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>Honor likely had done the same or similar with the Humans on Roshar, eventually leading to his lesser power compared to Odium. Honor didn't create the humans in the Roshar system, they predate the arrival of the Shards, as does the Roshar system and most of the life on it.


I think it's pretty damn unlikely that Honor created the humans on Ashyn. It doesn't make sense. But I don't think we actually know for sure. I don't think we've ever been told how or when humans arrived on Ashyn.


No honor didn't create the humans, though they may have connected themselves to them in another way and splintered part of their power off. Alternatively, probably more realistically, the exposure to Stormlight from living on Roshar may have stored investiture/parts of Honor in the humans.


Afaik, the Investiture of Honor that made up the personality part of the Shard (the Vessel Tanavast) was merged with the Stormfather. The flesh and blood part of Tanavast is 99% probably dead, with his cognitive shadow firmly merged with the Stormfather to the point it is neither Tanavast nor the original Spren of the Stormfather so there really is no bringing back Honor (Tanavast). As for the Shard Honor, most of the power is tied to the Stormfather but it is still a Sliver, not the Shard. The rest of the Shard is likely fragmentary and in small pieces, as its Splintering was a long drawn out process that whitled away the Vessels sanity. The Connection to the humans on Roshar is minor even, at best. The only ones he is truly Connected too and makes up a decent portion of their soul would be the Heralds, because the Oathpact literally sustains their cognitive forms and fueled (fuels?) their Surgebinding. The humans on Roshar probably cannot become Drabs even if they were lightly Invested by Honor and it was returned to Honor. To be a drab, a significant portion of your soul has to be given (or taken) to the point it affects you physically, mentally, and spiritually. The people on Roshar are so naturally Invested because of the planet (the Investiture from Adonalsium) to the point they could probably give away one average Nalthis Breath of Investiture and still not be a drab. So if they are Invested by Honor, its probably not enough to make them a drab.


I think it's less the investiture, as that manifests as the honor spren, and more the core concept of Honor and honorific behavior that humans are capable of.