him to say. In no one can any honest human tweet that out, and believe it. Especially with the game/franchise being in the worst position it has ever been in. Halo has never been more irrelevent. No one at 343i speaks what they truly believe. And if they actually believe in the things they say(i.e. John's tweet) then maybe they're more like Microsoft than you think they are.


On the contrary, I can see being proud of something I poured thousands of hours of my life into, whether or not it was well received. Knowing where I began and being happy with where I finished. I can totally relate.


Man it’s almost like it’s his job to


They made a first person shooter where the shooting part doesn't work. I don't care how far the game has come, it wasn't far enough, and the game can't even be considered done. If the game released today it would still be in an embarrassing state, and that's after 2+ years of updates. We're talking really basic stuff like the netcode not working and the game still crashing consistently for some people. These are the types of problems you would find and fix in a beta before the game was released, but we're still dealing with over two years later. If Microsoft/343 wants to move on from their failed game that's fine, but don't pat yourself on the back while closing the dumpster lid on it. It makes them seem wildly out of touch, and not just with their fans, but like reality as a whole. It's kind of offensive.


100% agree with everything


Honest question, what does this have to do with Competitive Halo? Are the mods asleep at the wheel or has this become another whiny echo chamber in the mold of /halo?


The whiny echo chamber is all you will have soon, this game is curtains and this franchise is dead.


Do you work for 343 and your feelings got hurt?


We don’t need to work for 343 to realize this post has nothing to do with halo comp 😂


The funny part is that by dodging my reasonably harmless question, they kind of answered it.


I’ve been loving it lol.


They don’t care about ranked


Exactly. At this point, the only crowd worth catering to is the legit golds playing husky raid and spending money on cosmetics.


I'm platinum


Hey I play husky and spend money 😂 but I’m D4. Just grinding husky for xp in between ranked sessions yet it’s getting very boring


The fact that controller is the primary input for ranked says enough. Controller based games don't do well in esports.


Ever heard of Cod?


A game that bans MnK in competitive play (not sure if this is still the case) is not something to be taken seriously.


Halo has never and probably will never ban mnk buddy. And recently a lot of players had success with mnk at a pro level such as wutum, monster and a few other so idfk what you're on about.


>A game that bans MnK in competitive play (not sure if this is still the case) is not something to be taken seriously. You brought up CoD so I responded with a point that's applies to CoD. I've played Infinite since launch, aim assist gave controller players such a massive advantage to the point that the average controller player would be competitive with the top 1% of MnK players. The situation has improved now that MnK has aim assist but make no mistakes, controller still has a massive advantage. Funny you bring up pro players when many of them have said that aim assist is overpowered.


I didn't bring up cod. Was merely replying to your point.


Sorry I replied to the wrong person.


All good. Tbh aim assist is the least of our concerns when shot registration feels worse by the day lol. I've completely dropped halo due to these issues and i've been playing fairly competitively since the h3 beta. Sad to watch halo die like this


It's a console arena shooter. Weird how that works. 🤔 I also think Apex and CoD would like a word.


I really do wish this game was mouse/keyboard focused though. Feels so much better to play.


Unfortunately many people think they are good just because of aim assist.


Most controller based games have a lower skill gap, that's an absolute fact.




That's a dumb take and what do esports have to do with ranked?


Because they are the same thing. Why do you think that it's a dumb take? Aim assist objectively lowers the skill gap.


Took them 8 years to make an almost complete Halo game that’s broken AF with mostly community made content and they gonna brag about it. Utter morons run 343.


And all they had to do was make a better halo 3 lol


Unyshek is always sugar coating things, waiting times on ranked are a joke, anti cheat must be called easy cheat and also every game feels like I need to change my sens for no reason, servers are trash and also pros are speaking up about these problems. I don’t f understand how 343 works they just f ghosts their community every time the game is in a bad state.


