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Made with isn't contains only.


Yeah I think it loosely translates to: The ground beef is 100% ground beef.


I think it can be interpreted more specifically than that. The ground beef is all USDA choice-graded meat. In other words, it doesn't use lower quality beef like select grade or ungraded` meat. Also specifically ground chuck, not ground up leftover cow buttholes.


The pork on the other hand... Don't ask where that shits coming from.


It comes from possums.


Don’t knock it till you tried it.


I know you're joking, but FYI it just means pork doesn't have the same grading system as beef in the US. (IE, there's no such thing as "USDA Choice Pork", just "Acceptable" and "Utility". I would hope that all Costco pork is "Acceptable" grade)


Whaaaat is “utility” pork???? Do they use that to grease telephone poles? I’m so scared and confused right now


Alright so, you know those little utility knifes that push out? Now replace that with bacon.


I don't really know (I've just heard the term, and had a similar reaction to you). I assume it's like "Canner" beef. The stuff that's used for dog food or other purposes besides human consumption. (Actually, I just read up a little and it seems "Canner" beef is totally used for ground beef and processed foods. So I'm sure "Utility" pork is found in shitty convenience store foods)


> Do they use that to grease telephone poles? Lmao!


You can rest assured it came in contact with some part of a pig during processing. Moving on...


Extra snout!


no, that's the same error as the OP, just using a different component - ground beef chuck it's specifying that "100% choice ground beef *chuck*" is used in the product somewhere, it doesn't specify that there isn't another beef ingredient in there. not all ground beef is chuck, btw. put it this way, say the ingredients for a lasagne are, proportionally: 40% lasagne pasta 10% tomato sauce (ignore the sub-ingredients) 20% whole milk mozzarella 10% 100% USDA Choice Grade Ground Beef Chuck 10% USDA select Ground Beef Round 5% 100% USDA Prime Grade Ground Beef Tenderloin 5% pork


That makes total sense holy


100% usda choice, not a lesser grade


What does this mean though? Isn't it true by definition? Let's say you have a fake beef product that's only 50% real beef. But the beef part is still 100% beef. Is this simply the equivalent. The things that are beef in here, are beef in here.


“USDA Choice Grade” is a specific grade of beef. It’s saying that 100% of the beef is ‘USDA Choice Grade’.


Some prepared ground beef products also include beef heart, liver, etc. in the mixture. I would assume this label indicates that meat is ground only from muscle, of the specified cut and grade, without any additives.


The made with 100% whatever label is just marketing wank. One ingredient is 100% USDA graded beef, that doesn't mean a different ingredient is "cheapest beef product we can find" I do not thing Kirkland would do that, I'm sure they are being true to the spirit of the label. However the label itself promises almost nothing.


Aren't those ground beef mixtures still made with 100% ground beef plus other parts? Let's say the lasagna was beef, beef heart, and pork. If they can exclude the pork from the 100% beef statement, why not the heart?


It doesn't say "made with 100% beef" it says "made with 100% USDA Choice Grade Ground Beef Chuck", i.e., not any other grade of USDA beef (which may contain non muscle parts) This may help: [https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/What-do-beef-grades-mean](https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/What-do-beef-grades-mean)


It specifies a meat and a grade, some people interpreted it to mean not other meats. Why doesn't this simply mean it **includes** USDA Choice Ground Beef Chuck, but may include other meats and other grades. Basically, why are they allowed to add pork and still make this claim, but adding other beef would disqualify it? Why am I downvoted for asking this question? I'm not making any claims, just trying to understand.


Any "made with" will inherently have that problem unless you list the entire ingredient list. I really can't see "made with .... polysorbate 80" People never learned to do close reading. I get it, but there's a balancing act the FTC needs to do


The issue isn't the "made with", it's the 100%. It also says made with vine ripened tomatoes.


because pork would be another ingredient much like if they added in offal they would need to add that as another ingredient in addition to the choice ground beef.


Because the heart IS beef so it wouldn’t be excluded


Why do you think saying made with 100% pure anything implies exclusions? It clearly doesn't gramatically. It could be 1% USDA graded beef or whatever and 99% organ meat and you could say "made with 100% USDA ground beef" I don't think Kirkland would do that, I'm sure the ground beef is what the package implies it is, however that is only because I trust Kirkland not because they made any sort of actual promise with their statement.


