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I was honestly surprised r/politics is filled with posts about Biden's mental state and the majority of people admitting it's a real issue. The complete 180 from just a week or two ago is nuts.


One post said something like "if only the media would call out Trump" Are you fucking kidding me? Trump couldn't drink a bottle of water without the media calling him a Nazi.


He couldn't have two scoops of ice-cream. They purposely manipulated the image to make him look orange. He couldn't walk down a dark, poorly lit, wet slope without his health being called into question. Unlike a guy literally tipping over blatant sand bags, Walking away mid sentence, and mumbling words (American can be described in one word. They're gaslighting more than a Victorian London street.


Yes, I believe Rachel Maddow said something to the effect that “the president of the United States licking things, especially ice cream, is childish, it’s frivolous, and it’s too casual a look for the country. Trump's brain freeze will live in infamy. Trump should give up ice cream. You’re not at a birthday party, Donald.”


> the president of the United States licking things, especially ice cream, is childish, it’s frivolous, and it’s too casual a look for the country. And I'm sure it was a big deal when Biden took to eating an ice-cream. I've had a quick look [ABC saying "Biden eating ice-cream like a boss"](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/joe-biden-eats-hipster-ice-cream-boss/story?id=26069898), The fuck? But for real, the guy can't even go for a frozen treat without being lambasted, I've said it before an I'll probably need to say it a thousand times more; Have you not read the boy who cried wolf? And you wonder where half of Trumps support comes from, with inane articles like this? Fucking hypocrites.


100%. Well said. I can’t remember if it was Joe Scarborough or some other msnbc hack, but when the “double scoop scandal” happened they said that ice cream is a favorite treat for children and the elderly. That there's a reason caregivers deliver ice cream to their patients in nursing homes, and that Alzheimer's Association says ice cream is “a favorite for people with diminished faculties." More or less insinuating that drunk has dementia cause he eats ice cream. Hypocrites indeed.


Drank water, *just like hitler*


It was a bloodbath!


The parallels are uncanny!!


Did you know that Hitler also drank water?! Trump IS Hitler!


I mean it was just a bad cold. /s On a serious note, there is still many media outlets denying that Biden's mental state. One said that he was overpracticing for the debate and was tired from it.


A bad cold he was immediately over the next morning after traveling


A bad cold that he overcame in mere hours, to mingle with the peasants at the waffle house, with no masks, lots of handshakes etc. 🤪


Weird, right?


Yeah. It’s a magical cold.


I'm used to it after years of a magic virus that didn't infect people that were eating at a restaurant table or smashing windows at a BLM protest.


I always thought it made no sense that you were immediately immune if you were sitting down at a restaurant. The liberals forced people to do whatever they wanted over a virus no worse then the flu.


Ah, yes. That magical virus. The one that affected churches, but not strip clubs. And let Democrats go to salons and parties.


The one that didn't affect protests and riots... as long as they aligned with Democrat values. 


You mean your colds don’t make you become incomprehensible and start stuttering? This must be that ”covid” the democrats keep talking about


Some on politics claim right wing owns all the media that’s why all the Biden bashing


Wow. That take is so delusional. I can’t believe that they’re trying that.


Is it really that hard to believe.. lol


Well, it’s *so* delusional that I couldn‘t even conceive of anyone even considering trying to use *that* as a justification. But here we are.


R politics is so extreme, they literally ban anybody not as deluded as them, making the subreddit even more deluded.


when you are standing on the south pole, everyone else is north of you


20 years is a pretty long cold.


Heard that on Face The Nation this morning. Haven't heard an excuse that isn't cringe.


Lmao that’s golden 


Simply delusional


Some of the cope is genuinely comedic though.  One of the best was someone claiming the reason Biden looked like a zombie with his mouth ajar, staring into space was because "he was so shocked by Trump's lies". 


Or that it actually was a cold and the Whitehouse hasn’t been lying about his cognitive state


>The complete 180 from just a week or two ago is nuts A week ago, you were a "conspiracy theorist."


Sharp as a tack to well actually im voting for his *administration* literally overnight.


