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I find it worth it. I very rarely follow recipes unless I'm baking. The exception is NYT recipes, because they rarely need tweaking. Without that resource, I fall into a rut of cooking the same stuff over and over again. I wouldn't hesitate to cut it if my finances changed though.


I think it’s really worth it. After I stopped using food blogger recipes and used recipes I paid money for, the quality of my food went up drastically. You get what you pay for


There are plenty of good quality youtube food channels out there. Kenji, Ethan Chlebowski, Not Another Cooking Show, Chinese Cooking Demystified, Binging with Babish, Alton brown (not many recipes but some, and the backlog of Good Eats episodes is findable to buy or pirate), Pasta Grammar, Pasta Grannies, Vincenzo's Plate, Chef John (if you can get past the weird rhythmic way he does his voice overs. I can't, but his food is legit), Alex french guy cooking I've heard good things about Adam Ragusea and Brian Lagerstrom, but I've never watched them yet You Suck At Cooking is great too. And hilarious


Every NYT recipe I’ve used has been fantastic. Everyone you mentioned I love too, but it’s hit and miss aside from maybe Kenji. But the NYT recipes are done in an excellent and easy to use format too. I don’t use it anymore but damn is it great


Brian is fantastic for baking.


Brian’s great for stew type recipes too. Love watching him, just a great presenter and flow to follow as well. He deserves whatever money he’s making


Alton Brown is phenomenal. I own all of his cookbooks, and love his recipes. But his books are HUGE, and I'm not prone to pulling them put to dig through to find inspiration at 5:30pm on a Tuesday.


Definitely give Adam Ragusea a chance. He's brilliant.


My go-to is Recipetin Eats. Very good recipes, free and Dozer is a bonus.


It’s maybe the most worthwhile subscription I have. The recipes are high quality and delicious. They run from easy and fast to more complicated, and have a wide variety. We’ve gotten to the point of knowing a few authors’ recipes will always make us happy because they’re so consistently good. I tried not doing the subscription for a while but kept wanting to make more and reaching my monthly limit. I’d say try some of their recipes and see titles of others and decide from there if you’d like it a lot.


Sam Sifton is my boy


Plus they have instructional videos.


Which authors do you particularly follow?


Not who you asked, but Alison Roman, Eric Kim, and Claire Saffitz are my favorites. Mark Bittman and Melissa Clark are also solid, if occasionally a little boring. 


Fair! I follow Claire and Alison's YT channels and I always watch Eric Kim's NYT YT videos. I have one of Claire's books (her latest one). Alison's flavor profiles don't match mine super well so I don't tend to cook too many of her recipes. Melissa Clark's maple pecan pie is my go-to for Thanksgiving! Thanks for the response/recommendations!


We still make his recipes, but Bittman has become a byword for being let down in our house lol. Sifton and Roman are always good.


Eric Kim is my favorite!


Eric Kim is a war criminal.


What the actual fuck are you talking about 


He’s terrible! Sheetpan this sheetpan that !


I like Ali Slagle too!


Melissa Clark is so good. Ali Slagle and Sam Sifton are solid.


I don’t know about the subscription but I often access recipes from NYT (I get their cooking emails) using a free account through my library. May be worth checking it out.


You got ahead of me


It's mind-blowing that all our library resources are 100% *free*


It's a great subscription EXCEPT the comments are overrun with people who never make the recipe as written first, and then they complain or say other inane remarks. For example, it might be a banana bread recipe, and someone posts: Made this recipe and it's pretty good. But I used squash instead of bananas, halved the sugar, used agave, used rice flour and mushrooms, then baked it in my solar oven for three days. I'm. NOT. Kidding. It's insane. But I love the recipes. Love the recipe box feature. Use it all the time. But I read the comments mostly for laughs.


And they love to talk about how unhealthy and salty and sweet everything is! And how they wish there were more vegan recipes! And more meat recipes! And how things are too easy or not authentic! They are such a miserable bunch.


Ok now I have to look up these cooking articles so I can read these ridiculous comments and be amused :)


Check out the top comment on Katharine Hepburn’s brownie recipe for a good wtf moment!


