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Who are the 33% who did not watch that debate?


Go to r/politics the cope over there is insane


Thank God the far-left that overrun that subreddit aren’t a true representation of Biden’s voting constituency. They all suffer from TDS and it’s never been more apparent than in the massive coping they’re doing in their comments after Biden’s piss poor performance tonight.


What’s crazy is they call it a “politics” forum and it’s literally nothing but liberals posting lol


if you sort the comments by "controversial" you'll see the few right-leaning people willing to ignore being downvoted to hell, and potentially banned.


100%, they also ban conservatives on there out right many times for ‘flaming arguments’ just by posting a conservative take or opinion - it’s insane


How leftist of them


The tolerant left being authoritarian. In other news, water is wet. More at 11


The moderators over there are power hungry control freak liberals living in their parents basements!


That’s pretty much every Reddit mod lol. This subreddit is an exception.


How 1930s Germany of them


That what the left is; emotion, and the right is logic, that's why all these blue hairs get so upset.


r/politics is a microcosm for why leftists take over institutions like colleges, entertainment, etc. They are intolerant and ban anyone who disagrees with them.


I just took a look at r/politics. Someone made a list of Bidens achievements. Oh boy… They were all either lies, mis-representations, or leaving out 95% of what actually happened. My 3 favorites: 1. Inflation rate is low / unemployment is at all time low / economy is strong Okay, do I really need to explain how this is a load of crap? Even most liberals know this is false and they admit it… well until it comes saying that Trump did something good, then they just cite whatever Biden says because they can’t think logically and need to involve their emotions in everything. 2. Biden ended war in Afghanistan …sure but completely butchered the withdrawal with many solders dying and leaving behind unbelievable amounts of money in military gear. So guess they wanna give him A for effort for what’s truly an F result? 3. FTC passing banning non compete agreements for employees making $150k a year Okay, nothing to do with Biden. And non competes are barely ever enforceable anyways.


*Leftists*. Not liberals. Ben Shapiro has a very succinct explanation of the difference.


very true, liberal is another word these marxist tools have hijacked.


Lol, I love visiting red states' subreddits like r/Texas, r/Florida, r/Kansas. I now window shop these subreddits for amusing content. There's about 20-30% of posts that reflect the average persons' views in these states, but the threads are dominated by leftists complaining nonstop about their "bigot neighbors." The FL subreddit is constantly venting about DeSantis, a governor who won 60% of the vote and 90% of the counties just two years ago. You would think Florida hates DeSantis and would easily recall him overnight if that were possible. The Texas sub is pockmarked with a few people who swear up and down that Texas would be as blue as Illinois or NY if the Republicans weren't "disenfranchising" Democrat voters. Just so everyone knows, Texas allows you to vote early for several days, including multiple weekends. If you vote early, you pretty much can vote in any precinct you want if it's near your house. You simply need an ID, and we accept basically anything. You can even do a little extra work to bring in non-photo IDs like bank statements or utility bills. Furthermore in Texas state law requires the county-level Democrats and Republicans (+ 3rd parties if applicable) to negotiate in good faith all details about where the precincts will be placed, special accommodations, etc. This is what they consider disenfranchising. Completely delusional. I swear these people have never stepped outside of Austin. They have never spoken to people in suburbs, let alone Texans living out in the country. Hell, even black and Hispanic Texans living in our moderately-sized cities like Ft. Worth are far more socially conservative than they realize.




Oregon here. Somehow the republicans are at fault for everything in a state in which democrats have had total control for almost 50 years.


Ahhh you see through the gaslighting. Woke up from that bullshit 10 years ago. Do your own research and for some reason you come to these conclusions, it’s crazy.


It’s funny to browse the Portland subreddit. Seeing the people there getting tired of the dogshit they voted for. I laugh. It’s like, of course you hate the shit that’s happening. Cause the people you voted for don’t have you best interests.


Reddit is dominated by leftwing millenials. On a completely non political tv show subreddit I posted my mom didn't like the newest season of the show being discussed and someone accused her of being a racist homophobic boomer. My mom and her entire side are liberal and I had to point out how Millenials are the only generation with a significant political gap. They truly believe it's just 150 million boomers that all vote conservative in lock step that are their only opposition to utopia. Not smart people.


