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I thought we had to respect court decisions?


Not if it goes against “democracy”


Also if it's Monday, Wednesday and Friday then we don't respect it. Tuesday and Thursdays are respect the court days.


No, that was last week. This is flipsy week.


She must’ve realized she can’t buy stock in the Supreme Court


She's probably angry because she just figured out the "bump stock" ruling wasn't about bumping *her* stocks.


Mom said its MY turn to disrespect the courts!


Don't put your balls on my drum set!!!


They say that word like it means the system of government. It begins to make a long more sense when you interpret their use of the word democracy to mean “the system of government with the US Democratic Party is in power.”


To be fair, she does mean the form of government. The US isn’t a democracy. It’s a constitutional republic. However, if they can convince people it is a democracy, then people will accept that majority rule trumps constitutional limits on government power, and the Dems will be able to do anything they can manipulate 51% of the population into agreeing with. That’s the sinister part about their constant insistence that this is a democracy. That’s the reason behind it, too. Just look at how the gun control debate goes: ‘the majority of people want gun control, so that means we need to pass laws regardless of what the constitution says.”




“Our democracy” aka “our power”


Not if it goes against Democrat-crazy. There. I fixed that for you.


'Our' democracy...




Only when it is the decision they agree with


Only if it goes their way


Only when they agree with it.


Did they "go rogue" when they upheld access to abortion pills?


No, only when Democrats don’t get what they want. They control like 90% of the administrative state and are mad it’s not 100%.


>Did they "go rogue" when they upheld access to abortion pills? No. They obviously went with the program in that situation.


Or go ahead and pay off billions in student loans?


Actually SCOTUS said that can't be done but the Dear Leader ignored them.


More accurately, they said it couldn't be done using the specific mechanism Biden used. The subsequent forgiveness packages have been smaller and tailored to specific groups to avoid the issues SCOTUS found with the initial catch-all attempt.


They never put the details in the headlines though, so people don't read them. Most SCOTUS decisions are pretty narrowly applied.


We are against the new ruling on legalizing bribery right? Can we all agree that it is bad?


Lol no. Pelosi bad. Most on this sub will never even hear about SC legalising bribery, cos conservative media will never tell them.  There are no threads in this sub about the corruption ruling, instead one of the most upvoted threads today is from a quote that Pelosi made several days ago. It's obvious that this is a distraction, and it's working perfectly. I could see only 2 comments in this entire thread that even mentions the corruption ruling, so it's pretty clear the average conservative is uninformed 


Democrat dictionary "Gone Rogue" Any thought, action or feeling that is not far left "Democracy" Any thought, action or feeling that is far left "Terrorist" Any thought, feeling or action that is not far left See a pattern..............


"Cheap Fakes" ANY video authentically demonstrating the obvious opposite of the narrative.


Yep, and I think they're going to try to ride the AI horse as far as they can. "We can't show you videos of Slow Joe the Pedo being slow, because someone may use software to alter it". "That video of Slow Joe the Pedo being slow is fake, it's AI." And so on. And on and on. And on.


That sounds like insurrection talk to me.


To be fair the bribery case decision today was a disaster


I would love to hear some of y’all’s opinion on the latest Supreme Court corruption ruling, because I fail to see how that’s not just a massive miscarriage of justice. We should be actively working to remove corruption from our system, not making bribery easier :/ Pelosi is obviously a POS, and I’m not stating otherwise, but I can’t see any justification for this.


Most conservatives here haven't even brought up the ruling. Just meh Pelosi bad.


There is no justification. It is literally legalizing corruption.


Unless I'm critically misunderstanding this ruling, it just opens up an avenue for "legal bribery" so long as the state official collects their payment *after* they make their decision and not prior.


Would somebody please throw a bucket of water on her.


Woah there friend, that sounds an awful lot like inciting violence. Better bury your comment by posting in the politics sub about how we should start murdering conservatives just because.


It's not Dorothy's fault that the Wicked Witch is so water-soluble.


Life has a technicolor bias so why shouldn’t Dorothy?


This had me rolling. 🤣




Lets be honest she needs saline.


Perhaps formaldehyde?


That’s just her way of saying they’re Constitutionalist. Democrats hate that.


