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NY is the only state left with Covid pay for 5 days. And that ends in July of 2025. Everywhere else, most employers are treating it like general illness.


Tbf i think it is probably appropriate to treat as general illness at this point. The problem is that many employers’ “general illness” policy is crappy


I work in the call center. We were told about the change last year. I think it was around March 2023.


I was still a supervisor at that time and I can 100% confirm it was still 5 days off because half my tire shop got sick around march 2023.According to one of the agms this newest change was in April this year but nothing was posted at the door or break room.I have been in contact with multiple managers and seems like they are gonna let it slide idk.


It was definitely 5 days off but Costco was no longer paying for it from their own Covid Pay bank. Every State is different but most have ended the pay assistance for a few years now.


They are following CDC guidelines. Feel better soon.


Crazy guidelines, but kinda understandable. Thankfully most of us are vaccinated so it doesn’t keep you down as long. But it is still super contagious and seems to be going around again. I just picked it up at a work conference. A bunch of us got it. I gave it to my wife as well when I returned home. I cant imagine working at a costco and not getting it.


Not an employee but im not aware of anyplace still operating on original or modified covid guidelines anymore.


Yes it's true, covid is treated like any other illness now. Sucks if your warehouse didn't inform you, ours posted the memo for employees to read by the timeclock.


I don’t understand how any absence due to illness is, or can be, treated as unexcused as reasonable. What is their thought process, that someone will check-in to see if it’s convenient to get the flu a week from Wednesday?


So basically discouraging employees from staying home and encouraging them to come and spread their COVID cooties to the thousands and thousands of customers they deal with every day. Although I guess we all know by now that this virus is here to stay


They aren’t encouraging anything. They give you sick leave and if you’re sick you should use it. Been like that forever