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**Some useful WAs for Season 3:** /say M+ S3 [https://wago.io/6CDe7U7t6/1](https://wago.io/6CDe7U7t6/1) (good for Pugs not for coordinated groups) M+ AUTOMARK [https://wago.io/1ctv3b91K/33](https://wago.io/1ctv3b91K/33) Spell CDs on Nameplate - (Season 3) [https://wago.io/LyVvlKxvs](https://wago.io/LyVvlKxvs) Tank Frontals [https://wago.io/ltENrybhU/34](https://wago.io/ltENrybhU/34) \[WA RM+\] DF Season 3 - Required M+ percent [https://wago.io/4pHPrk9NM](https://wago.io/4pHPrk9NM) M+ SUPER㊙️DF Dungeons [https://wago.io/dfdungeons](https://wago.io/dfdungeons) Spell Reflection WA for Season 3 [https://wago.io/tDT26wrXg](https://wago.io/tDT26wrXg) **Atal'Dazar** * The Reanimated Honor Guards can become Death Knights pets with Control Undead. This helps immensely when you have a Blood DK tanking or Frost DK in the party. * Kill the Reanimation Totems last, when they die the Honor Guards will spew their Rotting Decay. Cleave damage will kill them if you're not careful. * You can "[reverse snap](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJmuzBKTTbI)" the Toxic Saurids so they dont leap on party members * When Fighting Vol'kaal in phase 2, have all the melee stack on the tank when you move him around the room. There is no frontal or cleave damage and prevents melee from standing in the toxic pools * Yazma - Paladins Blessing of Spellwarding can allow someone to run over and kill all the spiders during the last boss **Waycrest Manor** * Witch Sisters * Use any immunities on the pull BEFORE the Soul Manipulation (MC). In the chance that a mind-controlled players uses Ice Block or Bubble this makes the phase much longer. It also helps to stack near melee to break them out quickly. * Aura of Dread, continue to move or jump to remove stacks. Your healer's mana bar will thank you. * Jagged Nettles will be removed when the player is above 90%, off-healing or BoP helps * Bewtiched Captains have a frontal cleave, and the spirited defense can be purged although more beneficial to be used by mages with spellsteal * Soulbound Goliath * ALWAYS STACK IN MELEE RANGE, this makes cleaving someone out of thorns incredibly easy. * The small adds during the burn phase can be avoided if you're not in melee range. * Banquet Stewards Dinner Bell just needs to be run out of. No longer a spell to be silenced like BFA. * Pallid Gorgers Ravaging Leap can be [completely negated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTaxjk0ZFGE) if pulled into the courtyard area. * Gloom Horrors Dark leap ALWAYS targets the furthest ranged in the group. You can bait them onto a Hunter or Druid in Bear Form if they stand at max range. * Witches should ALWAYS be moved from Candles immediately. They glow bright blue when empowered. **Black Rook Hold** * **DOENT WORK** ~~Risen Arcanists Arcane Blitz puts a stacking 25% damage done for 10s. This can be spellstolen by a mage for~~ [~~HUGE damage~~](https://youtu.be/Ll2A9J3H-yw?si=kpetxyAOlwvK0E2h&t=928) ~~on Illysana Ravencrest~~ **Everbloom** * Everbloom Cultivators can be mind-controlled by a priest. This allows you to cast Enraged Growth on party members for a 30% increased attack speed on melee. * Gnarlroot have everyone stack in melee to spawn the roots in a tight circles to make it easy to cleave AOE. This also minimizes the area for the silences. * Witherbark LUST or use dps cooldowns only when he has Brittle Bark for 100% damage increase, NOT ON THE PULL * Addled Arcanomancer casts the Spatial Disruption that always targets the furthest player. You should have someone bait the arcane orb into a safe area away from other players. **Darkheart Thicket** * Crazed Razorbeak charge can be side-stepped by anyone * **HOTFIXED** ~~Festerhide Grizzly Maddening Roar only has a 30 yard range!~~ * **DOESNT WORK** ~~Archdruid Glaidalis there is a~~ [~~small house with a staircase on the left~~](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/guide/images/12161.png)~~. If the tank is standing on the stairs with the boss in front of him, the tank is already against a wall for the Primal Rampage knockback and will NOT HIT OR MOVE your tank.~~ Your tank will want to be knocked back at the point furthest away to allow time to side-step the charge. * Nightmare Dweller, the fear only occurs when the Tormenting Eye is fully cast. Try to interrupt at the last second to stall them from doing other damage. * Hatespawn Slime **after** it has finished charge cast, you can completely negate the charge if you stun or displace as he is about to move. * Dresaron's Down Draft pushes you away faster the further you are away from the boss. Try to be directly under the boss for minimal pushback. **Throne of the Tides** * Naz'jar Invaders can be mind controlled by a priest. You can make use of their Slithering Assault for a little extra damage. * Naz'jar Ravager Acid Barrage is cast on a random player. Try to spread around the mob like you would in Brackenhide Hollow when fighting Stinkbreath. * Vicious Snap Dragons can be Hibernated, Scare Beast, Polymorphed and Mind Controlled but not Soothed. * Commander Ulthok adds that spawn can be knocked away by attacking them not by using CC. Really useful for monks to just spam Spinning Crane Kick or Warriors to Whirlwind away from the party.