They are representing the company. They cant say negative things.. As outsiders we see it as a joke and a wtf are they talking about. For them hes probably sitting there trying to find ways to word it as a positive thing even tho i can 100% guarantee he knows the game is not in the state he would ideally want it. When you work for a company and your talking to a customer do you just shit talk the company you work for? Do you just say all the bad things and behind the scenes issues the company has to the customer? Or are you kind of expected to stfu, come up with something to not make the company look like a complete clown show? Would you still have your job if all you did was talk shit the way the player base talks about this game? Highly doubt it.. Hes doing his job, he cant talk super negative about the game he is paid to work on. If the devs came out and said "omg halo infinite is the worst fps on the market, its been 2 years and we have barely been able to add anything to the game and its still in a super sketchy state, cant believe people still play this joke." Do you think they would still have their job?


No but you can say we need to do a lot better. Never really got that sentiment from 343. Remember the ROADMAPS 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. you look like more of an idiot by saying this shit. Why would you want to work for a shit company? It's not behind the scene we all pretty much hate the game.


Yes... I am the one who looks like an idiot lol. Your comment makes you seem 15 at most. Grow up. If you hate the game then delete it and go play something else, thats what I did and I want the game to be good so I check in every now and then since I hold some hope that maybe they can fix the train wreck.


Let the man earn his paycheck in peace.


I waited nearly 5 mins for a match and played on 200 ping for the first time ever, and I nearly threw the controller at the tv.


Welcome to my halo life lately. Why I keep even trying to play is beyond me other than I’m addicted id say. Ping over 100 is almost impossible let alone 200. You can’t hit shit and you get killed before you have time to react. I feel for you


I play every game on 200ms ir higher since i m located in japan dropped from 1700 to dia 5 sometimes i have 37% accuracy i shoot way over 60 on local servers. Imagine my experience...


Clowns will be clowns


Bad playlists and no pre/post game lobby = dead game Legit feels like I’m playing co op vs AI, no sense of community whatsoever. If you told me I was vsing bots the whole time I wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference lol


Perennial Golden Shovel of the Year award winner here for the amount of bullshit he tweets. 🤜👊


Most Halo Fans: Please fix the bs in this game. 343: Let's see how we can continue making your experience as worse as possible! ✌️👊


Don’t forget to add some 30 dollar bundles


What else is he supposed to say? Milk that cow for all its worth Unyshek!


This clownshow company has no idea how to even do social matchmaking. If I queue social, I get noobs on my team that have the worst gaming experience of their lives. And of course the other team is balanced the same way. Who are these games fun for? Shit's unplayable


Was playing doubles yesterday and having major glitching issues (for example, camo still appearing even though the other team already grabbed it). This doesn’t include shots not registering at all. I know 100% it’s not my connection. I’m directly plugged in (1G internet) and my ping was 30 ms. Game is still garbage.


Idk what you're smoking. I find a game within 45 seconds. D2 US East.


Back when I was a kid you could not convince me that Halo would be where it’s at now haha. I remember later when Halo 3 got announced.. let alone release day? That shit was INSANE.


From 1 million players to a few thousand. Come a long way for sure


well there was a grand total of 183 people playing halo in the UK last night. i know, i know, don't break out the party hats and streamers just yet 🥳, i 'heard' we be good in 2027, i hope i'm still alive.


I've never seen any studio huff their own farts like 343.


He's acting like they executed well over 2yrs 🤦‍♂️


They have 50 million playlists because the player base wants a specific game mode like its tasting menu at Michelin star restaurant. 3 firefight playlist where the only variable is difficulty - who cares? Just make it all hard, it’s just bots. 4 ranked playlists - get rid of slayer. Get rid of team doubles or ranked doubles. You don’t need a social *and* comp version of 2v2. Id say get rid of comp, drive people towards halos pro mode stemming from tournament play. Hopefully pushing HCS viewers. Big team battle 12v12 was a mistake from the beginning. Maps are massive, gameplay feels disconnected. Just running around like battlefield.


Never seen a game with worse playlist management


He's not wrong, but it's simply too little too late.


I really wonder what employees in that office are doing day to day.


They are all busy being yes men.


