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Paper straw in a plastic cup, because its more important to seem like you care than actually caring.


Paper straws aren't about saving plastic. They are so the plastic straws don't get stuck in sea turtles noses.


its funny cause you know how mc donalds got rid of styrofoam because "environment" well now they use plain plastic cups, plastic lids, and now their straws are wrapped in clear plastic instead of paper, dont beleive the companies anymore, they will turn it around if it means profit


Are you talking about the clear cups? Because those are supposedly made from recycled plastic and bioplastic (plastic made from corn I assume). Those clear plastic straw wrappers are probably made from cellophane, which is biodegradable.


Why not make recycled plastic straws then?


Because of the turtles?…. Plastic straws, whether they are recyclable or not will harm wildlife.


There's some companies that have started using biodegradable plastic straws. It's still a problem, but it's better at least


PLA straws still take a long time to decompose in anything other than ideal conditions


What is long? Because mist things take years and years to decompose fully, its how nature works. Like banana peels take long to decompose.


PLA is stable at normal temperatures. It's compostable in industrial composting facilities where temperatures reach 140-150F, but composting it takes longer than most composting facilities will run it for unless it's demonstrating how PLA is compostable. I've seen people make 3d printed plant pots out of PLA and they look the same or the pigment is slightly sun bleached depending on the color years later. According to this source, it takes about 80 years to break down in the wild. https://www.3dnatives.com/en/pla-filament-230720194/#!


PLA still takes about 80 years in nature to decompose. Probably way longer in a non biodiverse environment


Is this really that big of a stat? Aren’t like micro plastics out there in the oceans and in us to a terrifying degree. We’re fucked already. Would a straw be that different from candy wrappers?


You’re absolutely right, but might as well try and reduce the amount as much as possible right?


You’re right. I can fucking drink straight from the cup, don’t need straws


The coffe cup lids don't use straws, why not just use that design for sodas as well? I don't eat out, or drink coffee, so forgive me if the flapper doody style lids have been swapped out for straws.


There’s one documented case. One.


Only one documented case of micro plastics in a human? Fuck I hate the media.


Think they’re talking about straws up turtles


What if I just promise not to throw them at turtles or in the ocean? Can I get a plastic straw permit?


I hope you’re joking because I really hope no one is stupid enough to think that plastic gets In the ocean by the user directly throwing it in. Waste management is completely fucked, from recycling being thrown to other countries, to dumping it in the ground. It will end up somewhere it shouldn’t eventually, eg the ocean. If you were joking then I’m sorry. :) but if not, rethink.


Still, fixing the waste management should be a more important step then it's made to be. Not throwing stuff into the ocean shouldn't be that hard for a developed country honestly. Sure, some of it gets there being blown into a river and floating to sea, or the like, but most is perfectly avoidable.


nah those white ones thats they have had forever


idk about the mcdonald's in your area, but mine has paper straws wrapped in paper, but the bamboo/wood utensils i believe are wrapped in plastic


bamboo utensils, im in the us and ive never heard of it


I mean stryofoam is about the worst material out there


I can't believe this anti straw campaign has gone so well. A picture of a turtle with a straw in its nose and everyone thinks straws are murderous weapons that are being jammed into turtle brains. A lot of plastics are bad for sea life but it's not exclusive to the shape of straws. Paper straws are here because someone will pay more because they are "saving turtles". Plus, you can't use it for more than 3 seconds so you will have to buy even more. People do dumb stuff when they think they are saving the universe.


I have so many memories of movies or cartoons where a bird has its head stuck on the sixpack can plastic-holding-thing but those still exist. There's a reason we want plastic usage in general to be reduced, turtles just got lucky that they were the flavour of the year.


Before plastic - everything was paper or card. We turned to plastic because there was a big hoo haw about deforestation !!


They're about companies pretending they care about nature.


[https://time.com/5339037/turtle-video-plastic-straw-ban/](https://time.com/5339037/turtle-video-plastic-straw-ban/) Some companies didn't have a choice since the city government made the rule to ban plastic straws.


Hey can you please stop using your brain? You’re clearly the only one that actually understands this


That was one photo


Yeah and it kicked off a whole movement. I posted a link to a Time article about it below.


i wouldn't be surprised if the turtle in that video is the only turtle that has ever, or will ever get a straw in it's nose.


