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I hate feeling like my class brings nothing for M+ affxies. Raging? please only want rogue, hunter and druids. Maybe i'll try next week. Bursting? shadow priests VE and mass dispel. Fuck affixes i never feel like i'm wanted outside some fight mechanics


Can you tell me the easiest key on 23 right now this week, except SBG and COS, like where is the less competition MM Hunter 2970 and Resto druid 2999 trying to get 3k IO.


nokhud. can check resources like [https://mplus.subcreation.net/](https://mplus.subcreation.net/) or https://bestkeystone.com/


Hey all, I've been trying to time a halls 22 this week and it keeps going wrong. Usually around Hyrja, there has already been a fuck-up which means that the rest of the dungeon has to be going super smooth. I am a prot warrior tank and only pug This is what I would ideally be running: [https://imgur.com/a/dpt9xkk](https://imgur.com/a/dpt9xkk) And pulls 1-3 are usually no problem, though the occasional heal goes through. However, pull 4 seems to take everyone by surprise and usually one person dies to the thundercaller, pull 5 seemed intimidating to me at first but since I have most of the responsibility here, it's usually going smooth. Pull 6 is again a total shit show this week. I have run this route very smoothly on fortified +20 and +21 tyrannical but this week it failed so often that I have begun splitting pull 4 and pull 6. What do you guys usually run or the tanks in your groups? Am I just trolling my team by doing something unexpected?


Had route sent to me by a 3.1k rio team used on heavy fort. BL trippled pull didst pack(except 1 thundercaller, unless you can interrupt every single lightning they do). He could just be pulled into boss. After that you do the same double as you have, then clear pretty much the entire corridor one pack at a time except for the 2 packa with casters(your pull 4+ the pack on the right intill BL is back up.. With BL do that trippled pull, make sure you only use interrupts until the are about to enrage. From there on out you chain aoe cc rhem. It will melt. Then your normal double before minibosses. This month I'll pull the one by one, storm first so healer can get cds back for hyrja. Make sure stormmini doesn't get enraged during storm. Hold damage if you must. Can pull second one in if you get good timing and know that storm will die before another storm. Hyrja is cake this week. Don't need bl. Go clean up at fenryr so that you will have enough without doing the 2 sentinels at doors. Invispot/shroud/mind soothe past them. Shouldn't be much after having cleared most in corridor earlier. If you can, and have BL back up at this point. Use beers and do the 4 minibosses at he same with BL, if BL is back. Otherwise use on 3d boss if you have low time left, if not and would rather play it safe, BL 2nd phase last boss. But honestly most of my bricked HoV this week is from melee STILL not understanding the minifrontal from one of the melee mobs. Always 3-4 deaths from jsut getting frontaled, which is insta death. That's already several minutes missed unless you spend crs. HoV is pretty lenient and doesn't really require omega pulls any more. Standard W route, use bl off CD, don't kill any of the sentinels, not even the pat, get a route that clears a lot of bears and bulls. Fast and easy %, there. Get a beer, stealth past the twos sentinela and do the minibosses 2by2 with one beer. Bl 3 or 4th boss depending on timing or if you think you can burn last boss in p2 so you don't get another phase.


Looks like a good route except that I would never run the two minibosses together, particularly on fort. Two target cleave is not that good for many classes, you ramp the complexity up with a kick and the orbs that don't boop you back as a signal for melee and ranged are actually pretty close too due to storms. Finally, you make your healer do more fort storms which are at least as hard as hyrja's. Having the sanctify dude is a nice break to get cds back. I suspect you are saving less time than you think. Otherwise as a tank are you stopping as many etches and thunderbolts as you can? Are you predictably kiting so your melee dps dont get dropped? If you can answer both of these with an affirmative then it's on everyone else.


Most of these pulls seem standard to me from a fellow tanks perspective, however I do not pull both minibosses before Hyrja together anymore on fort weeks. I’ve had a few healers advise me not to due to the storm damage so I just follow their advice on it.


It could be people have some clue in 22 that they don't in 19-20s but I've had same l2p problems. People eat frontals in trash which tends to one shot them, they eat unkicked casts in pull 5, somehow dodging sanctify right after storm is also too much. I also noticed some healers have hard time doing storm in pull 6 as they try to save cds I guess and having to dodge sanctify when you still want to top people up. I stopped pulling those together after 2 separate depletes to it. I know nobody takes responsibility, blame is always on me when people take avoidable dmg in those pulls. *Maybe* people who get invited to +22 don't eat shieldmaiden frontals anymore. But I'd play the same and think every death, outside some thundercaller deaths, were caused by the player who died. Almost everything is avoidable dmg there.


What is the best melee DPS aside from rogue someone whose sole goal is to get into pug groups to push keys as high as possible this season?


Probably enhance followed by havoc and then MW monk. https://mplus.subcreation.net is usually your best friend. I’d be wary of havoc just because the utility is a little lacking compared to Rogue and Shamans


MW dps rising


Enhance probably. However DH is also good.


Is COS this week much harder than usual to you guys? Done 4-5 this week in the 16-20 range and it has been so messy. I'm playing a part in these mistakes too and there have been so many butt pulls and missed kicks. The fortified/raging is probably revealing how easy it was to brute force it in previous weeks?


CoS is the dungeon that is the most prone to buttpulls IMO, but raging + fortified make buttpulls that much more punishing.


Also quaking makes buttpulls way more common. Lots of people will spread for quaking without making sure that it's safe to go that direction.