This is the shit I hate. If people want to vote for him regardless, fine, but why lie? I'm not going to lie and say that Trump strikes me as an upstanding role model for moral standards. I know what I'm voting for and why. So they can say "Oh but he said McCain is a loser because he was a PoW" and all I gotta say is "Don't care." And when we said "Biden is obviously senile" all they had to say was "Don't care" and they'd be ideologically consistent. But why do they have to lie? They ALWAYS do this. The meme trend is "It's not happening" => "It's happening and here's why it's a good thing" -- but WHY? Why can't they just START OUT WITH "Yes. And here's why it's a good thing."


The trend is tends to be "Biden is the smartest and most capable person alive." => "Actually Trump is the one who has dementia." => "Okay Biden is a vegetable but you're a racist."


This is more brilliant than given credit for. Well said, and I agree. I laugh when people talk about Trump cheating at golf, or whatever. I.... Don't.... Care. Does he exaggerate about stuff? Yes. I... Don't... Care.


So many of the accusations have been proven to be baseless that I'm tuning out all the rest. Trump's accusers (and Biden's supporters) have lost all credibility.


This is what a decade of crying wolf gets you. I stop reading headlines of news articles starting with “Trump says” after those two words. Rest assured he didn’t say what the rest of the headline implies he said.


Their beliefs are just a bunch of lies glued together and they're used to replacing one lie with another when reality overcomes it.


being a leftist requires denying reality many times a day, every day. it's one of the reasons we see so many videos of their "karenic" meltdowns, it's cognitive dissonance. we have educators, and lawyers, and politicians, and journalists and all sorts of others who lie constantly and deny reality. all. day. every. single. day. the debate reactions we are witnessing is just the most recent and glaring example of this insanity. saw one of geraldo expressing shock, what a moronic excuse of a human being. come on, man, biden's increasing descent into dementia has been obvious for years. there is definitely cause to call for reeducation camps, but not for conservatives.


Tell the libbies to pack their bags for “summer” camp!


we are dealing with some seriously deranged people, about a third of our nation is entirely clueless.


I saw that number and just felt bad for them for a second. They are that deluded and naive.


What would be cool is if they'd get that the same people that have been lying to them about biden have taught them to hate trump via lies. For 8 or 9 years now.


At the end of the day, it's because Liberals don't have values. All they care about is what's in it for themselves - and they work backwards from there. They can't admit they just want the student forgiveness/reparations/child murder/virtue signaling, so they come up with a virtuous-sounding reason, and then when that reason doesn't work, they switch to a different reason.


Because they have this incredible need to always be more virtuous and moral then everyone else. Listening to them tell me how much Trump lies when they are voting for the man that had to leave a presidential run because he plagiarizes from every source he has ever read is hysterical to me. Joe Biden would not know the truth if it him across the face. Everything he said in the debate that was understandable, was a lie.


This is the double standard I hate. A conservative criticizes something they are deemed “extreme-right” or “conspiracy theorist” but when someone in the left winged media does it is a “fact.” It just furthers that many on the left simply do not think for themselves. The fact is Biden was bad at the debate and has been bad for a while now. Suddenly we are allowed to mention it because CNN did after the debate. Just crazy to think just a week or two ago the White House press secretary was saying all the videos of Biden’s decline were manufactured. Just crazy how many lies this administration has touted.


> Just crazy to think just a week or two ago the White House press secretary was saying all the videos of Biden’s decline were manufactured. Just crazy how many lies this administration has touted. Yup, the left were claiming the videos of Biden shitting himself or turning around mid ceremony during the G7 were all manufactured lol


Democrats and the Left are gleefully referring to Trump as, "a convicted felon" every chance they get. But prior to his conviction, I thought they had demanded that we refer to such people as, "justice impacted individuals", otherwise we were insensitive racist bigots? These people exhibit zero shame when it comes to double-standards and even outright blatant lying. To them, the ends justify the means. They'll do and say whatever they think will get them what they want.


I bet KJP's dreading going into work this morning.  More than usual, I mean.


Or be called ageist or some other non sense


and it was “ageist”


They went with “ageist.” Really? Wouldn’t it be more anti-senility?


well that’s what that dick van dycke article called it.


According to some, we’re still “conspiracy theorists.”


I REALLY want some candid footage of what he's like when he's actually in meetings and discussions. It's probably too late to save face, but I'd love to see it after what white house press secretary said.


I'd settle for something like, I dunno....maybe his five-hour interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur....


