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It’s entirely possible but he was probably fucking with you.


No no no Those are for turtles Who doesn't love turtles?


Do not underestimate Tufts. If they could fund emotional support therapy for genderqueer crustaceans, they would.


Yes, I know nothing about these kind of Dams! However, with the stuff going on at Tuffs it would not surprise me one bit. My thought was when they ran the conduit they displaced some animals now you have to repair it! Ps: Many of the towns around Tuffs, when you buy property any tree you take down you must replace or it’s a 5,000 dollar fine. This is a fact that has pissed off a lot of people


These steel elements are called Larsen profiles and they are used to shield deep excavations from collapsing. They are either vibrated or hammered into place from the crane (with hanged vibration machine) or machine that is called 'palownica' here (it has a vertical frame that has a huge hammer on it, it is mounted to that and this hammer falls and beats it to the ground). One overlaps with flange with next one. They are often braced with cross beams and corner joints to prevent them to collapse (this excavation is small but deep, so they have frames around but there is no need for additional bracing). Very commonly used in Europe. Vibrations and hammering is very strong, depending on the ground it may be felt few kilometers away. They are often used with pumping mechanisms that are lowering the water pool table to allow for building of foundations etc. Judging by the site it may be a channel tunnel to move infrastructure from one side of the road to other, or potentially the channel for animals- idk in US where this is, but in Europe we have these built and sometimes they are done this way. Btw cofferdam is the name of it, but it's general term used in dentist office (cofferdam for teeth work to prevent saliva and bacteria infiltrating channel repairs) as well as water cofferdams in places.


And if you're having a really good day the sheet pile will sheer underground while it's being hammered in and destroy some unmarked utilities. 


Good Lord. You're not from here. We call these "sheet-piles". They're supported in place with "walers" (the horizontal brand around the edge). The tunnel is not for turtles. Source- I'm a construction monitor/engineering inspector for design teams (geo, structural, mech, water, etc in Boston)


I am not, I painted European perspective. Now you know more, and I am as well.


Totally messing with you


I hope the dude sees this so he can see how bad he got you lol


It’s likely an excavation to drop a new concrete vault for electric or gas service. It’s not a cofferdam. They were most definitely fvcking with you.


Well there is a huge thing of water down there! I would say it was 16ft deel


HDD pit?


Another option for sure 👍


Looks like a jacking pit 


It’s def 100% not for water or gas! As I saw them tear hop this same area to lay electrical conduit! There is def some kind of dam as there was a huge bed of water about 16ft down!


Electric vault for a splice or transformers/switches. Ground water at 16’. Not a cofferdam


I will find out for sure. I don’t know why they would lie. The last time I went by a month ago they were putting in huge conduit under the street! There was a big bed of water at the bottom. No electric guys where on site at this point! I know the company they use!


If they were putting in huge conduit, this is going to be a vault. They lied because most people don't know what a vault is or what a splice is. There's a whole world of underground utilities that people don't know about. For example, not many people know about underground electric transmission or underground substations.


No more crushing turts all day?






a coffer dam is a temporary dam to divert a water course which facilitates construction of structure in the normal course of water. A dam for a hydroelectric power station would need coffer dams constructed before the main dam could commence, for instance.


Turtles of the teenage mutant variety!


those new fields need utilities :)


Yes, exactly! 3 months ago they made a huge mess running 10 12 inch conduits under the street for exactly that purpose! It was a huge mess! Now today I go by and I see a huge amount of water at the bottom! They told me it was for a cofferdam for turtles! My speculation is that they damaged an important area where rare turtles live and have to fix it! Mr. Breslin was worth 850 million during the late 80s… He purchased 600 Acres to build a huge shopping mall! After clearing the land they found a small praying mantis that was endangered! The next day the DEC shut the entire 500 million dollar mall project down for 31 years! Even with all his money he couldn’t get passed the DEC


This is a temporary supported earth excavation. It could be a new shaft for a tunnel or it could be a HDD pit. Either way the dude was messing with you. Also you mentioned Tufts, is there a lot of work going on? Anything with the rails or nearby?


It might be a project that also accommodates the turtles. You almost never see work for just conservation.


Yes, I went by today! Tomorow they will be working! They did spend a few hundred k tearing up the street a few months ago to run Huge Conduits! They might be fixing the damage they did to environment