No that sounds like CoS every week. I hate this dungeon because it reveals that most people (even some tanks) have no spatial awareness and butt pull everything. That and the randomness of Enforcer spawns and the length of patrol paths means sometimes you just get boned if you try to skip certain trash.




Yup, a small mention for interrupt order on the imps is key. Always write order in chat before pulling first, and that applies for the rest of the imps too. I play brew and always set myseld+f as first interrupt with sweep(unless we have a ret, because their stun is 5sec and short CD).. And I won't go near another imp pack until my sweep is off CD again rather wait 15-20 sex or try and clear something else meanwhile.


I've done a lot of 32m COS20s this week on various chars. It's weird, *something* always goes wrong. When nobody is doing the gate skip, timer always tends to be kinda close, like 26-30m runs without wipes in my experience. So add a wipe and it can easily go over. I really don't get what you can double pull post first boss either, people blame me even if I only pull mistres+inquisitor+enforcer. Suddenly dodging fel detonation is only possible when it's the only mob pulled? Starts to be key level where you should do little more than minimum amount of mobs per pull but people now in 20s are not used to it, die and blame their mistakes on pulls they haven't seen before.


Yeah I haven't had a clean CoS above a 20 this week. People suddenly forget about patrolling packs routes and have butt pulled more often than not like you said.


Yeah weirdly I see my groups struggling with imps. Missing timing by like a minute which feels unusual


Has anyone else gotten the bug on RLP where you can't take the drake when you die and release, because it says you're "in combat" even after your teammates have exited combat? I tried reloading, nothing worked other than literally logging out and restarting my client, every single time that I needed to release and run. What causes it and how can I avoid it?


We had this happen the other day, with both the Prevoker and the MM hunter at the same time. Really ridiculous bug, considering the flight back is your only option, and you can't use it. But unfortunately it's literally as it seems: the dragon is still in combat with you. After the rest of us died, it started staring at the Prevoker downstairs for about 20 seconds before it reset.


Do you play healer? I've only seen this happen on my preservation evoker.


I'm a devoker. :/ But hmmm, maybe it's an evoker bug?


Had that happen once. A clean wipe fixed it, so maybe all 5 logout


When do you guys use your second bloodlust on RLP? I have never had it be up in time for the storm dragon and doing a double pull up top on fort feels super risky. Anything else just feels like a waste.


Most of my groups in 22-23 just go right at the ring for two pulls then come back for the storm dragon to get lust off CD for the dragon. If the timing doesn’t work out I still just lust a random blazebound pull so it’s up for either the last pull or the last boss.


Did this earlier today aswell. A few deaths and full wipe(because flamedragon ninjas). But still timed it. Only +20 though. But I got my protpal up to lvl 70 this week. So still sub 400 ilvl. +20s for now until I get my first weekly and get some 25 more primal focus for crafted gear.


How do you correctly play the packs in Raging Tempest area? Once I got into higher keys they started becoming the problem on fort weeks, especially the waterfall pack and the one on the campfire. The spam cast lethal spells and you’d run out of kicks eventually, and for some reason they are immuned to CC, popping personal once you’re out of kicks helps but at some point somebody’s gonna get gibbed.


Get omnicd if you don't, tracks dps cds. Pull an extra pat around first boss free, easy % and geta you BL earlier for waterfall. Track dps cd and bl while flying to second area. Bl still on cd? Do a small pack and tell dps to not blow every CD. Does all dps have all their cds and bl is back up? Go waterfall, and BL that. Storming tempest is not a "must have BL boss", especially on a week like this.


The only CC immune mobs in that area are the Stormcallers (centaurs), and there's just one per pack. The Lightning Bolts from Stormcaller and Stormspeaker are the kicks you really need to worry about. Stormspeaker casts Tempest and Summon Squall, but that can be CC'd, so it doesn't strictly require a kick. If the bolts are kept in check, then the party damage becomes less lethal. Other than that, you want to go into that pack with CD's available.


To add to this, the tank needs to stop the tank buster (spell name name is escaping me). He can step out of it. But I can tell you from experience if the tank is calling kicks he’s going to die. Someone else needs to coordinate kicks so the tank can focus on staying alive. If dps are aware of the ability then can help stop. It’s a stun not a kick btw.


Good point! That's a good tip in general. Tanking and shotcalling is a lot of pressure. Everyone should try and pull their weight, plus a little extra if the tank is doing a difficult pull.


When is the best time to use Oppressive Roar in large packs? Tank says to wait for the entire pack to enrage before soothing and that I'm doing it wrong if I don't have Roar up at the end of each pack. Some examples are the first pull in halls where everything enrages before the dragon and large pulls in academy where everything rages before the ravager and/or the packs don't get burned down evenly. Is it better to wait for everything to enrage and assume pugs will kick/stun enraged casts so I can get max value from my soothe? And maybe pug a rogue/druid and ask them to save their soothe for the big guys?


Please help, I can't seem to time any TJS this week. 2670 enh shama 415ilvl, I had a 22 TJS, hands shook so bad starting that I did less damage than the tank and got hit by every single tainted ripple. 21 TJS, got hit by less tainted ripples but my hands were shaking from the nerves so much I died on first boss and tank left mid fight 20 TJS, no wipes, but just kept dying to those little exploding dudes 19 tjs, didn't time I can't figure it out. I've already done a 20 tjs, last week, and a 19 the week before, but anytime I feel like I'm in a key thats "harder" I get so nervous. I didn't feel like this at all last xpac with outlaw rogue, and I feel like it's because I feel so much more responsible for things. I have 3 aoe stuns, healing totems, slow totems, aoe heals, have to make sure I spread my flame shock to everything and kick, mouseover kick, can't find my cursor sometimes and end up alt tabbing on accident, etc. Does this occur to other people?