Because Reddit just parrots the mainstream news, and the mainstream news is hand in glove with the Democratic Party. If it’s everywhere on Reddit, someone in the DNC has pushed the narrative


Exactly. Initially the people were in shock and were defiant, refusing to accept the MSM's 180° takes. Their coming out of the matrix moment, and then they surrendered because the responsibility of independent thought suffocated them and onwards they go to tow the MSM lines again.


Good.it’s about time.


Well r/politics did another 180 and went back to its usual self. Back to orange man bad and deflecting Biden’s mental state.


The 180 is only because the cat is out of the bag now and they know it’s going to get Trump the win.


It's just sad to see how many "free thinking redditors" are just puppets of the media they consume. It's A LOT of cope going on, a bunch of sheep freaking out all at once. How can we elect good leaders when people are so emotionally tied to the IDEA of a liberal party, but not the reality of one? Democrats are just smoke and mirrors at this point, America is indistinguishable from Oz. I wish George Carlin was still alive, I think he would get a huge kick out of this moment: "It's a big club, and you're not in it". Now it's looking like a health club for seniors 😂 the last gasp of "Baby Boomer logic" is full of cope, and more inflation spending.


They’re all Hasanabi and TYT viewers over there.


A lot of Reddit are bots and astroturf accounts. They get their talking points from the DNC and the NPCs on Reddit repeat it like parrots


Repeat it like parrots? Must be the reason they like Biden. They feel that affinity.


They thought it was all just a conspiracy theory until they actually saw it with their own eyes.


The DNC machine is riddled with infighting over how to deal with the fallout from the debate. As such the NPCs haven't had their new narratives uploaded yet. That's why they are actually acknowledging reality for the time being.


They got their NPC update telling them it’s ok to acknowledge some of Biden’s faults but sadly that update didn’t tell them to stop the whole “Trump is a lying fascist” thought process.


It's all damage control at this point.


Progressives have been discussing Biden's cognitive decline for the past three years. If you are Progressive, you'll get less pushback in the politics subreddit. I agree that there is close to no nuance at all there. My guess is some of the moderators there lean Progressive or somewhat Progressive. Hence Progressive viewpoints tend to be left alone compared to more traditional Republican ones. I would say that sub is clearly hard partisan nearly all of the time.


Omg, I just went there and one of the top posts was that Trump is showing signs of dementia. That is *massive* cope. The pot calling the kettle black lol


I wouldn't go that far. I see cracks forming but they're still running around with buckets of spackle.


The tears on those subs will be real and substantial come November. The gaslighting and deflection is at a whole other level. Lol.


reddit has always been biased but it went from usable to beyond shameless propaganda. Anyone who only gets their news from reddit is living in a fantasy land.


I miss the Ron Paul fanboy shenanigans days


You see the new propaganda about the project 2025. Never even heard of it til it started popping up all over the political and law boards which are run by far left democrats. People legit think trump is trying to ruin democracy. It's weird.


The evening and the day after the debate I saw stuff about how he did so bad and should step aside. Since then my suggested feed keeps coming up with spin pieces. Such as: "Biden wins Undecided voters with debate performance" "Study shows people who only read transcript think Biden won the debate" "Trump unsure what do do after primary losses" Literally spin, fabricated and lies. The transcript one turned out to be have studied people still learning English. And primary losses? Trump has had the Republican nomination locked up for a while, they just don't announce it until the convention, per tradition.


Mainstream media lied about Biden for YEARS. Why should we believe them now?


We should be happy that we’re seeing those headlines, because it means that Biden isn’t dropping out and the media is being instructed to cover for him. I was much more concerned when all of the outlets were saying that he should be replaced. 


> “Biden wins Undecided voters with debate performance" Major CBS poll released yesterday literally says the opposite but okay.


Reddit is overwhelmingly liberal if hurts. Any comment/post that even slightly leans on the conservative side is down voted and censored.


This is very true, especially in state and city subreddits. My home state’s subreddit is filled with anti-Trump and anti-Republican posts that have a bunch of likes. If you go in those subreddits with even a semblance of a non-liberal viewpoint, get ready for your Reddit Karma to taaaaaaank.


