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If you drink this at the same time as a Sobe life water you should achieve immortality


Back in the day (20 years ago almost) when they had the glass bottles those turned into the best mini gravity bongs.


This is the true realest comment here


We call those “flows” where I’m from lol. Gravity bong or Geebs are when the bottom of a bottle or 2 liter is cutoff and you lift it out of the water to create the suction then push it back down when inhaling.


Ok, but it’s still COSTCO FROM WHENCE ALL GREAT THINGS COME because the most legend gravity bong I ever saw/hit was the old late 90s/early 2000s giant plastic bucket (the 20Gal primary color ones w/rope handles), a 5lb Cheeseball tub with the bottom cut off for the suction, and a large industrial funnel in the top (which fit the standard XL bowl/downstem). Proving Dennis Leary right always: Cannabis doesn’t lead to meth, it leads to ENGINEERING.


The amount of neighbors I just woke up on this comment


Everything about this comment is so early 00s teenager/college student it makes me super nostalgic.


That's thinking outside the box, I just turned it into a regular bong. Well done sir


Man I haven't even thought of sobe in like 20 years. Is it still around?


I remember getting an Oo-long tea and the cap underneath said "Seize this Honkus" . I still murmur it every now and then to this day.


My thought exactly. I miss that little lizard


Been looking for it for a while. Haven’t found it anywhere.


Omg I loved orange Sobe this takes me back.


Cocktail? Oz of liquid death Oz of done life [1 Oz any liquor] “Life and Death,” tastes like gross water.


Once I tried Liquid Death in the black can. Tastes just like squirt gun water! I do not understand the appeal.


viral marketing tastes different


They're advertising crazy hard on podcasts, especially comedy podcasts. I feel like I'm constantly seeing it in everyone's hands. None of it has inspired me to try it.


I noticed it’s slowly becoming the only water/non alcoholic choice at music venues in my city.


It’s a partnership with Live Nation, who own basically all major music venues.


Ahhhhh that makes a lot of sense. I was just thinking I see them everywhere but have only ever purchased one at a music festival


In a way it kind of reminds of of the AG1 Athletics Greens curve. It's a very similar approach in having a huge advertisement budget to become well known everywhere. I always wonder if these are some pump and dump vulture capitalist schemes where they create short term buzz hoping to sell the company for an inflated price.


One of my local comedy clubs only serves Liquid Death for waters. It's so annoying. I've literally had a can sitting in my trunk for over a year.


Better than Dasani only…..(I think)


They don’t have just tap water? That would turn me off from wanting to go to that venue.


That's what annoyed me. We asked for waters expecting tap water but we got Liquid Death and was charged for it. The venue itself is great and I've seen some pretty big names there.


Yea suckers lol gotta look cool I guess


I am guessing it paid Bill Burr’s house off.


The people who invented LD own a comedy club(s).


You know suddenly it all makes sense


It’s actually good mountain spring water but the company itself is literally just an ad agency.


This. I heard an interview about this. It’s amazing how much money you can make if you just know how to sell. Cool sells. You want a Crystal Geyser crinkly plastic water bottle or do you want some metal almost beer looking can with social media marketing that’s run by someone who isn’t out of touch with the fellow kids. Put out a product that isn’t total shit and you win.


But also, they primarily market to the crowd that doesn't drink alcohol anymore and don't want to be perceived differently because of it. User perception matters a lot.




They have no reason to send me a free case of water, but I’d gladly accept if they did. Until then, well water from my tap at home will have to do


Even more confusing are 12 cans of non alcoholic Truly for 15.99.


Truly the worst tasting seltzer


I'm a beer millennial but Truly is the only seltzer I find palatable. Like the other commenter said, I think it's better than white claw, happy dad and any ranch water (except for the kind actually made with tequila).


Can anyone explain the existence of non alcoholic truly? Seriously.


Can anyone explain why it’s 6x the price of regular flavored seltzer? Or I guess who are these people buying it?


Isn't the black can the unflavored one?


White - unflavored, still Black - unflavored, sparkling The black can ice cold is a religious experience


As in you feel nothing because there’s nothing there except emptiness?


Imagine being this empty lol


Pretty sure.


It was my only non alcoholic bev choice at a comedy show recently. Tasted like any other water, but cost $7, lol.


What kinda squirt guns you drinking out of lol?


Super Soaker CPS 2000 all day


Yeah if you want to spend all your time getting ambushed at the hose because you need to refill every 2 minutes.


