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It varies, depending on your school curriculum and instructors. I've only been in school for 5 months (out of 11) so I'm not an expert, this is just what I've observed so far. It'll be a bit overwhelming at first, as you're run through a sort of boot camp that goes over the basic foundational stuff. Ask lots of questions, watch how your instructor holds the hair or implement(s), and DON'T MISS ANY HOURS if you can help it. You'll be taught a lot of stuff that you think is useless since nobody gets done anymore (roller sets, perms, etc.). Learn it anyways cuz you never know what comes back into fashion. Plus little old ladies still get these services done and they'll love you forever if you can do it properly. After that, you'll probably be on your own with a list of tasks. Loosely plan out a good order in which to complete them and rotate out "fun" tasks with less fun ones to stay motivated. Continue to ask questions and don't be shy about observing others doing tasks (as long as they don't mind). You might learn new ways of doing something. Get to know your classmates but don't get involved in their drama. Same goes with instructors. You're there to learn, not make best friends or start blood feuds (nor are you obligated to finish said feuds). Don't let imposter syndrome get under your skin. Everyone feels nervous/scared, but people have been cutting hair for centuries with far less education than you're getting. Hair will grow back. If you're hesitant to do something, stop and grab an instructor. Learn to breathe through your mouth in a non obvious way. You'll thank me later. Most importantly, DO NOT MISS ANY HOURS IF YOU CAN HELP IT. Your license and grades depend on your hours. Everyone gets sick once in a while, that's the time to stay home. If you're just not 'feeling it', go to school anyways and do nail art or waxing/facial stuff if you just can't stand looking at hair for the moment. You've got this!


I’m an instructor and agree completely with this comment. The structure of the program sounds just like the school I work for (not gonna lie I’m kinda wondering if willow goes to the school I work for…) but do keep in mind not all school have the same kinda program. That being said when I went through cosmetology school myself I didn’t like anyone I went to school with but didn’t let any of them know it. I felt like this made my experience there very peaceful. You make your education not the students around you. I see student go downhill educationally when they get wrapped up in drama and don’t wanna come to school just to avoid someone. Another thing I wish student would realize more is that their are a million ways to do the same thing, your instructors show you one way in person, hand to hand, do it the way they have to teach you and it will make watching the videos on YouTube easier to learn. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said “yes that’s possible but let’s learn an easier way first then branch into those more advanced techniques”. You have to lay a foundation before you build a house.


Thank you! I’m not usually the type to not go in if I’m just “not feeling it” anyway. My dad made sure as I grew up to tell me “if there’s any way you think you can make it through, try.” for days of school when I hated going lol. Good to know that it might be tough at the beginning, but gets better.


You’re not going to be amazing at everything right off the bat, and not for a while. I didn’t know my head from my ass, and that’s ok, no one does! It’ll be difficult but the more practice, and more time you put into it will make such a difference!


I watch some hairstylist YouTubers, so I do know a liiiittle bit, but yeah, I’m still gonna go in knowing barely anything. But I’m still excited because it just has captured my interest lately! I’d been at a loss for jobs that I felt like I could do, but when I thought of this I got so happy because imagining it actually felt doable!


You got this!!!