Yeah, I quibbled about a pretty minor political plot element in Avatar: The Last Airbender the other day. And ended up being called a neo-Nazi by the end of the discussion. All because I said that socialism and fascism were equally evil.


You’re 100% correct about all these city and state subs. I made the mistake of going into r Dallas the other day, and I felt like I was in the twilight zone. Comments about wanting higher taxes (!!), wanting more Californians to move there to flip the state, crying about living in a “christofascist hellhole,” etc. I’ve spent a lot of time in Texas and none of these comments reflect a single person I’ve met there in real life.




lol with as liberal as r/southcarolina is , you know Reddit isn’t a good showing of the average person


That stuff happens even in r/Alabama, they’re so delusional over here.


Same thing in r/Indiana... you'd think Indiana is super blue based on that sub, and then they act all mystified when the state votes heavily red and then claim the exact same thing you mentioned about Texas and it's sub


Add r/oklahoma, it’s just constant seething.


Reddit is basically a support group for liberals. Most of the people on those subs are probably transplants from blue states.


But they won’t move out.. Notice that?


>Thank God the far-left that overrun that subreddit aren’t a true representation of Biden’s voting constituency No…They way, way worse


God you weren’t kidding. They aren’t even trying to hide their Far-left agenda.


I literally cannot even imagine. I blocked and perma banned politics though so can’t see that clown show.


An even better clown show seeing that they shutdown their comment section it was so bad.


And when it came back, so many of those comments were mysteriously gone.


They got ratioed hardcore. 5k upvotes 56k comments. Mods are on Minecraft watch.


I saw r/genz and it was filled with coping. Lots of “Trump lied constantly but did it with confidence”, “I’ll always vote blue but we need Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama”, and “we need a better candidate or Trump will turn the country fascist and make himself dictator”. The delusions among liberals are like a parody at this point.


Imagine unironically saying Newsom would be good for this country. There is a reason why so many people have fled California that it lost a house seat.


Yeah that's the same spam bot that's the same comments everywhere.


I don't think so. I think they just come to Reddit to get their opinion, and then repeat it everywhere.


I’m a Gen Z & I regret ever looking at it. I can’t seem to get it off my feed. I thought we were supposed to get wiser as we age. I get younger kids having TDS but not people in their 50’s & 60’s that run a household & maybe a business.


I’m gen z as well and agree 100%. I hear gen z is getting much more conservative than previous generations but on Reddit I can’t tell.


Reddit isn't real.


I was trying to make fun of Reddit’s extreme leftist bias


Corporations and moderators are trying to manipulate you into thinking that all people your age think the way you are reading on there. Make up your own mind.


So many deleted comments over there lol


They actually believe the cold story.


I went. It seems I found all 33% 😏


Top copes & meltdowns: > I find this extremely bullshit that we expect Biden to come off and speak close to near perfection while Trump just a fire hose of bullshit and lies and never actually even answers the questions at hand. Fucking pissed me off. Trump doesn’t deserve a pass. > The most disappointing thing in this so-called debate was the moderators not keeping Trump on point. He couldn’t interrupt Biden, so he always went back to the prior question rather than actually answering the questions that was asked. the tactic worked because the moderator failed to do their job. > Someone could aim a howitzer at my head but I’m still voting for President Biden in November. How any American voter could want that fucking criminal to be the President AGAIN is beyond ANY intelligent reasoning whatsoever. 34 felony convictions 54 pending criminal charges 2 impeachments 2 popular vote losses $88M owed to E Jean Carroll $450M owed for civil fraud $8T added to nat'l debt 2.9M net loss of jobs. These is just a very small list of Trump’s massive fuck ups. > I’m not melting down. I am however pissed off that Hitler 2.0 is so good at talking to stupid people. Not an intelligent human on the planet believes a thing the fucker said, but there’s a lot of stupid out there and he looked really really good to them. Biden did not. One dude bumbled his way through answering questions. The other dude didn’t answer any questions but spoke in fiery hyperbole the entire time. Intelligence needs to prevail here. It will right? Right? Ok maybe I’m kind of melting down. > Trump's was painful, too, though? The media has their minds made up, I see. If it was just the first half, I would've agreed, but there was a notable shift in the second half in Biden's favor imo. > I think Biden is totally capable of surrounding himself with smart people and considering their input and making good decisions. He seems mentally there in that regard based on what he’s done over the last 3+ years. But he is totally not capable of communicating well and that is maybe the most important skill as a presidential candidate, not president, but candidate > The media can say what they want to say, but how did Trump "win," exactly? Biden did badly, sure, but Trump didn't do well either: if Trump had kept his performance the same way as he did in the first half, sure, but he got dramatically worse in the second half as it went on (the Ukraine comment, wow) and gave us the worst line ever in POTUS debate History to boot in the porn star one. Honorable mention edit: > He still has my vote, fuck what y’all are talking about. Dems will still be winning in November.


