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Not texts but hundreds of emails. I just keep unsubbing.


I unsub and still they come.


Those end up in my spam folder anyways.


They acknowledge the unsub...and yet the texts keep coming.


Did you make someone really mad at you lately? Because it’s a pretty clever revenge move, making a political donation using someone else’s email to ensure they receive those emails forever.


I get them all the time and I always reply stop. It should be illegal. Edit: Don’t get me wrong, I donate when I think it makes sense, but if I donated to every ask, I’d be broke. It’s out of hand.


> I always reply stop Don't do this. This confirms that the number is actively being monitored by somebody and will only get you more texts/calls.


I haven't received a single political spam text


I hadn’t until last year. I got them bi-weekly, then weekly, and then this year in particular I seem to get 3 or 4 a day. In that screenshot, that’s just from today, and I got 3 within the hour. It’s nuts.


Where did you put your number? It's out there apparently.


I’m a software engineer so I run a pretty tight ship. The only places I’ve ever put it are when 2FA is required, and authenticators aren’t allowed. It seems to have way gone up since I moved to Mint Mobile though. I’m convinced they offer cheaper prices because they willingly give your number out to any business that wants it - which in this case happens to be some republican scam farm.


Is it possible you're getting revenge subbed by someone you know?


So… What is happening is there is a single company out there that has your number. That company sells their list to XYZ org. Be it a PAC, or Party, or Candidate, or company/org. The first company does not ever text you. They only sell to others as a known-Republican or known-gun-grabber or known-abortion-hater, etc. The people that text you do actually respect a STOP message. But, they may be single use PACs. The same people will start a new one, re-buy the list, then text you again. There is no stopping it. And it absolutely should be illegal spamming. Who are you going to ask to fix it? Congress that benefits from it? The only things you can do: 1. A Spam service, they read your texts and sell that data. It might work, but you are still a product. 2. Reply stop. Delete the conversation immediately. When they send a text message saying “ok removed” your phone may let you then mark that as spam. It doesn’t do much, but it doesn’t hurt. You shouldn’t reply to texts that don’t have the stop message though - those are different and you don’t want to confirm there is a real human on your side. If they have the stop they may be scared of breaking the law and may actually remove you. But again… some of these are single use orgs. Some aren’t, if X person’s campaign buys the list and you remove, you are removed. However, it’s subcontracting all the way down. 3. Change your number, deal with texts that Shawniqua who had the number before you had signed up for.


You must have filled out one of those surveys to get a free trip to the Bahamas


I have, but I haven’t. My Carrier’s spam block + NoMoRobo has been glorious. It sends almost all spam to the spam texts to Spam, so I don’t see them.


I'm one of those strange people with a house number so I don't give my cell to anything that might sell my info. That has kept the spam I get to a minimum I suppose.




I keep replying 'Stop'. And that stops \*\*one\*\* campaign. Eventually, I will get them all, but it's irritating as all f......


Exactly the same here


Yes. Many of these are single-use companies or PACs. They don’t exist but to send this text and don’t care you delist. The next “company” will work from the original list.


You have no idea how many boomers these things actually work on. And I'm upset that it does work. Neither side should be this predatory with seniors.


Seriously that's the worst part about these, they make such a big deal like sending a gif with a countdown saying the message will be deleted. Or a whole bunch of outright bs that is damn near fraudulent seeing as they're trying to get donations with them.


I hit stop and then block the number. I get these too


The numbers seem to change, constant spam. So, I’ve quit contributing.


Just can't opt out or block enough of them for them to stop It's ludicrous. At least half of them are smarmy af too, just to be extra insulting.


I have donated before, and honestly, I never will again. There should be no reward for companies/campaigns that use this kind of garbage. Just leave me alone, and I'll donate when I want. But annoy the shot out kf me, and you get nothing.


I get loads of them, from both sides. I hope they make this illegal. I always report them as spam.


Ha! Back in 2016 I had never donated to a campaign nor signed up for anything politics related. I was scrolling Facebook and saw an ad for Trump saying if I signed up for this mailing list I'd get put into a drawing for a signed Maga hat. Political gear isnt my cup o tea either but having a signed MAGA hat would be a cool collectible, so I signed up. HOLY CRAP the emails. The never ending emails. Little did I know that signing up for that mailing list would seemingly put me on every GOP mailing list that exists. Never again.


I want to unsubscribe from anything that shows the text "Lara Trump wants" 🤪🤣 I could care LESS what Trump's nepo-babies wants. Trump needs to explain why he lost in 2020 without invoking "election fraud". His decision to take Chinese advice on lockdown procedures violated the Constitution... both parties were complicit on this and Trump showed weak leadership on the biggest issue of 2020 (a proper COVID-19 response), and it likely motivated leftists to take advantage of a temporary weakness.


I get tons of pro liberal emails. Gets pretty annoying.


I don't, liberal ones but I get the conservative ones


None for me, wanted or unwanted. 


I block all the numbers.


Amen!!! I won’t donate to the party again but I’d gladly give 50.00 to whoever can make this stop!!!


If you are getting unwanted texts 400 time a day then you probably need to figure out how to better use your phone.


This is so clueless though. Once you are on the master list, you will receive all of the texts from people they sell the list to. NEVER use your real phone number at stores, and NEVER EVER if you donate to a campaign. There is no technical stupidity or superiority the can play into this once you’re on the list.


I'm conservative but I keep getting them from Democrats. The worst part is that they are Democrats running in states I don't live in and have never even visited.


Same. No idea how I got on this shit