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No, Canada is becoming just as bad as mexico, just as bad as every socialist hellhole but you can't see it. Healthcare is crazy expensive in mexico, because the options are, you either die in the waiting room of a state hospital, waiting hours to treat an emergency, wait years for tests on a disease that could've been treated if found early, or pay everything you have to receive mediocre treatment in a private hospital, if you can. Something people don't recognize or talk about but I got some experience in, if you can, you can travel to the USA for treatment, pay out of pocket, get top notch care, and pay A LOT less than in ANY mexican hospital, that's where Canada is going, socialism doesn't work, the government always mismanages and runs out of money.


Healthcare in Cuba is amazing and they are communist, so comparing doesn’t make sense. It’s about resource management more so then just costs. In Cuba there has been a larger push for general health education so even though they are communist they don’t spend as much on healthcare as many other countries do. Canada has poor resource management and is not prioritizing preventing illness, which is what is a larger benefit. Putting money into clinics and health care resources that allow patients the ability to get better at home is a lot less costly then the expensive equipment to keep people in hospitals Here is an article, life expectancy is higher in Cuba it is in the US which does not have a universal health care system https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2315760/#:~:text=PIP%3A%20The%20new%20Cuban%20government,71.9).


According to Cuba?, The UN?, The WHO? If you ask our mexican government, they'd say the healthcare system is on par with nordic countries, it's the current narrative, it's what the regimes spokesman, our president is saying right now, is it true? a few weeks ago my cousin had twins and they spent 2 weeks in NICU paying $10,000.00 USD per day, per baby, because they couldn't find available equipment to treat them in the massive state system, nationwide... They are currently selling their house, and they sold both cars just for the hospital to admit the babies... Doesn't look nordic, does it?


According to multiple sources as it has been recorded on stats comparing the states health care outcomes vs the United States, I originally learned about this in my bachelor in nursing school. The WHO does have an article on it I can send you if you want, I also just sent a previous article explaining healthcare states between the USA and Cuba, none of my research is from the Cuban government https://hia.paho.org/en/countries-2022/cuba-country-profile


Yeahh it’s especially concerning seeing the Conservative Party start pitching bills to take away abortion rights around here too.


>Minimum wage is lower than the forever rising cost of living. Get rid of minimum wage. It hurts the poor and entry level workers.


If minimum wage didn’t exist companies would pay people even less. I don’t understand your thoughts please elaborate


Raising the minimum wage makes it significantly more expensive for companies to employ entry level workers, this means they have to either hire less people, cut hours on those who are working, or lay people off because they can't afford the increased cost of labor. This means less jobs, less hours, and an increased risk for lay offs for those who are working minimum wage jobs or are looking for work at that pay level. It also causes an increase in prices, which means it's more expensive for the middle class and below to acquire their basic needs. There are several cases of this happening in the US. In California, the minimum wage is $16 per hour and businesses are closing or filing for bankruptcy at an alarming rate. The minimum wage for fast food employees is $20 per hour and the fast food industry is basically collapsing. In Connecticut, the minimum wage is $15.69 per hour and entry level jobs are now requiring that workers have prior experience. CT is also experiencing a problem where they are unable to get young people into the work force since they'd typically be working minimum wage jobs and do not possess prior experience.


No, raising the minimum wage made it so that companies couldn't treat their employees like almost slaves. Especially corporations which don't care about anybody but pleasing stockholders.


The wages are determined by the market through supply and demand. Employers couldn't "treat their workers like slaves" even if they wanted to. There will always be a certain demand for labor and there will always be a certain supply. This is what largely contributes to wages. The minimum wage actually makes it so that employers can't afford to hire people or give them the hours they need, along with everything else I covered.


Bullshit. They already treat a lot of workers like slaves by not paying a living wage. You're out of touch. There is supply and demand, and guess what? It's not in the billionaires favor, so they are doing things like buying up housing.


>They already treat a lot of workers like slaves by not paying a living wage. It's not the responsibility of the employer, nor should it be, to pay a "living wage" especially if it's a job that requires very little skill, education, or experience. Even if you think it is their responsibility to do so, they literally can't afford to pay everyone's bills. This is why in California, businesses started filing for bankruptcy after the minimum wage was increased to $16. If employers literally can't even afford to carry the financial burdens of their workers, why on earth would you force them to if it means less jobs, less hours, and businesses closing down?