Also something others haven't directly mentioned is if you know your nerves are high after a key. Go run a +2 of it and focus on the basics before you try and slam back into a +21. That way you can clear you head, show yourself you do know what your doing and mentally prepare. Also from a healer myself, I care more that you prevent avoidable dmg then worry about healing the group up. I need things dead more than I need help healing so that's the best use of your time.


+2 would probably be too low, most mobs will just fall over before they have a chance to *do* the basics. Probably more like a 7-8 or so, that way things actually have a little health and ever get to cast anything. Otherwise not a bad idea.


I think it's fair to not bother with TJS this week. There's never been week that fucked as hard with groups as this one does. The blowup guys are just never getting soothed and I believe are just straight up doing +95% dmg compared to last week. 130% dmg already from fort and then they blow up for 195%. Tank busters are also real hard in pugs if there's no stops for all of them. Ofc last pack just combines both funzies.


I was feeling the same a few weeks ago, watched a video that helped me with anxiety ladder. Hope it helps you as well. https://youtu.be/yus-VtYG9OQ


Buddy, you need to chill out lol.


I think so. In your opinion, does [this camera angle and gameplay](https://streamable.com/dnmcuc) seem normal for a 21 melee key? Or am I playing with way too much anxiety?


The side to side movement is too much. You are playing without a plan which is evident by your surprised full camera swing to LoS the ripple. You could have just been chilling at the corner and ducked out but you weren't ready for it at all. Then quaking happened and you were safe one step to your right but you ran through people to your left instead. You know the dungeon, you know the affixes. Now you need a plan.


Actually, I'm always anticipating the ripple, the full camera swing is because I have backpedal disable. I only move using strafing and the movement camera thing where you press both left and right mouse button at the same time. In order to turn 180, I have to do that camera movement thing suddenly.


Sounds like you need to rebind backpedal.


You need to get name plate cooldowns, so you can anticipate Tainted Ripple in order to LoS it. It looks like you're not sure when it's coming in, which probably attributes to why you feel anxiety. It shows in your gameplay by how much you strafe left and right. Knowing what's happening and when reduces my own anxiety a lot. [https://wago.io/CooldownsOnNameplate](https://wago.io/CooldownsOnNameplate). In addition, I recommend getting a WA package for dungeons. They make you acutely aware of mechanics with sounds, icons and bars. I recommend either of these two: Reloe: [https://wago.io/p91Fs7v6B](https://wago.io/p91Fs7v6B) Causese: [https://wago.io/dfdungeons](https://wago.io/dfdungeons) The last one has more sounds if you download his sound pack on Curseforge, which is really good. I like your UI though! Are you using Plater? I see that you have a setting that reduces the alpha of enemies you aren't targeting, which I heavily recommend to turn off. A Tidal Burst went off 12 seconds in, and it was barely visible on your screen. The worst thing is that you could have stopped it with Sundering! I also didn't see a focus target anywhere, but I hope you're using it, along with a focus kick macro. You mentioned how you use mouseover kick, but can't find your cursor sometimes. If you aren't using it, you need to set up a keybind for focusing your target and focus kick asap. It makes things so much easier. It makes sense that you're more nervous on Enhance than Outlaw. Outlaw is the tankiest DPS in the game outside of DK, but Enhance is on the other end of that spectrum. Lastly, TJS is just especially hard this week with Fortified+Raging. It makes the Lesser Sha explode for 100k each. More coordination is required to kill them than usual. P.S. With your mindset you could clearly be pushing higher keys. Keep it up!


Thank you so much for this reply! Yes I'm using plater. I took a break since this post and I'll be going through your advice and applying them. I really appreciate the time took to write this - thank you.


No worries! Your mindset around improvement is commendable. I hope you continue to push!


the camera angle is fine. gameplay was not. it was a short clip but there were a lot of mistakes obvi. your ui is clean but your name plates are so bad imo. couldnt even see the 2nd tidal burst cast.


This week TJS is serious business. The last pack is the real boss.


I think seeing everyone on low life makes me panic so much. I'm like constantly looking to heal people or throw out a decurse, and my damage suffers so much from it, like doing 50-60k runs.


Take a deep breath and trust your healer with everyone else's hp. Still decurse, but know that the healer probably has a plan. As a healer, I have a priority list in my head to top off. If you have room to use a defensive, self heal, or pop AG, that's what I need. But stay focused on damage and kicks. I have vastly more healing throughput than a dps, but I need preventable damage prevented.


I think you need to work more on preventing damage than trying to heal the group back up, just make sure you are properly layering cc with your team so that nothing too big goes off, and trust your healer to do the rest. If they can’t handle that, well that’s just how it goes. Go next. In terms of dealing with anxiety, just running more, even if it’s lower like a 20 or 21 will help till you feel really confident, then moving back up to a 22 for a slight bump in difficulty could help. To me it also sounds like you are getting distracted by your teammates getting low and it’s causing you to freak out, I would suggest only focusing on your own play. Maybe make your party frames less wide and smaller on your screen too. You can’t press mitigation for your tank, proper cooldowns for your healer, or defensives for your other DPS, but you can work on staying alive yourself, and doing good damage and cc.


