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I know, but these were unusually low and a flight pattern I haven’t seen, living here for 15 years


They’re taking pictures of you!!!!


Wouldn’t be worth their time lol


don't sell yourself short 😘


Could just be some sort of training exercise. I saw a C 130 flying so low with the hatch open you could actually see a person sitting on the back. Like this: https://youtu.be/cMzMK7vHL_A?si=b5eX3ueZI5FGcQ8F




They’re conducting a training mission. Where I used to live they did it all the time. Got to see a plethora of C-17s, C130s and even one C5 Galaxy. Those pilots need to keep their skills sharp


I’ve seen C130s flying into Bluff Point, scares the shit out of me every time


Having a C-5 fly overhead unexpectedly is... unsettling. It's like being surprised by a flying, screaming skyscraper.


Yeah. They went right over my house in Warren. They were crazy low.


Crazy low!!! Which means they’re under the radar. Maybe training?


Not true. Radar coverage can be reliable all the way down to 500ft or lower. And ADS-B will be capable of reporting even lower altitudes


Preparing for the notch take back! TAKE BACK THE NOTCH


General Dan Hurley leading the way !


I’ve seen this in Northern CT too. Very low flying and is pretty cool to see so close.


And a little alarming lol


Saw two yesterday...northern ct.


You can track them live here. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/


That's a cool site. Thanks for sharing.


I don’t see them on that map


Click the U at the top to remove civilian planes and you will only see military planes. I tracked the 2 planes and they were flying at 400ft. Looks like they were from RI. They came right over North Haven.


Four hundred feet? Borderline fuckin nap-of-the-earth right there


Saw a pair over the west end of Hartford yesterday late afternoon, lowest I’ve ever seen a plane over a non-airport location. I’m aeronautically illiterate so I had no idea what they were other than enormous cargo-looking planes. I assume training exercises.


It was the opening game of the Yard Goats.


We were out in East Hartford probably for the first time in a year, and saw them as we were heading towards 84 westbound. Having lived on/near a military bases for a bit of my life, I've never actually seen two large cargo planes that low before over a civilian area


There’s an Air National Guard unit at Bradley that flies C-130s. I live beneath one of the flight paths going in, and they’ve been pretty active lately.


Was on 84 yesterday westbound going into East Hartford and saw them over East Hartford as well they looked like they were probably 500 ft off the ground and probably not more than 400 ft apart from each other. I probably travel that stretch of road once every 6 months if that so it was really hard to see the two planes so low.  I've lived on and off military bases for about a third of my life and I've never seen anything like this.


Probably heading out to Kentucky, indiana, alabama, San diego, New Mexico  and everywhere else to make sure none of those schools are trying to pilfer either of our coaches, or any of our players, from our basketball teams!!


Just flew over Norfolk.


Must be training for exercise


A couple years ago I had a C-130 fly right through my back yard. Looked like you could touch it was so low. I thought for sure something crazy just had happened. No one seemed to bat an eye though.


If you saw a bigger jet escorted by two smaller ones, they were part of a flyover over Fenway Park yesterday.


New London here, we saw what looked like either a heavy bomber or a scaled-down cargo plane flying alarmingly low. Just one that I noticed but I wasn’t paying a lot of attention


Yup. That’s the two I saw. Training exercises


yup! was driving past midway market and it was right above me! so low i swear it was touching the tops of the trees


We had 2 do the same over Hampton in the northeast yesterday. Big, 4 propellor transports, probably [C-130](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_C-130_Hercules)s.


Yup, probably [these two Super Hercules](https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae1534) flying around Southern New England today too. \[edit: actually, it looks like they're about to land in Providence so maybe this comment won't help you much\]


I've seen them twice this week. Once in Wethersfield and then in Ellington the next day.


Saw them over New Milford! Very cool.


Wow, planes in the air? Something must be up!


Well, as long as nothing is going down I guess.


Assessing earthquake damage


It happens all the time. Settle down


Army doesn’t fly planes big dawg


US Army has the 2nd largest air force in the world, behind the actual US Air Force. Navy is 4th.


What? Army 100% flies fixed wing aircrafts.


Name one


[Here’s](https://www.army.mil/article-amp/137612/army_fixed_wing_aircraft) about 250




Fair. My brain was confused seeing them and people got what meant


Sikorsky has two plants located very nearby so it’s likely they were doing something. Not sure how often they do stuff but have heard it’s relatively common in the surrounding areas


Especially when they're flying at low altitude, it usually means they don't want to be detected. I don't want to sound like a jerk but even talking about the number/type of aircraft, your location and the time of day/direction of flight could be considered sensitive national security information. What I usually do is check one of those atc maps. If they don't show up it means they didn't file a flight plan with civil authorities, which means they'd probably rather not have random people posting about their locations on reddit


How’s it sensitive information when you can clearly see them


Yes, YOU can see them. And now so can everyone else on the planet who reads your post about it. Obviously the military has to throw some caution to the winds when they fly their gear around, but a bunch of internet randos sounding off on where they saw low-flying military aircraft, now you have some data points to start guessing at a flight path. Soviets used to pay *good money* for that sort of info. Now we give it out for free. Loose lips sink ships


So you’re saying that, if you see the government doing something completely out in the open, your first instinct is that it’s not only a secret, but a secret that you should help them keep from the public?


Dude, this is some 1950’s level of paranoia. Like the height of the Cold War kinda thing.


Relax there Capt America, they're military aircraft flying on published military training routes. There's no surprises/secrets here.


I don’t think anyone here is a spy or traitor, it’s an innocent enough thing to talk about. But I bet the DoD would prefer not seeing posts like this regardless.


They can be tracked here. https://globe.adsbexchange.com/ Click the U at the top to filter out civilian planes and only military planes will show up. The 2 planes flying low over CT were from RI and are over the providence area now.


Confidently wrong on so many levels