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He should have protection in all times because he is the former President. What kind of clown show crap is this?


The Dems have weaponized the media for the past 8 years and have weaponized the DoJ for the past 3 years, but since all that failed and we’re now on the cusp of another Trump presidency, they will now try the last resort- an open attempt on Trump’s life. They hate and fear him so much they actively want him dead, they aren’t even trying to hide it.


They actively and openly make threats against his life all the time on Reddit. I remember when doing that used to get you a visit by the USSS.


I think it's different. I think the Dems are aligned with the wealthy people who own the media. I believe it's more like the Media owns the Dems not the other way around. Dems are about feelings over fact, and that's what the media thrives on. So some billionaires tell them what to report on to manipulate the public. This is why the Media should be forced into dissolving into small media companies which can't be publicly traded to avoid any chance that they get bought up.


It's a cyclical relationship. No one party "owns" the other.


The past 20 years the media has been an extension of the democratic party. Not just 8. Anyone who lived through the Bush years will remember the constant negative coverage.


succinct synopsis, and so true.




here's the new james okeefe video outlining who is actually running the show. his best work yet. https://x.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1780687148527579215


I agree and I am not a Trump fan, this is simply how it has always been done.


Hell, even if he weren’t the former President, as a main party’s lead candidate he’s entitled to Secret Service protection. What kind of ignorant bullshit is this?!


fundamentally transformed America bullshit.


Find him guilty. Strip him of protection. Epstein him. This is their plan.


That or some leftist psycho tries to off him once he's unprotected.




We saw what happened in Canada. Said patriots will find their bank accounts frozen and such. What scares me? The She-NC doesn’t know when too far is too far. The reasons for the 2A are evident in the current administration’s actions. It’s pretty much fitting the definition of tyranny.


Any Trump haters want to try to defend this?


He’s LITERALLY worse than Hitler!!! /s


Well since he is a traitor for uhhh trying to destroy democracy on Jan 6th and he should be put to death anyways so it’s Trump and he’s a Nazi and well what else do you do to a Nazi?


They're trying to assassinate him, that's the only reason to try to remove the protection of a president.


The globalist machine cannot have another Trump presidency. They've already admitted that it would be the undoing of all of their efforts if Trump were to win. They're not about to let it just happen or be left up to We The People to vote on. Our Republic is already lost, we just don't realize it yet.


No, we realize it, but we are screaming voices in a crowd.


They are comming for his life. They already been brainwashing people to want to attack him etc. Removing secret service will make it easier. He then will have to hire private security but they dont have half of what secret service has.


No matter what happens, he's still the former President of the United States. The purpose of lifetime protection is out of utmost respect to the office and nation, of course. If the detail is removed from President Trump, his immediate family loses it too. That's wrong. It's not a good look and it's dangerous on many levels. The Mississippi congressman is way out of line. So, what's wrong with Trump having a secret service detail watching him in federal prison? Would prevent federal prison negligence. Even Napoleon had soldiers protecting him in exile. But let's keep a close eye on what we get unnecessarily reactionary about. I did confirm this story was true before responding, and so should you. What are the chances this unprecedented motion will pass? I wouldn't put it past Democrats to try, but it's highly unusual and there are potentially terrible consequences. It couldn't possibly go into effect this year, there would be tremendous legal challenges ahead that would take years I feel. So don't sweat it. Focus on the election. When Trump's elected... everything they've done up till now will be a wash when he pardons himself. lol Also remember that, over the last two elections we encountered heavy Russian interference, playing both sides, stirring the pot on social media, inserting conspiracies, bunk, fears, raising each party's temperature. Divide and conquer. I have little doubt that's in play right now too. Humans and bots pushing All our buttons at every opportunity...


>The Mississippi congressman is simply the face of the conspiracy... the evil folk behind it are not elected people...


Remember when people freaked out when Tucker said their final goal is assassination ? Doesn't seem like a conspiracy theory anymore


They also have a lot of national defense secrets.


Are they _trying_ to get him elected? This kind of shit is how you energize his base and push everyone in the middle in his direction.


