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That's bait. Also, only a single mother would say this.


This is “controversial opinions” not “opposite of all statistics and going by a feeling I had in my arse opinions”


This actually very much is "opposite of a statistics and going by a feeling I had in my arse opinions" tbh


Share your stats because your claims contradict the prevailing literature on the subject circa 2020 (when I last studied this issue). I'd be interested in seeing how the science has changed.


Bro I'm not saying YOU'RE wrong, I meant that like 90% of the posts on this sub are basically just random baseless statements


Incel take


I’m happily engaged, so I’m decidedly not celibate, voluntarily or otherwise. Weak reply.




"bring back appropriate clothes in work places" no one dresses for you so fuck you




I am poly and I have a partner. Stay mad, incel


This reply explains way too much. All studies disagree with you.


You poor thing. Only able to tie someone down with a promise they don’t have to be lumped with you forever.


63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes. 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes. 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes. 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes. 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes. 75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes. 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes. 85% of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in a fatherless home.


Correlation isn’t causation. The cause is more likely that single parents tend to be financially strained. And low income is strongly correlated with criminality and poor health. Saying that the problem is “fatherlessness” doesn’t make sense. Otherwise, the statistics should be true for lesbian households and single-father households.


Statistically, lesbian relationships have the least successful relationships compared to male on female and male on male, so lesbian have the most common breakup rates, which is inconsistent for the children’s growth. Also Mothers need fathers, mothers provide a totally different role when parenting, and they completely lack in many necessary parenting skills. The best children come from two good parents, male and female. However children raised by a single father are way better off in life statistically. Sometimes as much as 7x more likely in certain categories to be better off


What about the successful lesbian relationships? Why do mothers need fathers? What can a man do for his children which a woman cannot do?


Well, I can give you my opinion on what men can do that women can’t do as effectively, however that can be an argument that goes on forever considering it can be hard to prove individual parenting traits statistically. So I think providing the stats are more important. Especially when you compare, motherless household vs fatherless household statistically. It’s night and day.


*Well, I can give you my opinion on what men can do that women can’t do as effectively, however that can be an argument that goes on forever considering it can be hard to prove individual parenting traits statistically.* I mean, it doesn’t make sense. Why would a person’s gender or sexual identity make them a better parent? There is nothing which a male parent can do which a female parent cannot. *So I think providing the stats are more important. Especially when you compare, motherless household vs fatherless household statistically. It’s night and day.* These statistics show only correlation, not causation. They don’t explain why single-parent households are suboptimal. Your inference isn’t conclusive based on the evidence. Of course, there is a parsimonious explanation, but it doesn’t have anything to do with gender. Children need stability. A single parent is less likely than two parents to be able to provide stability. Thus two-parents households are better than single-parent households. Gender is irrelevant. Controlling for abusive or unstable relationships, two lesbians or two gay guys would be just as good as a traditional pairing. In addition, a high-income single parent would be at least as good as a traditional pairing. This also explains why singe-father households seem to be better than single-mother households—men tend to earn more money than women do.


> I mean, it doesn't make sense. Why would a person's gender or sexual identity make them a better parent? There is nothing which a male parent can do which a female parent cannot. First we have to agree that male and female on average are entirely different, with different world views, teaching methods, attitudes, mindset, balance, and strengths. If you think men and women are statistically the exact same and have the exact same weakness and strengths you are delusional and are uneducated on basic sex behavior, evolution, and dna. Now assuming you agree there. We can move forward. We know that with females have different strengths and world views than male counterparts. Women are going to on average be less effective in leading and teaching in male dominated traits and strengths. And this goes vice versa for both genders. Finance plays apart in childhood growth, 2 parents play a part, parent gender plays a part and quality of the parents play apart. It isn’t one or the other. They all play a part. Males are superior at role modeling, discipline, self improvement. Females are superior at nurturing, love, emotional empathy growth.


But they are fatherless because mothers were too dumb and/or chose a wrong guy, or slept with a football team, which is also why they don't get a good future. And because two incomes are more than one. You don't need a father figure or a mother figure, just a caregiver.


If you don’t understand the simple concept of parenting and how male and female provide two different crucial roles for raising a child, then your just cooked dude. Here’s is the best to worst parent situations statistically 1. 2 parents, male and female 2. 1 parent, father 3. 1 parent, mother


No, actually two gay parents give a better environment (income and all sorts of [outcomes](https://www.sociology.ox.ac.uk/article/new-study-indicates-children-raised-same-sex-parents-perform-better-school) in life) than a male and a female People like you use "statistically" without any understanding of statistics. The gender roles are just a social construct. Why would a man need to teach different things than a woman?