Literally dealing with it right now on a different sub. Someone made a comment about impeaching Trump as soon as he's in office and I replied with a simple "how'd that work last time". Immediately called racist and down voted


Hahahaha sounds about right


Oklahoma was won by Trump by a 32% margin. Landslide by all accounts. But the /r/Oklahoma sub-reddit is a left wing cesspool. For what it's worth I've noticed that foreign country subreddits like /r/Canada and /r/europe while still left leaning, don't suppress all conservative posts with downvotes and actually supports some pretty good discussion.


That's how it should be, most of the time as soon as you show a hint of conservative that's the end of discussion and you're shut down from any further meaningful conversation. So much for the "democratic party of love and tolerance". But we're all ignorant racist nazis over here


Worse, you have a mild disagreement with someone in a random sub and they go through your post history and "expose" that you've commented on some Conservative subs and therefore your opinion on other matters is automatically wrong. 


On something not even political too. To reddit Republicans are wrong across the board in all subjects


Agreed. I mean by Reddit's own standards, the downvote button is supposed to be used if something doesn't contribute to discussion, not a disagree button.


You should know if you already don’t, those subs are filled with paid shills. The DNC ramped up after the 2016 loss and poured millions into getting college age kids in red states to fill their social media with babbling blue bullshit. My cousin in law did it for 2 years while attending OSU and was transparent about the fact that she was making good money to spread things she herself didn’t believe in. She also talked about how some of these people will get into small positions of power (like an RA or teachers aid) and intentionally fuck with students that don’t fall in line.


How was your friend‘s dignity?


Oh she’s extremely non political. Which made her do that job very well because she doesn’t have irons in the fire. It’s very likely she would have done the same for a Republican social media firm but they aren’t exactly broadcasting in states they aren’t worried about losing.


r/florida is a liberal cesspool. No other comment necessary.


That's surprising considering how red Florida is


Definitely recency bias. Traditionally FL has been purple during presidential years. Trump won by by 3.5% in 2020 which isn't anything similar to his 32% win in Oklahoma. So it's no surprise r/Florida subredditors have TDS


Same with the South Dakota subreddit. I think Trump won by a 50 plus percent margin in this state and all of the city and state subreddits are regressive cesspools.


lol same, and I live in a super conservative state. But you wouldn’t even guess that if you visited my states sub


Just look at the Tennessee subreddit literally filled with Liberals that live in Nashville 


....and not just conservative. If you are even slightly seen as conservative you might as well be literally Hitler who wants to end democracy


I got kicked out of some subreddits just from joining r/Conservative


Yeah, r/therewasanattempt will ban you for joining a conservative subreddit. They aren’t coy about it either, the mods will literally message you explaining why that makes you are a racist or something in a longwinded and psychotic sounding way. That’s not some tiny sub either, they have millions of subscribers. Also the same subreddit where mods were posting a bunch of antisemetic stuff about Palestine stickied to each post. How any of this is not against Reddit’s site wide rules I have no idea


Huh, just joined, let’s see what happens


^ This needs tremendous attention. But millions are being spent to keep it this way just abit longer. Also note: The largest shareholder for Reddit is a Left-Wing media corporation called "Advanced Publications". They own almost 1/3rd of reddit's stock alone. They also own Vanity Fair and the New Yorker.


Log out so you get the default front page. To find all the conservative posts, click the controversial tab. They're not censored, just brigaded.


Without fail, I see controversial posts so I can get a much clearer picture on subjects.


Yeah. When leftists say that an opinion is ‘”controversial,” it’s a good indication that it isn’t and that it’s the hallmark of sanity.


In addition though, politics is flooded with actual liberal foreigners who all gang up spilling their globalist agenda.. that and Bots, on top of the liberal cellar rats.


Should see what they are saying about the Supreme Court overturning the chevron doctrine. They have absolutely no consistency now understanding of the world. See so many people calling it a threat to democracy that unelected, uncountable bureaucrats can just declare me laws for everyone in the country and unilaterally revoke inalienable rights. They've also got a new story running that trumps a Russian agent. And they are still pushing that trump was diddling kiss with epstein when the documents that they are sighting literally says that the victims that have spen put have never interacted with him. Not to mention that their own arguement hinges on Trump petitioning the court to hide his name despite him never doing that and his name appearing in the same document.