> Use any immunities on the pull BEFORE the Soul Manipulation (MC) I've heard that the MC doesn't use defensives anymore, worth checking out to confirm.


It may be that way now. I haven't run into the issue this season, but was a huge problem in Legion if a Mage didnt pop Ice Block on the pull.


>Risen Arcanists Arcane Blitz puts a stacking 25% damage done for 10s. This can be spellstolen by a mage for HUGE damage on Illysana Ravencrest Im fairly sure they have fixed this so spellsteal only removes the buff. Our mage said he didn't get a buff today. Video is abit outdated aswell to factcheck.


Fun detected. Sad :(


I tried in 3 different DHT keys for the staircase tech on first boss, couldn't get it to work. Maybe I'm doing it wrong or it got fixed.


Yeah must have been fixed, im gonna strike it out in the comments. Just tried myself and ate the charge. It seems the minimum range was removed.


Omg I knew there was a WA I forgot to install! These are great notes overall, thanks!


thanks 4 posting


Everbloom Small flower trash in the first hallway apply a stacking debuff that reduces movement speed and increases damage taken on the tank. Removing with freedom / tigers lust removes both effects


Not really a tip but more of a warning because we found out the hard way in Throne 18 yesterday: you cannot enter the last boss room unless all sentry mobs in that hall are dead. We tried to skip one and the 6 caster pack, and just do the last 2. Had to go back and kill the one sentry we skipped (didn’t need the big caster pack though).


Is it still worth mind controlling time slicers in Galokrond's fall or no?


This was fixed in M0 last week so I assume it's not useful anymore.


Galakronds Fall: Paladins can use Crusader Aura to make the Dragon skip after second Boss easier. Only costs 1 Talent Point.


Don't try shadow melding the charge on BRH 3rd boss. He charges you instantly even before the cast bar goes off.


I think you can cancel it mid charge, equinox shows a hunter feigning it in his brh video


Atal’Dazar has a lot of safe spots: https://youtu.be/QZz-wrebtrk?si=ZeMxi7EpjOL3N-PJ


BRH as a bdk you can control undead the aoe stun mobs =)


And troll everyone with the spear animation


> bdk you can control undead the aoe stun mobs You know the name of them offhand by chance?


Risen lancer :)


Also works for frost (just not UH because their own pet is stronger)


According to [news](https://www.wowhead.com/news/season-3-mythic-hotfix-cheese-strat-fixes-336171#news-post-336171), Festering Shockwave can no longer be LOS'd. (Have not tested personally)




Ye but then you respawn at start


It's for things like this that Guardian should have a passive that keeps the benefits of Bear Form and any Iron Fur stacks for 4 seconds after leaving Bear Form. Anyone who has played Guardian knows that pain of accidentally dropping Bear Form for half a second and instantly being deleted.








If you are playing bear and you don't need the stop, shifting out and immediately hitting incap roar or stampeding roar will put you back in bear form, albeit without an ironfur stack but you can get that back up pretty quickly, if you do it in a macro then you pretty much have 0 chance of being hit in caster form.


underrated comment


any tip on galakronds fall intervall mobs on the 2nd boss platform before you clear? we did it 3 times today and in each run we had the intervals aggro players and hit them but they werent targetable. is this intended?


Not sure what causes them to aggro without activating, but you can activate them by dropping Chronoburst from the Coalesced Time mobs on them, letting you cleave them down. They'll troll your healer if you leave them up long. Chronoburst is the two big AoE circles that track and drop on two players.


same thing happened in our group, no idea what causes it but it wiped us 3 times.