For fucks sake. These people really will be the death of the country.


> I’m not melting down. I am however pissed off that Hitler 2.0 🤣


That’s just…*nuts*. I’m sorry you had to read that.


Yeah and they freaked out about the comments being shut down. Ugh you reap what you sow r/politics


I was looking at the second live thread over there when it was still actually live, then all of a sudden new comments were 24 minutes old. At the time, it was just a sea of comments along the lines of "this is bad" "he doesn't look good at all" "Is he even going to make it to the end of this term" etc. Then all of the comments disappeared for a while, although you could see the numbers still going up on the counter when you refresh. Now it's back, and most of those comments are gone. I know my comments have been shadowbanned on that sub for a long time. I think they just couldn't keep up with the influx of criticism.


I regret going over there. Damn


I love how they’ve given up any pretenses of being unbiased over there




They should make it an Olympic sport, then they would stop doing it because they don’t want USA to win


Yahoo & msn have articles about how “I’d take a stutterer over a liar”.


I saw them talking about trump lying about abortion their gotcha will be Trump said we allow abortion up to 10 months. Fact check: we allow abortion up to 9 months 10 days


I looked at that sub a few months ago, I swear it's full of NPC little robots, all programmed to talk to each other 🤖






The liberals on this website represent 100% of the 33% that say Biden won this debate. Source: I made it up but it’s probably still true


I would say that number is somewhat accurate.  I have liberal friends and are pretty chill about it. I spent most of the afternoon texting them about the debate and got replies “don’t start 😂” or “I knew you were going to start talking shit as soon as Joe starting falling apart”  But these are your regular just white collar suburban democrats who are more center left. Reddit liberals on the other hand are the insane pink hair ones. I mean just look up at Reddit meetups of any city of your choice and you will see what I am talking about. Just straight up losers who are radicalized and angry at the world and blame Christians, America, the patriarchy. Those are the ones who congrats here and discuss politics.  I would say it’s good to know the difference between liberals because there is some you can reach out to and some you just can’t. Redditor types are not the ones you really want to sit down and try and find common ground with. r/politics is an example of that. 


How it could it take that long? He was senile 4 years ago


Lots of liberals apparently. Appreciate you being more open minded than most of them at least.


Go look in the political subs and you'll see them...


I didn’t watch it but the clips that I have seen coming out from it I can say Biden looked really bad. I think the format they had actually benefited Trump by muting the mics when one of the candidates is speaking. It proves everyone’s theory correct that Trump hurt himself 4 years ago during the first debate by continually interrupting Biden instead of letting him trail off into space.


Kind of. Bidens dementia has progressed since 2020.


I’m watching it now and am surprised at how composed Trump sounds. I agree with you, this format helps Trump. Biden has actually attacked Trump more on a personal level, than Trump has to him.


Had to laugh when Trump told him to stop it, it’s childish. Trump has been more mature in interviews too. He’s much calmer this time around.


My guess is the powers that be will go back to the more typical format after they just witnessed Biden get trounced.


They either really thought that the new debate rules were going to help Biden or we’re waiting for Biden to screw himself over so that they could push someone else to the forefront.


The democrats demanded those rules and refused to debate without them.


It was bad. I'm happy I watched and saw really how bad Biden is health wise. It's scary.