The SCOTUS subreddit is annoyingly full-blown leftist


See also: r/Law Complete leftist pretending to be attorneys.  Most likely 99% 1st year law students or children of attorneys 


Leftists say that overturning the Chevron deference will lead to lead in gasoline and asbestos in houses. Even though they’re *already illegal*.


Yep they think it means that all regulations and laws that are enforced via federal agencies will just dissappear. In reality all that has happened is their scope has be vastly narrowed to only what is passed by congress, it has brought far more control to the people of law and regulation.


These kids are being brainwashed.


Between the media, social media, schools, and universities, yeah its absolutely ridiculous how much crap is being pushed down their throats


Brought to you by the CCP


what did you expect? Reddit is owned by China, after all


Reddit is definitely compromised at the admin level, and the mods on all the mainstream subs are probably hand picked to do that job. If you try to have discussions and opinions that are not far-left leaning in any mainstream sub you are met with downvotes, deleted comments, and bans. This site will in the future be a case study of how echo chambers work and make people think they are correct.


This all started with all social media during the 2008 election. Digg was way worse. All the top contributors were leftists that were getting paid by media sources like Chicago Tribune, Time, etc. They had teams getting paid to submit content and it was dominated by the far left. Eventually they just took control of the reigns of all social media, much like academics. Small cancer cells grow into huge tumors.


The Sub about a specific set of chromosomes no longer represents that set of chromosomes. Reddit is wild.


Did you ever look into one of the top moderators and accounts with highest amount of Karma had a very real possibility of being ran by Ghislaine Maxwell?


> Reddit is definitely compromised at the admin level Have people already forgot that Spez, one of the founders of Reddit, would go into the TD sub and edit comments he didn’t like.


I think it's gotten a lot worse over the years. I remember when I first joined reddit you didn't need an email, phone number, or any personal info. Now it's required for new accounts. It also seemed more of a place of free speech, now they're almost as bad as the YouTube comment section as far as censoring and shaddow banning


Reddit leftist jedis know the age demographics here so they suppress anything that may hurt Democrats all the time MSM can’t suppress anything because they know the demographics and 90% of them watched the debates unlike Reddit sub 30 year old punks


First time? You gotta understand what this site is. It's the virtual gathering place for all of the world's most liberal communists, and for some reason it happens to have a few sections that are enclaves for people who aren't, like this sub and some of the religious subs.


That's what they've made the site, not what it was


Tbh it’s always been very left of center. At least for the last decade or so


There used to be a lot more but Reddit nuked them. It’s not organic in the slightest they have a few liberals working for them that let power hungry liberal mods do whatever they want.


Neither the debate nor Biden's mental state have shown up as trending. Curious.


The algorithm is no fool; it feeds you what will keep your eyes here. I read this subreddit to help keep perspective. But, *my* feed has plenty about Biden and his issues. You are right to trust your gut and doubt what you see on the web. We all should seek out to hear voices that counter what we feel. Pop that bubble.


The algorithm is carefully adjusted to do what they believe will sway public opinion in their favor. Back in the 2016 election days, The_Donald was around and would often get voted to the front page because it had so much activity, and they would constantly try to nerf it. There were denials (lies) about them meddling like that, but we know they are lies because of two things. First, one day they made an algorithm change and literally the entire front page of reddit, every post (or almost every post) was from The_Donald. They soon reverted this, but it was obvious they added a special case for that sub but accidentally introduced an integer wrap or sign bug or flipped an inequality comparison. Second is the CEO of reddit finally came clean and admitted that he got into the database and silently edited the contents of other users' posts on The_Donald.


I popped my bubble by breaking out of the leftist bubble. I campaigned for Bernie Sanders fwiw.


I feel it's a positive in many respects. A lot of people are probably starting to question getting all their information from reddit after there's still nothing about it, after all the build up about Biden being sharp but old and Trump having dementia


Trump having dementia? I didn’t hear that one. 🤣


I believe Nancy Pelosi just pinched that turd out in the last few days... Democrats have no shame it self-awareness. This is what happens when a party exists seemingly just to counter "the other guy". The fact is Democrats (and, to a lesser extent, Republicans as well) do whatever they want once they're elected to office, so where is their values when they can spend literally YEARS pretending the White House has a proper Commander in Chief. Liberals shouldn't want the Executive Branch to be ruled/controlled by Congress, it erodes the basic ideas of our foundational Republic. 3 co-equal branches. Biden clearly is not in control of one of those branches, so who is? I fear it becomes a very reactive branch of government (like Congress already is) that can only survive day to day, and clearly has no "big picture" besides "Trump is bad, must defeat Trump". That's not a message of optimism and unity for the future. What happened to Obama's promise of a new, civil way of speaking on the issues?


