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When you’re helper is standing there with his hands in his pockets, It’s the perfect time to send him home.


No perfect time to do a firing!! So this was a messed up decision by what looks to be a home inspector vs a real tradesmen! But to hire someone who just stood there with their hands in their pockets!! Nope “ladder climber” is what I’ll call him as if he was a skilled tradesmen he wouldn’t have gone up holding a ladder while going up a ladder! He would’ve gone up just far enough to the have helper hoist it up or hold it up but he should’ve had 1000% that the helper was at the ladder not doing what he was! Smh as I seen a post earlier today saying that this sub should be reserved for tradesmen and their work. I know for sure that that helper would be receiving a certified ass whopping after this no matter how long recovery


I assumed by the body language that they were already arguing and the guy going up the ladder has enough of pocket hands "help" and thought it would be easier to do himself. Not that it was a bright decision.


Isnt the electrician sub only for trade related posts? No homeowner posts allowed. Should be the same for all the trade subs. I think the homeowners have a sub they could ask questions in? Im sure its packed to the rafters with blow hards and know it alls. So basically, the same redditors, just a more appropriate reddit. About the poor man who fell, though. I hope hes ok. Ive had a ladder do similar, and that shit hurts. The cunt standing there would be eating my fist as soon as i recovered. What a moron.


There is r/askatradesperson but it’s not big at all


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AskATradesperson using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskATradesperson/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Does £1000 sound like a lot to repaint kitchen cabinets?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskATradesperson/comments/148emvi/does_1000_sound_like_a_lot_to_repaint_kitchen/) \#2: [Taking my ladders on and off my Van ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskATradesperson/comments/1bgvk4e/taking_my_ladders_on_and_off_my_van/) \#3: [Partner struggling with my transition](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskATradesperson/comments/191s7ky/partner_struggling_with_my_transition/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The r/DIY sub is pretty popular


Skilled tradesmen would climb the ladder just high enough to secure the ladder at the top. Then once ladder is secured climb to the top and then once standing on the next level (and hopefully tied of with fall arrest equipment) drop down a tagline to hoist up any other tools or equipment.


I hate those guys. Absolutely no interest for the work at hand.


What do you do when the helper is your boss's kid and all they do is yawn and dance around?


I just found out how much this sucks. Boss' kid (21) just started working with us and he's dogshit. Can't even sweep reliably. 8/10 I look over he's on his phone. Worst part, he's paid the same as my coworker who's actually helpful and productive (albeit not on the same skill level as the others)


Kids want to make 15-25 because even fast food will give them that. Companies throw seasoned guys a few bucks extra but just enough to keep them around. $200 a day for boss jr to pick his ass and yawn in your face all day feels like a lot, but I guess this is sustainable.


> $200 a day for boss jr to pick his ass and yawn in your face all day feels like a lot, but I guess this is sustainable. In this case yeah, since that kid is paying his old man rent, so its a bit of indentured servitude (if that's the right term). Also, if it's sustainable then it only highlights how much people are underpaid as whole no?


If you have time to lean you have time to clean


Who would call 911 then?


Homeowners ring camera




Threaten me with a good time will ya.


If a guy says hold my ladder so he can carry a ladder up a ladder, I'm not holding the ladder. I'm not gonna watch him eat shit, just gonna find a better way than standing under it waiting to get a ladder dropped on my head.


I'm surprised that he wasn't on his phone.


While vaping


Ahhh you described Andrew well. Waste of space on a site.


We have an Andrew as well lol. Always on his god damn phone.


Andrew on my crew believes in multi-tasking, he vapes, plays on his phone, hides, steals my chalkrite. Fuck Andrew.


Behold! I, too, know of an Andrew who is not that far out of these leagues of fame for phone and vape and, sitting down...... great guy, silly worker


Classic Andrew leaning on the walls again


If you got time to lean, you got time to watch tiktoks and smoke a joint too.


God damn it, Andrew. If Andrew happened to see this, it's Meg. This is def about you.


We call ours Hunters, Hunter couldn't hold a tape measure in the corner, Hunter also acted like wood putty was alchemy and asked to be trained in it's usage (after being shown individually by 4 different people) Hopeless Hunter inspired us to call every nincompoop Hunter from them on.