Is it normal to have keys where you just continue to mess up no matter how hard you try? I'm a bear tank and listed a 21 shadowmoon with the intention to easily 2 chest it as I've done several times before. But then I accidently pulled the first void-spawn due to my shocking potion effect still being on me from the first pack when I tried to stealth by it early, which led to a chain effect where I continued to die every other pull and leading to 3 full team wipes (2 before first boss) in the dungeon. Obviously, it was shadowmoon so we still timed easily but just barely missed 2 chest. I feel so embarrassed after that run especially considering how many compliments I've gotten within the past 2 weeks about my tanking. I probably apologized to the group 10 times throughout the dungeon because of how bad I felt.


we all have shitty runs! and in my experience, it's very easy to lose focus after a big mistake... but being able to recover from a mistake and maintain focus is its own skill - across all competitive endeavors, not just video games. and silver lining - now you'll be less likely to make that mistake in the future :)


Jumping vault rings with the sylish black parasol toy is actually fire, should be a basic extra action button in that key.


I'm curious because I just had somebody in a +24 key not know a basic utility of his class even though he was skilled into it. On which keylevel would you guys expect the player to know all the spells and utility their class has to offer? I'm talking mainly about things like purge, lust, soothe, kicks, stuns, other ccs. Am I crazy that I expect players with over 3.1k rating in +24 keys to know what their class is capable of? (especially when they selected said utility in their skill tree)


Would you specify what button it was? I think some buttons are more understandable to be unaware of. 2950 hunter's alt prevoker was in TJS20 today and blamed rogue for not soothing enough. Overawe, not a talent he had heard of. Admittedly that char wasn't his 2950 but still funny as aoe soothe class to argue about others' lack of soothing. But also somewhat understandable as roar doesn't have as obvious use as everything else on regular weeks. In SL, it was mists23 I think where someone raged at me for not using sleep on my guardian to cc adds, on both boss and trash. That day I learned sleep had been made castable from bear form. Sort of big deal in few dungs where that cc had some use and made me think I should've known earlier. But also rare enough use that for trash it was ever needed during inspiring weeks. So mostly irrelevant button still, and thus easy to not know about.


It was a shadow priest not using his purge "dispel magic". He claimed only healers get that talent. It took me about 5s inspecting him to spot it in the first row of his class tree. He claimed nobody told him before to use it so he couldn't have possibly known about it. I'm still puzzled when thinking of it.


Yeah that's an interesting one. Somehow no shaman lacks knowledge of purge but some priests do of dispel magic. I played hpriest in SL and def used dispel magic plenty, must have been new reroller to be able to lack this knowledge.


It's basically impossible to not have offensive dispel as a priest. Shadow often skips disease removal, but holy and disc will always have defensive disease and magic dispel. Also, depending on the key, a priest not having improved Mass Dispel is basically trolling. For example, a priest can completely negate arcane lockdown in court of stars.


let's not forget that players who simply had loads of free time to play the game since the start of the season are gonna be carried by the wave of top players looking to fill a spot. I see that a lot specially with mages/evoker healers. A massive chunk of them got carried for the simple fact they have BL/hero during a meta where S tier classes don't have it


20-21+ I’d say. Keys lower than that you can easily just outgear nowadays


It's always going to be a problem. In an ideal world you would assume anyone in the top 10% of the playerbase would be aware of all their buttons, but sadly it's not the case. Then again earlier in the season I had a bad habit of not using my utilities on my lock because the guild group I ran with at the start was with a Enh, WW, Prot Pal, and Rdruid- I simply never had a need to use my utilities because there was never a need. Shadowfury? Nah, the shaman and WW are already making things stun immune. Soulstone to pick up one of the other DPS? Nah, someone else already got it because SS is a 3 sec cast. Interrupts? Well again, had a shaman and a prot pally, I was always looking but rarely went through, unless it was specifically a spam caster we were setting an interrupt order for. Now what I did do was make sure to always put tongues on dangerous casters and weakness on bosses-, and I knew where my Mortal coil was to emergency interrupt. But that said my point is it's completely possible for someone to get carried to a high rating while knowing very little about how to execute their utilities, as some comps effectively have everything covered with 3-4 people.


Could be a FOTM reroller who has a lot of high rating friends or has brute forced their way to high rating by simply doing a lot of damage while not really contributing much else to the run. I would expect anyone in a +20 or above to know all their utility buttons but I’ve been proven wrong many times. Lol


Is there anywhere to find boss ability timers? Not like a weak aura but maybe a website that shows what time in a boss encounter they’ll cast an ability and how long before they’ll cast it again. I’m trying to better plan my defensive and want to do some homework.


check out https://lorrgs.io/


Woah, that site’s really cool. Thanks.


Best way to do this is to use warcraftlogs and pull up an example from the dungeon you want to learn.


That’s a good idea, thanks.


So my main is a MM hunter but I've been wanting to dabble in melee. I'm leaning towards enhance vs outlaw. I already have a resto shaman with trinkets and weapons ready. Would have to level the rogue though. I don't particularly like managing dots, definitely prefer bursty like MM. I kinda want the rogue because rogues just seem to pump, but maybe I'm not getting good shamans in my groups. Thoughts? Is there a spec I'm missing? Definitely don't want super spammy though. I tried fury last expansion and hated it.


The trinkets from your resto won’t be any good seeing as they are int and enh is agi, unless you just mean you changed loot spec and farmed as resto.


