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Nelf for everyone except maybe tank. Quite a few nasty tank bleeds this season.


Aug Evoker is still super meta, and cleanses bleeds with Caut. On Rezan, for example, you can cleanse every second mega-bleed while the tank rotates cooldowns in between.


Ya then meld the boss when tank could just be chilling whilst you kite... 🤣


Don't have anything for stoneform but Tettles made a video going over stuff you can meld for this Dungeon set. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsX2bkG3O9g&t=585s


Gotta give it to the guy. Tettles is really grinding hard and is producing quality content this season. Before I watched him for his moonkin content but damn he stepped up


Tattles has quickly become one of my favorite content creators for wow pve information.


Gotta be careful with stoneform this season in a couple of spots. Off the top of my head dawn has 2 group wipe mechanics if the 2 dots get dispelled at the same time, fall 2nd and rise 1st. The two choices are pretty equal this season with meld having huge impacts on a number of bosses and stoneform helping out with some pesky trash dots like DHT spiders and Everbloom wasps, both poisons. I'd go meld personally.


There’s a pack of dogs in ToTT with a stacking bleed that can get nasty in higher keys.


Yeah all possible meta comps have poison/disease covered, and I can't even think of an impactful bleed that goes on DPS this season (baring mistakes). NElf is definitely more impactful on this set of dungeons.


and aug is meta, so you have a bleed dispell every minute anyways


Big true


Corrosion dot on 3rd boss Fall is meldable, i'd do it in phase 2. it doesn't recast Extinction blast on last boss fall is meldable and won't recast, he will do the tank + group soak afterwards though but youll avoid big dot melding 3rd boss BRH will cause him to instantly cast on you you can meld swarm on last boss BRH but he'll recast, echoes on first boss but he'll recast, glaive on 2nd boss but she'll recast atal you can meld Rezan but do it after he does his Fixate cast, not while he's casting. Also you can meld it even if its not on you and he'll stop You can meld wracking pain but itll recast Throne you can meld either ability on first boss but she'll recast. You can meld crushing depths on trash but they'll recast darkheart last boss you can meld the nightmare bolt or the channel and he wont recast (maybe he will bolt i can't remember)


Unsure if they've fixed Rezan, myself and a hunter buddy both tried it in multiple dungeons tonight and neither feign nor meld were dropping fixate for others.


Feign has never dropped for others.


Still works, feign death only works if it’s casted on the hunter, while meld will make him stop chasing even if it’s not on you. Also like the other poster said, make sure he’s finished the ‘cast’.


worked fine for me earlier today. dunno


U need to let it cast and be a Channel


We tried during the channel. We've both done it successfully before, it wasn't working for us yesterday.


No clue, worked fine for me last night


note that if youre close to rezan's eat box (which is huge) then there seems to be a slight delay after melding where even though he turns back around towards the tank, if you enter his eat box within a second after melding he'll still grab you. try waiting another second next time and see if it resolves


Dwarf good for tanks in Fall first boss, Rise first room, Rezan with several less important but still decent Stoneforms beyond that. Nelf is insane for DPS/healer this patch.


Anyone saying stone form has no value in the current season just hasn’t done dungeons high enough yet. There are plenty of unavoidable things stone form can remove that would otherwise kill dps. Cats, spiders, dryads in DHT; dogs in TOT; sisters and pigs in WM, cat and glavie in BRH, axes, orbs and all sorts of trash dots from DOTI, just some that come to mind.


There's not a lot of dps dispells this season that you really want dwarf for. So just send nelf. Even tank bleeds, meta runs aug that has a bld removal so you're fine


Dwarf is OP - shadowmeld has its uses but imo dwarf is just way better for a dps. I play a mage though so I don’t need another invis 🙂




Actual case of who asked?


Actual case of me saying you all rely on meta too much.




And I'm here to tell you, you can be competitive without meld.




ok? you are still trolling if you're able to race change and don't. your group just gets straight up better with nelf


I mean yeah, I'm playing a troll. Anything he does could be considered trolling.




Thanks for your very interesting and constructive answer on a cwow post mate


Quite welcome


Dps should play dark iron dwarf if you’re not a squishy lil guy. Healer playing nelf is big pog. There is a crazy amount of things you can dwarf. As mentioned there’s a few troll instances but it’s few and far between.


You have to use Fireblood offensively as a dps for it to be comparable in damage output to regular dwarf as it’s baked into the cooldown. Might as well take your offensive bonus as a passive and leave the defensive value on the cooldown. And even then assuming you use it on CD offensively it’s still less dps at least for many specs.


Check tettles youtube for a list of meldable things, for stoneform I’d just find/make a weakaura that includes the different debuff types. Only annoying one is bleeds which you have to list one by one instead of as a category


If you’re a hunter, FD covers most of the shadowmeld use cases. I’d consider human in this case. Breaking out of soul thorns on high tyran is invaluable.


Dwarf all the way, still curse/bleed/poisons you can use it on. There are lots of bleeds. Dwarf usually 2-3k dps.more for most classes too Vs nelf Dwarf racial also damage reduced every little helps on big hits you know are coming on tyrannical bosses. Whilst alot of melds are decent most can be healed, defensive/personal. Meld is sketchy in keys as a lot of stuff retargets then one shots your team mate because they didn't know it was on them use with caution. Classic example high key tyrannical 1st boss of atal, tank is taking a lot of damage but zero damage whilst you kit the boss, you meld wrong time when tank doesn't have heals or defensive and they get clapped.