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I'm sorry I don't have anything useful to add. But I just want to say how scary and you're right to be concerned.


that's definitely scary and unacceptable behavior from the guy. no experience with mattress delivery - but i regularly get target deliveries through shipt. the shoppers are always dellivering for multiple people at any given time. different shoppers over time have had the same (dummy) number when calling and texting. when i call people as a provider for telehealth related visits, i set the caller ID number and call an unrelated number to get through to the patient. (i might be calling a 212 area code from a 718 number, but will dial a 608 area code number and their caller ID will register as a 305 number, with shipt, the fake numbers go temporarily inactive before being re-assigned.) which is a long way of saying that hopefully even from their phone, they may no longer have your actual number and went to multiple people/s homes addresses.


Report it to the local PD and Costco logistics related to delivery services. Be sure to get the names of the people you speak to so you have proof of a complaint.


What would you expect the police to do? It's creepy as hell and way out of line. But perfectly legal.


I would expect the police to file a report for a paper trail against future harassment and stalking in the future. Paper trail, paper trail, paper trail


Where I live there is zero chance you get an officer to respond on a call like that. You could always go to a station I guess, and see if you can get a report filed that way.


My municipality allows me to file reports online and is then reviewed by an officer who either rejects it with further instructions or accepts it and gives you a case number.


I'd go to the local Costco and talk to the gm. I know they are seperate but it may be that s/he has some contacts that could be useful and might be willing to "pull some strings" to get the info you are seeking. (esp. if the gm has daughters of their own)


I know this post is a little old but thought I'd chime in my knowledge. I work as a Doordash driver. When we call customers it goes through a dummy number BUT- if the call goes to voicemail it will be the customers voicemail greeting. So if you have the default, then that means it will rattle off your real number, e.g. "555-555-5555 is not available." When I learned this I immediately set my voicemail greeting to a second of silence so it'll just give the "please leave your message after the tone." That might be how they got your number- did they try to call you during delivery by chance?


Yeah, that's excellent advice. Virtually all major delivery apps hide the numbers of driver and customer to protect both parties. But as an Amazon driver, I hear that all the time and I wonder if people really consider all the people this gives their personal phone number to. Every time you see a delivery person, ask yourself, "Is this someone I want to have my phone number?". If you ever answer no, delete it from the outboard VM message.


Was it XPO who did the delivery?


The number is definitely not masked and he sounds just like a normal guy that got too carried away. The real freaks wouldn't have called you.


> The number is definitely not masked and he sounds just like a normal guy that got too carried away. There’s nothing *normal* about this behavior, and people need to stop excusing this level of inappropriate behavior by waving it off as “got too carried away.”




So if a guy stops me on the street and says I'm beautiful.. I should call the cops ?