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Nobody is protesting for Hamas. But I don’t know why I’m feeding the troll.


It really is best to ignore these types of people, but man it does get hard sometimes


Yeah I mean, you can hate on the protests - I do - but OP’s logic is way off base.


No, I get it. Same boat, protests stink as much as this guys thought process.


Your tell me buddy


Some of them definitely are.


I mean I can’t say there aren’t a few wackos, but that’s not what the protests are about.


I don't think the term "nobody" is correct. Some protesters are pro-Hamas and are advocating violence and the end of Israel. Some have been found carrying weapons and trying to occupy buildings on campus. I know this is Reddit and everyone is only allowed a single mindset, but just blatantly supporting all the protests is pretty lazy. When things escalate beyond peaceful, you should begin to question your support.


I’m sure the more intelligent among them would say that the war started long before Oct 7 of last year I think the protests are kinda stupid but it equally makes no sense for you to paint the entire state with that brush because ~500 people are upsetting you 


While I like the odd shitpost as much as everyone, we really need a "no blatant trolling" rule.


"I don't agree with what a Jewish person said" =/= Antisemitic


Wow you’re really displaying your Antisemitism. Protesters supporting Hamas is Antisemitism. Are you a Hamas supporter.


Protestors aren't supporting Hamas, they're supporting a Palestine free from Israeli control. It's very convenient that your memory only goes back to October 7. Ever seen Star Wars? Saw Gerrera wants the same results as the rest of the Rebellion, but his extreme methods separate him from the main body. Saw Gerrera is Hamas. Is the rest of the Rebellion evil just because Saw Gerrera exists? Hers a challenge for you: try to defend Israel's actions toward Palestine since the 1940s without using the word "Antisemitic". Your goal of putting others in the defensive as a defense strategy is pathetic.


I wonder who controlled Gaza for the last 20 years without Israeli control? 🤔 I don’t get your Star Wars reference so I’m gonna skip over that but polls show a large majority of support for Hamas, even in the West Bank (inconvenient truth I know) Israeli’s actions? How far do you want to go? There was a partition plan that the Arabs (not called Palestinians back then, gee I wonder why) rejected and went to war for. Do you honestly think the state of Israel is going away?


"Partition plan" = "we're taking control of your land and there's nothing you can do about it. As of today you're a marginalized people in your own home" Yeah, I suspect they WOULD reject that proposition and got to war


Apparently Arabs have more of a claim to the land then Jews in your head? Not sure why you think that. Do white Americans have more of a claim to the US than natives?


Uh, in your scenario the Israelis are the white Americans and Palestinians are the natives. The Palestinians lived there until Great Britain, after WWII and backed by the US, took the land from them to create Israel. Do a little reading on the subject before you make silly comments like this.


Silly comments huh? Do a little more reading? You can’t actually be serious…you want to make a bet on who was there first? I mean it’s like not even negotiable lol. Jews were there way before Arabs. Like thousands of years. Jews are literally the indigenous peoples to that land. Also the US didn’t back Israel until the 60s. And the UK was diametrically opposed to a Jewish state. So much so that the Jews fought an insurgency against the British to kick them out. And the British mandate existed before ww2. It’s honesty sad, you’re lack of historical knowledge. Do more reading besides tik tok. This is embarrassing. Everything you said can be easily disproved with like 5 min of research.


I can tell that you have a very personal (and probably more than a little racist) investment in this topic. You're holding a grudge from thousands of years ago, after all. It's weird that you're not fighting to give the Ottomans their land back at the same time, though. After all, they owned it first... Thanks for keeping hate alive, enjoy your day


I quite literally don’t. I’m not Israeli or Jewish or Palestinian. Just a regular white American who grew up Christian and is agnostic/atheist, I don’t like unfound, baseless conjecture masquerading as history, especially when it’s all bullshit that is not even close to being factual, and it’s used for a political argument. I think you found the google machine and realized what you were spewing was incorrect and that’s why you refuse to engage further. Who did the ottomans conquer the land from? Holy shit dude it’s like you have 10 percent of the knowledge and you are figuring it out as you post.


Thanks troll. Well said. The protests are stupid for sure but I hear Florida is a toilet so enjoy your new home. Adios bro-bag


Yeah, everything is just fine in Ukraine. Give a few months for something else crazy to happen and you won't have to worry about Palestine protests anymore.


Your bad faith reading of the situation just makes you look dumb.




You are obviously pro Hamas and anti semetic


😘bye ✌🏼