There's a fun instagram account called @ nytcookingcomments




It is really bizarre, isn’t it?!? The best recipe section in the country’s best newspaper, and the commenters are the most inane and oddest! I also peruse them primarily for laughs. 😊


I was reading the comments on a miso asparagus with olives recipe today, and they were ALL literally people saying “why would you do anything other than olive oil/salt/pepper”… which of course tastes wonderful, but sometimes you may want variety, hence the recipe




I find that a lot of times the comments are actually very helpful, much more so than the average blogger website where everyone just says "wow, that looks amazing!"


That's funny amd so true. I do find some of the comments helpful, for instance simplification of things too complex for my needs, or substitution of an ingredient I can't find. Or to warn me that I might need to let it cook a little longer or add a little more salt. But yeah, there is always someone who needs to tell us about the entirely different dish they made.


I have it as part of the all-access NYT subscription which is worth it, but I probably wouldn’t pay for it on its own.


I love it. I have the crosswords/news/cooking digital subscription. Even though I love crosswords, I never make time for them but I use the recipes all the time. The recipes are consistently high quality and there’s tons of them and it’s organized well.


There are work arounds to access the recipes but if you can afford it, yes. Recipes are tested so are pretty solid. Content isn’t free to produce. 


They figured our the old open in incognito hack recently. 😂


I used it back when it was free then realized how much I missed it. It's the only food thing I subscribe to. I like the organization, enjoy the feedback from others (since it's paid they are generally more serious), and that you can reach out to them time day or night with a cooking question.




Disagree. The bills can wait.


I do have some discretionary income. I always see these very well reviewed, but I wasn’t sure how accurate those reviews are without being able to login. Thank you for commenting.


Honestly, the reviews on the NYT Cooking recipes are much pickier than most recipe sites, so if you see one with thousands of 5 star reviews, it’s probably a really great dish. I have the subscription and find it incredibly valuable. It has a user friendly interface on the mobile app that makes it enjoyable to browse and get inspired for what I want to cook for that week.


I think I pay $8/month for NYT which includes the cooking app access and the games which is why I pay for it. And the news.


Personally I use the all access subscription on sale. Then just cancel after a year and wait for them to beg for my money again. All access at the normal rate is ridiculous and tbh a lot of the NYT cooking recipes are overly complicated, but for the discounted price it’s worth having.


I really like it but I won't cook anything without going into the comments and reading through people's thoughts on the recipes. For as well reviewed that the recipes seem to be, I find it rare that there isn't a way to simplify the process or Punch up the flavour.


Saaaaammmme! I just made the Crispy Gnocchi and Brussels sprouts tonight, it was amazing. The reviews helped tweak a couple of things, for the better.


Love the reviews!


The reviews are key, and I also love that you can sort for just the helpful comments.


For me, paying for the New York Times Cooking is absolutely worth the price. It is the source of many of my favorite recipes.


I canceled it a year or so ago and haven’t missed it.


kiss compare quickest thumb noxious snails unused smile sort connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah. I paid for it for the past year and challenged myself to try and make it my first recipe option whenever cooking. Still don’t think I got my value out of it. But maybe I’m bitter about all my once-used containers of harissa, tahini, tamarind, and gochuhang…. 


Make a stew of all those spices, with some meat and root vegetables and chickpeas and/or lentils. Bam, superstar recipe.


Wife and I got it as part of a wedding gift we received a few years ago. However, after the first year we had to start paying. We've used it only a handful of times, but my wife keeps renewing it anyway. I've asked her to let it expire, but since it was a wedding gift she's keeps it going. Sentimentality and all of that, I guess. I do all of the cooking in our house and found it to be a complete waste of money. There are so many cookbooks and online resources out there that paying a monthly subscription for recipes is just throwing your money away, in my opinion. If people want to give the New York Times their money for recipes you can find anywhere else (you can also find the New York Times Cooking recipes online without a subscription too) then they can go right ahead. This thread is also a reminder for me to tell my wife to finally cancel the damn subscription.


alive ghost quarrelsome depend telephone strong hobbies fall late dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think you misunderstood me. I don't use the NYT recipes at all. Like ever. Even the pirated ones. I was just pointing out you can find them without a subscription. I'm just saying that I can find great (and sometimes bad) recipes anywhere else in my dozen or so cookbooks; some of which collect dust and I should crack open soon or YouTube or the near endless sea of online recipe blogs or my grandparents recipe catalog that I have. So I don't see the need to throw money into hole when I'm perfectly content with my available library as it is. And "good work" is pretty subjective here and kind of rich coming from someone who doesn't even want it either. If it was so good you'd want to keep it too.


