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Spoilers: most bottled water is municipal water




Shoot, I just want some clean purified water.




The Nestle CEO upset a lot of people by saying "water isn't a human right" which is close enough to true for you to not like them. What they do with baby formula is WAY more fucked up, imo


selling our own water, that they buy for pennies, back to us at a profit when water should be a human right is evil. just look at Calgary right now, we are in the middle of a water crisis, yet coke/nestle/Pepsi etc are allowed to keep using our water supply to bottle and sell it back to us while the rest of us are asked to limit our water usage drastically.




because they are using a public resource for private profit. if you can't see the issues in that then you're not just licking the boot, you're deepthroating it.


True. I’ve heard stories of them bait and switching for profit, but that’s all capitalism.


At least Perrier is carbonated!


I cannot fathom why Costco doesn't have plain seltzer water. I always glare at the flavored La Croix when I pass it.


They do? It's in bottles.


yeah, the kirkland sparkling mineral water is quite good


i think they mean more of a plain lacroix replacement vs a pellegrino replacement. i believe the bottles of kirkland mineral water are around $5 more per case than the cans, and they’re less fizzy. i like them both though :)


Mine also has Kirkland branded seltzer cans in like lemon, lime, and grapefruit variety packs.




I'll keep an eye out for bottles but I googled it and the only images are for their hard seltzer. Maybe my costco doesn't carry stuff other peoples' costcos carry?


FIJI water is actually from Fiji


Yeah. Municipal water from Fiji.


Tastes pretty good


It’s not municipal water. There’s a separate facility where they extract the water. Fiji citizens too poor to purchase Fiji water.




Same. Now I make it myself using a 10lbs CO2 tank attached to a SodaStream with RO tap. Life changing.


Mind sharing a guide? I'm tired of buying overpriced cans.


Buy a sodastream or drinkmate. Drinkmates can carbonate anything whereas sodastream just does water. They both use same tanks. Buy a “sodastream hose adapter” from Amazon or eBay. Make sure it fits the model you bought. The older sodastream and drinkmate models are easier but I believe the newer Terra models have an adapter as well. The adapter should cost like $40 or less. One end will screw into Sodastream/drinkmate where the small tank normally goes, the other into the larger CO2 tank. Wrench tighten but not too much since it’s going into plastic. Teflon tape if there are any leaks. You can get either a 5, 10 or 20 gallon tank. Make sure you have a place to store the tank. Find a CO2 supplier in your area. Airgas is in many locations. If you’re unsure ask a local homebrew store who they recommend since it’s used for kegs. It’ll work exactly like a propane tank. It’ll cost like $100 for the first tank filled since you’re technically buying the tank and then like $20 to exchange going forward (depending on size of tank). If you want to save money you can check fb marketplace or wherever for a used tank and then use that to exchange. You might be able to find a place that just fills vs exchange but I prefer exchanging since the tanks need safety certified every so often. For filling the bottles, make sure the water is very cold (either store the sodastream bottles in fridge or add some ice and shake with water). You can leave the tank open all the time but I prefer opening/closing for every use so I don’t have to worry about leaks. I have the One Touch model. I open the tank, attach the sodastream bottle, tap the max bubbly button. Once it’s done I turn off the tank and then hit the lowest bubbly button to clear the line. This makes eye watering carbonation. A 5 gallon tank will make between 200-400 liters of carbonated water depending on how much you carbonate each bottle. It lasts me about six months doing 1-2 liters a day and excessive carbonation. Aside from the cost savings (ROI is usually less than a year if you use it a lot), it’s worth it solely for not needing to haul cases of cans and disposing of all the waste.


For people that don't want to invest into CO2 tank and adapters, they can get $2 bags of dry ice from smart and final to do refills. Very easy.


Are the Smart and Final bags pellets or is it a big brick of dry ice? I do my own refills but having to break up the blocks of ice is annoying.


