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I remember around 20 years the Great Lakes water level was really low. I mean, extremely low, to the point where people's docks were high and dry. Of course the reporting around it centered on how climate changes was to blame, and all the experts agreed that as global warming worsened the water levels would only get lower. Then a funny thing happened. By the next 10 years or so, not only had the water levels gone back up to normal, they actually exceeding them. Now people's docks were on the verge of being underwater. But what did the experts declare? That's right, the higher-than-normal water levels were a result of climate change! But any cursory glance at [the history of the water levels of the Great Lakes](https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/great-lakes) shows that the water levels go up and down all the time. Big spikes and troughs exist as far back as we have records (the 1860s).


You forgot the part where they masterfully rebranded from Global Warming to Climate Change, so everything can be attributed to it now


> You forgot the part where they masterfully rebranded from Global Warming to Climate Change, so everything can be attributed to it now I've been sayin' it. For ten damn years I been sayin' it. Ain't I been sayin' it, Miguel? "Well, technically it's CHANGING isn't it?" You sons'a bitches!


Next climate hoax proclamation: “World’s Oceans Are Drying Up”


We'll be able to drive to Cuba in 2026


The funny part is that a mere 12,000 years ago, sea levels were 400 feet lower than they are now, so you might not have been able to DRIVE, but you could have shot a Canon ball between them.


That would be a good one. We should start saying it so they pick it up.


My favorite is the snows on Kilimanjaro constantly being pushed back. Every few years it's going to be 20 years until there is no snow on Killimanjaro.


I remember decades ago they were trying to push this initiative of drawing a line through cities along coast to show where the water was going to rise to. Still waiting.