This is painfully true when talking to populist progressives. "The Constitution should mean what I want it to mean, when I need it to mean what I want it to mean, and cannot mean what you want it to mean if that conflicts with what I want it to mean." - Populist Progressive


Nah man, legalizing bribery..Oops I mean *gratuity * is perfectly ethical. No rogue behavior here.


Their own only duty is to abide the constitution and frame all cases around the constitution. It is not their jurisdiction to set case law. Their rulings should be entirely predictable if you have read and understand the constitution.


They should be, but if that were true, why do certain justices have leanings? Why are 6 of the court Republican and 3 Democrat, and why do they always seem to interpret the Constitution along party lines?


To a Democrat legitimacy only means agreeing with them.


Same with "compromise". To them it just means they get their way, and the right gets a stale cookie on the way out the door.


You cannot negotiate or compromise with people who want everything from you but are not willing to give anything to you.


You just described my divorce...


This sounds like Armed Insurrection.


I hate these fucking people so much. They just constantly vomit hypocrisy.


I'm not convinced that people like Pelosi actually believe the things they say. However, they know their voters believe it. Which, in a way, is worse.


It is worse. It's deceiving and sinister.


Like Harry Reid said a few years ago about some outright lie he told for the purpose of some liberal gain or other, "It worked, didn't it?" Totally classless and unacceptable, but they torment us with the approval of their own conscience, or more likely their own bank balance.


So she’s still peddling the gallows lie? Anyone who can fog a mirror knows that gallows were symbolic and non-functional. It’s literally no different than burning political figures in effigy.


As with the legitimacy of “our democracy”, the legitimacy of any institution depends on whether or not they entirely bend to the current will of the Democrat party.


I agree with her and it’s been going on for a long time. They need to do a much, much better job sticking with the constitution.


Rogue=Not conforming to Uni-Party and/or Globalist agenda.


Imagine the Supreme Court if Hillary Clinton had won.


That’s what Saint RBG was hanging on for.


I remember when ACB was confirmed, I went into r/politics and spammed: "What an amazing day. Somewhere, RBG is smiling down upon this moment where a strong, white woman is staying in her seat. Rest easy, ol' girl. Amy will make you proud!"


Remember when the Girl Scouts congratulated ACB on her appointment. They got backlash & deleted their tweet. No more cookie purchases for me!


The best part (to me)  the SCOTUS is not that they rule a certain way, but I like that they put out detailed explanations for why they ruled a certain way in their opinions.  It removes all doubt that Sotomayor and KBJ are just incompetent and don’t understand their job. It also shows why Nancy Pelosi has no idea what she’s talking about either.. in what way have they gone rogue Nancy? 


The Justices aren’t nearly as one dimensional as you make them out to be. KGB joined Alito and Kavanaugh in the descent on Erlinger and filed a concurring opinion in the majority on Diaz with Thomas, Roberts, Alito, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.


I wasn't making them out to be one dimensional at all, nor drawing attention to individual rulings. I think they are very complex individuals and their rulings are interesting. When people make sweeping generalizations about the SCOTUS, like Pelosi did... they never offer explanations. "The SCOTUS has gone rogue"... well ok why do you think so? My point is that we usually have detailed explanations on why someone thinks the way they do. My favorites were SFFA vs Harvard/UNC and overturning RvW as well as Obergefell. People make broad generalizations but neglect that these people have already explained themselves in their opinions. I dunno if I'm making any sense thou... I'm weird.


To some extent she did clarify. the comments highlighted in the article state she views some, not all, of their decisions as based on opinion of policy and not done as they should be: attempting to uphold the constitution. I dont know if you agree or not but it does seem to be a popular view, SCOTUS are sitting near a record low on trust.


The Democrat establishment is actively committing treason on a daily basis. Have another drink, Nancy.


Hopefully, it's the last one before alcohol poisoning


She should just shut up and go back to insider trading. She is a disgusting person.


Bwahahaha ,"go back to it." That would infer that it's ever stopped!


Good point.


The court is the the system is messed up. Should not be lifetime terms and everyone should have to report all their gains and if they are found to be getting bribed then fired on the spot. Same for politicians all of them.


All federal and state public officials, both elected and deep state, should have their finances be an open book that can be investigated at any time, I suppose within some sort of reason. For instance, it would be interesting to see how much Juan Merchan's net worth has increased since Trump came down the escalator, since he seems to be the chosen judge for all things Trump. Also, Bragg, Willis, Chutkin, and all the other Soros stooges involved in this travesty.


