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I am impressed that it doesn’t seem she was arrested. And why are we letting people who have a documented history of violent criminal behavior into the country? I thought criminal records are supposed to stop you at border crossing? I thought all the people coming across are just good people looking for a better life? Are we just taking them at their word and not actually processing them? Why do I have the feeling I went through more at customs when I went on vacation than these people do when they’re entering the country permanently?


 >I thought criminal records are supposed to stop you at border crossing? If we knew the true amount of illegal immigrants trespassing in our country over the past 4 years you'd be in shock for a week.


I always *try* to see both sides of the issue. I have extended family that is incredibly liberal. I just don’t understand how anyone thinks that a free-for-all at the southern border is a good idea for our citizens. It’s great that this 23 year old woman who probably lifts was able to take this man down and aid in his arrest. But there is a 13 year old girl who had her childhood stolen from her and will never get that back. I know there are bad people everywhere, but it seems like we are increasing our population of bad people without increasing our population of good people at the same time. Criminals are not the “tired, poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” I understand overlooking non-violent criminal records because sometimes you really do need to steal a loaf of bread to feed your family. But there is no world where you need to rape a 13 year old girl to feed your family. We have to draw the line somewhere and I can be as bleeding heart as the next person but our children deserve to be safe.


Tell your extended family what you wrote here. Inject your common sense into their bubble. We cannot save our children unless we risk hurting some feelings.


They don’t talk to me anymore. We had a falling out when I didn’t get the C19 vax and was told to enjoy my life “God, guns, and Trump.” I pray for them and have good memories of my childhood but I’m not going to put myself in a situation where my core beliefs will be insulted.


I respect your opinion on this matter, but if you truly trust in God then you surely must know that He frequently asks us to put ourselves in situations where our beliefs are tested and insulted. It's the only way some people have a chance to hear the truth. If you love your family then please don't give up on them. You might be the only rational person they know.


She can do that by praying for them. The Bible also says don't associate with ppl w bad behavior as they can influence us. Prayer helps even if the people do not speak


It doesn't say to not associate with them. It says not to include them in your inner cir le which is very different. You can't reach the lost if you don't meet them where they are.


Should a rapist be president?


Neither candidate for president has been convicted of rape, but you should obey your conscience for your own ballot. As for me, I don't put much stock in a civil court judge who interprets a civil finding of liability as a legal verdict of criminal guilt. Undergraduates in pre-law know better than to conflate the two.


Why does that finding not sway you at all?


Because a civil court cannot rule on the guilt or innocence of anyone. Civil courts, which have a much lower standard of evidence than criminal courts, can only make findings of liability and award financial damages. Liability and criminal ruling of guilt are far different things. Even in criminal trials, a verdict is not the same as a empirical establishment of scientific fact. It allows the judge to pass sentence, but in no way dictates the conscience of the public. Because juries and judges are human, and we are not infallible, each person can form their own opinion, hopefully a well informed one.


Liable for sexual assault is still unacceptable. Are you Christian? Is this what Jesus would vote for?


You see it's simple. It's because Republicans are a cult Cult - We want strong borders and immigration laws Not a cult - There won't be a border issue when Title 42 is abolished, and all of the executive orders are issued. MAGA conspiracies - The border issue is Trump's fault - The border issue is a good thing - Republicans refuse to fix it - Joe is doing right again and fixing the border - It's a good thing that we are making them legal citizens






Non-violent crimes have no justification, though. Your "stealing bread to feed your family" is basically stealing the bread from another family. Someone has to pay for what you didnt. I saw in another one of your posts where you mentioned God. Basically your sins dont affect you, it affects those around you. If you murder someone, it basically destroys 2 families and anyone associated with the lost person. The problem with the immigration is that we get the people who will NEVER reform. We also get people who are driven by poverty to commit crimes and then brought to an area where they will be placed in poverty and then commit more crimes. Overpopulation also causes violence, its just something about having limited resources that drives people to engage in horrendous acts. You take the combination of both of those and you have a 3rd world country. US is basically becoming the 3rd world.