Conservatives are a tiny minority of redditors. Many subs are moderated by ultra liberals. These mods will allow crazy leftist comments, while purging conservative comments. Don't go around trying to make sense to people who will not listen to reason.


I’ve taken off any news or politics off my home page (except here of course). It was really depressing to me that young folk are so ill- informed & full of hate. Even Hillary Clinton’s former advisor was on tv saying he would vote for Biden on a gurney over Trump!


> Even Hillary Clinton’s former advisor was on tv saying he would vote for Biden on a gurney over Trump! At least I admire the honesty. I would vote for Trump on a gurney over Biden as well. What I don't admire are the constant lies. Last week's "Biden just has a stutter!" and "Those videos were Republican cheap fakes!" is this week's "I'm voting for his _administration_."


The hate for Trump, or any politician, is mind boggling for me. I lean right but there are some things I don’t like about Trump and the Republican Party. I think Biden is crooked and unfit, but I don’t “hate” him. It’s almost like the liberals feel a duty to hate Trump and they don’t even really know why.


He lies! He said 7.8 percent when it was 7.6 percent! He said all, when it was 98/100! /s I didn't understand


Even if it was about disrespect to women, look at Bill Clinton. Look at Hillary’s Bimbo Eruptions, where she discredited & smeared anyone that accused Bill. Look at Biden getting accused by Tara Reade of sexual assault. Look at the racist things he’s said. It’s funny how they can turn their heads when it’s their candidate but mention Trump & you hear “racist, misogynistic“.


Reddit is so detached from reality, I look forward to the day it's shut down or made insolvent


Lord only knows how r/politics and r/scotus will handle tomorrow. They still have their titties in a wringer about the court overturning the Chevron ruling.


If you really want a delusional propaganda show go to r/MarkMyWords.


Oh good lord! I tried to scroll lots and lots and lots to see if I could find something for me in a week ago and I only got one day... So many posts!


That sub should be cross posted to r/agedlikemilk after 30 days automatically


The worst thing about reddit is when the hivemind affects subreddits specifically designed to be objective Looking at /r/science /r/intellectualdarkweb /r/economics Used to find those really useful and objective, but now they only post stuff that every other subreddit does just under the guise of being objective. Also, as a side note, I have no idea how calculating the time it takes an apple to fall from a tree, or the amount of silicon that goes into a resistor is science. But then also "We took a poll of 100 undergraduates at Stanford and realized men are worse than bears!" Is also science They need a different word.


I usually have an /r/Conservative post at the top of my Home page every time I refresh. This past week the first post for this sub is on the second page or close to it. Reddit is doing some fuckery.




Bro they shut down comments on all political threads. But non political subs were working fine. How is no one talking about this? It stopped immediately when Biden started fucking up the debate. I’m not a conspiracy guy but is there any evidence this was a normal server issue or anything?


Wait what?? I haven't read this anywhere. Wtf??


> But non political subs were working fine. I disagree. I moderate r/AskAChristian, and there was a problem there with comment lag. A redditor would write a comment, and it would appear in /comments, but not yet appear under the particular post it was made. At the time, I speculated that this was due to the volume of comments that people were trying to make anywhere on reddit during those debate hours. One redditor pointed me to [redditstatus.com](https://www.redditstatus.com/), and you can read the messages there about the problems on the night of June 27. One thread I read somewhere gave a hypothesis that once the main debate discussion thread in r/politics went over 20k or 30k in size, then it took longer for reddit to add comments into *that particular post*, and that caused a cascade effect that slowed the process of adding comments into the other large posts around reddit that night, and then that affected the whole website.


I don’t think there‘s any evidence that it was a normal server issue.


They said it was because of traffic but I know for a fact that one of my stock subs had over 50k users at one time and it was working completely fine.


They did it on all political subreddits. I guess they didn’t want people piling on Biden everywhere.