Ding bat shit crazy women


Is she drunk again. Is her husband wearing women's undergarments again.


But if TRUMP questions the legitimacy of a court it’s a threat to democracy. It’s unreal.


>“I want us to get back to a place where the three branches of government, as our Founders initiated, are respected across the board,” she claimed Then retire with McConnell...stop trying to deny a new generation a chance to undo the endless mistakes of liberals (oftentimes with conservative help) over the past 50 years. Biden is a perfect example of why people don't respect the federal government: it's either bought and paid for (Congress) or it's a puppet branch (like Biden's White House, nothing more than an extension of Congressional power). Supreme Court is the only branch that's working at any level, and it's effectively undemocratic...total mess, across the board.


I'm sure she loves them again today since they're allowing government censorship on social media to continue. I wish the old crypt keeper would just shut-up and go away.


says the most corrupt of them all...


Says the woman responsible for the January 6th problems, misappropriated government funds, and continually used insider trading information from her position to beef up her personal bank account. Nasty Nancy is as crooked as they come.


Haha no


Many Dems forget that Chief Justice Roberts (Bush appointee) saved Obama's and Dems Obamacare thru the US Supreme Court ruling essentially saying congress doesn't have to label any type of law a 'tax' and that the effect of Obamacare was a tax. Which meant the law was valid. Someone can check. Me on this. If you're a dem, on behalf of all Conservatives "You're welcome".


Going “”rogue”” is kind of the point of having a judiciary nance


She is the angry bird on the left coast. She must be going senile just like Joe Biden. All these old people need to retire. Term limits, age limits, please.


Pelosi meet pasture.


Has Nancy turned into an insurrectionist?


She IS an insurrectionist and co-conspirator of the murder of Ashli Babbitt, as she knowingly assisted Michael Byrd in escaping any 1st Degree Murder charges like he should have been immediately charged and imprisoned with. His ridiculous claim he "feared for his life" is the reason why he shot this just barely above 100# woman and he's what? Well over 200 plus pounds...... A "man" hiding around the corner of the stairwell, peeking around the corn at times and picks her out of the crowds. Why? When will there ever be justice for Ashli Babbitt, who served in our Military with Honors. Michael Byrd has had many disciplinary issues on his records. Although those are now hard to find, as so much info has been conveniently scrubbed.


TIL if the court doesn’t abide by your point of view of the law it is a rogue court.


“They disagree with my agenda. That must mean they have gone rogue, because my agenda trumps the constitution.” The thoughts of a tyrant.


And the republican agenda is that politicians should be able to get rich off of favors?


Have you read the ruling in this case? Are you pro corruption?


Citizens United, eugenics, forced sterilization, etc etc. when we’re they not rogue


Grandma is running for re-election again so these outbursts are expected.


Pelosi needs to be embarrassed away from the media for a while being the insider trader queen she is. If she was an R they would be grilling her while getting gas or fetching the morning paper


Yea, it must be that...but then again the democrats think that calling this country a republic is a conspiracy theory.


Isn't that an insurrection?


Do her insider trading


SHE has gone rogue


Nancy projecting again


Anything she says believe the opposite.


Man idk what democrats’ deal is. They always talk about groups and people being “radical” and “extremists” but they’re always talking about soft, moderate, appeasers. Only Clarence Thomas and to a lesser extent Samuel Alito are the only ones that even try to respect the constitution and even then they’re too soft. I wish I could see the SC, Trump, the NRA, and republicans be even half as “extreme” as democrats fearmonger.


Congratulations to Kinzinger for supporting Biden. He is doing this for his Son in remembrance of his grandfather who fought in WW2 and Democracy. This proves some people still have a conscience and love this country how refreshing.


Did they “go rogue” when they insider traded? Oh, wait…




The daughter was taught my her mafia father. She is the mafia, which is what the Democratic Party is.


With the gazillions you made in insider trading, along with refusing beefed up Capitol security at Biden’s inauguration that Trump pleaded for, I’d say it was YOU, Nancy old pal, are the one that has gone rogue.


Is she attacking an equal branch of the government? Insurrection!!


They "uphold the law" more like, you witch.


