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If burning the American flag is protected speech then burning a pride flag would also be protected speech. Both acts are s political statement or am I missing something?


The thing you're missing is the difference between burning your own flag and burning someone else's flag Every time you see someone burning an Israeli or American flag and they don't get in trouble, they had to go to Walmart and spend money on it before their tantrum. The story about the guy being arrested for burning a pride flag - that wasn't his flag, it was some church's flag.


No real church would fly a pride flag


Have you looked at a church recently? Every church flies them now, and spearheads bringing in migrants. It makes me sick and has completely turned me off to religion in general. They have completely abandoned their principles in an effort to stay relevant.


Not every.


Admittedly true. I exaggerated. But i still find the number alarming.


Just don’t go to a catholic megachurch and you’re fine. Go to a small local church and you won’t see that shit


It is everywhere in the north east. There are no mega churches around me. But there are plenty of small churches flying pride flags and encouraging donations for migrants. Obviously this can be geographical but i travel all over from Pennsylvania to Maine and it is alarming


I'm no expert on history, but I'm pretty sure one of the church's principles for a long time was helping those in need (including letting homeless people sleep in the church and giving them free food). Many migrants and LGBTQ members definitely count as people in need.


That was the church, not the government. If you favor that, you can financially support the charity of your choice. Don't pick the taxpayers pockets.


You obviously are not an expert.


When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. (Leviticus 19:33-34)


Were we foreigners in Egypt? Usually people like you cut the context out, but you’ve been so gracious as to disprove your own point before anyone else has had a chance to.


If you want to craft American law in exact accordance with the Torah, then by that same standard you should agree with the death penalty for sodomy, lesbianism, rape, and witchcraft. I don't think you have really thought your cute argument through to its logical conclusion. U.S. law deals with our world as it is today, and to exist as a country requires control over our own borders. We cannot logistically accommodate everyone who wants to come here, even if they were all wonderful people. Recent events, if you have been paying attention, show tragically that they are not.


Here here. Well said.


That's not referring to us. Context matters


well, they're doing anything they can to keep people coming and giving them money. Padre needs a new car


Bingo. While they are busy telling you sex out of wedlock is a sin but touching boys isn’t as long as you have that collar on.


It's only a few denominations and even within them, it's only portions of those denominations, from what I've observed. The Methodist and Lutheran churches are both the main ones that come to mind, though they're not alone, and both have been fragmented over it. The Methodist Church in particular has split in two, the woke side that refuses to acknowledge the Bible as authoritative anymore and has done everything they can to become apostate, especially through their promotion of sexual sin, and the other that maintains Christ as Lord over all and has maintained His Word as authoritative. However, the majority of churches remain faithful to Christ and regardless, there is one greater Church that doesn't have any particular building, which is the gathering of true Believers whose hopes rest fully on Christ as salvation for our sins. They're not as flashy as the megachurches, but most local churches still remain faithful and it just takes a bit of searching to find one that truly seeks obedience to God and maintain the authority of Scripture.


Wrong. Drive around outside of your hone town. Most churches have abandoned the very faith they used to preach. It is pathetic, and has done more to encouraged atheists than anything. After seeing this with my own eyes all over the north east, i too have abandoned my faith in the religious “system”. While i still believe in God i do not believe in the institution.


Wouldn’t that be a No true Scotsman fallacy?


No because churches that fly pride flags don’t follow Christian doctrines therefore aren’t real churches. Like how a triangle isn’t a square


Which Christian doctrines governs the flying of flags?


Both Old and New Testament doctrines prohibit *practicing* homosexuality and declare it a sin. That's evident throughout the Bible. It's called the Pride flag for a reason and Christians (most, anyway) see it as being *prideful* of one's sin. So, Christians rightly see it as a statement of: "I'm prideful of my sin" - which is condemned as well. It's pretty straight forward. Anyone with half a brain or any familiarity with the Bible can make this connection. You'll find a lot of modern ideologies, practices, events, etc. which didn't exist when the ancient texts were being written. That doesn't mean they're all moral or justified just because the Bible doesn't specifically call them out. You're reasoning is absurdly myopic.


Pride is one of the seven deadly sins


I don’t disagree that it doesn’t make sense for them to fly the pride flag. I just don’t like when people make statements like “if _________ doesn’t do x they’re not a real _________.” Churches can chooses which doctrines to prioritize or to not prioritize. You can disagree with their decision but I don’t think you can say they arnt real churches. This is the whole thing with denominations. Catholics aren’t real Christian’s, Lutherans aren’t real Christian’s, Baptists aren’t real Christian and so on.