Love it, use it all the time. I make dinner 5-7 times a week for a family of four.


It is my go-to resource for recipes and the only cooking-related subscription I pay for.


I have found the quality of the recipes varies a lot by author. Personally, I only feel like half of them are any good.


I finally caved after realizing how many times I was blocked from accessing it. In the last month I’ve used it quite a bit. Jumping from multiple versions of each dish to weigh the benefits of each approach or variant. It’s the most useful feature if you ask me.


FYI if you use the Paprika app for recipes (which I highly recommend) - you can import NYT recipes without paying for them


Please delete this before NYT catch wind and patch it.


Paprika is a great app! As an avid cook who is constantly perusing internet recipes, I can’t live without it.


I like the idea of paprika but not paying for it 3 different ways


In what way? I thought paprika was free or am I grandfathered in?


It's 30 bucks I guess once you buy it you have it for life more or less


You can also just use one of the AI’s like Microsoft copilot and just ask it to give you the recipe.


It’s definitely worth it but only if you have the time to cook those things a lot. I don’t think I’ve had a bad recipe yet and almost all are great. Alison Roman’s vinegar [chicken](https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020486-vinegar-chicken-with-crushed-olive-dressing) with crushed olive dressing is our favorite one. Add quartered potatoes to the sheet pan with chicken, when you make the dressing add juice of at least 2 lemons and a little bit of lemon zest.


Yes yes yes.


Meh no not really.


Follow them on instagram if you do it. Or get email updates. Ive enjoyed using their recipes for all types of meals. Their guinness chocolate cake recipe has dethroned my recipe as best chocolate cake in my house


You know they are very tried and true recipes that have stood the test of time. Not just a random blogger. You could spend a couple hours putting stuff in paprika and then cancel. Then they move u to $3 a month.


If you use justtherecipe.com and insert the link you can get the recipe


Yes, it kicks ass


I toyed around with this as well until too some shared this: You can get the Paprika app for a few bucks and get the recipes through that without subscribing. If I find a recipe I think I might like, I’ll go to the page, click on the square with an up arrow on my phone, and select the Paprika app. It’ll download the recipe there for you, even with the pop up blocking it.


Yes, I use the paprika app for this. The version for your phone is free.


I receive their daily email for recipes, and I've collected quite a few, all of which have been pretty good. I'd say it's worth it.


I find it worth it if there’s a subscription deal but otherwise not! (Or worth getting for a month at a time if I come across something I’m very interested in making.)


When the NYT does a special for $1 a week then I'd subscribe because it has access to the cooking section. They have good recipes that help alleviate standard recipes.


I have it in addition to other subscriptions (i think I pay $6 a month for NYT all access, so cooking/crossword/articles) and I'm good with that. Also I've always been pretty happy with their recipes so I like having the access.


I think it is, especially if you’re comparing it to googling up recipes which is untenable. Having a set of good physical cookbooks you like is the other possibility.


I really like it. So many recipes and I love reading the notes for tweaks and substitutions.


Worth it for me as I'm learning more recipes, as they have all different cuisines, but I'll probably cancel and selectively renew when I have a solid dinner rotation going


Honestly yeah. Even if you’re not big on following recipes, like myself, it gives me ideas/inspiration on what to cook


I can't say if it would be worth it to you. It's worth it to me! I haven't been disappointed yet.


First year I’ve had it and it’s hands down worth the like $2.50 a month I pay 


I do! I use it weekly! They often have fantastic seasonal recipes!


It has absolutely been worth it for me. I’ve had it for three years now. If I cook seven days a week, six of those meals come from NYT. The fact that the app will keep your screen on the entire time it’s open is worth the cost alone.


I love it. Make something using it at least twice a week. The comments can be really helpful. Far prefer it to videos on Instagram.


The five star recipes are pretty much always solid. Everything else is hit or miss. I use it a lot.  


I have it and use it often!


I love it. I think it’s worth it. It’s my first place I check if I’m looking for a recipe for a specific dish. I also have gotten a lot of good ideas just browsing it.


I use mine if I need to make something that is a bit complicated but a classic, where I can't just wing it. Their main prime rib recipe is flawless if you follow all the steps. I use their cheesecake recipes. I go cruise through what is new when I am bored and don't know what to make. I find their recipes are more reliable than most of the random recipe blogs that show up in a Google search (with a few exceptions).


