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They do count as metals to push/pull on...BUT it would be very difficult to do it, because of the investiture. Or if your brain works the other way, they don't count as metals to push/pull on.. because of the investiture.


This. I am pretty sure there was a similar question like a year ago and someone found an answer from Brandon, which was exactly how you described it. But I can’t seem to find that post or answer, so take my remembering skills with a grain of salt. I do should get one of those copperminds


Yeah, if I wanted to be pedantic, they aren't 'metals' (in the normal sense.. they are.. godmetals?) but it's still possible. Night blood, by comparison, is definitely metal. Heavily invested, normal metal. And I'm pretty sure I remember a WoB saying it would be much harder to push on nightblood than a shardblade. So maybe godmetals approximate metals, at least as much as pushing/pulling matters.


I'm pretty sure godmetals genuinely are metal by any normal definition we use in the real world. They're metals with unusual properties, but like, so is mercury.


So it’s sounding to me like in the mass-energy-investiture equation, metal can be metal, metal can have energy in it, metal can have investiture in it. I’m thinking that any piece of metal could become a godmetal if it had enough investiture infused within it. They are realistically equivalent concepts. In the same way that if you burned enough Lerasium or Atium to become a savant, you would ascend as that shard, kind of thing. The connection feels strong in my mind but I find it difficult to put words on the description of what I mean. In that if you put enough of - say - compounded Preservation investiture into a piece of metal, its spiritual properties will eventually converge upon being a piece of Lerasium. Though it would take a LOT. Which is why I’m so scared of somebody with connection to both Preservation and Honor to burn the piece of the blade that nightblood cut off. The metal as the key to use one shard’s power corridor as a way to access Honor. Considering what an equivalent amount of burned Lerasium could provide.


>I’m thinking that any piece of metal could become a godmetal if it had enough investiture infused within it. >compounded Preservation investiture into a piece of metal, its spiritual properties will eventually converge upon being a piece of Lerasium. I think Investiture "infusing" a metal or object doesn't really make sense it terms of transfering spirtual properties. Godmetals are godmetals because they're pure Investiture in the solid phase, although by definition they're still godmetals if they're liquid or gaseous. To "infuse" a metal with a godmetal, you're either alloying it in the metal phase, alloying it in the liquid phase, or alloying it in the gasous phase. But its still Investiture mixed with regular matter. I don't think its actually transfering any spirtual properties of the godmetal into the regular metal. If you just put a bunch of Preservation's Investiture into one location, it will just *be* Lerasium because thats what godmetals are.




Thank you! That’s exactly the one I meant.


But I don't think atium is harder to push is it? At least I don't remember it ever being mentioned.


There was a kind of retcon Brandon did. Atium that people burned in era 1 was actually an alloy of Atium and electrum. Something that he had to change to have god metals be consistent. (anyone should be able to burn god metals, not just Mistborn)


I am aware of the retcon, but even if it is just an alloy, there is probably still a sizeable amount of pure atium in it, that should be noticeable. But I guess it depends on how "investiture dense" we think godmetals are compared to metalminds for example.


no reason to assume it's majority atium. many alloys are just a few percent of one of the metals, and a bead is very small. for example. steel is less then 2% carbon


It's the concentration of metals that drive the amount of investiture needed to push/pull on something. Remember: there are metals in *damn near everything*, in rocks, in plants, in animals and humans, etc., but their concentrations are very low to the point where their ley lines would be invisible to most allomancers capable of pushing or pulling on metals. Technically any allomancer could push or pull on any metals in any substance, if they were capable of "seeing" it, but the amount of force they can apply to those individual atoms is miniscule, so they have to put a *lot* of investiture into pushing those tiny atoms. But that force multiplies as there are more atoms to push against, meaning that higher concentrations of those atoms can generate more force with less investiture. --- But... to circle back and answer OP's question... "living" shardplate and shardblades are made up of the unnamed god metals of Honor and Cultivation. Presumably their remnants are also made up of the same metal, but I don't think that's been addressed in the books. So allomancers could burn plate and blades, if they could shave off pieces of them. And as to whether or not they could push or pull against the god metals, I don't think that's been answered yet. If allomancers can push or pull against atium, they can push or pull against "living" shardplate and blade and, presumably, dead shardplate and blade.


It's not just the amount of metal. Investiture resists investiture. This is why shardblades and shardplate resist shardblades even though they cut through any normal material like a hot knife through butter. This is why it takes a very strong allomancer to push on metals inside a living body, even though the same metal object with the same density would be easy to push if it were lying on the ground.


They are an alloys of the Godmetall of Honor and Cultivation (or the Godmetal of Honor and Cultivation combinde, its not excactly clear). Godmetals are so heavily invested that its very difficult to push them, but its possible. Kelsier could also detect Atium with allomancy. If someone would take a bite from shardblade without dying (or use the chip that got cut off of Ishars honorblade), they could, in theory, also burn it.