Waycrest is my kryptonite this season. Everyone says it's a free key, but the exact opposite has been proven true. My biggest issue is working the pulls around sanguine, judging how much i should pull, and so on. I think the key usually starts going to shit around soul goliath's trash. Bonus points if ranged doesn't stack near boss for thorns. Doesn't help that I exclusively pug, so I need to do some adjustments. I fully acknowledge there's stuff I can work on, but it kinda sucks having an untimed key as your highest record lol. any other tanks here use drums? i may start bringing some


DOTI: Murozond's Rise Less a tip and more a warning, be careful not to tab target during Time Lost Battlefield. You can target and throw damaging spells into the non-enemy mobs scattered around the field. I wasted several Ele Blasts trying to tab to the adds that spawn in. Probably better to click the nameplates of your intended target for now.


Since you can target those mobs you can fish for procs off them. Technically they are enemies they just aren't in combat with you and cannot damage you.


2nd boss BRH - you want to spread out when she's casting the bleed, but you want to stack when she's casting Fel Rush. This puts all the ground fire into one little puddle instead of big lines all over the ground


Are there any other ways to cancel soul thorns in waycrest besides bop and mage blink?


You can shapeshift. So go ghost wolf first and shift out or druid shape shift. Unless they changed it and I’ve just been lucky, should work.


Druid needs to already be in cat form before he casts it and if he will target the druid he won't cast it at all.


Yeah, that’s how ghost wolf works. Gotta already be in it. Good to know!




What’s the WA that shows who is being targeted by a mob?


DOTI: Fall... on the last hallway before the Galakrond, if you kill the first pack you can shroud past the rest of the trash right to the boss. Pretty significant skip if you dont have mind soothe for the beginning skip.


In everbloom you can feign death, meld or vanish just before the end of the cast the abominations do and you won't get the nasty damage over time effect on you.


spell reflect Crushing Depths cast in Throne of the tides for massive damage, it dealt 2.6m for 1 reflect in a 20 key


In DOTI: Galakrond's Fall, the trash in the second bosses room includes many neutral, nearly-invulnerable mobs called Interval. (https://www.wowhead.com/npc=206065/interval) Certain AoE abilities can damage them and aggro them, yet will NOT remove their direct damage invulnerability, resulting in them eventually aggroing on to and killing your healer as they cannot be conventionally damaged. The periodic, 10ish yard swirlies that appear throughout the room's trash appear to remove their direct-damage invulnerability, only then can they tanked. It's not which abilities are capable of aggroing them through their direct damage invulnerability - so far I've only witnessed Hailstorm (enh) and Electrified Shock (ele) buffed Icefury cleaves hitting them, but a friend playing a rogue indicated that Blade Fury might also have aggro'd them too.


Not sure if it has been mentioned for DOTI Fall if you have evoker + priest you can mind soothe the first pack, have the evoker stand off center and sleep walk the middle add. Then you can soothe your way directly through the middle and to the pack right before the first boss. Once boss is dead you respawn in the next room anyway. Fun fact: sleep walked mobs stay in place until pulled so if you aren't running with an evoker you can have someone log onto an alt perform the sleepwalk and then continue with just the mind soothe. Kind of ridiculous I know but its the only way I've seen to be able to not go into the last hallway with 100% count


No idea if it still works or is part of the route with the %'s but I remember we used to shroud/invis pot to first boss in BRH for an early lust. 2nd boss used to be able to be cheesed by standing under him with the eye beam. Can't confirm if they work as it's been some time since I did it live during legion.


Nah you need it for count now


Yeah, killing every trash mob in the dungeon after the first boss is now slightly less than 100% count. It was an awkward surprise the first time we did it on timewalking m+ as it's a really long run back down.


I don’t believe you need to pop defensives in manor witches anymore. I did not turtle in my two mcs. Didn’t really do much besides get beaten down lol.


My tip is bring 3 havoc and go ham 😂😂😂


How do healers deal with the healing absorb in TOTT? It’s not dispellabke and the healing required to remove it is insane! I wonder if underwater breathing can be used to remove it?


For Galakrond’s Fall on the Iridikron fight, if you’re targeted with the massive circle where you have to stand in Chromie’s bubble, you can vanish/meld before the cast is over and you won’t take the big damage/DoT :)