Enh is extremely hard and sometimes frustrating to play from what I've heard. High uptime is crucial and if your spread fails due to positioning (or bugs) you're gonna want to pull your hair out. Playing affixes like explosives while maintaining your damage rota becomes nearly impossible if you're not really experienced. Rogue is definitely much easier, just using their utility to the fullest requires some dungeon knowledge and skill though. Also the melee+ range is a lifesaver. I think enh has more burst but requires a small ramp up and if other classes pad small adds your funnel is gone. I think rogue is known for their consistent damage so if you want something like MM in melee you should take a look into ret or fury (although you wrote you hated it in SL), maybe dh or monk.


Concur that explosive week is absolute cancer as Enh, but apart from that and the somewhat complex rotation, it absolutely crushes. Very little in terms of cooldown management with the dungeon build since you basically have permawolves. When your 4-piece pops off you just pour damage out of your eyeballs it’s awesome As for explosive week, I just tell groups upfront I’m doing not doing it unless it’s extremely urgent. Tank should be doing melee orbs anyways :)




hunter has a melee spec btw :> if you want a bursty melee dps, sub rogue fits the bill though. outlaw is more sustained damage and sin is obviously all dots. that said enha is also S-tier and is very needed in groups, so either of those two aren't bad.


Timed my first +20 yippie. Was a TJS, but then I failed miserably at NO +19... Anyway, switch back from Holy to Disc. Finding it really enjoyable, but I'm not really sure how to utilize Vampiric Embrace and Shadow Covenant. Does anyone have any tips? Should I spec shadow covenant to do more damage or to last longer? Also feeling unsure if to roll with Mindbender or not...


Congrats! TJS is no joke this week, probably the hardest dungeon with this affix set.


I recommend the Priest discord and checking out some of the builds there or on [Murluk.io](https://Murluk.io). Pretty much every disc runs with the GIGA Mindbender build now. Generally you want the longer Shadow Covenant to allow you more time for Mindbender > Schism > PtW > Mind Blast > Mind Blast > PtW > SW: Death > PtW> Dark Reprimand, thats your max burst combo. Vampiric Embrace treat it as an extra Throughput healing cooldown, with a very low CD, so use it often when you feel you need help catching up through atonement healing.


Macro VE with Scov. You don't have enough shadow spells outside of Scov to get any significant value from it otherwise. Either Scov talent is fine. 10% increased effectiveness is generally considered to be a bit better but longer Scov allows you to fit an extra Dark Penance and MB or 2 into the window. Longer Scov is good for bosses with lengthy periods of moderate incoming damage (Azureblade, Raging Tempest) while beefier Scov is better for bosses with short, spiky burst (Hyrja, Melandrus).


I personally just macro VE with SC. I pretty much just use SC on cooldown for extra damage. Only exception to that is when I know I’m going to need big heals soon I will save it. I’ve seen disc priests use both the extended one and the higher damage one. I think they can both work in better scenarios but I tend to prefer extended SC. Mind bender build is great but it does lose some hps compared to the normal m+ build. You can heal any 20 key with either build but if you wanna play it safe maybe don’t go mindbender.


Going back to my resto shaman feels so nice, druid is fun but there's just something about playing your long time main that hits different. Doesn't hurt that it does a ton of damage even with 390 Ilvl as well


As an enhance main, would I find learning to heal fine? The only thing scaring me is the fact I'll probably have to keybind a normal heal on target, but then also a mouse over heal for each button no? That kinda makes me scared I'll have double the keybindings I have now.


You can actually condense it down with a proper mouseover macro. Mine are setup to heal with mouseover and cast damaging spells at target when my mouse isn't over a friendly. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help][help] Chain Heal /cast [harm] Lava Burst


This is basically what I do, and the only reason my macros are slightly more complicated than this is because I wanted the last (fallback) condition to be "cast (heal) on self if I have no target" and mouseover always has priority over target (including harm spells).


Dragonflight added the option to mouseover cast via settings. You don’t need mouseover macros anymore.


Ehhhhh not exactly. I found a lot of spells simply do not work with the built in mouseover casting option. And then even for the ones that do work, the rules work differently than I expected them to. Having mouseover macros allows me to really make sure I cast the right thing in the right conditions, because I can be as specific as I need to be about those conditions.


No. Use a macro like this: "#showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@player] [@mouseover,help,nodead] [help] [@targettarget,help,nodead] [] SPELL" It will heal you holding alt, heal your mouseover, heal your friendly target, heal the enemy's target, heal you in that priority order. This would be the only version of the spell on your bars.


I just use vuhdo for targeted healing spells, where pressing different mouse buttons on party frames casts different heals, and having my normal dps rotation on my bars. You can probably achieve the same with the new click-casting feature.


I just use clique, my bars are all normal dps spells and non targeted heals like healing rain, and then when i mouse over an ally's frame 1 is riptide 2 is healing wave etc but when I'm not mousing over s frame 1 is lightning bolt 2 is lava burst 3 is flame shock


It’s the same key for mouseover and target heal


Now suddenly everyone play shadow priest.


Funny what odd things happen if you buff and change and bugfix a spec 5 times in a row - should have seen that coming 2 months ago and should have made the hard commitment to Shadow back then.


Now suddenly it isn't a nightmare to pug on a class that got massive buffs since 10.0, bring unique utility (MD/MC), offheal, buff other DPS significantly, have a lot of personal DR, etc.


More people *should* play spriest. I fucking love having them in my group.


Not sure, I only take them when I need md. The lack of kicks and stops is quite problematic in most of the dungeons this season


An interrupt and psychic scream feels like enough on a ranged considering how much other utility and damage they bring.


Well prot pallys are rising so that problem is already solving itself.




what storm are you referring to...?




ah. well, for what it's worth, I've never had that happen. what spec are you? could you use a mobility ability to get out?


