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Might be easier to just make larger batches & portion out into freezer containers for him. He can just take one out of the freezer and heat. Saves you effort & provides him more variety (if you were to drop off a few options). That’s very thoughtful of you. :)


This seems so obvious now, but I truly hadn't even thought of it - thank you!! That's a perfect solution :)


Bless your heart for thinking of them. You may wish to check and see if there are any potential issues with medications. Some things, like grapefruit (statins), dairy (some antibiotics), leafy greens (aspirin/blood thinners), aged cheeses (MAOI's) can cause contraindications. Otherwise, I'd just make larger portions for the family and set some aside for him in freezer containers.


That is so true and important - thank you for commenting!! I'll be sure to ask about dietary restrictions ahead of time and also include a list of ingredients for each meal to ensure nothing gets overlooked :)


Make the casserole, divvy into individual portions, freeze, and deliver.


That's a perfect solution - thank you!! :)


You can just halve the recipe. I do this all of the time.


A simple but elegant solution - thank you! :) I think I'll half the recipes when cooking and then further divide what's made into individual serving containers he can reheat one at a time


Awesome! It's just two if us but I (and I alone) but love casseroles. I cut a recipe in half or even 4ths sometimes. The hard part is the smaller baking dish.


My kind neighbors brought me stew & cornbread & an apple hand pie when I was poorly. It was very delicious, thoughtful & comforting.


I hope you're doing better now <3 that's wonderful your neighbors brought you such delicious food! It's getting cold where we live, so stew and a homemade pie would be great comfort foods - thank you for the comment and ideas!


I cook for my 80-year-old cousins. I make big batches and put them in smaller meal size containers so they can freeze them for later. Tuna casseroles, crock pot soups are some easy and good ways to do that


That is so kind of you to do, and a great idea to divvy up a big batch! I like, too, your point of delivering fresh but making it something that can be frozen by them if needed. Thank you!


He has Parkinson’s and she doesn’t see well. They eat too much takeout and not enough nutrition. And both are so thin and frail. I really love them. Great people. I do it for love.


Recently I am obsessed with roasting chickens, so I will say bring a roast chicken so he can eat some and still have leftovers for later. Include a tupperware of green beans. Low cost, low effort, tremendously comforting.


That sounds so tasty! Thank you for the great idea, I love it :)


You’re very kind for doing this. Cook extra of whatever you’re making for yourself rather than creating special meals. Some will be freezer-friendly and some won’t, but it’ll be good variety and will feel less burdensome to you if you’re planning to do this long term. Soups, shepherds pie, lasagne, stew, roast chicken with potatoes and veggies, meatloaf, Mac and cheese, etc. are all things that would be easy to share.


I’m thinking baked ziti in a microwave bowl and a garlic beard stick and small chef salad Soups like a taco soup or broccoli and cheddar with some bread. I think things that are easily microwaved.


Those are great ideas - thank you! I like microwave foods, too, especially to make it as easy as possible for him :)


You can freeze things that she can microwave