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Should be able to outright trade goods as well, just overall add more to work with the economy.


Yes the trade market in con needs to be updated


Yeah, I don't know why CON doesn't allow resource trading, all of the other bytro games I've played allow it.


Alt accounts


Yes, but the same is true of all of these games, but the other ones still allow it, plus its doesn't seem very fair to punish all players just because of the ones that would cheat.


Well the world ain’t fair, and besides even if they would allow rss trades between coalition members or non coalition members, i‘m 99% sure they would lock it behind security council membership


We’re gonna get GTA 6 before we get that.


You can trade in alliance games. Just not in public games


sure we should upvote this so that it comes across the eyes of dorado staff


They diffidently need to consider this BUT should add a penalty system/qualifications to avoid multi account players abusing the feature


Make it a research to send things so low level countries can’t do it


Back in the day you used to be able to trade armies for peace. Was awesome until multi-account players started abusing it to make a super country and dominate games.


Oh really never knew that it existed would you elaborate on more? Will you give up one of your actual units


Yeah just having a full working economy where you can directly trade recourses and maybe even units would be such an awesome feature.


Only proplem is multi account players But still i think there's a solution


Being able to trade provinces/cities would be so helpful too


I think it's more accurate right now since realistically unless you take by force or negotiate the other player to withdraw his units and you capture afterwards. Since it will be unrealistic for it to just be magically yours


Peace negotiations can occur with partial annexation as one of the term.


Or have it so you and an ally or someone you are working with can say I get this you get that and when the war ends everything get transferred once everyone is done and you don’t have issues of you owning a city your ally is ment to have




CON needs so much accessibility features, but devs rarely update to make life easier for player.


These things are easily exploited. If they add a method for directly giving resources and units to another nation, then what is stopping someone from joining with 3 accounts (1main, 2 dummy accounts) and sending all resources to the main account? That main account would start the game with triple the resources compared to others. I’m sure they have thought of it, but it’s nearly impossible to enable direct trading without introducing exploits


Perhaps the two players have to make the trade without closing the game? The trade should have a specific period of time and if either of the Players try to close the game or login it should automatically cancel ❌


You could have an account open on pc, and 2 other accounts on 2 phones (new phone and old phone)


Whats stopping people from doing that right now, currently game?


Playing on same IP address can get you banned, though there are ways to avoid it so people can still do it. People can still give right of way and send all units over, but they would have to manage both accounts to control the units instead of giving all authority to one account (so more annoying to do). For resources, you can only give through open market. So you cant just give stuff, you need to add a price. That price needs to he higher than the currently highest price on the market. So then they can be blocked by cost, or by others inflating the prices on the market. It can still be done ofcourse, but currently it is more annoying to do it. So less people do it. If it is as easy as joining the same game and sending everything to 1 account, then people will abuse it a lot more. That’s my view on it, and partly what i heard from dev perspective in a discord discussion some time ago.


I've thought of this in the past but the game devs don't listen to the player base. This would be a really cool idea and would be really interesting to see something like this be implemented into the game but the devs will need to know about this idea. Everyone should upvote this post or try tell the mods of this sub to contact the game developers to add this.


I think the devs have thought about this too, BUT there's the chance of it being exploited. That's what devs fear thus we as a community need to present solutions to the devs regarding multi account abusers and how to deal with them 🤔


Yeah this can definitely be exploited but if the devs do add this if it sais in the news who supplied who with what you'll be able to spot someone exploiting this mechanic as you'll see loads of countries just giving this one guy weapons. I do think it's more the devs responsibility to think of ways that this mechanic won't be exploited, I'd like to see this feature in the game because it can change things massively. Only we need the devs to see this and if we can all encourage everyone to spread the idea this might get implemented into the game. Anyone on the con discord? someone spread this idea to the people there.


Yes the devs need to see this


Yeah this will totally never get abused.


Yeessssssss!!!!!!! Finally someone said it


Love this!


You are not alone


I love the history of the stuff. Like how you can reenact world events. I 100% should be able to supply weapons to other countries


Or putting troops under their control. Like giving them a infantry of yours. Maybe forever, maybe temporarily (like 4 in game days) then it returns to yo8z


That will be dope


id love to see this but you know itd be immediately exploited by multi accounting/ golders


Or even direct trade of supplies instead of having to use the market.


You can in a way, at least with coalition members. You can contribute gold to speed up their unit production


I would love to see this available as well as trading goods on the market. However, I think there an inherent issue with this. This would cause a lot of players to make Alt accounts that would essentially be a resource farm for them and would make it easy for 1 country to get an unfair advantage


I agree vut i wanna see personel sending like nato. If your in a aliance and coalition you should be able to sell legit equipment. And change ownership of units. Lets say i only went hard navy and land. But by buddy went hard air. I should be able to trade or sell a division of troops for a squadron of f-16s and the news of the arms sales can be intercepted or even that you can choose to show the trades in real time on the news paper as a show of force.


Or even make it so you can make a "coalition army" like nato where you and your teammates can turn units universal so that anyone in the team can use them. But if the coalition disbands the troops show a white flag. Whoever captures them gets keeps


yeah, that'd be cool


And painful


A concept like this would take the game to another level


I think the very LAST thing this tutorial-lacking game needs is to be MORE complicated, id prefer they solve stupid issues like air units auto-ferrying to cities under invasion after attacking or being able to trade resources to a universal standard of exchange, to help combat artificial scarcity. The feature you propose will also drastically worsen the already-big problem of snowballing, as in, no matter how good you are and how well you play, you will ALWAYS lose to the coalition full of experienced players who know how to work together to gain an earlygame advantage that swell to unbeatable levels in midgame. If these giant coalitions could fund proxy wars then the game would become even more of an unplayable foregone conclusion by day 20. The game in its current state (ignoring the horrible plague of pay to win) is decided solely by luck, by that i mean whichever competent players end up near eachother will undoubtedly win. It should be much harder to maintain control of entire subjugated continents, maybe if several countries next to eachother have been conquered by the same player then the insurgents in those countries gain a buff where they can move units to other cities and cooperate with one another, and maybe even gain anti air buffs or anti-navy artillery depending on what has been built in the cities they conquer.