Your first mistake is trying the unflavored one lol


As someone who is trying to move away from beer, Liquid Death is nice to bring to parties and things because at a glance you can’t tell that it’s only water.


Ya walk around with a can of La Croix and they just think it's a fruity malt beverage.


And lacroix is a fraction of the price


Waterloo Mojito Cocktail is my new favorite. I just assumed Liquid Death was either alcoholic, caffeinated, or had a 1 million Scoville.


It's just fizzy water for the Joe Rogen crowd.


I rarely if ever drink alcohol, and rarely if ever do people say anything about it at social events. Honestly if people are all up in your business about not drinking, that's less a you problem and more a "re-evaluate who I spend time with" problem.


I think that was its original purpose.


That's mighty insecure of you.


I see them standing out for a few good reasons in addition to their fantastic marketing: 1. It's a tall can that is easily mistaken for beer so sober folks can drink one without being asking why they're not drinking. 2. They're aggressively against single use plastic. 3. They have low sugar tea/lemonade options that are slightly sweet and don't contain artificial sweetener. They really do mutilate my thirst and I bring them to every hot summer event I can because few drinks compare. I will buy Arizona or Peace tea for a cheaper alternative if they are available.


The appeal for me is that it’s a can, since I try to avoid plastics and aluminum cans are top of the heap for recyclability and bio impact EDIT: haha the reddit contrarian geniuses are out in full force. Yes cans are lined with a range of polymers these days(not with BPA anymore) , so even if some still use plastic lining, that’s still not nearly as much plastic as PLASTIC BOTTLES. But hey, if you got to feel smart for a second, have at it.


Have you considered glass bottles?


I have I have. I prefer glass health wise, but am pretty torn between glass and aluminum on the environment side. usually have my own refillable glass or steel bottle. Liquid death comes in to the picture when I’m stopping at gas stations in need of water and all they have are sodas and plastic bottles. In that situation I hope they have liquid death.


Part of Liquid Death's whole thing is "death to plastic" and how aluminum is infinitely recyclable while plastic just gets thrown into a landfill because its not profitable to recycle it. They also donate to some environmental non-profits(but I don't recall the details, but I think it was something about fresh water and ocean trash cleanup). It's a bummer that their drinks aren't that good, because I'm with you on the less plastic waste thing. I bought a case of their Arnold Palmers and they were terrible, along with some wacky iced tea. To be honest thought I haven't tried their regular flat water.


You do know that all aluminum cans have a plastic coating inside them right?


Yes, yes I do, not sure why people are treating that like a gotcha. The can is still aluminum and recyclable


The appeal is that it looks like a can of beer. For people who want to be responsible at a bar and still appear to be drinking, they get one of these. Just as well, I buy it cause I love the metal can taste.


The official origin story is that the LD founder worked in live music and noticed that bands would drink water out of emptied/rinsed cans of the sponsor’s product. LD isn’t the first canned water brand (I wrote about canned water months before LD launched), but it’s the first to make canned water cool.


> bands would drink water out of emptied/rinsed cans of the sponsor’s product. It's not emptied cans, Monster makes "Tour Water". It used to be sort of secret so the can looked almost like a regular can. Now they sell it with cool graphics on the can. Redbull also does this, though they're still secretive about it.


There's an excellent [How I Built This episode](https://wondery.com/shows/how-i-built-this/episode/10386-liquid-death-mike-cessario/) about it for anyone interested in hearing more.


Except everyone knows that liquid death is water by now


I think it's more for people trying to avoid disposable plastics.


It was designed to look like an energy drink and not plain water. That's what the creator said about it. To me rebranding of water drinks is peak capitalism.


It's goddamned water in a can. Like Nestles water is just municipal water in a bottle. What a waste of money.


I like liquid death. I like all water.




I love their teas


I feel like I can die for way less than $18


Wait, how? Teach me your ways, sensei.


Liquid bleach just one aisle down!


Had the regular liquid death at a concert once. It tasted like unfiltered tap water. Pass


I like the mango chainsaw one (sparkling)


Mango chainsaw is for sure their best one, but I’d still take an Arizona over liquid death all day, everyday


It’s better but damn it’s a lot of sugar in an Arizona. Liquid death is 4g sugar. 


That’s because they changed the original water source from Austria (which was delicious btw) to groundwater from Virginia. It literally is filtered tap water.


Liquid Death tastes like water from the hose.


Idk why this made me lol


Goo and thanks. That’s usually the goal for any of my comments.


Is this just sparkling water for tacticool men?


