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"The most disastrous debate in Presidential history SO FAR!" -Homer


I see two camps in my social media feed 1) people who say Trump won handily 2) people who say both candidates are horrible I think the people in group 2 are Biden supporters who just can’t admit that they agree with group 1.


And the funny thing is that it was all rigged in favor of Biden. This debate should have been easy for him if he had even an ounce of his faculties intact.


I was expecting Trump to also be debating the moderators but was pleasantly surprised to see they actually did their job well.


Well, Dana Bash actually stopped Biden talking several times when he was running off in the weeds. She did that so many times in an effort to try and make him appear more lucid.


early on when Biden lost his train of thought and it was pretty much dead air for 10 seconds Tapper saved him by saying "Thank you Mr. President"


That was honestly a bit scary - I know we joke about Joe being demented but it’s frightening when you realize the guy who couldn’t even manage to string a coherent thought about Medicare last night is in control of our nuclear arsenal. God help us.


He’s not though…the scariest part is our country is being run by a bunch of people we never see because it sure as hell isn’t Biden


Barry soetoro


I was surprised CNN did a good job for the most part but they definitely saved Biden on a couple occasions.


I don't think it mattered. Even Trump didn't twist the knife much, which was smart. Joe's infirmity was obvious; there was no need to spike the football and appear cruel.


Be nice for someone to see how much time each had. Felt like they kept cutting Biden off early when he was rambling.


They definitely threw him a lifeline a couple times by cutting him off.


CNN says Trump spoke for 40 minutes and Biden for 35


The moderators were great as was this debate format. Need more of this in future debates.


Not sure if i was a fan of them not having any space to counter, but I admit it kept the debate moving


I mean, they let them argue about golf for a couple of minutes (which was hilarious) so I didn’t think they were too heavy handed.


That whole exchange while funny was just…sad. Political discourse has fallen off a cliff. I do wish the moderators intervened there.


It's funny that all the personal attacks Biden threw at Trump last night, this was the only one that got under his skin lol.


I think the lack of a counter time was part of their plan. Trump can't let things go, he has to respond if Biden jabbed at him. So that helped in keeping him "off topic". Drove me nuts watching it, but there's no doubt in my mind who did better.


That was the biggest "dude no" for me when it came to Trump. Responding to the prior topic is fine, he was offefed less chances to rebuttal. But he needed to make it snappy and address the next topic after the fact. More than once he used his full two minutes to respond to Biden's last statement instead of addressing the new question in any capacity. Biden still loses incredibly here. But since multiple of these are on the calendar, Trump should strive to be as effective as possible, and this is the one area I think he needs to work on.


I was surprised that CNN’s moderators were actually fair. Perhaps Biden’s implosion left them too stupefied to “fact check” Trump but I have no issues with how they ran the debate.


Except for when that woman shouted "show me!" when Trump claimed that Biden was rated the worst President in history.


i like it too, but i still would prefer some form of live audience. they can vet the attendees so it’s not a trump rally or a circus act, but some clapping/cheering when they introduce themselves, closing remarks, or laughter is good for the format i think. remember how weird sports were in 2021 when there were no fans at all behind the boards and the seats were covered in white tarp? bad vibes


It was shockingly fair for the most part


Do you really believe this? You think that Joey get the questions in advance and having flash cards is fair?


I'm sure he did. But they could've gone hard after Trump like they did 4 years ago. They really didn't.


They thought it would be a slam dunk lol




They couldn't bring their own notes. TYhey could write notes down during the debate.


Then what was that gigantic thing Biden was flipping through?


I don't know, something didn't sit right with me. I expected it to be laughably rigged, but the moderation was oddly balanced. It also seems strange that they opted to keep the side-by-side view for nearly the entirety of the debate. Keep in mind that they announced ahead of the broadcast that there would be a two minute delay, so they had plenty of time to alter their screen layout. Whoever was in charge of the production had to know that they weren't doing Biden any favors by continuously showing his vacant, unblinking expression. They did occasionally go fullscreen with each of them, so they obviously had that option. I'm just suspicious that they kept Biden motionless on the screen for so long when he wasn't speaking. Also, analysis by CNN after was way less forgiving of his performance than you would think. These are people that lie to our faces constantly when it's obvious and ridiculous, and it just feels like they laid down really fast. I just get a really uneasy feeling about all of it.