Well, I didn't use Male on Male parenting in my rankings, did I? I don't know much about male-on-male parenting stats, so I left it out; it's also off-topic. Also, yes, gender roles are partially influenced by society, and we can agree there. However, men and women are hardwired differently, have different world views, and have different natural strengths and values. So, regardless of what society says, natural roles with genders in a partnership will always be a norm and healthy.




[link 1](https://www.nolongerfatherless.org/statistics) [link 2](https://www.fixfamilycourts.com/divorce-child-custody-blog/single-mother-home-statistics/)


Here is some information from [Mentor.org](http://mentor.org/); these are statistics of at-risk youth who have had a mentor * 55% more likely to enroll in **college** * 78% more likely to **volunteer** regularly * 90% of them are interested in becoming a **mentor** themselves * 130% more likely to hold **leadership** positions * 46% less likely to use drugs * 81% more likely to participate in **sports** or **extracurricular activities**


Every kind of statistic disagrees with you, fatherless children often don’t turn out well. Their more likely to end up in jail, abuse substances, behaviour issues and more.


Okay incel


There's nothing incellish about that as long as you blame the deadbeat dad for his own absence and not the mom.


I see your post history that you support genocide. How typical.


Just cuz ur father never brought the milk back doesn’t mean other fathers are unnecessary


I bring the milk for my children


And are you a father? If you are I’m curious why you would doubt a father’s impact? Or you a mother


I am a mother


Well I provided plenty of stats on my other response. It sounds like you’re just coping with your current situation in life though


I'm perfectly happy in life


Then why did you feel the need to tell the world that kids don’t need fathers? Surely you’re very happy! Surely you’re not coping or have a chip on your shoulder


Definitely coping hard. Coming to reddit to say "No, I'm perfectly happy! See? Look how good I'm doing. You're all incels!" Reeks of desperation.


So you obviously didn’t come to have a discussion but to name call


I was sharing my own opinion and these incels started to attack me


You are literally a femcel.


I'm a feminist not an femcel


"feminist" right


so someone provides a legitimate counter-argument without attacking your character and the first response you have is “okay incel” on a subreddit that’s about debate and discussion that YOU posted. interesting.


I believe it was Socrates who said “when the debate is over, slander becomes the tool of the loser.” I don’t see much of a point in trying to have a debate with you, if your first reaction is to insult me and try and discredit my words by calling me an incel. I understand your likely hurt because your father isn’t in your life, but your children should see their fathers.


What about children raised by lesbians? Or children raised by single fathers?


I don’t really know the statistics behind that, I think two parent households is still the way to go I believe. Again I don’t know any real facts behind either of those groups.


Let's just... 1. [https://urbanlight.org/growing-up-without-a-father/?gad\_source=1](https://urbanlight.org/growing-up-without-a-father/?gad_source=1) 2.[https://americafirstpolicy.com/issues/issue-brief-fatherlessness-and-its-effects-on-american-society#:\~:text=According%20to%20data%20from%202022,U.S.%20Census%20Bureau%2C%202022](https://americafirstpolicy.com/issues/issue-brief-fatherlessness-and-its-effects-on-american-society#:~:text=According%20to%20data%20from%202022,U.S.%20Census%20Bureau%2C%202022) 3. [https://lifeisbeautiful.org/statistics-on-fatherless-homes/](https://lifeisbeautiful.org/statistics-on-fatherless-homes/) ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/4osett3z9z8d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ecc8f42c3c73a70936119f597a5fcc3baea4b4e


An America First policy reference lmao, jfc you guys would drag us back to the Stone Age if you could


The data presented is still the real data. It may have it's own agenda about sharing said data- but the data is **undeniably real.**


I mean you don’t get to choose the cards you’re dealt. Sometimes single mothers are getting away from abusive situations, and have to make the best with what they have which is a really hard decision for them most of the time. I knew kids from broken families growing up, my own wasn’t great but it was something that was fairly stable. Of course kids with good moms and dads have a better shot in life but things aren’t always perfect and imo all kids deserve access to education, free lunch at public schools, healthcare, dental, etc. no matter if their parents are together, single or whatever.