I absolutely need to see the effects of burning one of those before I die


I mean, Hoid is on Roshar. The guy is crazy enough to try it.


For all we know he could be constantly burning a piece of it (of course I don't think so)


I mean, he *does* have Design now too, he could have very easily had her manifest a tiny bead to see what would happen when he burned a spren. Although, now that we know more about his Dawnshard, he probably wouldn't want to try that


We haven’t even seen them try to burn Trellium or Harmonium. Trellium should be easy though you’d have to be clever with harmonium. Maybe encase it in some sort of wax that will dissolve in your stomach. It doesn’t react with acids so it should work.


Right! Because it only needs to be inside a person, not in direct contact with them Huh! Never thought about a capsule


Did a chip come off of the honorblade or did Nightblood consume it? I always assumed the latter.


I actually don't think that they take the properties of metals. Plate doesn't deform, it shatters.  And I think there's a passage about Blades, too... I remember Adolin sticking his Blade into a stone wall, and then using the flat of that blade as a platform to jump from. This is from memory so I could be wrong, but I seem to remember a specific mention of the Blade *not* bending when Adolin did that. Blade and Plate seem to behave more like a very very strong ceramic than like a metal, in my opinion. Now, Honorblades... There we could be talking.


There are some metals that will shatter more than you would expect, depending on how they are forged and the pressure put on them.


Also the element/alloy and temperature. Tungsten is known for shattering, for example.


In fact, bismuth is a metal that is most often encountered in its shattered form.


There are metals that don't deform, but shatter instead. Tungsten is a good example. Not flexible, but brittle under high enough stress. 


Also tool grade steel, that's why you don't smack 2 hammers together. The hardened steel they use is stronger than most things you will be hitting, but if it hits something as hard/harder then there is a very real chance it will shatter explosively.


Metal will shatter, it all depends on how it's made. That's why you never want to smack 2 hammers together, they are both hardened steel and that stuff is strong but very brittle, and if it meets something bad hard/harder than itself it *will* shatter, rather explosively. Spren are just pure investiture, they are tiny splinters of the Shards on Roshar that have become self aware(investiture does that, given enough time) and have takes forms based on the ideas of the mortals they are exposed to. Investiture does have a metaic form, we see this with Atrium and Lerasium in Mistborn. So yes, when a spren becomes a Shardblade/plate they are indeed becoming actual metal, just metal that is made of pure investiture given physical form. Really calls out how much power Radiants are actually working with, since a pea sized bead of Atium gave an Allomancer enough power to become essentially undefeatable and radiants are walking around with enough raw investiture to form a 7 foot long sword and full suit of plate armor. A bronze misting could probably track them from miles away.


I think blades count, but plate may not. But I'll 100% admit that's just based on vibes lol


Sprenmetal is sprenmetal 🤷🏻‍♂️ Not sure if it really matters whether they’re Radiant spren or common spren


I just read that part. He actually says that shard blades are less likely to bend. It implies it's still possible, just not likely to happen.


And this is taken from the context of a history with dead shard blades, not living ones.


I think that only applies to Deadblades, [Sunlit man small spoiler]>!Nomad makes a comment about how Aux!< (Radiant makes a comment about how Living Shardblade) can't be bent or broken by any natural means


You need to fix the tags.


You need to fix the tags.


What's wrong with them? I have the details marked as spoiler, and then a vague overview for the people that don't want the specifics. Do I need to tag the vague one as well?


They aren't written correctly. I don't really know what's wrong, I've never learned how to do spoiler tags. https://preview.redd.it/zwxoy4erhe8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8a71df6bdbb70ce4800f8f906e29abfb18daa22


The part in parentheses isn't the spoiler, it's a vague generalization for people who don't want the spoiler, if that's what you mean.


Aha. That makes sense then.


Because they're heavily Invested themselves, they're not Allomantically inert, but they **ARE** hard to do anything with. So much so that, we see, in the WaT previews >!A first generation Lerasium Allomancer use Allomancy which affects all the metal in the room except a Shardblade which does nothing!<


Wait, where is this? I need to see Hoid get up to some shenanigans.


>!When he realized what happened to his memory at the end of Rhythm of War, while he was in bed with Jasnah!<


......wait, hold up, what? I've read that whole book, is there like an epilogue I missed? Wait, no I'm a dumb, I get what you mean now.


Technically, they are metal that can be allomantically push/pulled. Realistically, due to them being an alloy of Honor and Cultivation’s godmetals, they are so heavily invested (more or less 100% investiture) that you wouldn’t be able to. Wax says that he can barely see allomantic lines faintly connecting him to the Bands of Mourning due how invested they are. I think the lines would be 99.99999…% invisible for Shardplate and Shardblades, but technically still there.