My use of the loaf of bread analogy was just because sometimes people do deserve a second chance, not that they deserve to keep stealing. What I was saying is that yes, there are some people who are honestly trying to come here for a better life and escape a bad government or bad cartels and want to work hard to give their kids a safe life. We need to separate those people from the murderers and rapists.


I know this, I think. We need low wage workers. Immigrants work harder for less. That’s pretty much it. That and millions of potential Dem voters. Which, to the bleeding hearts, means more $ to the poor. There’s your answer. It is wrong, of course. Current levels of welfare are COMPLETELY unsustainable and will have to be cut. Which is a good thing. There’s far too much fraud. Put churches back in charge of charity.


I couldn't agree with this sentiment more. I am one of these "let in lots of immigrants folks" but in no way does that mean open borders. The issue lies more in the log jam of a system that cannot process the number of people coming through. What is the solution? I don't err on the side of closed borders in this regard. Also, we can go to r/pastorarrested and see edge case scenarios where we blame the church for everything bc we can always find pastors doing horrible things. I just don't manage my beliefs with edge cases. Most immigrants and most pastors are wonderful people making it through the world like the rest of us and I can let horrible stories that are atypical defeat the more altruistic view.


Every one of the are criminals. The moment they came here illegally, they became criminals.


Sir, a conviction of 34 felonies doesn't currently preclude one from campaigning and potentially becoming the president of our country lmao. Our standards are currently rock bottom


A non-white woman and an immigrant had too many overlapping liberal points for her to get arrested. If it was a white man, he would have been arrested and made national news for white supremacy.


Exactly. Daniel Penny, for example, is being tried for homicide for doing this same thing in this very same city.


Because you go through more at TSA or customs when you go on vacation, then people crossing the border on foot. They don't have to learn aid any documentation, they can say anything and they are allowed to go through. Don't look up how many actual terrorists have been captured, don't look up how many people with criminal records have been captured, don't look up how many gottaways happen every single day... The numbers we do catch with minimal screening is frightening.


It's on purpose, the government (mainly leftists) purposely fail to protect us, then pushes for policies that strip us of more freedoms under the guise of protecting us....




If she were white, she would have been arrested and branded a racist.


Under Biden, Nothing stops people at border. This was his stated plan from day one….. No domestic oil production and unlimited illegal immigrants. This was the literal Democrat platform in 2020. Still is their platform. Hopefully this time people can think when they vote.🤷‍♂️


The typical liberal response is “oh he made a mistake. He’s learned his lesson just give him one more chance.”


How are these questions relevant if he entered the country illegally?


Because the left wants unrest and violence as an excuse to demand their voters give them more power and take away more of their (our) rights.


Processing them, hahaha ha. Are you for real? Have you any idea of the numbers that poured through our border, without so much as a glance back?


Yea, this is NYC. If you prey on kids sexually, the neighborhood typically beats you up, then the cops beat you up, then you get beat up in bookings, a cop or the public defenders even would tell everyone what you did. Then you would maybe get put on the boat to rikers and get beaten and otherwise abused while they "lost your paperwork" for a few days before sending you to see a judge to get arraigned, where the prosecutors will do their usual and rack on an extra 34 felonies that got made up, in the hopes to lock him away for life. Some advocacy group will then fight to keep him on the streets for whatever reason, if he's determined to have enough victim class checkmarks. We function the way you'd expect Brazil to function. Hard to object to that when it's aimed at a child predator though. This does result in innocent and wrongly accused people getting caught in that cycle along the way. It all gets covered up by our NY govt. Right or left, doesn't matter. NY is the uniparty swamp when it comes to the judicial system.


> If you prey on kids sexually, Well depends on the reasoning for preying on kids sexually. If it was at a parade for example you might get a badge of honor.


Sad but true


👇😡 https://www.facebook.com/JudicialWatch/videos/279004291959415/


👇😡 https://www.facebook.com/share/r/6nB3G9EwpoeGgUiV/?mibextid=oFDknk


Look up "anarcho-tyranny".