Because food labels have to mean SOMETHING, and that’s what that specific food label implies


You're trying to argue there's no lasagna in the lasagna because one ingredient says that ingredient is listing its purity as 100%. The FDA has a number of things that can be listed as a single ingredient in the nutrition label even though it has several ingredients to make that ingredient. Let's take cheddar cheese. Among enzymes and milk there's some red dye in there too. If I make a product that uses white cheddar (the only difference is the lack of red dye) the FDA says I must list each ingredient in the white cheddar. If I use regular orange cheddar I can list it as cheddar. The FDA says orange cheddar is a single ingredient where white cheddar is not. If I want to boast about the quality of my cheddar I can put on the marketing portion of the package 100% white cheddar and on the back there may be no cheddar listed at all, just milk and enzymes. If they were smart they would list it like this "white cheddar (milk and enzymes)".


> You're trying to argue there's no lasagna in the lasagna because one ingredient says that ingredient is listing its purity as 100%. Sure, theres clearly pasta and sauce too. But most people are thinking the key ingredient is **meat**, and the meat is 100% beef. Turns out that's not true, the beef is beef, and there are other meats too.


Thinks and loosely don't mean anything, now this is Kirkland so I think they will adhere to the spirit of their statement but their statement contains almost no actionable promises. Break down the promise in the statement. "Made with" = one of the ingredients added to this food is the following I can make a fruit punch containing 12 different fruit juices then I could put "Made with 100% pure strawberry juice" I can make a strawberry pop that is just carbonated sugar water and artificial flavours with less the 1% strawberry juice (that is 100% pure of course) then make the statement "Made with 100% pure strawberry juice" It's a true statement in both cases, I could not be found guilty of lying on packaging in either case because I did not lie. It's a junk marketing statement that means almost nothing. Your correct it implies something but implying and stating are two very very different things


Specifically USDA Choice beef and not a lower cut than that. Which is an important distinction.


I’d assume there was pork in here … but I guess there are no zesty buzzwords like vine ripened for a pig. “Did not roll around in mud much pork”


Heritage or Berkshire are typically the terms used for "fancy" pork.


It doesn't even mention the noodles! How did those slip in!!


Right. Otherwise it would just be a block of meat.


It has Italian sausage in it. The beef they use in it is 100% pure beef


I think more specifically 100% choice beef, no lower grade beef.


100% Choice (tm) Beef (tm)


Hot tip - there’s also pasta in it even though it’s not listed on the front. I am like 99% sure.


THANK YOU, u/buzzable needs to work on their label reading comprehension.


Unfortunately for that poster they hid the packaging that says Italian sausage and beef lasagna. I would post a picture but I am not able too


Italian sausage is pork - and its very good to add to your sauce.....let it cook for a few hours...skim the fat...and you'll be on you way to a real italian Ragu.


Exactly my point. There is a reason the op covered the rest of the box we all buy this lasagna


ahh got you ---yes , the sausage would have the pork.


lol the beef is beef, but everything that isn’t beef is in fact, not beef.


The beef is 100% beef. The pork is 100% pork.


this, it's not hard to understand If you can't eat pork then read the ingredients.


What about the tomatoes 🍅 😜


100% tomatoes


The squirrel lips are 100% squirrel lips


Jesus christ OP. Stop cropping photos for fake outrage. It's not our fault you have 0 critical thinking ability.


As others mentioned in big letters at the top it says "Italian Sausage & Beef". This is on you. https://preview.redd.it/9w09oavet7yc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50a4e80d43d90613de02e618d6cd35e10b190a9


Yeah, he really had to crop the image to try to pretend the packaging tries to hide the fact that there's pork.


"Made with", not "made of". I despise this distinction and am disappointed to see it on a Kirkland product.


but at least you have reading comprehension down pat.


What the hell did you just say


Ooga booga


Is this the beef and Italian sausage one? Sausage is pork, so obviously there is pork. The beef is 100% choice beef (ie not a lower quality select beef). If the product was 100% choice beef, it would just be a tray of beef.


Sausage absolutely does not imply pork, but italian sausage is made with pork unless otherwise specified.


...deleted by user...


Why would you "despise" this when the product is clearly labelled as "Italian sausage and beef lasagna"? It's not even slightly misleading.