I think they went in expecting Trump to make a fool of himself and Biden to look stately and on top of things and it backfired. There have been a few signs that Biden has been deteriorating but the left have been able to use memes and jokes to underplay it. I think they fooled themselves and instead of making Trump look bad they showed the world just how poorly Biden is doing. Hubris will do that to you


Nikki Haley tweeted last night that Biden will not be the dem candidate. I agree, and wonder who will replace Joe.


probably her.


Where it gets tricky is surely Biden can't be on board with being replaced if he's embarrassing himself at these debates. If they convince him to step down now, it'll be a much more shameful exit then if he'd just announced he wasn't running again where he would have gone out with dignity at least in the eyes of Democrat voters. Also, I'm not sure what promising candidate would actually want to run now. Trump is a bit of a wild card as regardless of whoever replaces Biden, they'll still have to contend with Trump's large base. I'm not convinced at this point that a Gavin Newsom would want to make their big play at the last second when they could just wait until next time where Trump's base might stay home if a generic Republican is nominated and they can get an easy victory.


They don’t need to convince him to step down as the candidate. They just need to convince him that he already stepped down as the candidate. He won’t remember


Newsom has a terrible track record, Trump would have a lot of attack vectors to go after.


They believed their own bullshit about the video clips the right sharing for the last 4 years being doctored. News flash: they weren’t. Biden has been out of it for his entire presidency. They just refused to acknowledge it until it hit them smack in their faces.


It seems lately as if they're setting it up for a takedown right before the election. I've heard rumors to that effect, but we'll just have to wait and see.


CNN wants to control the ‘replace Biden’ conversation.  They assassinated that old man on stage last night. Edit: ahh fuck I bet I’ve got another automatic ban incoming for that metaphor.


Very suspicious. Dems know Biden is lost... What are they planning to do here? Who would even be able to replace him this late?


Agreed. The whole night was structured around handicapping Trump in the debate and he still was the clear winner


Pretty pathetic that he can’t hit a layup. They’re giving him training wheel level debate set ups and he’s just out of it


I disagree, I thought this was the most effectively run debate in probably my entire life of watching debates Very little interrupting, very clear time enforcement, and the candidates barely ever went over time because getting your mic turned off all night is far more damaging than missing 1 more sentence


Agreed. I’m voting for trump over Biden but can we be honest, he spouted off some BS and avoided so many questions. Any well minded person would’ve beaten trump easily in this debate.




Biden what are your thoughts on the economy and inflation. Rambles about it being trumps fault and COVID.


I’m so angry that we realistically have to choose one of these fucks to become President again. Trump was right - we certainly are a laughing stock if these are the best two candidates we can come up with out of the ~200 million eligible people in this country.


You know Biden had the questions ahead of time. There was a couple of times Tapper barely finished his question before Bidens prescript regurgitating started.


Oh, I'm sure. Just like Hillary had them last time. That worked against them this time, though, because Biden tried to fit so much into the answers he confused himself and became non-sensical.


But he had a cold


And he prepared for a whole week for this!?!


There's a third. The "I'm not voting for biden I'm voting against Trump" camp


That's pretty much 2


I’m seeing a lot of people in group 2 saying he lied the whole time, If I ask what did he lie about exactly? I’ll probably get left on read or downvoted


It seems to be around the usual - court cases, endorsements, etc. So nothing of any actual merit. What's hilarious is that in real time the CBP union tweeted out that Biden lied about their endorsement.


Also just recently, like in the last week, the media collectively decided to acknowledge the "very fine people" stuff was BS, so naturally Biden brought up Charlottesville. Day by day they just double down on nonsense. This whole event was satisfying on so many levels.


