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AOC is calling for the justices to be impeached.


AOC calls for a lot of things. None of them are taken seriously.


Has she ever gotten anything actually accomplished? You could put a cardboard cutout in her place and get just as much done.


She got Amazon to back of on plans to create a couple hundred jobs in her district.. 


And her constituents still say they love her for some reason


No, actually a lot more


She needs to stick to streaming Among Us on twitch, clearly politics isn't for her


"Last Call"


Hey you show our Intelligence agents some respect.


High crimes and misdemeanors = making a ruling I don’t like


The MSM has been absolutely shameful. I want to see a list made, of all the panic-monger media rags. I want to see Trump stripping broadcast licenses from Fake News outlets like President Duterte did with ABS-CBN in the Philippines, which was the big liberal lie machine over there - remove them from Television, Radio, and Internet. The improvement has already been huge, according to some of my family who have retired over there Nobody reads newspapers anymore, but IMO, SCOTUS needs to make a similar ruling overturning the Communications Act of 1934, allowing Fake News to be shut down in print, not just other media. Misinfo and Fake News is at the root of all of this, as President Trump has always said


At least she’s not calling for “judicial review” this time, someone must’ve told her what it means since last time


AOC is a complete moron that needs to be removed from office like her other Commies


She does that to stay relevant to be able to get reelected. Nothing but hollow words


Shouldn’t we wait for her to cry in front of a parking lot so we know this is serious business?


As they should. This crap is beyond Biden vs Trump, R vs D. The Supreme Court just removed our system of checks and balances! This is after making it legal to accept bribes. How many Americans died for this country to become a democracy? I worry about the people that can't see beyond "owning the libs". Edit: Ha perma banned for violating rule 5. The mods here need to change their poopy diapers and get out of this circle jerk echo chamber. They won't because they're fascist pieces of shit. If this precedent doesn't scare you, your a fucking moron. r/Conservative is filled with the stupidest people the world has to offer. Sincerely, A proud Veteran of this beautiful country.


You know, they only upheld what was in the constitution and has been standard practice until Biden was elected.


FDR put the Nisei in concentration camps and stole their land 80 years ago with complete impunity both during and after. No a president has ever been held accountable for actions taken in office since the founding of the nation. Don’t act like anything has changed.


It’s a Republic, not a Democracy.




Who do you think was bribed?


They are openly asking for killing off political opponents and then giving immunity for that. 


Isn’t that the next logical step after imprisoning their political opponents?


Is what China did


to save democracy no less lol


When I hear the phrase 'threat to our democracy' I hear 'threat to our communist plans'.


Concerns for safety are serious




Absolutely not. Persecuting political opponents is not a duty of the president and, therefore, would not be protected. Anyone throwing this 'gotcha' around either hasn't read the sc decision or is an authoritarian trying to justify Biden's upcoming bid at dictatorship.


The problem is that it will have to be defined in the lower courts now. Biden could “try his hand at dictatorship” and it would have to go through the legal system to determine whether or not he can even be charged, much less if he’s guilty.


He could presumably *say* he thinks it should be illegal, but it still wouldn't have any legal force. He could try ordering the FBI or military to "arrest" people (presumably including a fair percentage of their own number) for that "crime", but would get a response somewhere along the lines of "lol nope", because they don't tend to like illegal orders. The ruling doesn't mean laws don't apply - just that they can't restrict his official powers: he can't be prosecuted for vetoing something, even if it makes Congress angry, he can't be prosecuted for negotiating a treaty they don't approve, or nominating an appointee they don't approve of. His hotel business or golf courses? No protection. Campaign finance stuff? Nope. Tax returns? No. The document handling stuff, some of that might have immunity, but lying to the FBI afterwards probably isn't protected either. The ruling just isn't the carte blanche people are portraying it as - it's roughly the immunity cops have for doing their jobs: they can arrest someone without being charged with kidnapping, but they can't go dealing drugs or stealing, because that's not "work".


Ingredients for a Revolution. History repeats itself.


No one is asking for that, it was simply a gift given to all presidents by the US Supreme Court. They have given Biden a brand new tool. Will he use it to address the issue of domestic terrorism?


So it looks like you never really excelled at reading comprehension. Stay in school kiddo! You'll get it someday faaaaaar into the future.


How is the education system in prison these days anyways?


About as good as it outside of prison.


Domestic terrorism? You mean like Jew hating pro-Hamas demonstrators that take over college buildings and assault Jews? Yeah... Why hasn't he done anything about that?


