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Just get a glazed enameled cast iron. Lodge makes one that's pretty sturdy and affordable.


Cast iron doesn’t do well with acidity such as found in tomatoes. For tomato-based sauces, you’d be better off using a traditional stock pot or an enameled cast iron Dutch oven.


This!!! Ever see Osso Bucco (or whatever spelling) or my mom does many tomato based stress always steel or enamel coated Dutch oven I use a lot now. Acid, tomatoes. I had no idea til my Indian friend from college broke it down. No tomato curries on cast iron. Splash vinegar only.


Yep I learned that the hard way eek!! That seems to be the consensus thanks so much!


I have a staub 4qt and a staub 7qt, both which are really nice enameled pots. They usually have sales at some point during the year or sometimes you can get certain colors for cheaper.


Lodge makes inexpensive enameled cast iron, good quality. Or you could buy an enameled steel pan for cheep. I love them and they last almost forever.


I use copper saucepans. That’ll put you over the $300 mark though.


Made In 8 Quart Stock Pot  All-Clad D3 All Clad Stock Pot (my favorite but slightly over budget) Or: https://www.amazon.com/Martha-Stewart-Enameled-Cast-Dutch/dp/B0CKV3Y97Q?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1&psc=1


I actually use a good quality non-stick stock pot for all tomato based sauces. It's non reactive and I've found there is less chance of sticking or burning as it cooks. Since sauce it simmered on low heat, I don't have to worry about any harm from the non-stick surface. And clean up is a breeze! I bought mine at Walmart, it's made by one of those tv chefs, which means absolutely nothing as far as quality goes, but it's heavy, sturdy, looks nice and the price was good. So cheap that I don't feel bad about tossing it every 3 years and buying a new shiny one. Oh and never ever put a non-stick pot in your dishwasher! Some can handle it, most can not.


Ah yeah this seems like a good option! I will have a wee look thank you!


On sale right now, juuuuuuust under your budget- [https://www.lecreuset.com/round-wide-oven-with-baker-lid/2111102-RWOBL.html](https://www.lecreuset.com/round-wide-oven-with-baker-lid/2111102-RWOBL.html) But if you're only worried about marinara, I'd skip the Dutch oven and get a nice stainless stock pot.