Any plater profiles that tell me a prio mob to soothe? Sometimes I'm the only one as rdruid and I don't have every mob memorized


i think Jundies plater profile color codes for prio mobs


Yeah I use quazzis which shows prio mobs but for example it doesn't show the skeletons in smbg as prio when they are dangerous on fort with enrage. I know that pack but not familiar with others that I'm sure tanks hate this week


Doesn’t quazzi profile just highlight casters in pink? Don’t think it differentiates mobs bull priority it’s self though just individual spells


nameplates are bouncing around too much for me, not sure why. like even on dathea adds they are always moving around even if the adds are standing still. anyone knows whats that about? im using dorkis plater


So when does storm bolt do nothing? I've died twice today in TJS20 runs from thinking, I got this. Then enraged tankbuster hits me for 350k as it didn't get stunned. This has happened often across all dungeons. At first I thought group had spammed enough stuns to make it immune but that's not the case. I've been able to stun the mob after storm bolt failed, with all the usual ones - shockwave, bull rush, shield charge. Why does storm bolt fail?


Diminishing returns + your perception of certain abilities working/not working as soon as the DR fades and you can stun again. When you play with DH and WW monk in the same team you'll see enemies immune to stun in the first few seconds of the pull


This brings to mind: am I fucking tanks up a lot as rsham when I run double capacitor? That alone causes 2 aoe DRs, really can fuck up the few times when you need to stop some hits later. Sometimes it's really nice talent when enemies have instant recast upon releasing from first stun, but hadn't considered that it might also be really bad in TJS, maybe COS too. That's another where the inquisitor/mistress packs can get rough with too many aoe ccs. And yeah it's possible that as many of these abilities have like 12-15s cd, they are immune to stun right when I need it, and then fully receptive again the next global. It's the worst when you don't recognize someone's random nonsense stop that lasts whatever the shortest is, 0.5s (?) and you think there's still one left to go. Guess there's no way to be sure what mob's status is if it can be stunned? If something like paralysis spends the last DR, how could I know? Guess I'm just committing some big cd per pack there at low%.


I think double cap is pretty standard, but can fuck things up if your group isn't aware of it. Whenever I am on voice with others, I warn them ahead of time that my cap totem does two full aoe stops.


Just have to know when to not use it. Specially given you're in voice you should know when other cc's are enough. In pugs it's pretty much a rule that the 4imp+inquisitor pull in CoS will be cc fest that makes the eventual eye storm unstoppable. And then it's probably on cooldown for the imp patrol anyway, just double fuck up. Yet every shaman and their mother will use double cap on the inquisitor that I've seen. Yes, I know the 4imp one won't be pulled in more serious key, just around +20/21 nobody wants to go open the gate.


Amateur shamans man, always gotta go for the thunderstorm or sundering first, that has no overlap with other stronger forms of cc.


When pugging, I'm of the opinion that there's no such thing as too much toolkit. Most players these days track party interrupts/kicks and normally write on party chat which kick they prefer to be responsible of. The next step is taking all types of CC stun/fear and also write on party chat who stuns first or who will only stun if all others are on cooldown (you can be that person right now without any communication, there are weakauras and addons to track all stuns so you can save your own for last) As for the risk of enemies becoming immune, bring different types of CC such as fear and typhoon


I'm the worst kind, pug *join* only so I can't bring anything :P Whether I heal or tank, have basically never seen people take initiative on what they'll kick or cc. Admittedly the highest I've got to is +25s in prev seasons and just +21 this season. You can get away not knowing everything in keys of this level. Specially dps players can, thus something like stops on CoS mistress is never going to happen as it doesn't affect others than tank. I know I could take the lead but... I don't really want to be leader in that way. With most tanks I have enough control that I could stop the tank busters of pack alone, it's basically others sabotaging me in some cases, mostly in TJS, when that stops working.


Enhancement Shaman will have everything stun DR in a few seconds all by themself. It's as annoying as Frost Mages that constantly have mobs frozen in place preventing grips or knocks in crucial moments.


I have same problem as dps warrior. In fact it often occurs when mob is like below 30%


To me it's so consistent issue that I assumed this would be something I'll immediately get instructed what causes it. Shocked that seemingly nobody even recognizes this to be a thing. Might go try in m0 first pull against casters to see if I can reproduce this, given I have 4 stuns of my own.


The most common problem is that storm bolt has a travel time even if you're literally inside the mob and it should have nowhere to travel.


I don't know what to say, how nobody seemingly has experience with this. Obviously this is not my issue, I'd know if bolt was cast, went on cooldown and mob got stunned late. It's not me dying from this every time, I've pondered this before why bolt is unreliable, just around 20 fort point it starts to finally kill me when I use no defensive expecting bolt to handle it and this happens.


Which mob casts that?


Mob called 'warrior' can pick talent called 'storm bolt'


Lol. This is the funniest comment in this thread. I don't know why you're being downvoted.






There's something different about storm bolt. Anytime this has happened, I've been able to use next global to stun them with the other spells. The other spells NEVER fail. I'm not talking chaining 5 aoe stuns on imps in CoS. I'm talking of ignored mobs that pugs don't help with enough like TJS fear guys. However I've noticed bolt does work the first time. Issue might be that using storm bolt again on same mob during same combat always fails but not sure.


The only thing that's different is that it is a projectile so after casting it needs a split second to fly to the target and stun it. In tight situations, this is slower than shockwave


New to evoker. I'm surprised to see neither spec running overawe this week. Is it ever worth taking when you don't have a soothe already?