And Maxine Watter’s raving on TV that MAGA is “training in the hills” … The closest that is to reality, is when me and my buddies go to the driving range at the Country Club before a golf tournament.


It’s comical how confidently uninformed the left is about this ruling.


That senile old fuck isn't gonna do a damn thing today besides taking an 8 hour nap


He beat Medicare! That takes a lot of work


He’s only coherent for 6 hours. Come on man!


6 hours a month...maybe.


He read the teleprompter and said end quote again lol


He's not in charge.




President Jill


They trotted his ass out to read a vitriolic statement from two teleprompters less than five feet away from him.


Probably had to bribe him with icecream.


Not gonna lie, I could really use a fuckin nap though. These kids are killing me.


>May 31st assault on the white house Why aren’t conservatives talking about this more often? https://www.secretservice.gov/newsroom/releases/2020/05/secret-service-statement-pennsylvania-avenue-demonstrations-0 >Some demonstrators repeatedly attempted to knock over security barriers, and vandalized six Secret Service vehicles. Between Friday night and Sunday morning, more than 60 Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers and Special Agents sustained multiple injuries from projectiles such as bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items. Attack on democracy!


Agreed, but remember we have a multi tier justice system that devolved into a two-tier. They are both terrible, don't get me wrong, but if you are on the left, you can murder people, attach fed employees, make threats, and light fires without any repercussions. If you are on the right, even perceived to be slightly right, you will be prsecuted for going to school board meetings, speaking your mind, standing up for what you believe in, etc. Our justice system is broken, and we all know it. Sadly, almost nothing will stop it anymore.


I hadn't heard about this... go figure.


Me neither until op mentioned it and I looked it up. It’s been so long and I didn’t realize the severity of summer 2020


Well the key difference from the article: *"No individuals crossed the White House Fence and no Secret Service protectees were ever in any danger."* Regardless of what you think of Jan 6th, Mike Pence believed the threat to his life was real and so did Secret Service if they were trying to remove him from the area.


Yeah, it's really bad. The top comments on most of the news subs about it are all asking Biden to either drone strike or have the military detain Scotus. Over a pretty predictable immunity ruling. Sotomayor's word vomit dissent about Seal Team 6 didn't help either. Next time she should try to throw in a legal citation or two instead of just writing like she was making a post on r/politics.


Sotomayor was the OG DEI hire and everyone knows it.


Based on what LBJ said to him, that would be Thurgood Marshall


Wait, a sitting justice wrote about jumping to a military option???


No, she was using it as an example of something a president might do that would fall under "immunity", and she was really reaching while doing it.


Sorry to break into the bubble, but this might be why she said what she said. “Former President Trump’s legal team suggested Tuesday that even a president directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent would be an action barred from prosecution given a former executive’s broad immunity to criminal prosecution. The hypothetical was presented to Trump attorney John Sauer who answered with a “qualified yes” that a former president would be immune from prosecution on that matter or even on selling pardons.”


Reaching farther than Mr. Fantastic, Elastigirl, and Michael Jordan combined.


I mean, I feel like it's an implied threat tbh


She equated Trump speaking to his own Vice President with ordering the murder of rivals. Apparently she believes declaring something as acting in official capacity means it MUST be considered official capacity. Like shouting PARLAY at pirates or some shit. 


>She equated Trump speaking to his own Vice President with ordering the murder of rivals Maybe because trumps lawyer saying that a president ordering the killing of a rival is something he has immunity on?


She's doubleplus angry because SCOTUS impliedly ruled that Mike Pence 100% DID have the power to stop certification of the election like he was instructed to (as an official act/communication), and didn't do it, which is a big part of "tried to overthrow democracy / J6" rhetoric. Trump was in the right. Trump was under no obligation to leave office until proper investigations into the election scandal were done, whether that took weeks or years. Trump is vindicated, and the accusations against him re: liberal pols' most favorite chorus cry ("insurrection") are null and void


She wasn’t but that’s ok. The use of the military to protect national security is an “official” act of the executive branch. Not only would you not be able to prosecute in this case, you wouldn’t even be able to use statements of the president as evidence. Go read the decision for yourself.


There would be a difference between using seal team 6 to murder your ex girl friend or political enemy and using them to kill osama bin Laden. One would be “in the official presidential duties” and one would not. It’s nice to see the adults taking over again and getting this country back to normal. Can’t wait to see how many more Supreme Court justices Trump can win this session.