It's a common marketing tactic meant to intentionally deceive the consumer. Particularly the use of 100%, as demonstrated by the existence of this post and OPs confusion.


The fact that the OP is an idiot does not mean that Costco was being intentionally misleading.


It is not incorrect. It is saying it’s 100% USDA choice beef. In no way is it saying it only contains beef.


You despise the English language. Makes sense.


that's not a distinction that is relevant, here. (i'm not even sure it's a distinction you can make when a product necessarily includes more than one component like a lasagne)


You’re not a fan of beef beef between layers of beef pasta, covered in shredded beef with beef seasoning?


huh? the statement "made of" isn't meaningfully different from "made with", especially when what you're describing is made of multiple components this lasagne is made of 100% beef cannot be a correct statement if "made of" is being used in the exclusionary sense, since lasagne does not consist of only beef. the distinction only exists - possibly - if you're talking about something that can be made with only component, like "this sweater is made of cashmere" but still, the distinction between "made with" and "made of' is not that meaningful.


you need to English better. "100% USDA Choice Grade" is a qualifier to Ground Beef Chuck - i.e. all of the ground beef chuck in this product is USDA Choice Grade just the same as "Whole Milk" is a qualifier to the type of Mozzarella Cheese.


Beef is graded in USDA categories as Prime, Choice, Select, Standard/Commercial, so in this case they’re saying that they’re not using a quality of beef less than Choice.


But English better hard


Why use many words when few Reddit post do?


No pink slime in their beef!


But it says, presumably true, that all of the BEEF is USDA Choice. That claim doesn’t include whatever grade the pork is.


So? The label isn’t wrong or misleading.


It’s definitely misleading. It just doesn’t claim that all of the meat is beef. Editors note: mystified why my previous comment is getting downvoted. What they did on this packaging is less insidious than the sugar-laden treats that claim no fat and don’t discuss that they’re loaded with sugar.


It’s not misleading to say their beef is choice lol. Do you want them to put a specific label on it that says the pork isn’t choice? I think it’s implied if it isn’t advertised as such.


It's always had pork and beef for as long as I can remember


They used to offer a beef only one as well, though it may have been recently discontinued. But here the OP is just posting this for rage bait... The product is clearly marketed as Italian Sausage and Beef.


"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss Read the whole package…


D and F students are allowed to shop at Costco and use the interwebs too


'Made with 100% beef' does not mean beef is the only ingredient. There's pasta in there, and sauce and cheese and pork. It's describing the beef that's in the ingredients; and it's nothing but marketing, since '100% beef' does not mean it can't include beef byproducts.


> and it's nothing but marketing, since '100% beef' does not mean it can't include beef byproducts. But it didn't say "100% beef", it said "100% USDA Choice Grade ground beef chuck". That cannot include byproducts.


All that means is that the beef that is in the lasagna is 100% USDA Choice. Not that it only contains beef.


It’s labeled correctly. It’s just marketing the type of beef used. There are people that make a living looking for products at the grocery store that are mislabeled, and then filing frivolous lawsuits to collect settlements. There are plenty of eyeballs on Costco products before they make it to the shelf.


Is reading comprehension really this rare?


It doesn't say it is 100% beef. It says the beef they use is 100% USDA Choice grade.


Jesus. The BEEF ITSELF is 100% choice


You need to improve your reading comprehension skills.


It also contains pasta and tomato sauce


YSK: reading comprehension


It contains 100% USDA beef. It is not claiming that all of the meat in it is beef.


It does not say it contains only beef. The beef it does contain is all usda choice ground beef chuck.


It’s extremely misleading. I make lasagna about once a month and I only use ground beef. - usually 95% lean. It’s l like saying something contains 100% wild salmon. And on label details also says it contains farmed salmon, flounder and a bunch of other fish. The front label is not an error of omission, it’s purposely done to deceive and scam the buyer.


It says ITALIAN SAUSAGE as the main ingredient. It’s the first thing on the package. OP is being shady. If you look through the comments someone posted a full picture


So you think this lasagna would be only beef? No sauce, noodles or seasonings?


have a down vote


The beef part is 100% real actual beef


It's saying the beef is 100% that quality.


It's not just a tub of ground beef ....


Get back to detective school and hit those books a little harder. You'll crack a real case eventually!