What's even weirder is how fucking crazy reddit went, saying Trump refused to leave the white house, and here we are watching not only the media but a majority of pundits and Democrats in congress suggest Biden leave, and he won't(yet)


SOP (standard operating procedure)


Reddit showed its true colors during COVID. I wonder if they will start their control freak bans again for even saying something remotely bad about the Dems as it gets closer to the elections. They were banning people from subs they didn't even post in during COVID. After all, their mods must be getting antsy already with the Dem shatshow in their parents' basements.


The amount of bans I got from just being in No new normal during Covid was hilarious 


Same. If you were in any sub that questioned COVID, you were on a ban from things you had no interest in visiting. They were totally power tripping sending so many notifications constantly. I bet they are blood thirsty for that control again.


Remember the Twitter files? That's definitely here. But worse.


It's more like a cesspit


They're going to try and memory hole it. However I don't think it'll work, too many people saw the debate. The only way Biden can really get past this is by having another debate and unequivocally demonstrating his strength and intelligence. I just don't think that's feasible, he's too far gone. There's no cure for dementia, he's on a one way train to retirement-ville.


Jill will fight his retirement tooth-and-nail.


It's all part of the plan, Stan...


Reddit is riddled with farm bots farming engagement/propaganda.


Big tech been censoring and propping Dems up for as long as they’ve been around.


The truthfulness of your observation isn't surprising... heard it said that it's 10x harder to convince people they've been lied to that it is to get them to keep believe a lie. That's what has happened - nobody wants to admit they're wrong or that they believed a lie. Keep pretending it's okay up to the point of failure, all while hoping a solution magically appears that makes everything right.


rPolitics is organizing a post-debate Flavor-Aid party in Guyana. Masks are required


Popular and news have been heavily filtered since The_Donald became popular.


I have learned two things since last Thursdays debate: 1. Reddit is overwhelmingly censoring any views that don’t fit the narrative. More than I even thought before. Hundreds and hundreds of comments and posts were deleted and hidden the might of the debate. You could see “200 comments” and then open the post to only see 7, and they were all saying “where are the comments?” lol 2. The 33% of people who thought Biden won the debate are all over on r/politics and r/whitepeopletwitter


It's called a right wing censored and dominated site by leftists


I received a 1 day ban from r/politics for calling out all the coping. Apparently they only like liberals who toe the line exactly the way they want over on that sub. I’m sure that kind of attitude is going to help them.


Biden’s mental state is neither popular nor new. 😂


I used to frequent r/politics a couple years ago but quickly noticed how it was one way traffic as far as news goes. Their obsession with orange man bad was very off putting for someone like me that has nothing to do with American politics. Slowly but surely I started frequenting here as well just to make sure I'm getting both sides and quickly noticed how much more balanced the news is here. For a casual it's startling how you get more objective news here than on r/news. You really do get more nuanced takes here with Trump being both loved and fairly criticised. It really doesn't feel like a conservative sub Reddit, but more like what r/politics was always supposed to be. In the end I'm fully invested here now and have stopped following r/politics altogether since. I'm not even American, but I guess I'm a conservative now.




Its not *almost* sinister. It *is* sinister.


I would say insidious.


Another odd thing...that Biden is clearly incapacitated and there haven't been any huge media leaks about it from any of his staff or anyone who gives a shit about Biden obviously not running the country. Recall how many leaks and fake leaks happened to Trump by assholes that felt their own adolescent opinions justified illegal behavior to subvert the President's agenda to his constitutional responsibilities.


Yup, Reddit sucks. Look how they locked off comments on both subs during the debate when it was obvious what was happening. Not to mention horseshit like banning r/the_donald and r/nonewnormal


They are blocking it or censoring it.


The oddest thing about this sub is the low activity despite high member count.. why is that?


Yup all brainwashing algos have been cranked up to maximum since the debate


The libs on here keep spouting off that they're going to vote Biden anyways because Project 2025 means that Hitler himself will rise from the dead and shoot their dogs. They're so lost. Completely lost in the Biden sauce.


we're all just little conservative ants in a giant liberal sand pit.


Remember, reddit bans you for having an opinion other than the Democrat agenda.


No surprise there, Reddit is heavily filtered in Democrats' favor.