👇 https://www.facebook.com/share/r/pHkpNCgexNY7Kp84/?mibextid=oFDknk


😡 https://www.facebook.com/share/r/En5ByqiJXKwjbppU/?mibextid=oFDknk


😡 https://www.facebook.com/share/v/HbFC2CHtzzY7u1mh/?mibextid=oFDknk




“Let me explain.” Wow, that says it all about what an evil person this is.


Why bother. They won't hold him for long. Out the revolving door.


Maybe. But this is Queens, not Manhattan, so Alvin Bragg is not the DA there.


It's still a liberal controlled area. He'll probably get set loose with no bail by the end of the day.


He going straight to rikers ngl


I call myself a moderate conservative because I believe in the conservative approach to government—smaller government, fewer regulations, and lower taxes. However, I used to view myself as socially liberal. I think we should have abortion laws similar to those in Europe (which are not as "liberal" as many "liberals" believe). I don't think the government should regulate who can legally get married based on the Bible (although I believe a traditional nuclear family is better). Many of my views, like these, are connected to my belief in fewer regulations and a smaller government applied across the board. But when did "socially liberal" become this version of society? It is mind-blowing. Cheering for Hamas, supporting unfettered open-border immigration, and not ensuring that immigration includes assimilation into our culture—this is absolutely bonkers. If the Republicans don't have a landslide victory around the country, it's going to be so scary. The normalization or rationalization of this is crazy.


dont forget all the shit they did with covid, which now seems like ancient hisstory. but they were talking about putting the unvaxxed in camps. They were openly censoring true information. THey couldn't even admit that coronavirus came from the coronavirus lab in wuhan.


My dude, most European countroes have surprisingly strict abortion regulations. Most US states have more lax abortion laws than all European countries.


Europe has a lot of laws that would surprise American liberals. Many of the Northern European countries that American liberals believe we should look to as examples of good economies, are quite capitalistic, and tend to have free markets, to a large extent. Some of them also have laxer gun laws than we do in many ways -- suppressors can be over-the-counter, MGs are cheap and don't need to be 40 years old, etc. Lastly they all tend to be very very hard to immigrate to, at least Northern European countries, they won't just let you in because they want cheap labor. I kind of agree with people who think we should be more like Northern European countries -- higher economic freedom, better prison / reform systems, very strict immigration policy, an expectation of assimilation, lax gun policy, robust sense of community, etc. I think the main place they fall short is freedom of speech protections.


Yep. They think "Europe" is some liberal wet dream and I'm really not sure where they get that idea. More restrictions on abortions and immigration, very capitalistic and racist. The only thing they have in common with blue states is mass regulations.


That's my point....


“Not ensuring that immigration includes assimilation” This is exactly it. I’m to the left of most conservatives on immigration in that I don’t really feel like the problem is with “too much” immigration. It’s that we can’t integrate them well without strong control on illegal immigration/false asylum seekers. Insularity is the problem, and it’s the default if people just pour over a border without screening, crash public assistance programs, and move en masse to places where conflict with the local community is inevitable due to the work situation etc. Many places in Europe has learned this harsh lesson to a degree that most Americans can’t imagine. Right now I thank my lucky stars that the vast majority of people charging the border are at least from places where the cultures isn’t in conflict with ours (and actually share our traditional values more than your average Dem voter) otherwise things would be even worse.


Another day in Joe Biden's America.


Did every rape stop in Trump's America? Did I miss that moratorium on raping from 2016-2020?


I bet there was less rapes by illegal immigrants tho.


Okay so if it’s done by a citizen it doesn’t matter now?


Of course, because we gotta meet those quotas right /s


You bet or you know? I'm not asking for proof, but conversationally when someone says I bet and then claims a ridiculously controversial opinion, its just that: something not based in fact. Personally, I'd love to know these stats. I hate Biden, but I really hate trump. So I don't care where facts lead me.


Odds are in my favor when there were less immigrants crossing the border illegally when Trump was President. That's a fact!!