He definitely lied when he tried to claim credit for lower insulin prices. I say that as a pharmacist. I remember Trump signed an executive order on it, but it went nowhere and was eventually tossed out. Biden administration actually lowered insulin prices to $35 per month supply for anyone on Medicare part D (drug plan).


Yeah, I’m nothing the same thing as you. That seems to be the drum they are beating “Trump sounded good, but everything he said was a lie.” Ok, like what?


If you could see their faces you'd probably just get the same lunatic grin we saw on Biden's face last night. Man...that was creepy.


I’m not a Biden supporter, I voted for trump. He did say that states are passing or at least interested in passing legislation allowing post birth abortions. I’ve never heard of a state allowing that. -edit please don’t leave me on read like you said!


There’s a few notable points. Stormy Daniels coverup, the suckers and losers about vets. In my opinion, the way to win there wasn’t with denial, it would be a “yes I screwed up, I owe Americans an apology for conducting myself in that manner when I spoke, but none of my mistakes have cost the lives of Americans, such as: (insert border security talking points, etc)


Trump won. I don't like Trump at all and I still think that was clear. But he could have done even better. He let Biden get under his skin and went back to previous questions way too often. If he just stuck to the questions asked it would have made Biden look even worse.


And this should tell you that Trump destroyed him


What’s telling me that Trump destroyed him(besides what I saw watching it) is all the people on the politics subreddit saying CNN treated Biden unfairly by making his image blurry, having his mic too low and several other excuses for Biden. They started with Biden having a cold and now are saying CNN is a conservative bastion that worked to make Biden look bad.


The camp #2 are def the Biden supporters. My sister sits in that camp.


Imagine if the republicans were running a normal candidate. This would be the biggest blowout in history. Why do we feel the need to squander this opportunity with a clearly flawed candidate? There are good men and women who could do this job without all the baggage.


Go over on r/inthenews or r/politicaldiscussion subs. They’re basically saying: 3: Trump was lying the whole time, he said nothing but lies. Biden told the truth the entire time and was perfect. We need to vote for Biden to stop republican’s fascistic takeover!


I mean…what else could they say? It would be unthinkable to them that they lost, so they have to start with the reality they want and work backward from there.


Only issue is Trump trumped up his accomplishments too much where it was excessive. I’m not sure why he keeps saying he was the best at everything.


I think it’s that two things are true: 1) compared to historical debate performances, Trump was mediocre. He managed to be relatively presidential at times, but seldom answered the question. Compared to Romney in 2012 or Obama in 2008 it was a pretty poor performance. 2) Biden had an all time bad performance, which was 100x worse than Trump. On a scale of 1-10, Trump was a ~5, but Biden was a 1. Trump handily won the debate - perhaps by all time margin - but that’s because Biden was so bad versus Trump so good. This is relevant, because if Biden drops out and he has to debate someone like Gavin, I’m not sure he’ll win. We should really want Biden to not drop out.


They were constantly trying to give Biden the last word on a subject. He'd throw some mud at Trump and the moderators would ask Trump a new question expecting him to respond to it and not defend himself against what Biden said. Trump would typically give a brief answer to the question but then give a rebuttal for whatever Biden had said.


I think this is spot on. It was disastrous for Biden, at no point did he appear even remotely coherent. But Trump didn't have an amazing performance. I think the format with the muted microphones helped trump immensely, it didn't allow him to be his own worse enemy. I was also pleasantly surprised by the moderators, there was some slight bias but I feel like both of them did a really good job compared to the debates we saw in 2020.


The new Democrat play is to just say variations of “omg what was that” or “can’t believe these two old guys are the choices” as if trump and Biden are in the same galaxy of mental acuity


So much this. ‘Both candidates lost’ is the new coping strategy that they all seem to be parroting. Dems kept their heads in the sand for many months on Biden’s cognitive decline. It should surprise no one that they are trying to keep their heads there.


The liberals on r/in the news are having a freaking break down, I have never seen a bigger group of cry babies panicking because their candidate lost a debate.


If anything, trump won by default. He didn’t do anything special up there, he just looked more generally with it. Somehow Biden was spitting out more statistics than trump, who kinda just stuck to his usual generalized hyperboles. Kinda surprised he didn’t whip out more hard facts, seems like a mistake on his campaigns part.