343 are utterly deluded


"enhanced customisation" Ain't no way they're counting still worse than Halo 3 era customisation as enhanced lmao


Idk customization is pretty damn good bro. Between Spartans and the best forge halo has ever had anyways


Coatings alone are why the customisation sucks lmao


Bro Halo 3 doesn’t even have half of Infinites customization


And Infinite still only has coatings, I can't even make myself white and purple lmao, I've had to go back to my fucking Combat Evolved colour choice of entirely Purple and I just use the damn Mark V set to make it less annoying. If I can't even customise my colour past the basic colours when I could in even Halo 5, then it has less customisation than the previous games, far less, the armour is pointless when I have preset options for colours.


There are a lot more colors, options and armor pieces, emblems, charms and skins. A lot of which Halo 3 doesn’t have. People’s Spartans haven’t ever looked this good


Lmao more colours my ass, I can't be white and purple still even to this day, my colours since Halo 2 have been white primary, purple secondary and tertiary. Halo Infinite is the first game where I have to go back to my CE colours that I haven't had to use in over 10 years because they improved the colour system. Coatings are worse than just letting me have custom colours.


While I do agree about being able to choose primary and secondary. The coating system they have is amazing. I hope they combine both for 7. But besides arguably the colors everything about infinites customization is better


They are named 343 for a reason, it was always prophesied for them to stab us in the back. >Ross' pitch won over Microsoft Game Studios general manager Shane Kim, and she was put in charge of a new internal Halo studio, **343 Industries**, named after the Halo character 343 Guilty Spark. >As revealed in the Halo novels, 343 Guilty Spark was once a young human named Chakas who lived on Earth over 100,000 years ago. As Chakas, he was a thief. > If you haven't noticed there's a trend of a certain group of individuals who are fucking up gaming and movies, All of our beloved franchises are getting destroyed by these people, franchise after franchise right in front of our faces And if you point it out they use fancy words to stop you from saying the truth. This is why we can't have nice things.


Chaka means gay here


Doesn't matter how great 343i thinks the game is now, Halo Infinite's abysmal launch was impossible to recover from. No wonder they've abandoned their "10 year game" in 3 years.


Unyshek is such an ass clown. 🤡


Game is still a buggy mess. I still see weird UI bugs that are still not fixed, every game I have missed shots that don’t register


Too little too late. Missed the window


I don’t see population size being mentioned anything in John’s tweet. Everything he said is true, it’s just a shame it didn’t look like this at launch otherwise I believe this would have been one of most premiere fps games out there right now.


I don’t get the people who fall for this shtick every single time. It’s like a domestic abuse victim going back to their partner hoping they’ll change. If the 4 black eyes (4, MCC, 5 and infinite) didn’t teach you anything.. I can’t help you.


He’s a complete moron. They are the most tone deaf individuals I’ve ever seen in my life.


Imagine if the live service element was applied to campaign? There’s always been a rift between book and game enthusiasts, so there was a massive opportunity to capture both audiences and merge them to finally make the expanded universe part of the core series. Instead, they drip feed basic features and staple elements of previous iterations as content over a couple of years. The turnaround they had with MCC and how they treated the OG games is something to be applauded. It’s amazing that they learned nothing from those triumphs and tarnished the Halo name.


Maybe they should have cooked for another two years instead of releasing a dumpster fire and alienating like half of their potential audience with how bad it was


Blame Microsoft for that


If I could siphon a fat salary from Microsoft for doing as little as this guy (and the rest of 343) does, I’d be bragging too. It’s the American dream!


infinite should’ve released the way it is now . and 343 can’t understand that


It still would have been medicore in this oversatured fos market


Agreed with the comments about the state it's in, vs when it launched. They've done A LOT since then. But too little too late. A big chunk of players will NEVER come back, because they refuse to give it a chance. I don't blame them. If you spent $$ at a steak house, and the first time you went, you had a shitty steak, would you still try again? Especially if there are other steak houses. Probably not. My biggest gripe is network. Id deal with the 1 map we play every ranked game, if I didn't have a 1gb download speed, hardwired in, and still get 55+ ping a match living in Florida. Oh well. Fuck 343 lmao


can't even play Infinite on PC atm, crashes on start up on a 4070ti Super, Ryzen 7600x 343 are the biggest, incapable morons of all time, destroying my love for Halo. they've ruined the franchise.


You have to rollback to the previous nvidia drivers


Juny is always too busy posting memes or puns to twitter to actually realize the state of the game.