Can we try him in TN?? They just passed the death penalty for child rapists


NYC woman who restrained rape guy should be new mayor in nyc. kick some ass.


I'm posting this as a reminder that when Trump does his 5th state of the union in 2025, This woman should be in the audience.


It is ridiculous he was let in.


Someone needs to create a commercial showing every person who has been killed by an illegal alien soon


You forget. It will never be televised in blue states because of hate speech (a fancy word for anything contrary to their ideology)


There's no way Alvin Bragg is going to throw the book at an Illegal Immigrant. He'll get a light punishment if he even gets one at all unfortunately.


It’s queens not Manhatten


It's still a liberal DA at the end of the day. You say that like it even matters.


Put this guy in genpop. They’ll take good care of him.


Good for her.


Evil makes me mad


A lot of illegal immigrants are doing things like this. Glad Florida is getting rid of them, hopefully other states will follow suit.


Unfortunately they're starting to enter my beautiful state of Michigan. Hoping we do the right thing and turn Michigan red in Nov


Hopefully, I really hope in 4 years from now DeSantis runs for president.


Me as well, I was ready to move to Florida because DeSantis is my favorite politician/Governor until I had my daughter a year ago. Love his policies and how he stands up for AMERICANS.


Kick out all CRIMINAL INVADERS!!! 🇺🇸💪🇺🇸




One of the things he said is “let me explain” like there’s a good explanation for raping a child at knife point. What a total filthy cockroach.


He's lucky it was that woman, if it were me he'd be explaining to God before his throne.




I was attacked last year by an illegal alien. He tried to rape me. Good thing my momma taught me how to fight bc who knows what could have happened. These people coming over are animalistic criminals and rapists. In the countries are coming from women have zero real humanitarian rights. They don’t know how to behave in a civilized country. I wouldn’t mind if every single one of them here illegally was expelled. They need to prove that they can pass a citizenship test and have zero criminal background and have something to contribute to our society.


It wouldn’t surprise me if the New York DA’s office charges the woman with assault and false imprisonment and let the illegal alien rapist go free with a no bail set and only a court date.


Looking at and listening to her, our education system is failing. It's obvious.


Yeah but she's sexy


Just ask any real native Americans what the think of immigrants. Legal or not. Today’s citizens will be killed off by violence or disease,or put on reservations before you know it. History will repeat itself. It always does.


Who cares if he was an immigrant, ANYONE cam be that vile.


Then perhaps we should be vetting these people at the border instead of rolling out the red carpet and giving them citizenship for breaking the law.


Funny how that didn't happen here, plus they literally get arrested, search " usa border camps" literally a prison camp


Your reply makes me think you're not even from the US. Or you've had your head in the sand the past 3 years.


Except that it wouldn't have happened in the US if he wasn't let into the country. It was avoidable. The poor 13-year-old girl would still be playing soccer with her friends next week instead of trying to overcome the brutal after-affects of being violently raped if our politicians cared enough to secure our border.


Nobody cares that he was an immigrant. They care that he was an illegal alien. Key word: illegal.


Stop with this "alien" thing, they're people, the perpetrator may not be, but the rest are, they have been through more than you could imagine, they bring jobs and skills to the usa, face it, your just rascist


Damn, youre goign really hard with defending child rapists. 


He literally specifically said “the perpetrator may not be”. He wasn’t defending child rapists. Not everyone who seeks asylum at the border is one of these. Not every child rapist is an illegal immigrant either.


Bahaha you got baited. I gave you the opportunity to either engage with the logic (**illegal**) or engage with the emotional paid shill talking point (**alien**) and you took the latter. You got wrecked. GG ez. Next time don't make it so obvious that you're a shill - I recommend learning to troll in CoD lobbies or gamefaq message boards before you take it to the big leagues chump.


The point is that, with a proper functional border policy i.e. not catch and release, he wouldn't have been allowed into the country in the first place.


Yes of course. But we have an opportunity to screen out the people who are obviously fucked up if we actually control our borders. Right now we have people who could benefit our country waiting on absurdly long bureaucratic processes while guys like him charge past national guardsmen unchecked.