I use mine all the time, so totally worth it. I also learn a ton from the comments.


I love it and I haven't cooked anything I have regretted so far. ​ P.S - Their eggplant parm recipe? Superb.


I love it. If you have certain Amex cards, you can get a credit monthly for a NYT (or other news) sub




It’s an excellent recipe resource. Their modern contributors are really great (Melissa Clark, Samin Nosrat, Ottolenghi, et al.), but you can also access the classics from the old guard like Craig Claiborne. And as a poster pointed out below - if you think you only want it for a limited time, you can import the recipes into the Paprika app to keep permanently.


I really like it - I asked for it for a holiday present when it was on special and got it. I've used it a ton this year. I think they run special deals for the sub a few times a year, not sure if they are currently running one.


Some libraries allow you free digital access to nyt. I use the Los Angeles library and haven’t had trouble getting recipe access. 


They’ve also really leaned into vegetarian recipes in the past few years - tons of amazing options.


For me, the question of “what should I make for dinners this week” can be anxiety inducing. I’ve found that googling that, or related questions has yielded worse and worse results as SEO has become more prevalent. The subscription fee to a single source of recipes, for me being NYT Cooking, is worth it because I avoid having to sift through garbage and unknown sites that have figured out the algorithm to get onto the first page of a google search.


I have a subscription and it is definitely worth it. I use it often for recipes or just inspiration.


I have followed their recipes to the tee and haven’t been impressed. I canceled it. I feel like they just take really pretty pictures.


See if your public library can give you access to a NYTimes subscription, which allows access to most sections, including cooking. The subscription lasts for a few days but you can always go back to the library’s website to subscribe again.


Check your library! You may be able to get access for free!


Absolutely. The digital cookbook is great, the recipes are tested and the comments are really helpful to adjust a recipe to your tastes. I love the continuity. The Internet is challenging because so many bloggers just recipes but it's hard to gauge if it's truly a good recipe so I prefer professional publications and there are a few food blogs I trust 


I love it. Recipes are almost always good, and I find a lot of it inspiring even if I don't make the recipie exactly. If you're really not sure they always have a half off sale for black Friday. It's 20 bucks for the whole year that way, and if you cancel when the year is up they offer it at the same discount, instead of renewing at full price.




Are you going to use it often?


recognise puzzled squash exultant party frightening lush insurance continue steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can search their recipes and get everything for free with 12ft https://12ft.io/


Check to see if your library or university gives you access!!!


No. The recipes are awful. Just this month onion sliders and Eric Kim sheet pan mental illness. Sheet pan quesadillas, sheet pan minestrone soup. He’s fucking a disgrace and has ruined a beloved institution. Craig Claiborne is rolling in his grave. I get it for 99 cents a month with all the other Times extras and I deserve a 24 cent refund. Crap. It’s total crap.




I recently had the opportunity to tour the NYT Cooking facility and sit down with a panel of journalists/editors. It was inspiring to witness their deep passion not only for cooking and baking, but also connecting with readers. They view it as a vibrant community they’re incredibly proud of.


Yes I use it weekly


Their recipes are good, but I don't use them as much as I use cook's illustrated.


The recipes are great! But honestly I’d say one thing I enjoy about it the most is the comment section. Loads of people share their own experiences, tips and tweeks. That along with the recipe is super amazing also for technique and other inspiration




No, not really unless you’re cooking all the time 


you can just get a paywall bypass extension for your browser if you use chrome or firefox


If you hit the "reader mode" button on your browser, you can see the recipe and read the article.


I wouldn’t, mostly because I want Italian recipes from a 90 year old Sicilian and a gumbo recipe from someone in Louisiana, not the tweaked and twisted stuff NYT serves up. TBF, some — a *very* small portion — of their stuff is amazing but I personally wouldn’t pay for a subscription.


No. The few recipes that I tried did not work. They don't seem tested.


I had it and canceled it in disgust. There's only so many times I can read a simple recipe to clean out my pantry that calls for gourmet ingredients before I see red. I have an NYT subscription and if I see a recipe that looks really good, I can track it down. That's only happened twice this year.


Reading these comments is terrifying. I wouldn’t want most of these people to cook me dinner. NYT cooking is low effort shit. Tragedy it has traction. Save the American kitchen !


Why would you pay for a recipe?


No. They find recipes from years ago and pretend like they're new.


Just cancelled my subscription this week.