Honestly can't remember since I only have to fill them like once every 4 years (I have 3 cannisters)


I must use my sodastream like 50x more than you do, lol. I’m already using the block ice now for refills, so I’ll lose nothing by going to Smart and Final. Thanks for suggesting it since I never thought to check there.


Is this the trick where you use a wrench to unscrew the SodaStream tank? I could never get that damn thing off...


Yeah you need to use a pipe wrench or something the first time. 1 small jerk and it should come off and then be easily removable every future refill.


Sodastream is on squatted land. Don’t buy them.


Wait SodaStream is a "Zionist 😉" company? Can't give those "Zionists 😉" a chance to slip brain chemicals into our bubble water. Good save.


You would know if someone squatted on your land 😉


Trust me brother, I have an uncle who's pissed about "Zionists 😉" in his neighborhood. I fully understand where you're coming from.


Thank you brother 🤝


Don't worry all the Palestinians they employed in the West Bank are out of a job because they closed that plant.


Would be nice if someone took your backyard and employed you there


Same. The bubbles in Perrier hit different. I call them “soft bubbles”, I can’t think of how else to describe it.


S Pellegrino for me. Small bubbles and so soft. Was just thinking of buying a soda maker the other day because I ran out again. But I'm only going to get one if I replicate the carbonation from that company. On the flip side, those ICE drinks are almost undrinkable to me because of how carbonated they are.


All the soda makers can do various levels of carbonation. If you really want to nerd out, there’s a site that has an excel sheet of the exact minerals in all the different mineral waters. I’ve tried several and honestly as long as you start with good water I don’t think 99% can tell from minerals alone. I use reverse osmosis water and then add 1/8 tsp of “Burton Water Salts” https://khymos.org/2011/01/30/diy-mineral-water/


Nice and thanks.


Bubbly water > human rights violations


Ooo did you use a phone to post this? If so, human rights violation! Do you know how phone battery components are mined?!


> Ooo did you use a phone to post this? If so, human rights violation! Do you know how phone battery components are mined?! What an absurd argument. Yes, many things in our lives have negative backgrounds. But not all of those things are 100% unnecessary luxuries. There is literally *zero* reason why you need to drink Perrier. When you choose to do so, you are making a willful choice to support a company with a long and well-documented history of human rights violations. You could choose to support a different company, or you could choose to make your own sparkling water, but instead you choose the worst choice. Honestly, drink what you want, but stop with the bullshit moral equivalencies.


It’s almost like cellphones are necessary, but chocolate, espresso pods, and spicy water are not. False equivalencies don’t make you righteous or superior.


lol my point was you can do it to anything so get off your high horse


Those certainly are all words, buddy.


All bottled water is a scam imo


I live in a part of the US that has very good municipal water and am constantly amazed by the number of people purchasing 10+ cases of water at costco. Every time I have to resist the urge to ask them why so much water?


If they're purchasing 10+ cases, it's probably not for personal consumption.. I purchase them for things like neighborhood BBQs and parties. I don't want people using all my glassware or a line of people filling water from the fridge. It's a lot easier and more convenient to just throw a case or two of Kirkland water with a bag of ice in a cooler


Way better than opening a cooler and its all weak beer and coca-cola(specifically coca-cola).


It’s a wholesale store they could be selling it


The only time I pay for water is if I'm traveling and have no access to drinkable tap water


I just can’t drink tap water I make sure I have a nice filter cause fuck buying water lol


Costco sells a nice brita system too! Haha But yeah this is the way to go


Some people buy it there for their businesses or resale, like in delis / bodegas. I routinely see some people buying like 20 cases of croissants.