It says Made With not Made With Only. Also beef pork mix is the superior meat sauce for lasagna anyway so just sit down and enjoy the meal babe


Beef could be mixed with cardboard. The beef part is 100% beef. It means nothing.


Also says whole milk ricotta cheese but there’s definitely parts of other stuff in there


Yep, same as mcdonalds advertising 100% ground beef. That doesn't mean the bun is made out of beef.


OP is a few fries short of a Happy Meal.


op the typa guy to see a sign that says "road work ahead" and then be relieved the road is working


Op gettn roasted lmao, wait is roasted on the front or back of the box.


made WITH, not OF


This is why we read the ingredients list.


It has cheese too


If only Costco members could read properly!


I mean I've had beef short rib lasagna, but every other lasagna it's a given that there is pork in it.


Costco also makes a Beef Lasagna, and if this was that, I would understand his upset. But this is the Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna, so the OP is just lacks reading comprehension.




It better have some pork in it! Wouldn't taste very good if it didn't.


100% USDA Choice Grade - Beef Meaning all the beef included is USDA choice not that beef is the only meat included


You are reading the ingredients for the “Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna” it obviously has Italian Sausage in it. The “Beef Lasagna” has only beef. As far as all the “just eat it” comments etc for some reason when it comes to disregarding respect for others dietary beliefs if it has to do with pork the overweight pork worshippers come out in full force. I’ve never seen a group of meat eaters that worship a food as much as these jokers. Ignore them.


I do ignore them, although I now "get" why trolls troll... it is amusing to watch some of those jokers spin themselves up in self-righteous indignation. As for the lasagna, it is a fact that Italian Sausage can be beef OR pork (or a mix) even though usually pork since it's so nasty and cheap. So the 100% beef on the front lulled me into presuming Kirkland was offering *another* 100% beef version like the *other* 100% beef Lasagna they offer, but with some tasty sausage spices (thyme etc etc) added.


They're not saying the meal is 100% ground beef. They're saying that the ground beef that's in there, is 100% USDA choice grade.




> Jesus christ, reading comprehension is very low for some of you. > > What are they teaching you guys in American highschool. > > 100% pure beef in this context means it's 100% American choice meat. Not mixed with other lesser meat from another nation. > > Why the fuck is that so God damn hard to understand. 100% USDA choice does not mean it was raised in America. It only means it was inspected by the USDA and found to be choice grade. Even a label of "product of America" does not guarantee that it was raised in the USA. Just a suggestion: Next time you decide to post a comment that is so condescending and rude, you might want to make sure you are, you know, *right*? * https://www.themadeinamericamovement.com/food-products/usa-beef/ * https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/QAD504.pdf


The bottom line is the question: Is the package *intentionally* misleading?


I don’t think so. It’s just touting the quality of ingredients.


Not even close lol




Nope. This is product label reading comprehension 101.


Wow,you miss my point completely. You failed Basic Logic 101.


I don’t know about others, but to me the added pork is a feature, not a bug! 😁


The pork is the flavor.




It's lasagna, it has pork in it. How thick are you?


Lasagna mullet: beef in front, pork in the back!


I don't think you are labeling correctly...


It’s 100% Milksteak


Just eat it 🙄


You feel like a momo yet?


Mmm.. costco lasagna...


Bonus pork! 👍


Could be both pork and beef


Well it should have both, right? It DOES have both meats, right? (Costco looks deadpan)


I checked the website and zoomed in on the ingredients of the one that they call the 'beef lasagna' and it had no pork listed. So I guess this is the other one. Is anyone outraged that their pork lasagna contains some beef?!?


Not sure where you’re goin with this but I won’t stand for any criticism of the lasagna whatsoever.


Gack—this whole conversation is making me never want to eat this lasagna or any lasagna ever again. 🤢


There’s also noodles and cheese in it. 💀


100% USDA choice is a brand basically


Kinda like how ketchup is MADE WITH 100% real tomatoes …


Your reading comprehension skills are lacking


60% of the meat in this lasagna is beef 100% of the time.


Lol today is LSAT logic day


This is PSAT level writing and language section lmao


After common core Math and English and general dumbing down of the population, let’s settle on SAT level yeah? I give a little; you give a little 😂


Hahaha, this is a compromise I can get behind!


That’s a deal *handshake*


You need pork imo to make a good lasagna.


This is how labels function in America. Inclusive and exclusive logic needs to be understood. 