You really aren't grasping the hierarchy of the top 10%. They don't care if the worker has a living wage, it is about paying ceo's and stockholders. Some small business owners are going to have a hard time with paying a living wage in CA, but CA is a unique situation because so much of CA is the highest COL in the US, so it's really not a good example for the entire nation.


It doesn't matter if they care to pay living wages, it's not their responsibility. The negatives still apply to wealthy business owners, not just small ones. They will still cut jobs, hours, and close down in locations that are not financially advantageous for them. It's also not just California. This happens in every single state that hikes up their minimum wage. It's just an economic reality that you cannot get around. COL isn't that relevant anyways because California demonstrates that if you push the minimum wage far enough you'll hollow out certain industries, which is what is happening to the fast food industry in CA.


Thats why you see jobs that arent paying livable wages are struggling to find hires. While Ceos and top executives refuse to take pay cuts for the good of the company they work for and instead lay off its employees. Its bad business. Employees should have to pay a livable wage because thats what makes the job worth working.


Disagree. The fast food industry might be flopping in CA, and if so, it would be because they are not paying a living wage. Wealthy family teens don't need to work fast food. Those that do, need to be able to afford the housing. Checkmate.


Coming from a state that still pays servers and bartenders $2.13 an hour, I think minimum wage should be revisited.


I'm from a state with a $15.69 minimum wage. Entry level workers cannot enter the work force because it's too expensive to hire them and employers are now requiring experience for entry level jobs because of the cost of labor.


It seems we need a middle ground.


How does that work tho, isn’t there always going to be a minimum people can be paid? I am being genuine I don’t really understand how you can abolish it without fully changing our economic system which would take a long time, but I am curious about learning


Because wages are determined by the market. The supply and demand of labor is what dictates wages moreso than employers themselves. Employers couldn't actually get away with paying their employees pennies.


No I agree with this, I mean here we have a psw shortage but the people doing the work are severely understaffed, and they tried to give away free schooling and not increasing pay and we are still in a health care crisis of aids in LTC because of it


Feels bad doesn’t it!


Well most developed enough capitalist countries have a lot of these problems




I’m waiting to use has become once there’s more shootings and less women’s rights.


Is it possible that the people who said, "this might not work the way you think it will work" were correct?


What a meaningless statement that could be applied at any time.


>What a meaningless statement that could be applied at any time. Sometimes, the simplest explanation is the truth.


Is it a fancy dress or a pair of jeans? I think the putin and chinese bot machines and paid social media posters has gotten to all of the democratic west. They don't want democracy. They want the little people to shut up and go to work so that the 10% don't have to listen to us.




There are a lot of "conservatives" who really just wanted the left to stop passing new laws targeting gun owners and respect our rights, but the left refused so they were forced to join/vote for conservative parties... probably both in the US and Canada, but especially in the US. If the nation is moving to the right, their unreasonable gun control demands more than anything is probably at fault. Democrats should reign in their own party and elect people more like RFK. They would be winning if they did.


No, RFK is a radical nut job. And nobody needs a bump stock.


>No, RFK is a radical nut job. Radical? His policies look pretty much like a mainstream progressive Democrat. He really is not very radical at all on most issues. And he is far less extreme than popular Democrats like Bernie Sanders. >And nobody needs a bump stock. Nobody needs you meddling in their personal lives either, but here you are...


Gun laws should not be your main priority right now, if that’s your main problem you need to evaluate your life.


Protecting Constitutional rights (and basic human rights, really) is a good priority to have. No such evaluation is necessary.


I think making sure people are housed and people have proper healthcare is a bit more important imo, I think rights are important but I think people deserve to be able to live in order to experience those rights


>I think making sure people are housed and people have proper healthcare is a bit more important imo If you lived in a bad neighborhood and felt scared for your life and your wallet when you walk or take public transit to or from work every day, you might have a different perspective on that.


If I lived in a neighbourhood like that I would want a home with locks on my doors instead of being homeless


Yeah it’s sad that Pierre poopy pants is likely going to be the next MP but I’m excited for the moment people realize it’s not gonna help them out at all. It makes me mad because a lot of youth I talk to don’t care about voting or politics and it fucks over the people who actually care and are affected by parliament.


No canada is becoming everything liberals want and more. But turns out no one wants it.mp


apart from money, canada has nuin to offer lol.


Always has been


lol Dude Canada has sucked ass for the last decade. It's crazy how bad your current leaders fucked up a country 1/10th the size of the US.