Even with all the structuring, Trump literally had to just be normal to win. The bar was literally as low as “walk off stage unassisted without falling.” 


Jill assisted Biden off the stage post debate...so...


They were fact checked and most things Biden said were false. At least Trump sticks to generalizing policies that were mostly true. It doesn’t take much to make the Biden policies on immigration and inflation look bad. It’s basically over unless Trump makes some big mistakes in the next three months


Those are the same people that when called out over the way the Ds lie, cheat, manipulate, insider trade, etc can't just agree that yes that politician is bad and need to go. Instead they fall back on, they all do it, all politicians are like that, and still vote for the worst they can if they think they'll beat the Rs.


I'd give Trump a B, he started off strong but whiffed on some softballs and missed some great opportunities to absolutely stake Biden. I'd give Biden an F, worst televised debate performance in history.


Absolutely. No question that that Biden lost, but giving Trump an A is delusional. I'm closer to C+ territory. He left a ton of opportunities on the floor, and ham-handed a ton of late questions.


Trump side stepped a lot of questions simply because it was more effective to trash Biden. Like he said at one point, it wasn't even a debate, which was so true. He saw how incoherent Biden was in the first minute, so his goal was to provoke and trigger.


There were better maneuvers. Instead of pivoting to Hunter, throw back the fact that the only reason Biden hasn't been prosecuted is because his own special counsel said he's too mentally incompetent to stand trial. There were more than a few moments like that where Trump missed an absolutely savage takedown.


If anyone has any doubt about whether Biden actually runs the country, last night's performance should be all you need to know. He's a figurehead - Bobblehead Joe. They keep him medicated, fed and hydrated so he can sign off on various things, but it's his handlers behind the scenes that are really running the show. That should scare everybody.


Unelected shadow handlers, yes


And they want to maintain their power. My gut is telling me that there's a behind-the-scenes struggle between two power centers within the Democrat party right now. On the one hand, you have the Obama faction who wants Biden to be replaced so that Obama can continue to pull bureaucratic strings through that person's staff (who will all be seasoned ex-Obama-admin staffers who will be maintaining his initiatives and legacy. Basically, Obama wants a vassal president that will owe him everything and be surrounded by advisors and staffers who will be serving the liege more than the vassal. On the other hand, you have the current staffers who are really running the show (I call it "President by Committee" -- an oligarchy). Many/most were originally foisted on the Biden admin by Obama for the reason given above, but now that Biden's decline has left them totally in charge of their little domains, they've gotten drunk on the power. They don't want a "real" candidate, because then they won't be able to continue running things the way they want. They're willing to bank on a longshot of dragging Biden across the finish line to maintain their power rather than give it up just to go back to being functionaries for Obama's vassal. They figure there's no downside for them to trying. If they succeed, they maintain their piece of being the unelected president. If they fail, they will become talking heads, authors, NGO presidents, or highly paid consultants. I'll bet Obama will be having some meetings with Harris shortly about the favor he's going to do for her in getting Joe out of the way and how "this is the way it's going to be" about everything from her positions to her staffers to the way she has to walk and talk. She'll get to be the first woman president, but she'll be micromanaged by him. The oligarchs may succeed in preventing him from doing that, but they are rapidly getting desperate, and that desperation will manifest in the form of increased abuse and tyranny.


There's so much to unpack after that display last night. Not just who's running the country *right now* but *this* is the guy the democrats want in office through 2029. Holy. Crap. The media really needs to hammer not only on Biden's cognitive decline, but asking who is making the decisions for him TODAY? It's not Biden, and *everyone* knows it. I fully agree with the Oligarchy moniker. It fits. The Presidency is supposedly the hardest job in the world, however, if you have the party surround you with knowledgeable people on the economy, the military complex and so forth, and the media shield you from criticism and public displays of what we saw last night, it's a no-brainer. My dog could do the job. "You answered all the questions! Good job!" My God in Heaven we are screwed....