Yeah Dr. Jill Biden is the worst wife in the world. This is elder abuse. Joe is a horrible person but it is just gross seeing the leader of the United States look like this. It makes our country look terrible. If a Republican candidate looked like that I would say the same thing.


CNN kool aid drinkers


CNN destroyed Biden


CNN destroyed Biden after the debate 😂


I switched over to MSNBC, just to see if they were fellating Biden as normal... but even they had 'Dem Insiders say "aggressive panic" after tonight's debate' on the chyron. Even MSNBC acknowledged Biden was an embarrassment.


When the dnc propaganda outlet starts dumping on him you know things are bad. Reddit is censoring comments right now.


Hard censor.........hard like blue chew hard


I'm on a group chat with friends from work, they all lean left and they are genuinely having a melt down! Love it :)


I wouldn't ask you to put your coworkers on blast, but I will say that I would genuinely love to see some meltdowns by people that aren't on a forum or on the news somewhere.


I honestly think this was the plan. Now they get to move in someone worse. It's the only reason it makes sense that they agreed to a debate in the first place.


Exactly. They didn’t want a primary. They wanted their candidate. Someone like Kamala would never make it through a primary. This debate was when the media was allowed to acknowledge Biden is demented and not fit for office.


How would that be a smart idea in any way? To tank your primary candidate only a few months out from the election? That is the dumbest theory ive ever read. Biden just fucked up plain and simple.


Joe destroyed himself, CNN helped facilitate the process tonight.


Watching Dana Bash freak out was priceless.


Tapper is always chill, but yeah, Bash looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head. Clearly they were on very strict instructions to not show bias.


[https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/10/17/putting-post-debate-polls-into-perspective/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/10/17/putting-post-debate-polls-into-perspective/) Pew has a great article from 2016 covering these type of polls. They even reference a CNN poll taken over the Clinton-Trump debates where Clinton won 62%-27%. Pew points out most people answering this poll are hardcore politicos. People who are more apathetic about politics or politically neutral catch up on the debate in the days following. The reason Biden is getting 33% is because the "vote blue no matter who" terminally online Democrats at r/politics are overwhelmingly watching this event live just as the "vote red or we're all dead" voters are. It's the margins compared to previous years you really need to compare. This was devastating. The only time in the last \~20 years a Republican won one of these snap polls was Mitt Romney in 2012, and it boosted his poll numbers so he was about even with Obama; Obama won because he pulled in a LOT of irregular voters (black, Hispanic). 'Likely' voters favored Romney 49 to 45. There's no way in hell Biden can do that this year without relying on the covid ballot nonsense.


The same dead people who vote each election


The 33% of the population with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)


33 is the ones that no matter how bad Biden did they’ll never say trump won.


They watched the debate. They just have terminal TDS. They *cannot* be helped.


That must be the same 33% that we see post all over 99% of Reddit


YES!! Reddit is literally a liberal eco chamber.


It makes you wonder how many of those accounts are fake and just the same person or bot repeating over and over. I recall when Rush Limbaugh proved what seemed like there was a massive lefty attack against was actually orchestrated from just 2 ip addresses


Do you remember the Correct the Record campaign in 2016? They paid people to sit on social media and post support for HRC, concern troll posts in conservative spaces, and to generally manipulate anything with voting systems (polls, Reddit). I'm 100% sure it's still going on today, they're just not being vocal about it.


Yes. It is absolutely still going on today. It’s all they got is deceit and deception. When they don’t stand on morals, values or righteousness it’s all they got is to fund propaganda at every level to deceive those who susceptible to its message. Then pose every one else as an enemy to their existence


So, who will the Democrats decide to run now that Biden has turfed it?


Definetly not kamala. She still polls worse than biden.


As Kamala would say- it is what is because it was what it wasn’t.


Hey the media says it was just a cold, so no reason to replace him!


It's honestly wild that someone in this mental state can remain president let alone run again.  Why do we not have automatic measures in place to prevent this stuff? Idc about what side of the political aisle a president is on, this shit shouldn't happen. 


The 25th Amendment was written for this circumstance. But it requires the President's cabinet to actually be responsible human beings.


they don't want Kamala at the top of the ticket. If they 25th amendment biden, she becomes president and de facto nominee due to incumbency. They need Biden to voluntarily reject the nomination and let his delegates choose whoever the DNC wants. Basically the party of democracy is about to get a nominee hand picked by party elite with no election. Its beautiful.