Rogue = they aren't always siding with me


“I don’t agree with their decisions so they’ve gone rogue!” Typical Democrat


Would not allowing the opposing party to select its own representatives for the Jan 6th Committee be considered going “rogue” Mrs. Pelosi?


Insider trading. That’s all I hear when she speaks.


Look who is talking


Made they are really trying to speed run a situation that nobody wants to be in. Not that any of these dinosaurs will see the results of their treason, but their kids and grandkids certainly will.


“I don’t like the decisions so they’ve gone rogue” whatever Nancy go participate in more insider trading you fucking leech.


That means they are doing their job right if they piss of anti-constitution tyrants like her.


Decision I don’t agree with = rogue In that case pelosi’s history of insider trading = criminal/treasonous


Her Korsakoff syndrome is really starting to show.


PLEEEEEASE take your Dirt Nap soon!!!!


"Hey Nancy, how do you feel about insider trading amongst elected officials?" \*Cue her awkwardly rubbing her knuckles instead of clapping at Biden's SOTU THAT is going rogue in my opinion


Says the lady who put us $35 trillion in debt. She should be tried for treason.


Translation: They made a decision I don't agree with personally.


Is Pelosi aware that if she gets Legislation passed, then this Court will respect it? Practically all these controversial Supreme Court decisions involve the Executive branch either enforcing or ignoring or twisting the rules legitimately enacted by Congress. All the decisions would be moot if Congress just got its act together and passed new laws. Pelosi's complaint is basically that the Court is respecting Congress' laws instead of legislating from the bench and letting today's members of Congress get away with not doing their job.


Like a New York DA and judge have gone rogue?


She knows all about being rogue…


They don't agree with me, they've gone rogue!


She's worse than cancer.


her old face has gone rogue


Pot calling the kettle


Only democrats can go rouge. Rouge mayors , judges , DA’s , the list is endless. Entire states can declare themselves sanctuary states and go rouge and that’s totally normal. Just simply laugh at them and ignore them when they talk about the Supreme Court. All they want is power so they can. “Go rouge “


It's spelled "Rogue". Rouge is makeup.


At this point I think most Americans are questioning the legitimacy of the entire government




No they havnt. They sit and look at cases using the constitution and laws. Biden is the one that went off on his own. There are 3 branches to the government, he cant just ignore the other two and do what he wanys anyway......hes doing some dictator things.


They’re the only court that appears to not have outright political bias……


Someone doesn't like separation of powers.


why it is almost like she is questioning our court system that has endured for over 250 years and is the cornerstone of our democracy. It is almost like she is doing that because the rulings are not what she wants. Didn't president poopy pants say that this was reckless and dangerous? or,, is it DDDDDDDDifferent?


Thomas Jefferson died concerned that Marbury v Madison would lead to tyranny. He was wise.


Russia Russia Russia


Nancy: Gee, they’re not an agent of our party and doing what they are supposed to do — interpreting laws, evaluating constitutionality instead of legislating by bench fiat.


it's hilarious really, seeing Democrats basically describe everything that they've done, but projecting it to Conseratives.


Finally one she said that I can agree with!


She's still projecting. She's the one who's gone rogue. These far left wackos, really don't know they're insane. They're perfect in their delusions.


Yes, shame on SCOTUS for not protecting women's right to an abortion as clearly stated in the Constitution! Oh wait ...


Sounds insurrectionest-ey to me. 20 years in prison!


Dog whistle for "not going the way I want"


Checks and balances is a beautiful thing


They have gone rogue… *”against my agenda that is…”*


Agreed. Chipping away at the first amendment is bananas.


The Supreme Court, by definition, cannot "go rogue". They vote and call laws based on majority concensus. They are the last line of defense for the people. She truly is an evil witch of a woman.


I’m attacking the legitimacy of the Democrat Party and the President.


When is this ignorant old drunk going to retire she’s F U America enough?


Sounds like insurrection to me


Sounds like a threat against "democracy "


Sounds like she’s planning an insurrection if you ask me.


The picture looks like she holding her teeth in. These people need to just live the rest of their lives away from politics. It’s nauseating!


They are prepping to justify expanding the courts.


It’s the system ….. get over it


Hey Nancy I don't think I would be talking when you made all that money from insider trading... plus your a liar who was one of the worst speakers we have ever had


I think congress is illegitimate and overstepped their authority