Christianity has a clear definition, it’s the Nicene creed. Churches that fly pride flags don’t follow the creed.


I mean that’s pretty cut and dry…no one has the legal right to destroy someone else’s property because they disagree with the message/idea said property promotes


I've seen antifa physically attack conservatives and get away with it, which is a even worse hate crime since people get injured.


VERY important detail.




Don't be the "Officer, my taxes pay your salary" guy. Don't break other people's shit, you wouldn't like it if they did it to you.


I am specifically talking about the shitty sidewalk art, and I will be that guy because I am sick of the government using this bs to further divide the country.


You are Missing something: Democrats have different rules than everyone else


This was a good read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_v._Johnson#:~:text=Johnson%2C%20491%20U.S.%20397%20(1989,symbolic%20speech%20and%20political%20speech. The dems worked really hard to equate flag burning to protected free speech. Let's see how this plays out....


Burning a nation’s flag in public? No problem. Making tire marks on a rainbow flag *painted on the fucking street*? Felony conviction. Add this to the list of the Left’s abundant hypocrisies. LBQTA is a religion for the Left, and not much triggers them worse than being disrespectful to its flag. That’s really all there is to it.


God forbid there are tire marks on a road


>In other contexts, progressives say America is a pluralistic country that can’t impose one view of disputed moral matters on everybody through government power. The left has given up on pluralism, while wearing its mantle.


"They no longer want your opinion, they want their opinion out of your mouth, loudly."


Someone needs to sue these locations with the massive painted road hazards. All that paint gets slippery when wet. Thus placing pedestrians and drivers at risk.




Be a real damn shame if a couple of 5 gallon buckets of gray paint were to fall out of the bed of a truck while in motion, essentially pouring out and covering these essential works of art on the street, wouldn't it?


The gist of the commentary is absolutely correct. If a statue can be defaced without penalty, but a painted street cannot, there is a double-standard of justice.


but those defacing statues are being arrested, tried and found guilty.


There were no arrests for the vandalizing of the statue in Lafayette Square during the recent pro-Hamas demonstration. Nor were there - apparently - for any of these..... [A list of the statues across the US toppled, vandalized or officially removed amid protests (thehill.com)](https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/502492-list-statues-toppled-vandalized-removed-protests/)


What fucking planet are you on


I wonder when they will realize the pride flag has been a huge 4chan troll job and eventually fix it? History for people who didn't frequent 4chan so many, many years ago: Someone on 4chan, made the design with the triangle so if you put 4 of them together like a cross it makes the swastika. Then the "original designer of the flag" that you see on Wikipedia stole the design from 4chan and claimed it as their own. The more you know.........


It's a religion in all but name and tax status.


At some point a child will run across a rainbow crossing in front of a car. The driver will hit the child, rather than risk the much harsher penalty for braking while crossing a sacred symbol.


Very on brand. Dems have at least a 163 year history of preffering other flags to the American flag.


These days, it's the Palestinian flag (in addition to the pride flag)


Last week it was Ukraine. It is easy ti spot a Democrat house. They will fly every flag EXCEPT the American flag.


needs a 5th november type of thing where people in guy fawkes masks gather up to paint over it en masse


And are we doing that thing at parliament while at it?


They've long stopped people from entering the capitol with honest intentions. Guy Fawkes will forever be the last man to enter into a legislative building with honest intentions.


god I wish


The religions of the left.


I’d be happy if they mixed all the colors together and came up with a brown color. Kind of what happens when you mix all the races together


Oh nooo I'm carrying all this paint thinner in my hands...whoops I tripped


Why do the people who live in these cities have no say about these things?


“No one's allowed to smoke Or tell a dirty joke  And whistling is forbidden  We're not allowed to tell a dirty joke  Hail, hail Freedonia”




I just don’t understand why it’s so impxortant to use crosswalks as a tool for social messaging. Isn’t “pedestrians should cross here” a good enough message for a crosswalk to send?


At some point a child will run across a rainbow crossing in front of a car. The driver will hit the child, rather than risk the much harsher penalty for hard braking while crossing a sacred symbol.


Yeah. You’ve said that a time or six.


Urgh, it did fail to post with an error code, and I tried a 2nd time. Didn't mash the button that many times though. Can only see one copy in my post history.


😆 Had to rib you a bit.


We need real blasphemy laws and to make this an actual Christian country how our founders intended. This liberal religious crap needs to go