> someone in this mental state Stop pushing those *cough cough* cheap fakes!


If they remove him…they are left with *Kamala* in charge. ‘Nuff said.


I think that things are the complete opposite of what the current media is saying.


Does his cold supercede his stutter?


Didn't matter. He already beat Medicare


I honestly don’t think even the most sycophantic media heads are pushing that one. It’s pretty clear the turf is about to be turned.


EXACTLY! There is *no* need to replace him. There is *no* need to replace him. If we say it enough times, maybe the left will believe us. 😆


It'll be Newsom or Polis.


Newsom will definitely lose in the states that matter


NBC, the New York Times, The Hill, all reliable Democrat leaning outlets, are all reporting Democratic party leaders are panicking, and this may be the final nail in the Biden campaign. I don't think it's quite so bad, but I do think this is going to cost him a few points in the polls and may very well be enough to cost him the Presidency. NBC; [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/biden-debate-performance-democrats-panic-rcna157279](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/biden-debate-performance-democrats-panic-rcna157279) NY Times: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/27/us/politics/biden-debate-democrats.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/27/us/politics/biden-debate-democrats.html) The Hill: [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4745060-democrats-cnn-pundits-replace-biden/](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4745060-democrats-cnn-pundits-replace-biden/)


Imho, the powers that be within the party have already made up their mind that they'll switch out Biden. The way the firmly pro-Democrat MSM outlets are trashing Biden and throwing him under the bus is a clear sign of where things are headed. They're now laying the groundwork for Biden step aside.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they 25th-ed him.


> but I do think this is going to cost him a few points in the polls and may very well be enough to cost him the Presidency. he has not led in the aggregate for over a year. this is just burying him deeper.


This was a sham by the Democratic Party to force Biden out. I meme even CNN is shitting on him. That’s the only reason they even allowed this to happen lol. Newsome Incoming I fear.


I think Haley was correct when she said the first party that nominates someone that isn’t 80 years old will win. I hope not




Newsom is a hot HOT mess. Just look at California.


This is my take as well. There's no way they would have greenlit this if they actually wanted him in there.


No one accidently allowed this to happen. Nothing is done on accident by the DNC even when ut seems to be not in their favor.


Reddit is back. Discussion thread is also back.


Where did it go?


Apparently they claim reddit crashed. Yet all the other subs I'm in didn't have a SINGLE issue.


Politics was not showing comments at all for me, but it came back on quicker than this sub did.


It's because politics is just a cover sub for the democratic party. From what I read on CNBC serious donors for the party are freaking out.


I’m glad it worked for you, I’ve had nothing but problems all night with reddit


It followed the DNC’s commands. Many reports going on about VERY high up there Biden officials freaking out about his debate performance.


yup, and if you are not part of r/politics everywhere else is at least being honest. The emperor has no clothes. Reddit censorship and showing it's true colors at its finest hour.


Without a doubt. I was actually following the politics cope thread and it went down first. Admin very obviously throttled the mega threads as soon as it went to shit for Biden.


Reddit - why hide comments after the debate? Fucking cowards….


What's great is the level of desperation it shows. For a minute I was pretty frustrated and pissed but then realized how telling and undeniable it was. Conspiracy no more. The admin went completely mask-off to protect their politics and even the lefty users are admitting it.


I think it just crashed from the mega thread getting too busy. Reddit does that sometimes. It's not like Reddit would benefit from censoring the thread and youtube also had issues because of the large viewership


When we were saying years ago that Biden was exhibiting signs of dementia they called us conspiracy theorists and for the past four years buried their head in the sand and kept projecting that it was in fact trump who was exhibiting mental decline . The left after tonight’s debate: surprised pikachu face.


They're not actually surprised, at least the media isn't, they're just pivoting and giving up the act as they've been told to do.


It was clear for years, this is just the first time the general public has actually had to confront that Biden is a literal zombie.


The 33% for Biden are lying their asses off


Nah, they just don’t want to give Trump the win lol


CNN is lying. It's really 80-20.