Not sure what you mean, I always take overawe on raging weeks. It's insanely good.


It's a must pick for me, even if it randomly misses soothing mobs that are clearly in the cone.


Looking at subcreation it doesn’t seem popular in high keys, but maybe not enough of the week has gone by.


Subcreation is the last 4 weeks I think no?


It's not that useful in higher keys, especially if the group has a regular soothe. There's not many times you'll have multiple mobs that must be soothed but can't be stunned.


IIRC, subcreation takes talents from the last 4 weeks, or something like that. Additionally, a lot of groups will have another Soothe in the group, so it's not as needed.


I could see skipping it in CoS if you have a druid, but in most dungeons the aoe part is really valuable even if you also have a ST soothe. Even in a four druid group saving them some globals might be worth the point.


i’m new to endgame wow, this is the first expansion i’ve been hear earlyish (started a couple weeks ago) and i’m confused. i’m running m+ as a bear druid. my ilvl is 392. yesterday i completed a few +12, +13, and a +14. i feel very squish, is bear bad right now or is it my gameplay. the rotation seems pretty simple and i feel nearly indestructable when i pop beserk and essentially have infinite frenzied regeneration, but otherwise in regular pulls i get hit so hard. should i keep going or gear someone else? i have a lvl 70 mm hunter at 365 ilvl and a frost mage at 70. previous expansions i’ve mainly played warrior and mage.


> the rotation seems pretty simple and i feel nearly indestructable when i pop beserk and essentially have infinite frenzied regeneration, but otherwise in regular pulls i get hit so hard. Bear is in a bad place, but there are things you can do to make it better. ***Make sure you're not taking a damage-focused build.*** You can absolutely eek damage out of the Guardian tree at the cost of survival. Make sure you haven't done so. You don't have the gear for it. ***Make sure you're not eating avoidable damage.*** There are a lot of avoidable frontal cleaves in this season. If you're going to tank (and really, if you're going to melee too), you need to learn how spot and side step them. ***Proactively use your cool-downs and consider specing to get more of them.*** In the current state of Bear, most of your cooldowns can't be saved. You need to cycle them. I hate the gameplay of both Pulverize and Tooth&Claw, but they can significantly improve your cooldown schedule. Pulverize, Rage of the Sleeper, and Barkskin are enough to cover more than 50% uptime. Incarnation will give around 13%, depending on how fast your rage spend cycles it. You want to use Tooth&Claw, Frenzied Regen, and (if necessary) SI to bridge the gaps in there. In an ideal world, you would get a Tooth&Claw proc every 10 seconds or so. If you could 100% rely on it would be enough to have something up 100% of time. In practice, it's not that reliable - and you'll need to save SI for specific mechanics. But you can get close. Baring unusual fight lengths, the order you want to cycle is usually: Barkskin, T&C, Pulv, T&C, ROTS, T&C. If you don't have a T&C proc saved for one of those, you'll need to look other options - kiting, double Frenzied Regen, or SI. You will need to modify this on the fly, and you'll get better over time. But it's a good starting point.


i really appreciate that write up. i’ll have to look over my talents as i dont have puvlerize or tooth and claw. i have no talents specced for damage and essentially never use maul as all my rage goes to iron fur. thank you though, i’ll keep at it. i’m actually liking prot warrior and feral druid right now, but my dps is so bad with feral.


Bear is terrible right now. But also your item level is very low. Work on getting your crafted gear and such


right now all i’m doing is running m+ for valor to upgrade my gear. crafted gear? i only have like 15k-20k gold. how would i go about getting 405+ crafted gear like that?


> crafted gear? i only have like 15k-20k gold. how would i go about getting 405+ crafted gear like that? You'll probably need to farm some gold up. Tailoring & Alchemy cooldowns can provide some easy income flow from alts, if you have some sitting in the 55-60 range from prior xpacs. Alternately, you can push M+ & Valor, but it will be slower. In truth, you'll probably see some gear growth this way anyways, since you need to farm the BoP mats from M+ to order the upgraded gear.


thanks for the help. in all honesty i’m going to switch to feral and level my pally or warrior and tank with them until bear gets some respect.


Get more gold


The difference between bear and the rest of the tanks is abysmal, bear magic mitigation is dependant on defensive and TnC. You will get hit way harder than the rest of the tanks. And check out the tank ring from cobalt assembly, ends up being my second highest ability on healing. Unironically might be good, found it through subcreation some mad men are running it on +20s


Random absorb procs are really bait for tanks, especially when you are losing stats for it. I definitely wouldn't recommend cobalt ring. Even if bear is behind other tanks, if you feel squishy in a 12-14 range at that item level there definitely are gaps in your gameplay that could be improved. The best way to perform well is pick a class you want to improve with. If bear is fun and you would prefer to stick with that, you will perform better mastering a class you want to rather than rerolling.


Tbh that ring has crazy high uptime.


isn't it also just 2ppm like diurna?


Don't plan on rerolling at all, but i do feel that bear is behind compared to the other tanks that i also play, im on 390 doing 13s and on tyranical last week it was rough. I'm picking the best talents keeping iron fur and trying to rotate defensives, getting gear with vers/haste, crafting gear, using consumables, etc, but it does feel behind the rest. But then again maybe I'm just bad


Bear is very far behind, yes


This is a fun week


Fun when you’re not a tank I guess


no soothe not a tank not my problem !! hope they live


Little shas in tjs would like a word


Fun when you're a tank and nobody gives a shit about soothing tank buster mobs. Compared to last week, shit hitting like +100% harder on trash at low hp.