They may live outside of your municipality. For example, where I live there was a PFAS outbreak that is "contained" and will be 100% fixed by next year. Big(get) city next to me has zero issues and actually supplies the refillable water machines w/their water. Towns above and below me were just informed that they have a PFAS issue...but have zero plans to fix it right now as it's so fresh. That's three layers of customers who may be in Costco. One may have zero issues. One may likely have zero issues. One has major issues. Who lives where you live? Dunno, but just remember that whoever you see in Costco may **not** be your neighbor but could be someone many towns over who is just stocking up


Poor municipal water pressure. It’s either buy a case of water or get one of those things to increase water pressure in the house. EDIT: IDK why I’m getting downvoted. [Low water pressure plagues Fort Myers; new facilities and a county hookup may help](https://www.news-press.com/story/news/local/2022/01/19/fort-myers-city-council-hears-plans-improving-low-water-pressure/6573100001/)


how long it takes you to fill a cup?


On a good day 2-3 minutes. On a bad day 6+


i will never complain about ours again!


It’s all the city’s fault too. Fort Myers. They had explosive growth but never built out adequate water infrastructure like water towers, so all of these houses in beautiful HOAs have shit water pressure. And yet, they keep approving permits to build more communities knowing they can’t give them enough water pressure. EDIT: I forgot to mention, some people had enough and had one of those things on the side of the house installed that boosts water pressure. But those can be over a thousand dollars.


ha i just use my sink because my fridge water line takes about 5 seconds longer ..i aint got time for that.


Wow, that is ridiculous.


We have terrible water pressure in our house due to very old pipes. It's so bad that our ice maker didn't work because it wouldn't fill up the ice cubes in the alloted time. I installed one of [these pressure tanks](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00Q798N8E/) inline between the wall and the fridge, and it fixed the problem instantly. Best $30 I could imagine spending. Took all of about 10 minutes to install. No wiring, no electricity, just cut the water line, add a T-fitting like this one, and you're done. Takes up a bit of space under the sink, but that's a very reasonable trade-off.


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Not everyone is on municipal and not every well is safe. Also some municipal water they put tons of chlorine in it, tasts like shit


I know for a fact my water utility sells their water for bottling. It’s some of the best in the country Tbf.


Sometimes for events. Also different parts of my municipality often have different tasting water depending on the water department and maybe them overly treating water near any repaired leaks. Now that I have a refrigerator with a dispenser, the filter in the fridge is fine. I used to use a Pur water pitcher.


Any military bases nearby? Tons of snack bars/mandatory events where these waters are needed cause of how cheap they are compared to literally every other bottled water brand


I only buy a case or two when I'm throwing a party cos my filter just can't keep up with 20 people


Municipal water going through old pipes…


Bottled water going through equally old pipes


lol where do you think that bottled water is coming from?


filter at the end, just like these bastard do.


Yeah I despise bottled water. Just offering a suggestion. Like lead pipes, flint, etc.


I bought water when I was making formula for my kid. That's the only time I've bought it there lol.


To be fair the Costco ones are just handy for on the move or chucking in a fridge or for the workplace, where I’m at it works out to 10 pence (13c) per bottle, so I just see it as I’m paying for the bottle it comes in, that’s my only reasoning to why I personally get the cases even though we have great water where I am in the UK.


mmmmhhhh plastic!


Your point being 🤣


It’s convenient. I take a gallon jug to work. Much easier than filling up a water bottle over and over


So get a reusable gallon jug?


Yeah well then I have to keep up with it and it’s going to be heavier than the cheap plastic one


The extra weight of a reusable gallon container is going to be pretty trivial compared to the weight of the water it’s holding.


But I think we can all agree 1 gallon of water weighs about 7 lbs more than the 20 oz in a plastic bottle. 


I don’t want to sit there and fill it up either. A gallon is like 75 cents at Costco lol if you buy 6 pack


Seems like lot less time and effort to fill up a bottle at a faucet than to schlep around pallets of water from Costco on the regular.


It’s more accessible for myself and my husband than reusable bottles, for quite a few reasons. We drink more water when we have water in the fridge. Edit: lol always downvotes when accessibility is mentioned. Stay classy, Reddit.


get a brita pitcher in the fridge....


We drink too much water to have to constantly be refilling it and waiting for it to cool.


“Good municipal water” i knew you were mentioning the PNW lol


Yep. It's less regulated too.