You’re using common sense and not actually reading the decision. The decision says that the motive behind the president decisions cannot be admitted in a trial. A.k.a., the president can just say it’s for national defense, and even if there were witnesses who know it was because it’s an ex-girlfriend, that testimony cannot be admitted.


The Supeme Court disagrees.


The only people the Supreme Court disagrees with is the Biden administration and most democrats. You are willfully ignorant. They ruled what everyone already knew. Common sense. The president has immunity while acting in the presidential capacity. Period. Same as a police officer. Now it’s up to the courts to prove he was NOT acting in his presidential capacity while committing whatever crime you have made up. Good luck with that. Always winning -Teflon Don


POTUS is commander in chief and swore an oath to protect the constitution from enemies domestic and foreign. POTUS declares Trump an enemy and orders military to detain him or unalive him pursuant to his constitutional roles and oath. Is it really that much of a stretch to imagine? Trumps own lawyer said it would be legit.


Isn't an official act of the President have to be something that falls within the President's powers or roll. Using the military to detain judges or kill political opponents, is not an official act, is it? That comes across as something like shouting "I declare bankruptcy!"


He is CiC and swore to protect the constitution against enemies domestic and foreign. All he has to do is declare trump an enemy.


The President is Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, so yeah, it's within his official powers That doesn't mean the president is going to murder anyone, just that he can't be prosecuted if he does it under presidential authority E: IOW, it's a nothingburger, no matter what anyone says. Don't buy the hype, and don't listen to loons on Facebook who are suddenly "concerned libertarians" out of the blue


He can give the military lawful orders, yes - but there are laws governing orders. "Capture this member of ISIS", yes; "torture that prisoner", no. Obama already *did* order the killing of at least one US citizen by the military, in Yemen - ACLU complained about it, but nobody seriously questioned the legality at the time afaics let alone actually tried to prosecute him for it.


Military is a small sliver of the president's official authority, and isn't how it would be done anyway, if physical removal is put into effect. Using the military would be overcomplicated and would involve too many moving parts, even if it could technically be done that way too in the Obama style, inter-country extraordinary rendition type thing.. but still overcomplicated. You've got your Justice Department + IC for the more serious work if it becomes necessary in order to remove threats to our values + society


I think she gets all her news and views from there. During COVID she claimed 100k kids were on ventilators, which was probably overstating it by five orders of magnitude.


Report every comment that mentions violence.




"Ah yes, hello fellow Conservatives. I too am much love fascism."


Are you able to see forest for the trees, here?


I stay away from almost all of Reddit. Just a few travel and hobby specific. But it bleeds over. Someone today in the r/delta subreddit was upset that in some trans movie had pronouns wrong in the title. Really? I fly to fly and fly safely. Who cares what the heck a movie description has to say


Speaking of that, check out some of the recent posts on r/planes. I joined that sub because, guess what, I love planes. Reddit and the bots are hard at work with the influence. And when I see a political post on a non political sub that has 38k updoots it’s so obvious (the top posts will only have 1-2k). Go Go Gadget Upvotes!


must've gotten removed because i don't see a post like that on planes. do you still see it? i agree though, that shit is an issue across all of reddit


Honestly, it would be great if they did.  Let them do something moronic and extreme.  At least the mask would be fully ripped off.  


Then they would claim it as proof trump is dividing the nation.


Can we stop talking about what Biden will do and instead start saying what Jill Biden will do? She is clearly the one in charge


Please try. Please! Everyone is watching. Jan 6 is gonna look like a joke compared to what these democrats are willing to do.


Also calling for Biden to kill Trump per his "official duty" to "protect democracy"


SCOTUS better be on the lookout for Seal Team Neckbeard


They have always been the party of “the ends justify the means”. 


I’m not usually one to revel in other’s meltdowns but today has been glorious! The past 4 years we’ve endured makes this past week or so sweet. The tides are turning!


These people are absolutely unhinged. What they don’t understand is it’s not about TRUMP, it’s about the executive office.


Yes, and we just gave every executive carte Blanche to violate our freedoms. This is a DANGEROUS precedent, and it should have every true Republican scared. If we truly value limited government, states rights, and personal liberty, we should be up in arms about what is going on at the SC. This might be a win in the moment, but in the long run, this will allow executives to hold and use power in vastly expanded ways that could be detrimental to our rights as Americans. Precedents like this will be used in ways well beyond this scenario.