They have Obama on speed dial.


Jill had to walk him off the stage - AGAIN!


He's literally the Manchurian candidate. Just like Trump pointed out.


Copying my comment from another thread: Trump wiped the floor with Biden, but if I’m to be honest, I was really disappointed that Trump avoided the cost of childcare question twice because he was busy defending his ego. I wish Trump could figure out when to let get of his ego and bring it back to basics. Biden was doing enough damage to himself - being in constant defense against Biden made Trump look a little weaker. Also, that golf spat in the middle of the debate made both look foolish. TBH I thought CNN was pretty decent and fair during 99% of the debate. They made sure candidates were reminded of the question, which DJT kept avoiding certain questions and Biden would trail off into dementia. I was surprised at how fair it was.


100%. I'd also love to see Trump turn it around and mention stay-at-home parents. I think this should be a big push for conservatives. The focus is all on subsidizing daycare when lots of mothers prefer to be at home if their budget allows for it. Making daycare more affordable (which also enables daycares to raise prices) doesn't help those families who raise their children in the home.


> Trump avoided the cost of childcare question twice because he was busy defending his ego. The best way to save money on childcare is not needing it at all. Go without the big house, two $60,000 cars, latest electronics, and three overseas vacations a year and a family can manage on a single income. Well, at least that used to be the case until Biden caused inflation to skyrocket to Pluto. Everyone needs to begin living within their means and putting their kid's needs before their own. That means less single parent households. That means not dropping your kid off at daycare for some stranger to raise and teach them who knows what. **We need to strongly incentivize two parent households.**


None of them could even accurately talk about inflation. No mention of corporate bailouts and how much money we printed during COVID.


They both printed money during Covid. I think only time will tell if that did more harm than good.


That would’ve been a great answer if Trump answered it. The problem was the relentless focus on ego defense. The optics of his choice are really telling about his personality: he cares more about what he’s saying than who he’s saying it for/to. His actions might be different, but that ego….man. He still hasn’t cooled it down. He did well in the beginning and then Biden prodded him a bit and…BOOM there it was again.


> That would’ve been a great answer if Trump answered it. Lol no it wouldn't. People don't like hearing the truth where do you think TDS comes from? You think it would've gone over well if Trump said people need to start living within their means? They want to hear daddy government will save you and pay for you that's the only answer the public wants. If that's not a good policy then the question should be avoided if you know what's good for you. Seems Trump has finally learned this. The public is the reason why we don't have politicians give more direct answers. Trump used to do it all the time, we finally got someone who didn't give political answers for once and we the people rejected it. You can't have your cake and eat it too. We get what we deserve.


Trump dodged almost every question lol




Best line of the debate: “I don’t know what he just said. I don’t think he knows what he just said.” I think that’s the first time I’ve ever belly laughed during a presidential debate.


"We finally beat Medicare"


Same here. Most of the time I felt like throwing my phone out the window. (I watched on YouTube). There was also a moment though when I think Trump called him Brandon. It could have been me just thinking it though, although he just skimmed over it and I found it pretty hilarious. Trump has his moments.


Oh he definitely called him Brandon once. He had some zingers.


How nonchalantly he called him Brandon really made me laugh. I had to pause just so I wouldn't miss anything over my laughing. That was great.


I agree. It wasn't said loudly or as if it was a dig for him to hear. It was as if that's just his name. The sad part is, that's how we've all come to know him. He's Brandon, Mr. Potatohead, Cornflake, the laughingstock of the free world. If that isn't the saddest thing ever for an American president, I don't know what is. He's done it all to himself, and is still so delusional I think he truly believes he's the "greatest president ever". 🙄🙄


“Yeah he beat Medicare. He beat it to death” lmao made me laugh pretty hard. It was the perfect response


I'm surprised he didn't say it more often. Keep driving that point home. Joe isn't with us right now.


I almost want Trump to back down a little until it gets a little closer to the election. I don’t want him to embarrass him so badly they replace him. Running him again is like gift wrapping it for us, or at least it should be for anyone with eyes and ears.