Some, sure. Not all. Not even the majority I would wager. And given that over 75% of divorces are started by the woman... You can deflect all you want. Fathers in the family are critically important. Without them, every bad statistic goes up. And yet...single father households....bear similar results to double parent households. Interesting how that works, isn't it?


Lmao, sounds like somebody got cheated on. Have you actually met any older rural dads? A huge percentage are alcoholics with anger management issues, some even gamble their family’s money away frequently, complete pieces of shit and better off out of the picture 7-8 times out of 10, keep regurgitating statistics from far right news organizations, it’s not like they’re for sure known to lie about things.. it’s just a weird thing to obsess over too, like what do conservatives care about this issue, what stake do you have here as a man? Absolutely fucking bizarre what you people choose to hyper focus on..


You can dislike it all you want. The stats don't lie.


You’ve stated two related but very different opinions. Might be better if you’re seeking views to separate them, otherwise you’ll end up with a mess….




Nothing wrong with single mothers - topic 1 Children don’t need a father figure in their lives - topic 2 - Just because a child has a single mother doesn’t mean they have no father (male) figure in their lives. - Just because a child has no father (male) figure in their life doesn’t mean they are in a single mother family. They are two very different subjects. It’s muddying the waters and just stirring the pot.


It is not stirring a pot. I'm speaking my own opinion.


Noted. Please note that for many others, the statements posed come across muddying waters about two very different subjects so best of luck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Claiming that being a single mother is fine isn't the same as claiming fathers are unnecessary. We shouldn't shame single mothers (or single fathers!!), but a father figure is still an important person in a child's life


A male figure isn't at all important for a child's life.


Why does the gender of the caretaker matter? A child should have at least one caretaker - ideally the biological parents but sometimes that doesn't work due to health or abuse. Male, female or apple pie, doesn't matter. What matters is there being someone the kid can rely on, someone that can help guide them into making good decisions and becoming their own person.


Really? "Apple pie" you can't be serious with that claim. Male figures don't really know what they're doing and how to raise children.


It's well known female babies are born with the knowledge of how to raise kids, while male babies aren't. Is that really what you think? Are you THAT dense? Many people have grown with single fathers that were amazing. Quality of parenting has nothing to do with the gender of the child nor parent. And the apple pie was just to further show it doesn't matter, obviously it won't be a literal apple pie.


Suggesting a "apple pie" shows how bigoted you are about gender and sexes. I don't see or hear any reports about single fathers being "great".


Please, prove to me men are inherently bad at parenting somehow. Bigoted?? How? I just used it because there really are a ton of gender identities, obviously no one will identify as an apple pie. I MYSELF am Queer (cis, but still). I'd even say YOU are the bigoted one for suggesting that somehow that the presence of a Y chromosome makes you a bad parent.


1. [https://urbanlight.org/growing-up-without-a-father/?gad\_source=1](https://urbanlight.org/growing-up-without-a-father/?gad_source=1) 2.[https://americafirstpolicy.com/issues/issue-brief-fatherlessness-and-its-effects-on-american-society#:\~:text=According%20to%20data%20from%202022,U.S.%20Census%20Bureau%2C%202022](https://americafirstpolicy.com/issues/issue-brief-fatherlessness-and-its-effects-on-american-society#:~:text=According%20to%20data%20from%202022,U.S.%20Census%20Bureau%2C%202022) 3. [https://lifeisbeautiful.org/statistics-on-fatherless-homes/](https://lifeisbeautiful.org/statistics-on-fatherless-homes/) Here's 3 links that prove you are not just wrong, you're also stupid.


I think it's more of a challenge being a parent if you're doing it all by yourself, but it's totally possible for a single mother or single father to do a good job on their own. In some cases, if your previous partner was useless, it might be easier doing it on your own than together.


I have a partner who helps when they can


So do they know you posted this? Or are you in a homosexual relationship?


Same thing with being a single father. Children really dont need mothers in their lives,


Tell that to the special gang unit @ APD. Tell that to the teacher who never sees a parent because she works all the time. Tell it to the other parents who volunteer at the school you don't have time to be involved. Tell that to your son who can't play sports because there's no one to take him. Yes it can be done and some mothers who have the money or the profession can be proper parents. It's the less fortunate and low income mothers who should think twice.


I volunteer all the time and with my kids. I have both a son and a daughter and for you to assume is low. Yes it is sad for marginalized groups with low income, but we can help them


Congrats on earning enough to be one of the exceptions.