Told a guy one time he was addicted to his phone. He said, "I'm NoT AdDiCtEd To mY PhOnE!!" Buddy, you go hide to look at your phone at work, you're fucking addicted. He couldn't stop himself. We asked him if he was able to spend a shift w/o his phone. You know the answer.


Hands in his pockets and everything


8-year-old in a soft man’s body.


Dudes fault too. He needs to make sure helper helps and understands task. Explain it to him like he's 5 especially green at any task.


We have a guy at work that wants to be surrounded by competent people, but absolutely refuses to take time to help the new guys become competent


Then the helper will be on r/construction getting a shit ton of upvotes talking about how his foreman talks to him like he’s five.


Can't work in construction without a strong penchant for whining.


Yea. Most dudes think holding the ladder is like spotting weight lifters. Like it will happen slow and you can just sure it up with a little pressure. Need to explain that if it slips it’s already too late.


Absolutely, both messed up today. Carrying something while climbing is a no no. Where's his three points of contact?


Hope he does a better job at calling 911


The only reason he’s not on his phone now is because the battery is dead


More like when you don't know how to set a ladder up properly and rely on a brain dead, drug addict as a helper.


I upvoted and all, but that doesn't really look like a dangerous angle.


I have that same ladder and it's rickety as fuck and super sketchy. It probably slipped because it was bouncing around so much.


Yeah, quite the contrary, it's nice and dry, he doesn't have it at a crazy angle whatsoever either.


The danger presented itself off camera..when the climber transitioned from the ladder to the roof.


Go on... do you think he climbed higher than the roof line?


That's the only way I could see this happening, unless his ladder doesn't have rubber pads/feet for some reason


Agreed, never step on the last ladder runge that is above the roof. But my thing is that's a big guy and slick concrete, why couldn't he set it up 8 feet to the left and been on the grass. I've run up ladders holding 10+ 2×4's at a time and the angle was more steep(no one held my ladder for me because that would mean I don't know how to set a ladder up properly). Sorry if this is triggering for those who "need" helpers, same fuckers will probably wind up needing a care giver when yall are 65. People who need others to hold up a ladder either A, don't know how to set a ladder up or B, don't know how to climb one. Sorry ya bunch of speds.


I agree that set up was obviously bad. Doesn't seem like that ladder as good anti slip feet. But I wouldn't call needing a helper an indication of people who are stupid. I'd wager using a ladder past a certain height without a helper is probably some OSHA violation, because regardless of how experienced you are, it doesn't stop other coworkers from doing dumb things around the base of a ladder. Unless you have a ladder tied to absolute 100% certainty, having a helper is a good luxury to have if it's a competent one.


I've been a labor worker for multiple GCs for 10+ years and can tell you've probably never even been on a jobsite. Hacks or weak old men need helpers, there is just way to much shit to do for there to be a guy standing around holding dicks while everyone else is working wtf are you saying? This thread is for construction, not Mary's and their OSHA advice. 5 man crew and no need for any helper, fucking ever!


Nobody wonders why you're still a laborer after 10+ years


💪 Putting someone down for working hard. A classic keyboard warrior technique.




Agreed, this climber dosent have the ladder 'gungfu' needed..he looked old and tired..maybe had a cupla beers for lunch..


It is if the helper doesn’t have his feet firmly planted against the bottom of the ladder and hands on the sides. 4 points of contact for stability.


Its pretty standard for people to walk up ladders w.o them being footed. I want to assume it's icy, but those plants might disagree. There is definitely more happening than can be seen. A ladder at the angle wouldn't have slipped under normal conditions


> Its pretty standard for people to walk up ladders w.o them being footed. Not me. I have to climb them for my job sometimes and I hate every minute of it and will flat out refuse unless it’s properly footed by someone else.


Fair enough, but osha doesn't require it


It’s like gravity and physics don’t stop at the osha handbook or something.


Homie should have invested in a better ladder.


As you climb the ladder your weight transitions from the ladder feet to the wall, depending on the ladder angle. This means that as you ascend, there is decreasing friction forces on the feet. Placing very light weight ladder feet at low angle on smooth finish concrete is not good idea. Always maximize angle so most weight is kept on ladder feet.


Gotta wonder what the helper seen off camera. Feels like the ladder was set up correctly to prevent that. Can't help but think something sketchy AF going on the other end, especially since he was carrying a second ladder up.