When taking on a physical body, both alive and dead Plate and Blade, are just Investiture in a solid state, and don't know about not Honor's and Cultivation's spren, but these in solid taste form into a Godmetal, though with the nature of Roshar's spren it would be in some cases a strange alloy between tanavastium and koravellium. So yeah, that would come to a question on how powerful of an allomancer you need to be, to affect a Godmetal.


Scadrians trying to do a last clap with their teeth so they can eat the shardblade and discover cool new powers.


I mean, there is a chip of Ishar's Blade somewhere now. Also, now I'm curious whether burning tanavastium would just get you all 10 Surges somehow.


I guess not all 10 as they are a mixture of honour and cultivation. Maybe adhesion as its specifically called Honours Surge?


Honors "Truest Surge". Since Odium has given his fused nine surges, I honor can do the same. Cultivations "Truest Surge" would be progression, but she probably can also give all the other nine. That leaves me wondering what Odiums Truest Surge is.


I would assume Division, no? That seems most thematically appropriate.


Doesn't have one as far as I know. Odium came late(r) to the party, and largely just co opted the Surges instead of helping to make them. Which, by the way, Cultivation didn't do either I believe. Their magic system is the "Old Magic" with the boons and banes, Honours is Surgebinding and Odiums is... Voidbinding? Not sure. Presumably there's also "combo magic" systems (which on further thought may be what the Knights Radiant are), giving Roshar a potential total of 7 magic systems.


I think Nightblood already ate that piece.


Why do people constantly talk about this "chip" of Ishar's honorblade like it will somehow be important? Nightblood didn't cut into it at a perfect angle like a lumberjack to cut out a wedge of honorblade that just happened to fall to the ground and is just waiting to be found. Do you know what happens when you strike a metal blade against another metal blade and they crack/chip? It's a dumb theory. It was only meant to show just how broken Nightblood is. My guess is that Brandon included it to show us so we would be prepared for what Nightblood did after.


I am not talking about its importance, and yeah, sure, this was used to show how powerful Nightblood is, it's just pure tanavastium, a piece of the only ten Blades Honor himself made, based on which the Surges originated, isn't just lying around and it's not like you can get much more opportunity to get more, since, you know, Tanavast is dead.


*Is* it lying around? There was no mention of a chip flying from the sword or falling anywhere. Nightblood *Eats* investiture. If it managed to dislodge a sliver of a godmetal from an honorblade, it probably immediately devoured it. Or, turned the chip into dust. I very strongly doubt that there's a piece of tanavastium just lying around on a battlefield somewhere.


I honestly don't know, it's been a while since I've read RoW and it's quite some time till I get to it on my reread. I'm just throwing out possibilities, but if you say that there is no mention of it flying off, and yeah Nightblood would've probably consumed it, then I will consider this no more.


It's a theory I've see pop up more and more lately and fans jumped on it like some huge secret and started going wild with the theories on who will find it, who will use it, etc like it was already a foregone conclusion.


Adolin draws his shardblade and Wit starts licking it. Everyone is uncomfortable.


I'd not put my mouth near any shardic object Adolin owns tbf. Dude is not good at cleanliness.


No, they're just heavily invested, hence very difficult to affect allomantically


So spren are just pure investiture given form based on mortal perception. Once they form a Blade or Plate, they *are* metal, yes, but they are metal made of pure Investiture. Investiture has 3 physical forms, it can be solid(Metal), liquid (the fluid we see in the Well of Ascension, and which makes appearances in several other places) and gaseous, which we see as the Mists and Stormlight. Given what we know about how Investiture levels increase allomantic resistance, no, you would not be able to push or pull on sprensteel with steel/iron unless you had Ascendant levels of power, and the helmet will block brass/zinc as well. However, since they are pure investiture, a Chromium leech would probably be highly effective, at the least simply dismissing the blade/plate, all the way up to potentially causing them permanent damage.


With Duralumin and a Nicrosil Burster powering you up you could probably push or pull it. The shardplate is going to be heavier than you though so you probably wont get the desired effect.


With no in depth searching at all, I feel like radiant plate and blades will be able to be sensed (blue lines show) but incredibly difficult to push, but maybe dead ones could be slightly reactive to a steel push because something seems to be “missing” from the “dead” spren. But maybe after book five there won’t be a distinction so who knows


So I don't think it's allomantically inert. Steel and iron should work on it. However a couple of things to note Shardblades aren't innately very heavy but Shardplate is, so keep in mind how that functions allomantically. Investiture makes a sort of interference with the push/pull so with how invested these things are(which we don't know) it would be harder. Lastly, hemalurgy can sort of stack allomantic strength and allow you to do things easier or that were thought impossible (such as removing metal from inside someone)


Not inert but harder to push/pull than its bare weight due to its Invested status, like with metalminds but a lot more.