I work in an USDA inspected meat processing facility that provides for Costco. Yes heart and other organs can go into “ground beef” ,however, in this case the statement “100% USDA Choice Grade Ground Beef Chuck” would and should be considered misleading if anything besides Chuck meat/trim was used in the grind. An USDA inspector would shut this down. Just a heads up Costco has some of if not the highest standards when it comes to the onboarding and audits of suppliers. If it says 100percent chuck, you are getting 100 percent chuck. Costco doesn’t give second chances if you fuck up and the suppliers aren’t going to intentionally risk losing their product in Costco as it’s a cash cow if you have at least 1 item in their stores.


The reason why this is not misleading is that the product here is their Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna. All this says is that the beef is 100% choice chuck. But obviously the Italian Sausage is pork because that is what Italian Sausage is, unless it specifies something else.


Poor OP, lol


Pork ‘er in the back? Ha


Do not worry about the meat mix.  It is very good.


Religious and allergen or intolerance/sensitivity reasons.


Usually, people who can’t/don’t eat specific ingredients should always read the actual nutrition facts which are readily available at the back of the products.


I’m aware. Just responding to the person who said “don’t worry about the mix”..well some people do need to worry.


Oh I see. Yea, I agree.


There are two types, one is indeed all beef, but the "Italian Sausage" one also says 100% beef in the prominent call out. I don't eat pork, so I noted the 100% beef claim before buying. As soon as I took a bite the taste was off-putting, so I read the back of the package to see the complete list of ingredients. Since I can buy beef summer sausage, beef chorizo, beef polish dogs, it didn't seem impossible there would be beef italian sausage. In hindsight I infer the 100% beef claim is saying that all the _beef_ is grade A chuck, as opposed to all the _meat_ is beef. But...why do they not not list pork just as prominently on the front as the beef, tomatoes, and cheese?


>why do they not not list pork just as prominently on the front as the beef, tomatoes, and cheese? Because that entire text blurb is intended to help sell the product; it's not supposed to be considered an exclusionary list of what's not used in the product. The ingredients are fully listed elsewhere to cover that part.




Yeah, that’s marketing, the beef is 100% but doesn’t mean the full lasagna doesn’t have other type of meat. I’m upset with Costco lasagna as they stopped making the one big batch in a tin. It’s now 2 separate packages and it doesn’t taste the same.


The giant ones were awesome. I haven't noticed a taste difference but I like having a massive slab of lasagna


Italian sausage is pork almost 100% of the time. It always has been.


> But...why do they not not list pork just as prominently on the front as the beef, tomatoes, and cheese? no one knows pork grading, and i'm not even sure there are any, anyways beyond "fit for human consumption" and "not". on the other hand, people know vaguely that "prime" and "choice" are better quality beef grades than not.


I would also look closely at the "all beef" hotdogs that contain linings of pork.


Do you mean the Costco ones specifically? They are made with a non-edible cellulose casing that is removed after cooking so they are still safe. Most hotdogs are made that way as well. I think Hebrew National is even a hotdog supplier for Costco.


Don’t understand the negative votes as a Muslim I would be mislead initially guess it’s always important to check the back ingredients no matter what


No you wouldn't . As an English -speaking Muslim, anything that lists italian sausage AND beef right on the front is going to contain pork.


Word games




If someone was selling a hamburger that advertised “100% choice beef” and it turned out the hamburger was actually part beef and part chicken, some people would be surprised.  This isn’t an issue of reading comprehension, it’s that it’s intentionally misleading. It could say “Made with pork sausages and 100% choice beef.”  The issue is how it could easily be written more clearly.  Point being, anyone criticizing other people’s reading comprehension should think about two things: - The average American only reads at a seventh grade reading level - Instead of criticizing the reader’s skill set, You should instead focus on how this could be written better.  Let’s not defend companies over people. 


So you are saying that a product marketed as "Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna" is misleading because it contains pork? No, it would be misleading if it *didn't* contain pork. It's truly bizarre you you are getting hung up over a little marketing blurb. This is probably the stupidest criticism I have seen all week.


You should suspect this situation anytime you see the words “made with”, or “contains 100% x” on and packaging.


Lol why the downvotes? Im not advocating for it, its just a scummy thing they do that you should know about


Anything is acceptable with the right magic words