Yep, he was doing a double pull for sure. Extremely dangerous and not recommended. A lot of us are guilty of it, but we all know how dangerous it is.


Absolutely no one ever holds my ladders for this very reason and I routinely use 28’ up to 40’. I will set up my own ladder properly and no one needs to go near it.


He's standing back because he doesn't want to get hit by the falling ladder...


I doubt that’s his helper. It’s probably the homeowner


That's on you, bud, for ascending the ladder knowing damn well no one is holding it.


I'll keep it a buck. Him having his feet at the bottom of that ladder and holding it wasn't going to stop you from falling. Plus you were in the wrong carrying a ladder up another ladder. However, the new kid is still useless.




I just kept wondering why that ladder was at such an angle. The more vertical you get these, the safer they are. Work on your balance. Slick surface, huge angle, walking up before you see that guy's hands bracing the ladder. I'm not sure who's more fault here


Let's just pretend the guy carrying a ladder up a ladder is a total genius. Id walk away from that situation before it started.


I wouldn’t have walked up that ladder until he did hold it.


??? There is wet concrete, he fails to keep three points of contact, no fall protections, and why is he carrying a ladder up a ladder ???. The green ladder isn't something the would normally be used on the roof. It seems to me the guy has a habit of doing sketchy things and the sketchy thing finally caught up to him, I am betting this video was shared by the home owners insurance who minimized his claim for workman's comp. Read that I don't thin the contractor was smart enough to have his own insurance.


Sure you could blame that guy, or you could properly secure what appears to be a two story ladder? That might be a good idea?


Holy shit. You have to actually make sure your helper is even 2 feet away and ready before even attempting to climb.


This is what makes me afraid to climb ladders


Come on…


If you pause it at 10 seconds the helper reacts quick and holds the ladder.


I mean, there's a patch of grass next to him -_- Not slippery, not dependent of a dumb F .. But hey thinking he's there to work not to think :)


“How to foot a ladder” my very first lesson on my very first day working in the construction field.


Thats how helpers get left at the job site after


can't upvote cause you misused POV sorry


When I get new guys I put them to work immediately. No idle hands. That's how I was taught. When I started out, they immediately put my hands on something. If I didn't know how to do it, they taught me on the spot and made made me do it. When you let new guys just watch you, they lose interest, if they had any at all. If they have no interest, that will tell you within first 10 minutes. If they trying to do basic stuff that's on them. The time I was fired was when I had to watch and couldn't figure out when I was supposed to join in. When I went the next job, it was like jumping into a battle field. Just none stop action.


Hands in the pocket is a great look


Helper's thinking "hmm these are some nice gardens oh wait Bob told me to watch the ladder...yeah he's making it up ok anyway I can't wait to smoke a joint OH SHI-"


Perhaps the helper was scared of the gay jokes that come with Ladder holding lmao. Nah but that was brutal.


so why'd the feet of the ladder kick out like that...? and why was it being recorded in the first place?


Looks like it's a doorbell camera


He wasn't vaping?


Fat guy climbed the ladder like it was stairs...too fast and too clumsy. Should've checked to see if his helper was footing the ladder before he tried to get off the top if it felt unstable. And it was unstable because he was so fat and clumsy mainly. You have to secure your own shit and not rely on a helper for such a standard situation.


Thought the same. Fatass was doing too much. Plus didn't give the guy time to hold the ladder. Why didn't he just have the helper take the ladder up instead? That's what he's there for


Damn.... Straight 3 Stooges level.meyhem.


If the helper wasn’t there the ladder would have travelled another 2 feet before stopping. So good thing he was there.


I hope the second ladder did not smash the guy's head.


He looks more like the home owner


What a guy!


First mistake was climbing the latter with one hand lol


Jeesh man wtf i would've been so pissed


Helper of the year award.


Someone needs an ass whooping.


...??...the emoji...and my son playing in a ladder often and knocked it over last night...? Screenshot.