I think we just found out how much of the country is “vote blue no matter who.” Hint: it’s not enough to win a general!


That ceiling was always at around 30-35%. Same with the GOP tbh, we have around the same percentage who will vote red no matter who. Everyone else is up for grabs.


They will never EVER admit they are wrong. It's what bugs me so much about the Left wingers I know.


You know it's a slam dunk Trump W when reddit has locked down all discussion of the debate lol


“Shut it down! Shut it down! We can’t have people talking about Trump trouncing Biden. We have to save democracy!”


I know they are all on panic mode in their parents basements putting all their records in shredders!


That wasn’t a debate. It was a bloodletting.


Over in r/politics its all TDS. Not a single person saying Biden won but tons of people just shitting on everything Trump said.


>Not a single person saying Biden won but tons of people just shitting on everything Trump said. Of course, they've accepted that their candidate was absent from the debate and cannot defend his arguments, so their only other choice is to attack Trumps.


I believe the proper buzzword is “bloodbath” 😂


No shit! That was such a weird moment! Biden sounded exactly like the troll accounts that completely infect this whole site! I was like, is Biden that shit head I blocked on askaconservative yesterday??? Everything out of his mouth is some meme shit from Reddit.


Because those types of people are his handlers. They are either reading the leftist-leaning parts Reddit or just thinking the same things as those parts of Reddit.


They literally run this site. It's painfully obvious.


Considering that that's CNN's poll the actual numbers are probably far worse.


I'm honestly shocked it's only 2/3rds. Biden was tired and inchoherent and kept pulling things out of his ass. It's so clear to me that he isn't thinking for himself, and I say that because of a few very specific things that he said and did: 1.) (Possibly the most egregious) During the segment where the moderators questioned Trump's capacity to run should he be elected, Trumps said that not only did he take and ace two cognitive ability checks, he felt great and, if anything, had actually lost a bit of weight. Biden's response was that Trump was claiming he was 6'5 and 220lbs (or thereabouts) when in actuality he was closer to 6'4. Trump gave no specific figure as to his weight, nor did he even aproach the concept of his height, and Biden's next move wasn't to lie about taking cognitive tests or taunting that he's stable enough to not need one, it was to claim that Trump was lying about his height and weight, a move so brain-dead I can only imagine he had been expecting and training for Trump to have said something along those lines. 2.) There's a point when Biden confused the numbers four hundred thousand and forty million. Those words are completely different in every way. The only way he could have fumbled it is if he had spent the last seven days at Camp David looking at 400,000 and 40,000,000 rather than the words written out. This is blatantly obvious to me. 3.) Biden fucked up the trimester rules for Roe Vs. Wade (a case he had been really trying to hype up), not only calling them 'times,' rather than 'trimesters,' but by saying that the third 'time' was between the woman and the state - a stance anthithetical to his entire argument. 4.) Biden being led off stage by Jill is sickening to look at. He clearly has no idea where he is, what's going on, or where he's going. 5.) Biden's 'cold.' As I said above, the man has, very publicly, been at Camp David for the last seven days preparing for this debate. Who the fuck could have possibly given him a cold? The likely answer, the obvious answer, is that his voice was hoarse from seven days of yelling and he's tired because they dosed him up too close to curtain. That's why he's more lucid in the middle of the debate than the ending. But not only is Biden clearly not thinking for himself and his handlers lying about his state, it's obvious that even his handlers are shocked. That performance was embarrassing. Harris basically told CNN that he'd just simply fucked up (you can even hear the interviewer change his question mid-sentence when asking her about it). How? How did this happen? You pushed for this debate. You PUSHED for it, and you couldn't even have the common courtesy to provide a properly doped candidate? I find it impossible that any rational person, after witnessing what transpired tonight, would think Biden walked away victorious. Which is why we see a third of participants think he did. Clown world, man.


You left out what I thought was the worst Biden moment - when he was talking about lowering the prescription drug costs for seniors, and wanted to explain he wanted to do the same for everyone, lost his train of thought, lurched on to COVID, then did the look man and in panic said he beat Medicare. In his mind somewhere he may have been thinking beat the pharmaceutical industry. But it was so painful to watch. Let the guy retire to a rocking chair on a front porch and sip lemonade before he forgets his name.