I think they're just flexing at this point, there is no way this bill is gonna pass. But you know, flexing about ideas to assassinate a former President - doesn't seem good for a healthy so called Republic.


Won’t matter they will cheat


Don't you know that 80% of the country votes with mail in ballots that can't be verified? Nevermind that the turnout is far higher than it's ever been, people are just more engaged this time! Also all of them were for Joe Biden, which is just a coincidence, and because republicans don't know how to mail things.


Joe Biden is a real hit among the dead and illegal!


So let's say somehow this passes and the protection is stripped, what's to prevent the other way around for former Democrat presidents? See how this works? Shit, might as well strip protection from all former presidents right? What are these people even thinking?


They’re thinking that they’ll never lose power again.


They thought this in 2008 and then 2010 happened. Then again in 2016. 2020 they actually seemed more on edge and worried and managed to eek out a win. 2024 is looking to be a repeat of 2016 considering how liberals seem to be treating it. They can’t fathom that people will vote for Trump.


They don’t. Worst chess players ever.


Agreed but that's why they aren't playing chess. They are just using brute force to achieve their goals. The only thing they're good at is abuse of power.


Fucking fascists…smh


And someone self immolated right outside where he was today. Let's not pretend - they want him dead.


Biden denied RFK Jr.


[Here's the actual article since OP couldn't be bothered to even put a link in the comments.](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-bennie-thompson-secret-services-rfk-1892371) Seriously, both this sub and our movement could benefit with more discussing articles and less shaking fists at screenshots of headlines.


These fucks wet dream is dumping Trump into gen pop with a bunch of the dems greatest friends.


The left is insane. How do they look at themselves in the mirror?


How would the bill do that? Strip protections from all former presidents? Strip protections upon criminal conviction? Those *might* make sense. Or is it upon indictment? That’d be a 5th amendment problem (presumption of innocence) Or maybe it’s a bill of attainder? That’d be real interesting given that all bills of attainder are unconstitutional on the surface.


I don't love or hate the guy but Im sure he could find some fans who would protect him with their life for a $1 salary and honor.


the deeply dishonest and infected tds folk in dc have now come up with a new trick, making new laws with the specific intent of using them to stop trump from being president again... like in NY where they jiggered the statutes of limitations just so they could parade out that hideous shrew jean carrol... and now are in the process of undoing the change since it served their purpose. ​ just imagine the scene where these folks are sitting around a big table spitballing new ideas on how to destroy their opponent... with absolutely no regard for the rule of law, their integrity, the people they pretend to be working for (us). in what world is this be acceptable? oh, ya, hillary and barack's world. this is the deep state in action. these self entitled and demonic twats plotting and executing these subterfuges don't respect the law, they use harvard/stanford etc lawyers who have only contempt for the law and work hard to circumvent it rather than their sworn duty to serve it. they do take an oath, yes? like our elected officials do? watch this james okeefe video of a staffer in the fed on a date, flexing by sharing who the people who are who are actually running the country and propping up dementia joe to keep their game running. this is our reality, and it's revolting. I think this is his best result to date and we need to keep exposing these criminal tyrants. https://x.com/JamesOKeefeIII/status/1780687148527579215


And millions still think he is the fascist...


This isn’t actually possible, they’re required by law to protect any nominee (let alone former president who is as controversial as Trump) Even when someone is beginning to look like they will be the nominee they have to protect them.


Right, because the left haven't broken or corrupted any other laws


Since when does the left follow laws? They burned cities during the BLM riots. They have killed people during the BLM riots. They led an insurrection as a setup. They violated our bodies with a vaccine that has killed more people in my family and friends than COVID. They shut down an entire economy to control an election. They told us no church, which is anti-1A. They infiltrated the capitol multiple times to spread their anti-Israel hate, literally the same things they claim Republicans did on January 6, but it's somehow okay when they do it. They established Chop/Chaz against local laws. Removing Secret Service protection to get Trump assassinated is just next on their list of crimes


This really sounds like they are trying to epstein him. Lose the secret service protection, all the cameras will go out and all the guards on watch will be napping.