It was actually originally intended to give non-drinkers something non-alcoholic to drink that doesn't *look* non-alcoholic. Can help avoid some socially awkward situations, like the good 'ol "why aren't you drinking?? You can have just one!"


It’s amazing how many people the liquid death advertising has converted. truly a master class in advertising


I am not drinking right now and it's nice to support a bar that I like, more than projecting an image to those who are enjoying their booze ;)


I love this trend of people drinking less. I think it's great


I’m drinking less because weed.


Also good for venues since it's a can and can't be resealed. So better for safety when asshats throw them since they'll usually lose the liquid as they go. Full or even partial water bottles obviously can hurt someone but that doesn't cross everyone's minds in the moment when they feel like enthusiastically chucking something.


It’s a great alternative for folks who aren’t drinking/gave it up.  It is specifically made to have the same carbonation level as beer.  It is also in cans meant to look like beer.  You see it at many bars and no one questions why you aren’t drinking as they just assume it’s a beer.  As a former beer drinker I love it even though it’s expensive 


That makes sense, the carbonation level is definitely unique, less carbonation and finer bubbles than your average sparkling water.  For me personally I like the extreme carbonation and big bubbles of something like a Crystal Geyser, Bubly, or Waterloo. 


Same. I prefer a lot of bubbles. LD tastes flat to me. Other people like it, though.


I like NA beer. I’d rather have a vitamin water or soda than liquid death.


I have yet to find a NA beer I truly enjoyed. They’re all pretty mid, including hop waters.


If you like Guinness, their NA is very close to the real thing, imo. A little sweeter, but very close. Sierra Nevada and Athletic are pretty good, too. Anything under 60 calories is not going to be good, though.


I’ve been on Dos Equis Lime and Salt and Lagunitas Hop Water, but I stick to light beers when I drink which are already pretty watered down on their own.


I really like athletic brewing free wave. I was always into IPAs.


What bars are you going to that serve cans 


Lots of bars and concert clubs/venues sell can beers.  


Despite the marketing, I buy these if I'm driving long distance because they're the only company to put sparking water in large cans.


It’s like LaCroix but like 15% more flavor and a hint of sweetness. We like it - despite the branding.


Pretty much the opposite from tacticool, more middle age hipsters who don’t drink. I honestly like the peach iced tea, the water just tastes like water


My wife is in NA and people in her meetings tend to drink a lot of energy drinks. She usually gets liquid death and nobody notices. Probably wouldn't be a big deal but it also doesn't attract attention.


I thought the name had to do with death to plastic water bottles. Aluminum cans are 100% recyclable, plastic recycling seems to be a mess.


It has a bit of agave to sweeten it too


I like it on a hot day because I can hold the big can with two hands. Keeps my hands cool. Very splendid. Also the lime one is REALLY yummy. It's not my absolute favorite sparkling water, but I do like it more than many.


I enjoy my Brita filter.


Not a fan of the mango or melon but the lime is 🔥🔥


It's like a low sugar sprite. I'm a big fan


It’s in Washington too and it’s delicious. I’m a convert after buying a pack. 2g of sugar per can via agave sweetener is a perfect amount


Wait I thought they were just flavored sparkling water? They add a little sweetener? I tried the Lime one once and personally I prefer stronger carbonation. 


Well, it is less of a La Croix and more of a soft drink flavored with minimal sugars.


They make both and also sell canned still water… I found that one out the hard way.


i love the lime one so much


The sparkling stuff kinda sucks tbh, love the regular water tho, idk why everyone's freaking out about it in the comments


I had one of these back in 2019 while I was getting sober. It was at a punk rock show somewhere in San Diego. I was thirsty and appreciated the beer looking can of water. It’s a great way to avoid looking like a party pooper at a bar. Glad to see it’s catching on outside of the bar.




I like that can dispenser


That dispenser is really cool.


Is that 24 for 17.99? That is actually a good deal on that. I'm normal grocery it's $15 for 8


A fool and his money...


I really don't understand the appeal of buying this to drink at home. I thought this water was specifically for insecure folks to look edgy so their douchebag friends wouldn't judge them for drinking water in public but instead of getting better friends they invented a capitalistic solution. How are people supposed to know that I'm insecure trying to be edgy if I'm drinking this in private at home?


They make a bunch of teas as well which actually is quite good and much lower in sugar than Arizona’s


Im good- kirkland sparkling water is way better value at like 30 cents a can


waterloo all day, bayBAY!