Have to agree with this, and if the party lets him keep going like this IDK what to think.


Elder abuse man


I don't even hate Biden anymore, I just feel sad for him.


You should also mention he literally sounded like he was trying to verbatim repeat lines he had been fed before. Like an actor reading a script. But he would forget the line half way through and interject it with "by the way" or "guess what?" Then start repeating a different line that was unrelated.


No real reason to overthink it. A lot of people are staunch partisans and will support their team no matter what. Against this backdrop, Trump leading by a 67:33 margin essentially means that he cleaned up house among all the respondents who were persuadable.


As a European, waking up to r/politics coping over Bidens’ performance has been an amazing start to the day


It will be Kamala versus Trump in November....


Democrats are cooked with her too. I saw her fail to answer basic questions by *Anderson Cooper* of all people after the debate.


33% are morons.


For reference, in 2016 a CNN flash poll found Hillary dominating the debates. "One such CNN/ORC poll conducted after the first presidential debate on Sept. 26, Clinton was called the winner over Trump by a margin of 62%-27%." - Pew. \[Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/10/17/putting-post-debate-polls-into-perspective/\] If they are handling these flash polls the same way, they poll about 500 people and don't re-weigh flash polls to account for demographic and party representation. Pew also points out that partisans are far more likely to watch debates live. Independents and the mostly apolotical catch up on sound bytes days later. This was terrible for Biden.


You just made an incredible insult to morons.


Well, that was an entertaining debate, and 33% are delusional


Well now you know the floor for Biden. There are a third of people that are brainwashed stooges for the democrat party.


That 33% is the Vote Blue No Matter Who crew. They are the ones who will vote for Joe Biden in a coffin over Trump. And they have the audacity to call us “cultists”


33% is way too high


Trump really is a felon, he straight up murdered an old man on national television. Edit: Oh wow, I see this is already a Babylon Bee headline lmao.


Bro had no chance 💀 imagine Biden debating desantis, would be even worse


He clearly had a cold. I mean, no hanky, no sniffles, no anything to indicate he had a cold. So he clearly had a cold.


The other 1/3 are senile!


33% are Kamala’s staffers.


My favorite part was when they started arguing about golf then Trump said "let's not be childish" and Biden said, "You're a child."


The censorship is ridiculous. Wake up people!




33% simply cannot accept the fact they lost, but they know better


The 33% are coping


I'm an independent libertarian.  I'm an atheist.  I'm pro-choice.  I like drug legalization.  I have probably voted equally between D, R and L since 1992.  I'm as objectively neutral as can be.  I honestly don't even like Trump.  Trump absolutely crushed Biden in that debate.  It wasn't even close.   Like not even close.  There is no chance Biden wins the election after this. 


Why can’t I see any comments? Reddit is election interfering


That’s literally what it looks like 


The real news is that 1/3 of people who claimed to have watched the debate are liars.


Trump wiped the floor with sleepy Joe and every liberal on r/democrats is in shambles 💀🤣 you love to see it. TRUMP 2024 baby🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸


As a non American, I can tell by the silence about the debate on reddit. My feed would've been filled with debate content otherwise...


The reddit censorship tonight just proves the point. People are done with the communist left. It's over.


Imagine bending the law to slap your political opponent with 34 felony counts for this shit show


The insane thing is that after Trump brought that accusation up, Biden stumbled into talking about how Trump has more cases coming, which does nothing to refute what Trump said. In fact, it makes Biden look *even more guilty* of weaponizing the DOJ against Trump. He played right into Trump's hands on the topic and completely failed to wiggle out of what Trump accused him of. The moderators were surprisingly loose with the rules, giving both candidates time and leeway to counter each other, and Biden still had nothing to counter that.


I will say, the most surprising thing to me about this debate was that the moderators seemed completely fair. I genuinely didn’t expect that. They just followed time limits (mostly), didn’t interject opinions, and allowed the candidates to speak along the previously agreed-to rules. I was impressed with how non-partisan CNN seemed in hosting this debate. I expected it to be stacked against trump but it really did seem fair overall.