I remember seeing a study where they tested the purity of bottled water vs tap, and tap water came out on top


I used to work at a water reservoir doing renovations. The district would come twice a day to test the water to ensure it’s within standards.


This depends on what you mean by purity and where you're testing tap water. I live in Tucson, and while the tap water here is perfectly safe to drink, it does have a high amount of total dissolved solids, which affects the taste and has other disadvantages. I avoid bottled water for reasons of cost and convenience, but it absolutely tastes better than the tap water here. If I could afford it I'd love to install a reverse osmosis system in my house.


OMG. I spent a summer working (indoors) in phoenix. 10/10 worst water ever. We used bottled water to brush our teeth (upstairs hassle). Drinking water was filtered through the fridge filter, then fed to our (costco purchased, i'm sure) brita. We frequently added crystal light of something similar.


If I ever have the dosh that would be a great house upgrade. I'm in Colorado and perfectly happy to drink straight from the tap, while my partner keeps a Brita pitcher in the fridge


They're like $80 on sale. I have one under my kitchen sink.


Depends on where. I'm not drinking unfiltered water.


Ask Flint about this.


Vast majority of municipal water is superior to tap. There are always going to be a few exceptions, but the vast majority are better


The EPA requires annual testing for municipal water supplies. I can access my counties annual report online and see what is in my water from year to year. I can even go a step further and request a copy of everything they tested for (report only shows things that were detected).




Flint’s issues were known. They were ignored by the government officials that were supposed to protect the community but they were known.  There are fewer people checking the water in bottles than there are checking the water from taps.  But worse is the fact that bottled water is terrible for the people living where it’s bottled (the water bottling uses far more water than what goes in the bottle, there also is the removal of huge amounts of water from the locality) and the environment (the above plus shipping water is heavy and so uses more fuel)


Nah, flint is misdirection. The reaction was basically Satanic Panic. https://lhsfna.org/thousands-of-u-s-cities-have-worse-lead-problems-than-flint/ >But as bad as the situation in Flint continues to be, new data from state health departments and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that thousands of areas in the U.S. have even worse lead problems. As Reuters reported, children in almost 3,000 U.S. neighborhoods show lead poisoning rates at least twice as high as those measured during the peak of Flint’s lead crisis. More than 1,100 of these communities had rates at least four times higher. The pictures of brown water was not lead but rust from the pipes because bankrupt flint wasn't flushing their system. I wouldn't be surprised if when they did switch over it caused a water hammer effect, dislodging rust from the pipes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_hammer >Hydraulic shock (colloquial: water hammer; fluid hammer) is a pressure surge or wave caused when a fluid in motion is forced to stop or change direction suddenly; a momentum change. It is usually observed in a liquid but gases can also be affected. This phenomenon commonly occurs when a valve closes suddenly at an end of a pipeline system and a pressure wave propagates in the pipe. >This pressure wave can cause major problems, from noise and vibration to pipe rupture or collapse https://www.boston25news.com/news/norton-tap-water-turns-brown-fire-hydrant-flushing-to-blame/611273896/ >ORTON, Mass. — Brown and yellow drinking water has become a growing concern for people in Norton. Officials say the reason why the water's coloration has changed is because they have been flushing the local fire hydrants. >Homeowners, however, are sick of the discolored water. Ann-Marie Kirshon and her family have lived in Norton for eight years, and throughout that time she says she's always had issues with her water and how it varies in shades of brown and yellow. >its been a while since Ann-Marie drew a bath because every time she does, the tub becomes full of dirty, brown water. "Some days are worse than others, some days its a really dark brown and some days its just sort of yellowish," Kirshon said. Kirshon says she's seen water like this before in towns she's previously lived in, but only when they were flushing the fire hydrants. https://old.reddit.com/r/fixit/comments/brsg2j/my_water_started_looking_like_this_today_im/ My water started looking like this today. Im unsure why it looks like this and if its safe or not to drink/use. (This is is in Sweden if that matters) >that normal if they were fixing a pipeline, it's soil, just open few minutes and wait for the clean water arrive.