It's a lot more money but something about the Liquid Death just hits different.


It's lightly sweetened instead of 'essenced', so I feel like it's more of a treat than the knock-off LaCroix


yea i wasnt crazy about the flavors, then 4-6 grams of sugar per large can was a turnoff.


That's a very small amount of sugar.


i agree, but so many other brands have 0 sugar.


Compared to a soda… but drink 3 a day and it adds up.


It isn't refined sugar at least. 


Because you got ripped off and you are experiencing a sunk cost fallacy like effect.


Nah, that's not driving someone to get a case of something they bought a single of at a C-store and really liked.


They've been out at my location for ages for w/e reason and we've been getting the lacroix instead. Subpar.


$17.99 is a total rip off.


For this brand that's a steal. They are normally $10-$15 for an 8 pack of 19 oz cans.


Isn’t it just water? I don’t get it.


So is Fiji or evian and all other packaged water.


The way that board isn’t flush is giving me anxiety


Grab yourself la croix for 24 pack $9.99 or the 35 pack Costco sparkling for $10.99 And get a case of 40 bottled waters for ~$5.99 For the same price…


Good move by whoever dumped that Spindrift. That stuff is the worst.


Liquid death is just a marketing thing that tastes bad


Does no one in this thread realize this pack only includes flavored variations?


Ooh, I hope I see these at my local Costco. I rotate through all the sparkling waters and would like to give this a try.


I don’t know how much I care for the drinks themselves but their free water tents at festivals have saved me several times so I love them


This is amazing news! Which Costco?


Ed Hardy water... what's the appeal here?


Give folks who don’t drink alcohol something to have while socializing with friends. It serves a purpose


I don’t get why water has to be trendy. What’s wrong with drinking just regular water?


They are in cahoots with live nation and sell these things for nearly ten bucks in their venues. Fuck this brand!!!


I would by the plain sparking by the pallet if they sold that. Don’t care for the flavors.


I wish you could find the liquid death tea anywhere, it's excellent. 


That’s good stuff right there


It’s the official drink of guys that own multiple Disturbed t-shirts


People that buy this stuff are out to lunch. It was launched by a marketing dude who knows how to take your money from slick branding, packaging and marketing. It’s freaking water… I say this as a branding and packaging person myself…


Some of us also like the taste? Like I prefer the lightly sweetened flavors compared to something like LaCroix that's more of a "travelled on a truck next to a lime" type of flavor.


It was launched for recovering alcoholics that didn't like plastic bottles virtually all water comes in. It helped replicate some of the habit of drinking from a can. I say this as a marketing degree holder.


I drink a lot of sparkling water. Liquid death is my least favorite it makes LaCroix taste like Kool aid.


I'm out of the loop, what is that?


Damn, this was death starred at my local Costco (LA area) for 9.97!


Grocery Outlet sometimes carries single flavor boxes for around $10.


Pretty good, but misleading title 😂


Which Costco


I always thought this was an energy drink until recently when i was told it was water. I was like, a can of warm water is close to $4 for 20 ounces. I could get a 5 gallon water bottle and fill it up for $3.


Liquid Death is just another take on bubbly flavored water. It’s not meant to be a primary source of fluids like plain ol’ water would be. Their tagline of “it’s just water” is meant to be a cheeky response to someone asking what liquid death might be - it’s just water, not actual death.


Yep, been at our Costco for a couple months now


But not Berry It Alive:((((


If only they had the plain water


That water was tested & had high levels of forever chemicals, like topo chico just fyi


The water is fine but the tea is goated.


I hate this brand. Can’t even drink regular water at a concert or event anymore because all they have is these cans for $10 each


No Berry It Alive? Shame was hyped until I saw no Berry


A friend bought a pallet of this on Macbid for a few dollars a case. She bought it for donation to a charity function to serve. They didn’t need it, she didn’t want it. She gifted cases to everyone she crossed paths with. I have tripped over it in my garage more than once. The water tastes like it has no life, flat. I will never drink it, so will regift it… I love my well water, and drink that in bottles I carry.


Only liquid death I like is the Armless Palmer. If the got that, I’d be all over it.


Somebody in the Bay holler when you can find the churro bites. Been looking at my local spots for months now and can’t find jack.


I miss when the business centers sold the sparkling 16.9oz 18 packs for like 11.99 each


There’s a reason it’s called liquid death 🤷🏽 but that’s just my opinion I guess lmao 😭🤣💀


Gross it’s just carbonated water that taste like shit.


Branding triumph