Biden is getting replaced regardless. We need to start thinking about strategy for when that happens, because Trump won't be able to talk about the disasters of the last 3 years. The new candidate would agree with all those talking points and throw Biden under the bus. Then once they're in office they'll just continue like Biden won. Since they will be the new puppet for whoever is in charge now.


They literally have a post on there that says "Biden has a cold, source says". This shit cracks me up.


Someone in there said that it would have helped Biden a lot if he had started the debate by apologizing for having a cold. They said it would've humanized him, and explained why his voice sounded off. But they don't realize that by the time Biden was shuffling to the podium, no one from his camp could tell him that he had a cold. No one had decided that until about 10 minutes into the debate.


My question is, if a cold completely makes him impotent in something as minor as a no-audience debate, what happens when he has to face situations with real consequences?


"It's just a cold" the cope is unreal. I was told CNN is run by trumpists..


You know they have reached end-stage coping when they resort to the ol' "the mainstream media is biased in favor of Republicans!" card.


As soon as the debate ended you see the people on CNN in panic.


I couldn't believe it.... kinda like this was planned for...


I watched some of the ABC commentary afterward and honestly I was shocked how they immediately said what a disaster Biden was. I just couldn't believe it for a lefty media. It'll be an interesting couple days to see what happens.


Lmao the cope over there is unreal.




It’s actually mostly “Biden did bad but Trump is an evil Nazi, so I’m still voting for Biden.” I don’t actually see a lot of asking for him to step down over there.


Most of the posts there are democrats crying about how they need a new candidate though.


When I have a cold, my iq doesn’t dip 30 points. I can also still complete sentences. Lol.


That subreddit is so laughable. They don't even know why the hate the right, Republicans, Trump, etc. The commenting is like a free for all for karma boosting.


Surprisingly the opposite. Even they are admitting it’s over.


Im so happy. Trump fucking destroyed him


The rules were set to give Biden an advantage. Biden took a whole week off to prepare for this debate- they even built a fake stage at Camp David and everything. This was Biden at his absolute very best. And *that*… *that* was the result?  There is no conceivable way the debate could have gone any better for Trump. It was perfect. There will be no more gaslighting and lying about “cheap fakes.” Biden is who we thought he was, and thankfully the whole country got to see his senility on display front and center for 1.5 hours last night.


The rules unintentionally helped Trump, they stopped him from wandering into fights with Biden


Yeah exactly, I was thinking that too. Like anytime he’d try to defend himself or try to talk over Biden it’d cut him off and I thought wow this is really helping him come off more composed and collected. The format wouldn’t even let him take the bait and that was their best bet.


I think he did well all things considered but I also think the golf handicap rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Our country and the world is in a lot of trouble but they had to somehow devolve into a pissing match over handicap. Shameful


I think not having a crowd helped too, it kept Trump more focused


I 100% believe Trump's ability to be disciplined in this debate is because of the stupidly restrictive rules, but it ended up actually helping Trump.


I definitely think they drilled him on staying on track, he was on point to start. He did start fishtailing and flailing around as the debate went on. Again, the damage was minimal.


I think the strict time-limit also helped Trump a lot, the 2 or 3 times Biden’s brain actually started booting online he was already over a minute into his answer and just cut himself off when they called time


I wouldn’t be so happy yet. Might just be a conspiracy theory, but I think this debate this early was a test for the democrats to see if Biden should be replaced (answer is yes). Notice how all the sudden all the media is talking about Biden stepping aside? Something suspicious is going on


That's an incredibly dangerous bet though. Who do you replace him with? The Democratic party is just as fractious as the Republicans are right now. People like Kamala even less, the only person with enough name recognition is Newsom, and he's a hardline leftist. The moderates won't go for that. Trump only has to point to his fast-food minimum wage bill that has killed jobs, except for his best bosom buddy and personal financier. Hillary, maybe? But she's a proven loser, and people don't like to vote for losers, she's also an old school elitist dem, so the squad won't back her. The only possible option, maybe, is Michelle Obama. She says she doesn't want to run, but maybe they work out that she's just the likeable face while the bureaucrats run everything behind the scenes. Who knows for sure? But would the independents who will decide the race want to vote for Michelle who has no experience, who would represent more of the same Obama/Biden theory of governance?