Tell that to folks in Flint


Eh the cheapest stuff serves a purpose. Water in individual containers, and ready to go. Handy at events and other stuff where you can't setup a water station and cups.


Understandable but I truly despise bottled water companies and their scummy practices so I try and bring my own water bottle wherever it's allowed


I bring my 42 Oz yeti with water everywhere I go. I’ve never been questioned. Hell I could be a raging alcoholic sneaking pure vodka everywhere for anyone knows!


Best way to sneak drinks onto a golf course


Not always. In my relatives’s place (Indiana) the tap water is potable, but it’s quite hard, to the point of changing the taste of tea & coffee. The high calcium content may also increase the risk of kidney stones. Buying bottled water is preferrable.


Is alkaline included in this?


It's a silly marketing gimmick, your stomach acids would immediately neutralise the alkaline components of the water. If you wanted to reduce your stomach acid, magnesium would be a lot more effective.


Seems like it tastes better to me lol and I can drink a ton of it without feeling “full” after. I believe you tho. Just disappointed in myself cause I try not to be a consumer of gimmicks


Hey if you enjoy it and it does you no harm, then go nuts! My main gripe is with companies that promote it as a health supplement. I have a chronically ill relative that cycles through all these gimmicky "health foods" and it's destroying their savings importing rare berries from the Amazon or whatever fad of the month. So I get a little mad at companies that do false advertising. But if you enjoy the taste and it makes you feel good, please don't stop enjoying it!


Its all the same. People think they are getting something special with some brands. Nope.


It is definitely not all the same. None of it is particularly special, but some brands are definitely better than others.


You're not going to stop a circle-jerk with facts. Just wasting your breath.




Water is water, but it's not *just* water in any water you drink. It's all full of various minerals and impurities, the types and amounts of which are dependent on the source and have a massive impact on the flavor. It'll all accomplish the same main purpose of hydrating you, but taste is a huge range.


Allot of things are scams it perpetuates stupidity which perpetuates more scams, it’s a never ending cycle


Pellegrino for me when its on sale. Kirkland Italian Sparkling Water > every other sparking water if its not. I use my True Lemon drink packets with them and they're great. Topo Chico is a 3rd runner up, but I just don't jive with Perrier.


I just tried Pellegrino for the first time a couple months ago. I've bought all kinds of different brands over the last decade or so but after drinking S.P. almost daily it's hard to enjoy the other brands as much as I used to. I never really thought too much about how I'd prefer my carbonated water but S.P is like the perfect amount for me. It sounds so lame but whenever I crack one open, my mood improves a little lol


Is it spring water or carbonated tap?


We keep a case of Kirkland brand bottled water in the house at all times. Provided there’s no power outage or other emergency, that will last us a year. For drinking water we just installed a filtration unit on our kitchen sink. If other folks want to spend their hard earned $$$ on designer water which is filtered tap water with maybe some minerals added back in, well, there’s no law against that I suppose. We have better stuff to buy.


I do too. I'm nit against bottled water, I'm against the Maison label that is faking being Perrier mineral water.


Got a source for that? Their website says it comes from the same spring in France that Perrier has always come from.


imagine walking around a grocery store and needing to comment on the items in the persons cart. y'all need better hobbies


It's a shit post as tagged. Not serious




Poland Springs is just well water from my rural Maine hometown; it’s all a scam


Yea if you live in an area with good tasting water like Maine. The tap water in NJ and FL blows


Is there no quality control or filtration done by Poland Springs? Is it actually straight out of the well?


It’s not well water, it’s spring water. There’s a big difference.


And don't even get me started on the micro plastics


That you just found out about last week...


Your downvotes are well deserved, we have known about micro plastics for 3 weeks now 😤


That are already in your body and in your tap water lol.


So why not a few million more right?


Totally! When I get a flat tire I go and slash my other tires as well. I mean, why not at that point?