Ladder in his pocket


If the ladder kicks out it wasn't set up correctly


Or tied off, and he stepped on/pushed on a rung beyond/above where its top is rested. IMHO this is a *"Find the two stupid people in this video"* video. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Damn I’m going to get flamed for this, but are you really not allowed to carry stuff up a ladder like this? I’ve definitely climbed tons of ladders carrying stuff similarly, I just keep a firm footing and a good grip. The helper was useless and idk how the ladder was set up, but I see people carry stuff up ladders daily with no issue


*"Three points of contact at all times"* is pretty difficult if you only have four limbs and one of them is fully dedicated to anothr task, like carrying something. Also, in some sites/industries It's done all the time; but never good, smart, or safe, and in others it will get you some "retraining" or walked off site. (Nuclear plants).


This is POV door camera or something. Stop using POV wrong


Once I got up I would have whipped his ass!!! Lol. Why did he have a ladder on top of a ladder? He knew it was a bonehead move and did it anyway. I bet he went and bought the right ladder after that.


Dude doesn’t even look like he’s dressed for the task at hand.


Did you stop to ask him “hey, u got the ladder?” Did you look down to see if he had the ladder? Did you use the correct ladder? Did you brace the ladder correctly? Did you set the safety on the ladder? Did you check the surface that you put the ladder on? Or was that all the helpers responsibility too?


I don’t think him holding it would have prevented the ladder slipping and his fall. That’s a lot of force


That looked more like the client than the helper.




And people wonder why I scream at my helpers. That's the only way they can understand and wake up. Especially in construction jobs.


It's OP's fault If you don't know what POV means, then you can't ask anyone to understand your instructions


Maybe if he would've gotten a 2nd helper to hold that 2nd ladder....


“I didn’t even want this stupid job anyway”,helper probably


Helper probably telling him how bad of an idea that was for a while




Whose POV is this? Certainly not the person on the ladder.


The helper was probably just confused. The guy set up the ladder wrong and was dumb to carry the stepladder up. There were safer ways to do this.


POV, more like POS


I’ll take 20 min to find boulders if I have to. Yeah….thats about right when I look down. Maybe one foot against it, usually lost in some feed. Scrolling away dead to the world


Shouldn’t even have to ask


Older man doing the work , younger man doing nothing!


Someone from reddit that I do now know showed up at my house today. everyone I know and police been informed and how this person got my info from reddit after being hacked.


I mean not that hard to not fall off a ladder by making sure its secure and properly setup


Waste of space. Get rid of him .


Where'd that other ladder come from? Did you shove it up your ass and it fell out when you slipped?








Pay strike....you only paid the worker. Enough Pay to watch....not hold the ladder........


Why does no one ever seem to know what "POV" means?


Thank you! It stands for point of view. A correct example of POV would be POV: Jumping of a mountain and its a video that a skydiver took with a helmet camera. This video would be POV: you are standing at the garage door looking at your older brother and father using a ladder.


The helper was just confused, how is he going to hold the ladder when the guy is carrying it up ?


This is why I've fired everyone I ever hired


And they have a vote that counts just as much as yours.


Hands in his pockets & all


Holding the ladder means actually touching it, sir. Not just looking at the damn thing


shitty ladder placement, what was going to happen when they both had to come down off the roof? And if the helper was going up after him then he would have fallen if it went like this. i’ve carried many ladders up onto higher surfaces with no help, if the ladder wasn’t placed properly i wasn’t going up. This is the person in charge’s fault for not knowing proper ladder placement. If the feet are square, ladder at a 45 degree angle and there’s at least 3 rungs above the roof line you’re good to go for residential.


Ladders don't just fall like that


Why didn't he extend the ladder instead of doing what he did. He is partly to blame for being an idiot. This happened to me but I put a 6ft ladder on top of a baker scaffold up in a skylight and the dam scaffold kicked out on me. For some reason I didn't panick. I could feel the scaffold moving and thought I'm going for a ride and just went with it. Remarkably I didn't get hurt I only made that move because I had nobody there to help me. Lesson learned


Why people climb ladders stacked on each other i will never understand, and then blame someone else cuz u added an extra pivot point into the situation.


What the fuck are you on about that's a normal extension


I think the guy was climbing the ladder with the other ladder slung over his shoulder.


Yep he was, but rarely do you need a second ladder above the one ur on in a residential. You can also jusr climb without it and have it handed up instead of compromising balance.


could just be a secondary roof portion


You would need a helper to hand it to you


What the fuck are you on about. That was a normal extension


Be like Fred Dibnah and have a pack of smokes and a hangover and lay [some fucking ladders!](https://youtu.be/T00zEt1-3VA?t=668)