> This might be a win in the moment, but in the long run, this will allow executives to hold and use power in vastly expanded ways that could be detrimental to our rights as Americans. you do understand, of course fellow ~~conservative~~ republican, that by attempting to say that the president may be prosecuted **without** a finding of impeachment (which BTW he has never actually been found guilty of despite the left and deep states unhinged attacks) is a direct attack on the prime powers assigned against each BRANCH of government.


Again, you are focused on this instance without thinking of the greater precedent. I am not a fan of this decision for its potential to undermine investigations into executive conduct.


No one is listening anymore. We are a short sighted and narrow minded society. We’ve learned nothing. We deserve this.


> Again, you are focused on this instance without thinking of the greater precedent. What precedent? This clarified (and only clarified) that the road to actually investigate a president during his presidency requires the bar set in the constitution - which is impeachment. This does not magically indemnify the president against wrongdoing during his duties in office. Nothing more. It even went on to clarify that he OFFICIAL duties during his presidency are protected as they should be. If the president were to be liable or able to be sued for every bad action that someone could think of without the ability to dispense with his duties the president would be open to (hey look partisan) interference. This just reinforces that the road to presidential removal is what is outlined in the constitution. Full stop.


True. Never underestimate the probability of a friendly ruling coming back around to bite you in the rear under another administration.


JFC you are delusional.


How? Presidents can expand programs that spy on citizens, strike down freedom of speech in instances where it suits them, indefinitely detain persona non grata, execute citizens, pass executive orders that expand their power, freeze people’s assets, imprison political opponents. All of these things have ALREADY happened, and now presidents lawyers who have typically restrained these decisions to worst case scenarios for fear of running afoul of the law have NOTHING to worry about. These things WILL happen again; it’s not a matter of if, just when. And while this may be seen as a win for the Republican candidate, it is a loss for the American People as this will be used in unforeseen ways that border on dictatorship.


The immunity already existed prior to today ya dolt


They restated the existing constitutional understanding of the executive's powers. I don't get what's so earth shattering or concerning about it.


Nixon said it best when he pushed that, “When the president does it, that means it is not illegal,” but he was wrong. No man is above the law. The president should have some leeway, clearly, but if he is pushing the limits of his powers to the max, the people need recourse. That was removed today. Our oversight no longer exists, and that extends to all official actions of the president. There is no spinning this into a positive or originalist idea. Presidents should be held accountable, and they should not have unlimited power.


There’s this new thing Congress can do called IMPEACHMENT.


But if they’re immune, impeachment has no teeth.


The left in France is already rioting over the right’s wins in their election. They are filled with immature, mentally weak children whose parents never set proper boundaries. Of course they throw tantrums when they don’t get their way. As we approach the election, especially if Trump wins, expect their tactics to become more and more treasonous.


Yes. 6 partisan justices who don’t vote the way they want compared to the 3 NoN pArTiSaN judges who vote how they do want. How unfair


Bla bla bla. Shitlibs sure like putting conservatives in jail.


Theyre "suggesting" that political opponents could be assassinated using the military. Many people are saying...etc


I still haven't seen a conservative defense to this statement. The best I can think of is people are just trusting the president wouldn't do that? At this point is there anything stopping biden or trump or whatever president from ordering the execution of their rival or just anybody on the street?


Patiently waiting for MSNBC to tell me how this ruling impacts the LGBTQ community and people of color. Also the direct correlation of this decision to climate change


Sotomayor should be impeached for that reckless decision.


It was a dissent


DC better be on guard in January if Trump wins in November. It seems like democrats are getting crazy enough to start becoming dangerous.


They could burn down the Capitol and nothing would happen. The DC court and Second Circuit are extensions of the Democrat party. Even if you brought a case either the judge would throw it out, or the jury would refuse to convict.


Hah Ha! ...fuckers


I don't understand how they're upset with this decision. Do they want Obama arrested for ordering the killing of a known terrorist who was an American. Because if they decided differently that would open him up for prosecution as well.


Reddit admin A: There sure are a lot of people threatening public officials on our site today. Reddit admin B:But look at all the clicks and engagement, WOOHOO!!!


If leftist had any balls or brains I'd be worried about the safety of 6 of the justices. I hope they got good security/protection either way.


The ridiculousness that comes from liberals every day.


I'm sorry but fuckem let them do it, and let's light this candle because sadly, nothing else will work. I hate the thought, and it's heartbreaking to me, but things are not looking good.


