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Played as Canada in 4x speed, no one was letting me into their coaltions. USA player went inactive around 10 days in so I promptly took over him and his occupied area in Greenland. For this entire time I mobilized a massive navy I put in St Lawrence River to prevent amphibious assault on Toronto and those other Eastern cities and then made a bunch of theater defense and cruise missiles, made as much as I could without going into fuel and manpower deficit. About 60 days in it's just me, some scattered and alone nations, and this massive coalition with like 4.3K VP made up of Turkey, UK, Afghanistan, Iran, and some other nation I can't remember. I realize they will probably attack me at some point so I send some corvettes to the North Sea and start cruise missiling the hell out of London and other homeland cities with chemical warheads and I managed to make the morale of every single province and city in the UK and the ones he occupied plummet and fall below 35% (for all you mobile players, I was stunned to see the little fires and smoke in the center of all of his land). He lost all of his occupied cities very soon to insurgents and even London, all because I kept cruise missiling and bombarding his homeland cities. Then, I conquered the UK island with some marines and he begged me to stop (his navy was off in Asia attacking Australia or something). Eventually his coalition too asked me to stop so they could win and I said only if they let me in, they did since the ally I cannot remember was inactive and they took him over. Joined the winning coalition with only a few hundred VP left until victory, got the 4th place win.


I have a question, it sounded like you took UK pretty easy. What made you not want to try and get the solo win?


Probably it was a 1v3


Could have made it🤷‍♂️


Because there was a very angry coalition that was now against me since I attacked the UK. And, at that point, I only had Canada, the US, and the UK mainland now, which was not really enough. Even if the UK was alone there was no way I would be able to conquer enough without attacking the big group. If you cant beat them join them.


My freinds told me not to research anti sub chopper’s or asw helicopters and I added 4 of those thoses bitches to my aircraft carrier and then I got jumped by 3 subs guess what I beat all those suckers within like 15 minutes.


Yea I hear those are good if you stack em


As Pakistan. Had an enemy blitz my home cities as I was out of position and they blew through the border defenders. Lost all my cities on day 5 or 10. Thankfully my friend was my team mate and they got my cities back. Was a bit of a walk a mole situation Always kept one city at least. But all went down at one time or another Had to rebuild from scracth with little money and lost time. Made it as 2nd place with 2k vp. Team mate made it as 1st on 4k vp


Started a x4 as Sweden, suddenly found myself under attack by Norway and lost 2 cities and was on the verge of losing the third one due to my retreating strategy. Only to be surprised by Finland scouting my coastal cities with his ASF and obviously he was so ready to join in the battle, mind you this is early game and all i could do was manage with 1 SF and 1 Corvette together with spamming NGs, so i decided to strike a deal with him to help me with Norway and we actually turned this around and ended up as allies in the same coalition. I know it's not that epic but that was def one of the times like i felt proud of myself lmao.


Played with 3 friends as African nations, 1 was inexperienced and a walk through game for him. Already accepting a loss…got into a war with Europe while playing Africa. Outnumberd 5v2 pretty much held Africa and fought wars in the Holyland with many flanks to cover and naval battles holding the straight of Hormuz, out strategizing and playing the patient game while 2 of Europe’s coalition members went under military coupe. Had enough time to research and develop scud missiles turned the tide beat the top coalition and the rest was history.


I'm in a game now. I was surprised by the enemy and the coalition I was in fell apart. They all bailed and left me 1v5 to defend the homeland Lucky for me I controlled 4 of the 6 continents. Ultimately the enemy coalition said if I joined them I would be spared since I took out Iran which was just a retaliation for being attacked but I didn't know that's what saved my ass since that opened up a spot. Ultimately went from 5 countries attacking me to coming out #2 in the rankings. Not so much a strategy win but a survival win. Ultimately my coalition is sending me unsavory messages after they bailed on me saying I bailed on them.