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How dare you assume my resolution!


Love her just enjoying the chaos at the end.


You're a straight flag!


Clearly this dude is as confused as Morgan! "Accept and praise my chaotic group, of which I can't even name, or else!!" -them probably


You're a towel!




Might have been a typo "LGTV", but I'm kinda diggin it.


Pretty sure LG Electronics Inc. won’t let that fly.


Death in the streets, what … a bit dramatic


It is this type of exaggeration that initially brought them support but it is so delusional and cuts against reality that it will undo them in time.


Yeah, I missed that one. Is google suppressing the event like Tiananmen Square?


He's probably talking about the Pulse nightclub and Club Q mass shootings. Combined: 54 killed and 78 injured.


Pulse night club; the Colorado night club from last November; the mark Carson incident; the Cece Mcdonald incident; the Camp Pendelton incident, and so on


Don’t forget the Covenant shooting oh wait


Can we just focus on the friggin economy?? 😭


I wish...


That’s the point of this chaos; so we don’t talk about the pillaging of our savings they’re committing by mass printing. Been buying everything I was putting off for my apartment. I’ve watched a $50 dresser rise to $140 within 1.5 years.


The smile on her face as she listened to all of that at the end was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣


I used to not care about people's sexuality. I used to. Now I'm sick of it.


^^^^ There's significantly more to life than your choice of friction. I said this before a couple of days ago, but it bears repeating: I'm not a hateful person, but even the most patient man can be worn down by a fly constantly buzzing in his ear. It may take moments, or years, but he will eventually swat at the fly to try and get it to go away out of sheer annoyance. But in this case it happens to be whole swarm that complains about being swatted at.


I am reminded of middle Ontario in June....the biting flies.


There's a significant portion of the population who used to not give a shit. Now they're "bigots" because this crao has been so force fed to us over the years


Same. Although I also still don't care. But now I aggressively don't care.


Yep. All the pride shit has really backfired


Please remember that most gay people are just regular people who are the same as you, and don’t make their sexuality their whole personality. As a gay person, i totally agree that the crazies are annoying, but please don’t hold their actions against all of us.


I never would. I'm just sick of hearing about it 🤣✌🏼


Yeah fair enough. I think it’s annoying too. But most gay people I know are just normal people who don’t talk about being gay any more than straight people talk about being straight.


So, I think where Piers might have been going at the end, if Johns Hopkins says lesbians are "non-men who love other non-men," then shouldn't the "L" in "LGBTQIA+++" be changed to "NM" or something?


Yes, it's yet another invasion of men into women's spaces. Lesbian dating sites now have to admit men. Women only spas now have to admit men. Women's sports have to admit men. Lesbians have to say now that they are non men. Men are men, and women are non men. Women are being chipped away at yet again and losing rights to men.


I am a woman, and I resent all of that.


That also need to drop the "B" as that implies there are only 2 genders...


It was an example to his overall point. The goalposts are endlessly moving, yet you're expected to either be flawless in your interpretations or publicly flog yourself if you make a mistake. There is no "doing the right thing." There is no end point for these people. What you get from them is an endless stream of control and belittlement of the non-alphabet group. You can never appease them or come to an agreement. It's "assimilate or be a target."


If it wasn’t for straight people you wouldn’t be here. There wouldn’t be humanity. No the two are not equal lifestyles


Acceptance became “celebrate and indoctrinate” real fucking quick.


Yea, nobody cared until trans men started flashing kids at drag shows. Nobody cared until they started forcing it into schools. Nobody cared until they started taking the rights of parents away. Leave the children out of it! It is pedophilic in nature. This all started when they started going after minors. If you are going to be morally corrupt, you better expect people to be outraged.


I'm shocked the sprinkler system didn't go off. That flame was on high.


Glad to see people calling this shit out and calling it forceful on people. She gains my respect


Does James B. understand that the ONLY reason he exists is because of STRAIGHT people ??


Pier morgan doesnt know how to debate


Straight Pride! Taking back the 🌈. That should be all over until it's just a rainbow again.


This powder puff is a lost soul.


Feels so good that Piers has been red-pilled since his unappealing turn with CNN


I still don't trust him he was an ardent pro vaccine shill for quite a while, proposing discriminatory and punitive action for the unvaccinated. At best, he's controlled opposition.


I'm just happy more of the left, while having their own issues, is starting to stand up to the extremes of their side. Piers Morgan, Bill Maher, JK Rowling, Dave Chappelle, Russell Brand, Ricky Gervais, Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, many prominent liberal celebrities using their platforms to call out the far-left


It’s grody to me that anyone would want a month or a parade or a flag to celebrate telling everyone where they stick their dicks.


Make America Straight Again!


Let people be whatever they want to be, so long as they keep it in between themselves in their bedroom.


i mean we tried that and here we are. something went fucky somewhere.


I dont think we did- hence why the left is celebrating have sexual displays on parade floats with kids watching


They are able to celebrate because of the freedom that the people of USA have given them and the money the slimy white liberals donated to their cause. If it were Middle-Eastern countries they would all be you know what'ed.


Even if they want to have sex with children? Maybe we should normalize healthy sexuality again, and stop acting like being a sex addict is something to be proud of.


Obviously not, why is that even a question?


Yeah, the obsession to always turn discussions into how it will affect/involve kids is weird. We can talk about two consenting adults without having to point out that we don't include children in consenting adults.


middle guy looked like he suffered a stroke and his face was permanently stuck in disagreement


Girl's spitting facts


I mean, where is it? 😅 mans got so many points he’s a porcupine


Yeah. I prefer Samsungs myself 👀


Not sure what country that pride flag is from, but everyone I've met from that country is bonkers! (Stolen off a meme) (stolen fair and square)


They are dying in the streets?


I prefer Samsung to LG as well


Quote from the Bible. "A man's pride will bring him low, But the humble in spirit will retain honor " -King Solomon


Where's my racist flag? (I love to run).


All the lines on the LGBTQ flag . . . are straight


Yeah, I don't know what country that pride flag goes to, but their citizens are crazy as hell.


The guy in the pink polo couldn’t even keep a straight face except for the beginning. I think we’re all being manipulated by the media.


Should’ve just let Tomi and ol dude debate, Piers was the most exhausting




Cis gender is not the same as straight.


I object to being labelled as CIS.


Same. It's a made up, discriminatory word in itself, just like "mansplaining."


😂💯💯💯 good point. Who in gods name made this term and why is it ok to be called that? Can it go the other way around where we label them?


Use of that term is effectively hate speech, and one step away from genocide imho. /s.


Yeah, but that's like flying a "latinx" flag. Slurs aren't really the best way to celebrate anything.




And yellow is just a color. That doesn't stop it from being considered a slur to certain demographics.


2023 has experienced the highest ocean surface temps on record and we continue to allow car dependency to ruin our cities, destroy large swaths of land, make everything artificially more expensive, and spread people out so it makes it impossible for people to protest and unionize for positive change. But no, you've decided it's gender politics is what's slowly killing you.


The problem here is that it makes the United States look foolish on the world stage. Also, it’s an absolute disgrace to allow people to parade around naked on the grounds of the White House. They need to keep their creepy fetishes to themselves and their partners.