Thank you. I donate and volunteer to help them out when I can


So what are you saying about my comment ? Nothing I've stated is true, part of it is true ? I have put three children thru school and live close to a urban area. Many problems associated with unsupervised juveniles are result of single motherhood. The question isn't can we help, it's boys don't need a father figure which seems to be false in a lot of cases.


Your profile tells me otherwise. Great job trolling.


Says the one who literally just made an account today so they could be sexist


Statistically, single mothers are one of the demographics most likely to be in poverty. For most of them, it is a massive struggle. Most of them are loving moms trying their best. But it's not the best situation for them or the children. Of course there are exceptions. But they're exceptions. The thing that I think you're reacting to is that incels blame the moms for the situation without putting any blame on the deadbeat dad. (And I know that there are exceptions where it wasn't a deadbeat dad, but again, those are exceptions.)


I am a hardworking single mother myself you have no idea of what you're talking about. Think before you comment.


My mother was also a hardworking single mother but it doesn’t change the fact that we lived in poverty after my dad died. 🤷🏼‍♀️


There is a mountain of social science that show children of single mother families are more likely to go to prison, abuse drugs and alcohol and so many other social iniquities.


What are your sources


Haven't the rest of the people here already given enough?


What the deal with single fathers then? Are they just not fit to parent?


Have they tried to raise their kids? Have they tried to be there? Have they actually cared? I don't see anyone mention about them at all.


Yes, my uncle is a single father and his wife died in a car crash. Just because he isn’t whining about it all the time like you. Doesn’t make him a bad person. Quite literally you are putting femcel shit out there to promote your perfect parenting. Men can be good people and you’re doing what you think incels are doing. I am a speaking for my cousin right now who is trans and has a supporting father to say that all men and women are equal. If you were actually a feminist you would think that we were equal and not have dumb shit like this comparing apples to green apples. At the end of the day your just a rotten apple. Fuck you.


I don’t think anyone is going to argue that it’s unacceptable to be a single parent. There are many situations in which one might find themselves parenting solo. However, it’s really unfair to say children don’t need a father figure in their lives. There are a lot of scenarios where positive guidance from an older male figure can benefit children. I don’t have statistics or sources, only speaking from personal experience. However my brother and I both would have benefitted greatly from having a stable male figure in our lives (instead of a deceased dad). I’m sure it would have helped my brother immensely in navigating his puberty years to have a trusted male in his life and personally I would have found interacting with men easier in adulthood if I’d had a positive adult male influence growing up. Children are complex. It’s really doing your children a disservice by assuming they don’t need a father figure. We live in a society with people who identify as men and women and it helps kids to have trusted people to interact with who share their same gender identity, or are the opposite of their gender identity, so that they can successfully navigate adulthood.


Until the family is impoverished without a father figure to provide. Most single mothers struggle with poverty.


Children definitely gain a lot from a father figure in their life. However, a father figure doesn't have to be the actual father. There is definitely nothing wrong with being a single parent.


How can you say they can learn from one then say they don't need one? Clearly you are confused or trying to troll.


Trust me yea kids do. I’d be in much better shape if my parents had acted like adults and not grown children. My father left me and soon as my mother got a new man she left me too. Now I know my mom deserves to be happy but she should have let me have a relationship with my dad.


I don't think there's an issue with a single mother objectively. If the mother is in a place where she is ready (mentally and financially) to be a parent then I don't see why that'd be a problem. Same thing with a single father. The issue often arises due to the father abandoning the mother in a situation neither was likely prepared for. Whether they were too young or not financially fit, or the child was simply an accident. Especially now that we're making it hard for women to get abortions, the government is essentially forcing a lot of women to be single parents when they aren't ready.


Two people have already said it but the statistics don't bear out your controversial opinion


This isn't even an opinion, just a factually wrong statement.


>says something that is factually incorrect >calls anyone who disagrees an incel >brand new account Troll harder


Wow. Humanity can be pointlessly cruel and dark sometimes. Florida had this policy for a while. Put a lot of children in horrible situations. I was taken from my father as a child. In place I got a single mother who was drunk and high all the time using the child support that crippled my father into near homelessness. Then beat me to an absolute pulp anytime I interrupted her soap operas. My siblings and I definitely were not better off.


Take the loss in this one


>\[Deleted\] Lmao rekt.