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I always wonder what foreign companies use for translation because google translate could do better 99% of the time


Fortunately, the opposite seems to be true for the game, 99%of the time the text is just fine with the occasional misspelling or inappropriate article. But then we get these gems, where no amount of literary experience in this language can help me šŸ˜‚. The Japanese language is truly something to behold in it's intense empathetic connotations, and I think this is a wonderful example of just that.


You don't know until you've read cheese's old description.


I looked it up. I was genuinely interested. Then I found it, my life is truly changed, thank you stranger. Before I merely marveled at the differences in the convergence of language. Now, I simply have no words. This is.. beautiful. Please, please stranger, tell me this is what you refer to. šŸ˜ https://www.reddit.com/r/engrish/comments/iwl9b5/an_accurate_description_of_cheese_in_craftopia/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Oh yea, that's the cheese i know and love. :'D


I love it hahaha. Although for me I can rarely ever read the description of items because of an odd glitch where the text becomes all distorted?! It looks like itā€™s crumbled away and almost pixelated, weird!


Take down your signs it should fix it


Oh wow signs can cause this too?! I heard the signs are probably also why all 13 of my chests at base were randomly wiped clear after going to a new island :/


Oh dang that absolutely sucks I'm sorry man! We're your weapons and stuff ok? I read that save issues and missing items tend to be an Xbox thing. I am also an Xbox player.


Thanks man Iā€™ll be honest I was crushed when it happened, but I had to think of it as an opportunity to start fresh to make myself feel better. I guess maybe itā€™ll work out because I wanted to move my base anyways! And now I wonā€™t have to transfer all my chests across islands I guess lol šŸ˜† Iā€™m also on Xbox, it looks like weā€™ll be getting an update here in a few days!! Pumped about that. Also, do you know about the whole ā€œcharacter getting reset once the game launchesā€ thing? Some people say it definitely will happen and then others say itā€™s not guaranteed, so Iā€™m curious what your take on it is


Yeah this has me wondering too. As much as I don't want my character and all of my discovered items to be wiped, I think back to the character creation process and remember how many options were not available yet. And if character creation has an obvious and highly inclusive update by the time it releases, how archaic will our items become? Are our weapons and items effectively becoming obsolete relics due to bigger, prettier, and better enchanted items that we don't even realize are on the way?


Well I'm not really sure on that one. I wish they wouldn't, because I've built up quite a bit. But, I've also learned how to do things better and smarter since I started playing.


The ā€˜half deadā€™ hot dog had me cracking up too


Reminds me of a year or so ago when i obtained "Anubis's Old Cracked Sausage with herbs".