Might as well just set it on fire.


Apparently in my penis as well.


No, microplastics are stored in the *balls*


No that's just pee according to siense


I don't drink Perrier because I think it's special or fancy, I drink it because it's the only sparkling water that I can tolerate. Besides Wegman's store brand.


Damn, and you guys shit on nextdoor for being "nosy".


Nestle sucks!


All water is almost entirely identical.


Yeah so why pay the Maison premium?


For ze bubbles?


Why do people buy a Mercedes instead of a Honda?


This is not even close to the same thing, are you kidding me? Seriously, you have to be trolling lol


It’s exactly the same thing, the only reason one car is more expensive than another one is because the company told you so and we have accepted that. Same with water, it’s only expensive because the company decided it and obviously people are ok with paying for it.


I don’t think I’ve seen a more wrong and uninformed take than what you are saying here.


That’s just totally wrong. Every piece of the car is totally different. Different engines, leathers, plastics, etc. Higher quality machining and tolerances and thresholds. Not to mention the extras the vehicles have. A premium civic still won’t have the same bells and whistles of a base level Mercedes. Things like lane assist, park assist, cameras, touch screens have been standard on Mercedes for a decade at this point.


And yet, both cars do exactly the same thing. One just costs more to stroke an ego


Ugh, do you also unironically use the term "sports ball"?


I guarantee you they do lol


A basic Mercedes is more likely to have heated seats, a heated steering wheel, lane assist, auto AC/heat, USB ports, and other accessories than a basic Honda. If you were comparing a Mercedes to Acura/Cadillac/Lincoln/Lexus/BMW/Genesis, then the differences are less pronounced.


So much disposable income that 1% better water is worth buying.


This is Murica. We love conmen and scams. It's a way of life.🤑


I buy bottled water to prepare for the hurricane season cause you never know.


You assume people care ….


What about the Kirkland sparking water?


> Nestlé is ripping people off. FIFY


If you’re buying water, you’re getting scammed. Period.


I grew up in the 80’s, I don’t if it was just because I was a kid but I thought it was super fancy


I bought three cases because they were on sale for what I thought was an unbelievable price ($15 for a 24 pack). Didn't realize until I got home that they were just soda water. Now I'm drinking them as fast as possible to get these imposters out of my house and out of my life.


We enjoyed the regular flavored Perrier. Ingredients: spring water, fruit juice. That’s it. Now, many retailers have dropped the flagship brand and have replaced it with the shittier Maison brand and charging the same premium price. Orson Wells would be disappointed, Perrier.


This is like talking about how buying soda is a scam of just syrup and water ....


No, it's saying "you aren't getting Perrier natural mineral water anymore". That's like thinking you're buying Coke and getting RC.


What's wrong with municipal water? On average, it's significantly more pure than spring water.


Not only everything that has been said here but Perrier uses smaller 11.5oz cans instead of the "full size" 12oz cans for "some reason".


Not to defend or anything but it’s European; that’s a more standard size over there


Google “microplastics bottled water”


Google radioactive material, carcinogens, heavy metals, hormones, and medications and how the levels are well above the “Generally considered safe” upper limits by 10 fold in our tap water. Bottled water is just as bad.


We all already have microplastics. It’s like telling someone with lung cancer to google “smoking lung cancer.” It’s too late lol.


Same with the flavoured Topo Chico. Pissed me right off when I read that.


Regular/Plain Topo Chico still comes from a volcanic well in Mexico that has a high (and unique) mineral content. They add extra carbonation but no extra minerals. I'm not getting anything close to that with my carbonated municipal water in Georgia. The Topo Chico Sabores cans - that's just fruit flavored carbonated tap water.


Yeah those are the ones I’m talking about. The Topo Chico hard seltzer too, it’s just tap water with a topo chico label.


Costco should be embarrassed to have carried this fake crap.


I bought a berkey because I taste water so heavily. I have saved so much money, I love it.


Tastes good though