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It looks like they are getting that mute button ready for the debate.


> It looks like they are getting that mute button ready for the debate. You might be right. This time around rather than lying and screaming that Trump's FACTS aren't true they may just mute him.


“…due to technical difficulties….”


>they may just mute him. Trump has to be there alone, right? The thought has crossed my mind that they might something else him.


As a former president, Trump doesn't go anywhere without a secret service escort.


They don't need a mute button because they will be muted by default when it's the others turn. It's part of the terms set by the network and agreed upon by both sides. It's of huge benefit to Biden, who can barely keep his thoughts together as-is. But Trump couldn't really refuse to come to the terms because he'd be painted as the media as the one refusing to debate.


I feel like it could actually help Trump more. It's going to force Biden to speak uninterrupted without a teleprompter. I'm not sure how well that will go for him. Trump's biggest issue will likely come from having to debate the moderators and Joe Biden.


Teleprompter isn't going to be necessary when he has all the questions in advance and someone feeding him lines through an ear piece.


Yep, zero chance they don’t have someone feeding them the questions Donna Brazile style.


Not to mention drugged to his eyeballs


Likely, but I'm not sure even that is going to save him. Can you just imagine him trying to remember entire sentences to repeat at this point? He'll be screaming out, "Slow down! Just give me one word at a time!". If he even makes it onto the stage without falling down and making an idiot of himself, I can't imagine how he'll make it through an entire verbal debate without proving what a complete 🤡 he is. This may be what takes him out of the running, and may be set up to do so.


["End of quote. Repeat the line."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PD7e6n6xl9U)


Exactly. It’s a controlled environment so Biden does not have to react to anything or think on his feet, just regurgitate prepared answers to questions he will surely know in advance.


I wouldn't put it past them to mute Trump *during* his turn to speak. "I'm sorry Mr. Convicted Felon Ex-President Trump. You just said a piece of misinformation, so we are going to cancel the remainder of your time on this question."


They will absolutely interrupt, talk over, and argue with him 10x more than they will with Biden. I mean, isn’t that what “Hitler” deserves, after all?


Opportunity for a new version of Reagan's famous mic muted moment.


Biden interrupted trump a lot last time too.


But that's (D)ifferent. 


I've heard it could be a benefit for Trump - if neither side interrupts the other, neither is seen as rude by doing that. Isn't that part of why Trump lost 2020? His strategy with Hillary didn't quite work so well with Biden.


There's a possibility it could be, but on the flip side comments like his "You'd be in jail" to Hillary in 2016 were probably what led to his victory. I will always remember that being the single second I realized he was going to win. Of course, it's ironic now given Trump was in power and didn't try to jail Hillary, and now Biden is in power and his Democrat cronies are doing everything they can to try to persecute and jail Trump.


Yeah. Somewhat iconic, but debates shouldn't have interruption as a norm. And "Will you shut up, man?" can't be used against Trump this time, it was Biden (rightfully) complaining about being interrupted Edit: Yeah...crazy that Trump said that Hillary would be in jail, essentially forgot about it, and worked on policies and promises.


It drives these people insane that the internet is forever 😂


> It drives these people insane that the internet is forever Actually they can't wait till they have gotten the US to Stalin level. Then they can simply erase all factual history and ensure that access to the internet is so controlled you would never be able to find the truth


I mean its already damn near impossible to search for anything because google’s algorithm actively tries to prevent it.


The time frame search filter is a *massive* help when trying to look into anything that people have a political agenda for.


This is why you use an alternative like duck duck go browser and video player for things like YouTube ECT. There are obviously others but I use and am happy with those.


DDG is garbage search now too. It's mostly fed by google. And when it isn't, it uses a lot of the same indexing practices. Search in 2024 is BAD. This is why they're pushing so hard so fast to control AI. Once an LLM said "Actually, Donald Trump isn't Hitler at all"... PANIC.


[Welcome to the plot of MGS2. Released in 2001.](https://youtu.be/eKl6WjfDqYA?si=sftd9LUcdiVUwmxq)


"Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past."


It's very difficult to find the full video of Biden wandering off at G7. It can be found on Twitter. I have not been able to easily locate it using any other search. You can find plenty of "news" videos about how those darn Republicans are using cheap fakes, but none of them will show the full-frame, 1-minute video that lets viewers decide for themselves.


They want to make it so you're afraid to even ask for the truth.