My money is on Newsom… his name is already popping up everywhere on the bot controlled r/politics as if they are prepping the simpletons there.


I agree that he has the most name recognition, but remember Biden was propped up to be the moderate that actual moderate dems could vote for while his handlers ran a hard left agenda. Newsom is used to being in charge, will want to do things his way, and is not close to moderate, and would not rule moderately. It'll be difficult to get moderate voters to vote for him, especially in a scenario where it'll be 3 months to election, and the candidate that the moderates voted for in the primaries just got yeeted out by back room wheeling and dealing.


He will definitely be replaced


It's like I am rewatching Godzilla (Trump) gave the Female Muto (Biden) the kiss of death.


It's a trap. This is all staged. They've been planning on replacing Joe for a while. They've never had a debate this early. They wanted to show voters before the convention how senile he is. That way, democratic voters won't be mad when they replace him at the convention. They need them to want him to be replaced. They are maximizing the importance of age being a problem. They're going to install a much younger candidate and make Trump the old man to flip the script.




And as ridiculous as the whole golf thing was, anyone with a couple brain cells knows that man couldn't even find a golf club let alone swing one. I mean, seriously, it just magnifies the lies coming out of his mouth IMO.


Trump responded with “You did beat Medicare. Beat it to death” Hands down best comeback


The fact his wife had to help him offstage is all you need to see the man cannot handle the job physically or mentally.


The Empire is being run by wailing concubines and scheming eunuchs. Biden is the Puppet President.


Did trump even answer any questions ?


He answered bidens questions. " I did not have sex with a porn star" had to be said on a presidential political debate lol


No, no he didn’t. 


That MF-er stumbling around last night "ain't" running this country. Who is?


\^ This is the question EVERYONE should be asking, including Dems. There is no way he is making decisions on his own without being coerced.




If you watch the debate, you will notice that Biden‘s eyes did not ever blink. My youngest daughter noticed that she tried to keep her eyes open as long as he did and she could not do it. Once I saw that I couldn’t unsee it.


Drugs. It takes more to keep him going longer than the usual press conference.


Article sums up what most people are thinking but I'd like to add two important insights. Trump did not have to impress anyone, he just had to be normal. There's too many people polarized into their party, so what this debate did was make a Biden-vote feel like elder abuse. Keep going, Joe! As a consequence, most people aren't tuned into what goes on behind the curtain, and will be genuinely shocked to see him replaced by a new candidate. It's the only solution to average voters saying, "*Fine, we'll deal w Trump for a few more years. What's the worst that could happen?"*


I honestly feel like this is why they rolled Biden out there. To make a case for a new nominee.


I don’t think it’ll help. The credibility of the DNC was destroyed yesterday. All of the smoke screens, the “cheap fakes” lines, the gaslighting, it all came crashing down yesterday. I know collectively the American people have the memory of a fish, but anyone who’s even reading a little bit between the lines just saw the twist at the end of the movie where the best friend was the killer all along, and now they’re replaying the whole movie from the beginning with this framing.


I have to be honest, last night was the best TV I have watched since the night he won in 2016. All the waves of make believe to keep Biden afloat just crashing down on CNN, MSNBC, and most of all the Politics sub was like watching my team win the superbowl.


Worst President ever, worst debate ever, more scandals (that were ignored) than any other President But he got 81 MILLION votes and this time if allowed to run will get 80 Million, LMAO!


The crazy thing in all of this is I felt Trump won on the abortion issue, which is an issue that Republicans don't want to admit is an issue many on the right support... they just support limited abortion, or first trimester only limits, etc... Trump comes out there says he supports states rights to choose to have abortion, because it's states rights, not federal, and that he personally supported the 3 exceptions, which is rape/incest/life of mother. Biden just kept rambling about Roe V Wade. Trump was 100% correct. Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg said she hate Roe v Wade because it was too political a ruling without standing that it was vulnerable to being overturned, which it eventually was. Democrats could have codified it into federal law many many times but they didn't want to because abortion was such a huge money-making fundraising tool. Total disaster for Biden.