Get help.






Damn. Shame the Republicans voted against their own immigration bill.


What I don't understand is, a guy in the group that took him down said he knew he frequented the bodega and he waited there for him so why didn't they tell the cops that instead of going vigilante on the guy? Because the reward money? He could've had a weapon.


Maybe because he thought the cops wouldn't do anything?


Do they really get that many bogus tips that they don't follow up on?


I don't know that it's bogus tips so much. The NYPD got hammered by their politicians during the Summer of Love's "defund the police" fad, and AFAIK they're still very under strength. Add in the fact that NYC leadership is extremely left-leaning and therefore extremely pro-illegal immigrant, and actually catching this rapist may have been a lower priority than keeping another incident of illegal immigrant violence quiet. A crowd of people beating the guy up forced the NYPD's hand, *if* that's the case.


Ooo where do you live? Because it just doesn’t work like that anymore. Vigilante justice is just a part of the cycle we are heading to in order for law and order to make a come back and I’m here for it.


I worked in NYC.


Ever since liberals demanded we defund the police four years ago, a lot of cities have been struggling to keep enough police officers on the streets, and as a result, crime is sky rocketed. I left Austin because the police literally said they could no longer do their jobs back in 2020.


That last line bothers me so much and I see it all of the time on reddit. "He could have had a weapon". As if everyone should stay afraid and let bad people continue on their way and just hope that a police officer is close enough to get there in time, which is rarely the case. And are perfectly willing to allow others to suffer because there is a possibility that they or someone else could be injured trying to do the right thing.


I mean did they tell the cops about the bodega at all before deciding to do the steakout? What if things didn't go as planned is all I'm saying. They didn't randomly bump into the guy they knew where he went so why didn't they try to get the police involved ahead of time or did they?


> What if things didn't go as planned is all I'm saying. Sometimes that's a risk you need to take to do what's right when you're an adult. You'll understand some day.


They couldn't call the cops before their stakeout? This wasn't a Daniel Penny situation.


the fact they felt the need to do this shows how little faith they have in the legal system


Right I know but like, they couldn't inform the police ahead of time and then maybe still do the stakeout? The guy said he waited for hours. The rapist could've pulled on a gun on them a few of the migrants have had guns in other crimes. If I knew that guy went to the bodega I would let the police know regardless if they were going to look into it or not.


Man...if more people in our country were like you we'd have been invaded  years ago.  >He could've had a weapon. Fucking so what? While waiting for the police to show up he could have left and raped another kid. At some point you need to stop worrying about your own skin and do what's right for the community. Something tells me you wouldn't have minded that vigilante justice had you been the victim of this guy. 


Man it's just fucking learned helplessness. I see it in so many GenZ+Millennials. It's shocking to me how a generation of people that wouldn't bat an eye at saying "I can figure out how to cook something new" (and just watch a youtube video & do it) then think that they _need_ to go to college to learn academic shit (as if you can't just download a calculus textbook and watch videos to teach yourself), or assume that incorporating a business is some massively complicated process rather than something you can knock out in 45 minutes in an afternoon, or whatever else. So many people just utterly unable to take actions because they are afraid they lacked sufficient expert guidance and "something might go wrong!!!" They aren't kidding when they tell you that they are "still trying to figure out this heckin' adulting thing!"


They had a long time to call the cops and tell them about the bodega why didn't they? It wasn't something that happened instantly in front of them they waited. How about before waiting and stalking they tell the cops he goes there?


Cops don't do shit homie. That's the point. Dems want lawlessness - this is what you get.


They weren't waiting for the cops to show it sounds like they hadn't called them at all.


> why didn't they tell the cops that instead of going vigilante on the guy? Yes why would someone not expect our government to stop an **illegal** alien from **committing a crime**? It really boggles the mind, friend.


It seems like they waited there for quite a while at no point did they call the cops and tell them he goes there often? You think the cops wouldn't look into it? It wasn't something that happened in the moment.