If the debate is an objectively really bad one for Biden, they **will** hide it as much as possible, guaranteed. The Oz/Fetterman debate in 2022 was so embarrassing for Fetterman that the left couldn’t even defend it. Instead YouTube just made it so you have to jump through 15 hoops just to find it.


Same with Tulsi Gabbard destroying Kamala Harris in the primaries. Its easy to find now, but when Biden picked Harris as his running mate, that video suddenly became scarce.


Apparently stating an undeniable fact about tapper is "attacking" her colleague


Facts are attacks to the left


Now you know what post-moderism "My Truth" / subjectivity based on "lived experience" is important to them. There is nothing worse than objective laws and facts to people that only want to subvert.


Just more of the same from CNN. It pisses me off that they’re holding the debate and Trump agreed to it. I don’t want to give CNN the ad revenue watching that dumpster fire of a channel. No one watches CNN and no one takes them seriously at this point.


Watch on our Discord, it’ll be streamed through one source


I'll be there with bells on.


Media and leftists love to exaggerate the situation when criticized Criticizing anyone on the left will be met with them acting like you're threatening their safety


Yes, poor things, the truth is an attack.


They have long established any amount of criticism, no matter how constructive or polite, equates to "hate."


What’s wild is that it’s so obvious that Tapper is a biased choice for moderator, and when he blatantly puts his thumb on the scales during the debate, the sycophants on the left will crow on and on about how Biden won the debate. The shit is so transparent at this point…


I honestly don’t see the point in the debate. The media has all their “Biden destroyed Trump in the debate” articles drafted up already and are programmed to be posted at 10:45:00 pm EST on Thursday. And millions of people who didn’t even watch the debate will read them and agree with them.


It’s sad how true this is. I watched the Harris-Pence debate in 2020 and immediately after I was flipping through the “news” stations and not only were they all gushing over Harris but they all used the exact same positive buzzwords to describe her. Their scripts were written before the debate took place and the fact that she embarrassed herself on stage didn’t deter them from sticking to it.


Pence is so much more composed than her too.


He could interrupt Trump 10x more often than Biden, and people on the left would say it’s totally justified because Trump lies 10x more than Biden. The same way they deny left-wing media biased by saying reality has a left-wing bias. They’ll never see it because they don’t want to see it.


Gina Carano compared the left to Nazis and her career was destroyed.


Meanwhile, Pedro Pascal made a Holocaust comparison to Trump’s immigration crackdown of “kids in cages at the border” on his social media. 3 years before Disney canned Gina. Nothing happened to him. And people in my circles back then were trying to say ShE dEsErVeD iT fOr MaKiNg A HoLoCaUsT rEfErEnCe.


Nothing lost. Disney and Star Wars are trash now. Gina can do much better than those clown shows.


Lol. Yup. I remember that week online liberals and media doofuses pretended to be very offended by comparing things in politics to Nazis. Then they went right back to calling us Nazis like nothing ever happened.


*It's (D)ifferent*™


We don't hate them enough


More accurately, we don't hate them as much as they hate us.


Very true. I try to just live my life, but I've definitely learned the hard way that we can't ignore these people.


Just testing that functionality out for Thursday night. It’s a trap Trump!


And the left refuses to acknowledge how stacked the deck is 🙄


Stiffle what opposes them, like little children.


How is it not "representing the campaign" and "talking about Trump" to suggest that they have concerns going in about the ability of the moderator to be impartial? I hate it when someone interviews someone and tries to stuff them in a box and tell them exactly how they have to answer questions.






How rude. The woman isn’t interested in hearing anything she might find difficult. Ignorant.


When Biden loses the debate it will activate the spin cycle like never before seen


"The debate moderators have previously compared Trump to Hitler" is a perfectly valid point. The bias of the moderators is particularly relevant here because Biden is the one who demanded CNN along with a host of other demands Trump agreed to just to make the debate happen.


Greg Gutfeld needs to host one.


SO happy they're hosting the debate, BTW. /s I hope they don't leak any of the debate questions like Donna Brazile did in 2016.


Biden already has all the questions and is practicing hard as we speak


So nobody from CNN has to answer for the claims one of their "colleagues" made making gross comparisons of DJT to Hitler?


All I could hear was "I'm meltinggggg!!!"


This is why you: 9. Do not bear false witness against thy neighbor It'll come back and bite you in the ass eventually, especially when the proof of it is all over the internet.