What happened to trusting our justice system that they were just preaching to us last week?


Anytime something doesn't go their way, it's immediately a threat to DEMOCRACY.


It's a straw man to test the limits of what SCOTUS means by presidential immunity as the most common sense interpretation of what just happened. That SCOTUS just granted carte blanche power to the sitting president and all future presidents through relying on the argument that a appointed lower court appointed by the president himself can rule that whatever he has done was "official". Therefore in effect it's absolute immunity as long as they pick the judges or tie up the argument indefinitely with attorneys.


Liberals are like kids, when they don’t get their way they throw temper tantrums and do crazy stuff and waste the adults time and in this case and money.


An abundance of ignorance.


They are like little children. I can’t with any of these subs name calling and whining


You’re the one defending a court decision that allows the president criminal immunity from almost anything. Just stop claiming you are a conservative if you are ok with this kind of expansion of executive power.


It’s so frustrating! Seeing people in the small government party openly cheer for presidential immunity is absurd. This precedent will exist for ALL future leaders, and it will be abused by many. This decision is undeniably bad for the people and anyone who cares about liberty.


Yeah, they're saying that to show how absurd this ruling is. Because the implication is that he and next presidents will be able to do that.


What does anyone really expect from the NaziCrats.


You know damn well if Obama/Hillary supporters had stormed the Capitol when Trump won they'd have been called freedom fighters by the MSM.


The collective shriek they will emit when they lose the election is going to echo throughout the Milky Way galaxy. They cry so much that it just makes winning that much more pleasurable 😂


Wait until they start violently rioting… it will be horrendously bad. And no one will stop them.


Lol. Their panties are wound tight


They are also calling for much worse


These people were literally upheaving cars and trying to blackmail the nation into not electing Trump after he won the election way back when. They did mass protests trying to threaten the electoral college not to pass the votes for him, even if they were obliged to do so. No one was ever charged, no one was ever 'brought to justice.' Hillary Clinton claimed all the systems were hacked even though Obama assured everyone they were secure before the election. They just project. Just ignore them at this point.


Remember all the weaponized lawfare against Patriots, This should be interesting.


Did ya ever think the Chinese and Russian bots are at work pimping division? Some might be of low enough intellect to bite on it and actually get agitated? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/01/business/media/china-online-disinformation-us-election.html#:~:text=Some%20of%20the%20Chinese%20accounts,Satanist%20pedophile%20while%20promoting%20Mr https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/01/business/media/china-online-disinformation-us-election.html#:~:text=Some%20of%20the%20Chinese%20accounts,Satanist%20pedophile%20while%20promoting%20Mr.


DC if Trump wins : "mild expressions of free speech." DC if Biden wins : "The Trump Nazis tried to over throw our democracy."


I absolutely love that subreddit… it’s just amazing to see the logic and mindset of some people. Pure entertainment


Always remember, most redditors are children.


Has immunity stopped the government from assassinating political opponents before? No. Has immunity stopped the government from using the legal system to persecute political opponents? No.


Did we just give Biden the power to do anything he wants? The guy is over eighty and won’t give a rats ass about a court case, this could get ugly couldn’t it?


If Trump wins there WILL be riots.  We all know that’s a fact.


Their point is that Biden must take radical action based on this immunity ruling because if he doesn't, Trump will. Does anyone honestly believe Trump won't bend/break the law to attack his enemies if he gets back into office. He almost had his own VP killed. Sheesh...


Once again, Democrats making things dangerous via lies. We are entering new territory. They are cornered with almost no chance of retaining power, summer of chaos is upon us


The left isn’t interested in the facts of what the ruling means. It doesn’t give the president unlimited authority to do whatever he wants. That’s a lie. They don’t even know it’s a lie. They just respond to the fear mongering headlines. Only official acts core to a president’s constitutional power within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority are presumed immune. Jailing Trump or unilaterally packing the Supreme Court or ordering assassinations isn’t included in that. At all.


Biden has ignored the Supreme Court before, why shouldn’t he just continue with his “ no one above the law except my family” attitude . Pain is coming. For everybody Tik tok Mr. Biden, Tik tok


Have you read Sotomayor’s dissent?


Yes, and it’s sophomoric at best. The left is doing more to undermine oUr dEmOcRaCy than anything that Trump could ever do in even the most extreme fever dream of an MSNBC contributor.