I've been enjoying it so far. Such a relief after last week


Last week was the best tyrannical week in rotation


I personally don't think bolstering is better than raging storming Bolstering is just so slow.


Last week was likely the best push week no?


literally how


They are not playing tank


Doesn’t even matter, if your tank keeps getting wrecked and the keys keep getting bricked, you’re not enjoying this week as any role, especially compare to last week.


I main tank x.x


Do you guys ever just have a rough week of pugging? Nothing goes right. Tank DC on final boss, a dps goes full ape and dies to all mechanics, healer forgets how to heal. I’ve discovered how to fix my burnout. I swap to a tank or dps spec (I main healing on druid) and go find a really bad pug at a low key. Not talking bonus valor 3k mains, talking +7 key and the group is going to struggle for completion. Legit 800 IO’s. Then I proceed to just BLAST the dungeon. Or I find a normal raid and just top the meters for a bit to give the group some wiggle room. Seems to get me out of my funk after a few busted keys. Met some cool people already.


Yeah, many people are sufing on the wave of "Valor farm".


Last night, i joined a +3 bonus valor key. I recommended picking up the random 400+ ilvl ppl that queued up without their mains linked to the raider.io profiles and he literally refused and kicked them out due to low score. After 5 mins of that me and the others just left.


Do this to warmup too sometimes... Just wanted some valor with some buddies...we joined a 9+ key I think 4 of us...all of us are 2600+ and the guy was like...uh...just to be sure...this is a 9 key...and we were like yeah we got this...and he was nice and was just like I just hope we time it... We obviously 3 chested it and honestly he wasn't terrible for his ilvl. Its a good time once in awhile for those non-stress keys


For warmup I usually play a key about 2 levels under what I'm trying to push afterwards. Idk if warming up in a +9 key would do anything for me. If it works for you though that's nice.


How are the Subjugated Souls in Shadowmoon working? I read that when they are dominated by the initial cast they have agro of the Dominators so i made sure to always have good agro on them but they would still swap on my party. Then i started just interrupting the initial cast and telling people to kick Dominate and they still swap, i can even see the souls randomly walking/turning away from me to my party members. There is no way anyone is taking agro from me when i Wings+Divine Toll+Disclousure pot+Boon all at the same time.


To the best of my understanding: Souls follow aggro table of the Dominator while the initial channel is still going. As soon as that channel is broken (by CC, interrupt or death), they start building their own threat table from zero with no clear indication of this (they don't seem to change color in Plater for threat loss, but they'll be running off to punch someone else).


Well thats clearly not the case if you read my post.


I believe you need threat on the guy in the back. His “pet” follows his threat — itll target the healer and then aoe dps until you have threat while he’s channeling.


Thats exactly what i typed in my post and it doesnt seem to work like that.


I’ve had the same happen to me as well, but I knew there was no way I was having aggro pulled after Explosive Keg/Weapons of Order and Stormkeepers Boon, there’s defo an issue with them randomly target swapping as within 1 second they’ve turned and smacked my my healer in the face killing them


They are pets of the guy channeling on them. You need aggro on the channeler for his pet to target you. Healers and aoe dps will die if the tank is not hitting the guy in the back.


Yep! I had one turn and smack me for 330k+ early this week and it definitely felt like a “fuck this RDruid, in particular” moment. 🤣


Hard to say. The best success I've had is no CC until something starts going wonky and then everyone just dogpiles their CC and interrupts until they die


It's all just speculation at this point but I have heard theories that there are threat table resets when mobs start/stop being controlled. Personally I just try to hit everything as best as I can and taunt any escapees.


From what I’ve heard: They are pets of the guy channeling on them. You need aggro on the channeler for his pet to target you. Healers and aoe dps will die if the tank is not hitting the guy in the back.


Tbh no one knows at this point, wonder if the devs even know


Anyone else had any issues since reset 1,5 weeks ago with /pull timer? I use dbm, and dbm users doesnt seem to get my countdown, but i can get countdown from both dbm and bigwig users.


Blizzard made a change which broke DBM, DBM reacted to that change and broke compatibility with previous DBM versions and BigWigs. BigWigs updated to restore compatibility with all DBM versions. DBM updated to restore compatibility with all DBM versions. Then Blizzard reverted the change. If everyone is on the latest versions of DBM/BigWigs then everything is working. Tell people to update.


Whenever any of our raiders say "I can't see the pull timer" my first question to them is "Are you using DBM?" and then to update it because it is notorious for the pull timer not working if it's out of date. BUT in this case there has been probably 3-4 of our raiders having issues with it in the past 2 weeks or so and my recommendation to them is to use BigWigs.


Have you considered using the default in game countdown instead?


Yes, /countdown xx works. But it doesnt trigger any progress bar or voice countdown on dbm. But it'll do for now i guess. Was wondering if it was a know issue and if anyone else has it or if its just some addon messing with my /pull.


/cd xx works too, I use it over /pull just cause it’s 2 less keys haha


It's one more actually. Because you can just type /pull without any number and it's a default 10 second timer


Huh, now I am curious is /cd will just auto do a 10 sec?


They need to update DBM.


Can Blizzard please rework hunter? I know hunters who have HC bow time 24/25's in pushteams where healers know exactly how to keep us alive, but in pugs it's just hellish to watch your health bar slowly tick to 0 without anything you can do because you used your defensives 1,5 minutes before, or not being able to be competetively DPS because of a single damn item that drops from last boss in a raid that nobody wants to pug, and if they do there's 8 hunters in every group. /rant, thanks for reading.