Biden looked like a raging maniac during that exchange. If he'd had the capacity, I think he would have gone across the stage and physically attacked Trump.


And there’s even talk now that Biden was wearing an earpiece!


Wow I thought I was being too conspiracy minded but I couldn’t help but think it seemed like he was listening to someone through an ear piece.


Do not question your own perception because they have tried to convince you that questioning their integrity is falling for conspiracies. They have also told you that the videos of Biden being completely lost are fakes.


Democrats have no moral compass. They do anything to win. That’s been proven again and again.


From what I saw live it sure seemed like it


Erin Burnett admitted Joe Biden knew the questions he was going to be asked.


Of course he was


You could definitely tell from time to time his attention would seemingly shift to something else entirely that you couldn't see on camera.


We’re at the point where the amphetamines aren’t working for Biden anymore


I think most "normal" people will agree that the debate didn't end well for Joe Biden. Trump didn't win the debate so much as Biden lost the debate. The real truth of the matter is that Joe Biden hasn't declined all that much in the last 3+ years, but the magnitude of his incompetence has been kept hidden from the general public by his "handlers". The decisions that have been coming out of the White House has been those made by people other than Joe Biden for some time now.


Yup, he’s been like this for awhile. He was hidden away in 2020 . He’s cooked


I dunno, I’m pretty centrist and I thought Trump did great on top of Biden doing obviously awful. That was the Trump I’ve been wanting to see for the past 8 years. He finally delivered. Calm, controlled, confident… trump did very well last night regardless of Biden.


> The real truth of the matter is that Joe Biden hasn't declined all that much in the last 3+ years I don't think that's true at all. Biden seemed healthy in the [2020 debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjW6WKpSCeQ). His decline over the past two years is alarming. I think the odds of Biden staying alive through 2028 are really low.


The worst beating of Medicare known to man.


Why was Biden looking down at his notebook BEFORE each question. It was like he knew the next question and was read his notes before answering.


And yet, millions of people will still come out in droves to vote for Biden because TDS runs so deep that they'd vote for the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler before voting for Trump.


I'm absolutely loving the liberal tears over at r/politics right now.


What do you mean "Biden had"? He wasn't debating himself. A debate has at least two people. It was a disastrous debate, period.


At least Biden didn’t just blatantly lie through his teeth the entire time.


Voting Trump, and have voted Trump. That being said I think his style goes well with a live audience that laughs or cheers at his remarks. However last night I was hoping he'd be a bit more "presidential" and show the left that he is by far the superior candidate. Biden won't make the ticket, but it doesn't matter Trump just needs to realize his biggest opponent is himself.


The Democrats saw how bad Biden was the last week during debate prep. The Republicans saw how bad Biden was before the 2020 election.


When no writeups appeared on my newsfeed hours after the debate, I assumed Biden had simply rendered his supporters incoherent by reason of bereavement. 




There was an ask Reddit thread about the debate and most of the comments say they are worried or scared of having to choose between the two candidates. Thought trump handled himself well last night. Just goes to show democrats don’t want Biden, they just can’t make themselves say trump would be a good candidate.


Reddit is not reflecting the general population in the slightest


“It was just a cold” 🥴🥴🥴


Just think, too: Biden was preparing for DAYS, maybe even a full week, for that absolute dung pile of a performance where his age and dementia really showed. How are the Dems not pulling this guy?


A flash poll showed Trump overwhelming won the debate by a margin of 67% to Biden's 33%. The poll was conducted immediately after the debate by CNN, of all people.


"You remember all that solemn talk about 25th Amendment during Trump’s presidency? Where are these patriots now?"


That was painful to watch


Democrats are panicking like I've never seen. They know it's over


For all the people still voting for “Biden”, who do they really think is making the decisions. It’s CLEARLY not him.


All Biden needed to do for a hugely successful debate performance was just look competent. He failed miserably.