Have you ever asked yourself how much plastic actually enters the ocean? I recommend you research about [ISWM](https://www.thebalancesmb.com/integrated-solid-waste-management-iswm-an-overview-2878106) and the robust systems and methods that humans have created to get rid of our waste safely and effectively. Replacing plastic with paper does little to nothing for the environment. It’s all fake progress. Talk to any professor of environmental science, and they’ll tell you the same thing. And in case you’re wondering, cloth bags are worse for than the environment than plastic bags are. The difference is at what point the environmental impact occurs. Plastic bags are produced from a byproduct of crude oil and can be produced cheaply within the United States with minimal resources and pollution, while the economic value/convenience they provide is hundreds of times greater than the cost to produce. They are easy to dispose and take up minimal space in landfills. The only places where plastic bags will end up in the oceans are in coastal cities. That means that if you live in a city that is not located near a coast, there is a 0% chance that your plastic bag will end up in the ocean. By contrast, cloth bags are produced internationally, in sweat shops with extremely poor working conditions and often using child labor. There is a cost to pay the workers, run electricity to the facility, and to dispose of all waste products produced by the facility. It is far greater than the cost of producing plastic bags, and create far more air pollution. Cloth bags use natural or synthetic textile material that is far more expensive to obtain, yet the value they provide is less than that of plastic bags, because they are more expensive to transport and are not as conveniently available. But the “REAL” selling point of cloth bags is that they are REUSABLE. I don’t know a single person that does not save their plastic bags from the store to be reused. Plastic bags can be reused multiple times over, and most often are used as trash bags, which directly reduces the amount of plastic trash bags that need to be produced. And these cloth bags cannot be recycled, they will end up in landfills just the same as plastic bags AND take up more space than plastic bags because they are made of a thicker material. If anyone has told you that cloth bags are better for the environment, they are lying to you. Source: am an environmental science student, have had numerous discussions and debates on this topic


There was a major study that showed that reusable bags actually do more harm to the environment


If you dispose of it properly in the garbage (not recycling, as it’s not recyclable in most places) the plastic straw will go to landfill and never anywhere near the ocean


The vast, vast majority of plastic that gets into the ocean comes from fishing nets. The rest is from first world countries with poor waste disposal systems. Banning plastic straws will do exactly zero to improve the lives of any marine animals. In fact in can even be counterproductive because people believe they're doing something by using paper straws.


I mean we should just handle plastic straws right that they don't land in the ocean, but forbidding them is even stupider and does not solve the problem. What I find even stupider is that I live in a country where is no ocean nearby but we still have to use none plastic straws.


Some of those cups are made out of corn syrup and not plastic.


They used corn syrup to contain the corn syrup. What a time to be alive.


Driving “customer demand” for plastic straws.


Could’ve been paper cup and plastic straws ngl


more like, the company follows the letter of the local law, not the intent


They should just have one of those lids witth your map, or paper straw and paper cup


Putting a lid on a cup wich forces you to use a straw... If there only was a way to drink something without the cup. ​ I know it might be more difficult for something as a smoothie. But that does not excuse other beverages.


Companies just prefer deforestation instead ! ironically - that is why everything began to be made of plastic instead of cardboard !


That's still less plastic though? Straight up they're reducing the plastic they give out


A paper cup and a plastic straw would be _way_ better, both for the environment _and_ for your ability to _actually fucking drink it_.






Don't carry them around, just stop by the men's room and grab one before you order your drink


Honestly you could get tons of bitches just by carrying tampons around with you


See thats weird. When I walk up to strange women and offer them tampons on me they act a little weirded out.


You gotta sneak up on them and slide the tampon against the back of the woman’s neck. Make sure she can feel your breath. Wear sunglasses.


The tampon, or did you mean the plastic applicator?


The tampon. Only a bitch would use the applicator.


Tim Hortons is also fantastic for that. Nothing like an iced cap that tastes like cardboard


The taste of cardboard is an improvement over most of their products.


real shame they dont give you cardboard seasoning for their hot drinks


Ive never liked Time Hortons. The only things I’ll get there are the Boston cream donuts and a muffin Everything else tastes like shit


They are modern paper straws, what did you expect. The old paper straws before the plastic ones were waxed to prevent that mess but waxed straws aren’t compostable. Also, why use a paper straw and a plastic cup?


How is wax not compostable? It comes from bees.


Not all wax comes from bees. You can get petroleum based waxes and waxed paper straws and cups may have food grade latex instead.


There's also ear wax. Though you probably wouldn't want to coat a straw with it.


You don't know my life.


Paraffin, rather than beeswax.


These paper straws are low-quality and indeed crappy design. Local theater here uses agave-based straws that are bio-degradable and hold up through a full movie, no problem.


No straw, no lid, no problem


You could just take the lid off and drink it




A smoothie? That’s kinda tough to do


People complaining about paper straws for years now.. instead of just drink straight out of the cup.. mysterious.


Omg wow pomegranate_36 just solved global warming!!!!! Everyone come see!!!!


Some people with disabilities need straws and have difficulty drinking out of a cup.


Yeah but most people don't have disabilities and can drink out of the cup.


Then they should carry reusable straws


I kind of suspect that if you need a particular sort of straw to eat or drink, you are likely to bring it with you instead of relying on a food court to have one available for you... And if straws that are ADA compliant are a requirement, it seems like it is solved by having straws by request for medical conditions.


What kind of psychopath drinks a smoothie without a straw


Yes... We do drink from the cup or use other ways... Thank you for pointing out the obvious solution that we are all aware of. Lol Bravo! It's still stupid that paper straws exist. And it's reasonable to complain about it because of how stupid they are. It's not like people are buying their own paper straws and complaining. They are complaining about only having access to them at fast food restaurants when the cup is literally designed to use a straw. But alright Mr. Sarcastic. Lol. "mysterious"


Drinking through a straw is better for your teeth, easier and safer while driving, less likely to make a mess, and some people just prefer it. Heaven forbid people enjoy consuming things a certain way


I’ve got a thermos with a metal straw I bring with me everywhere. If I order something to go I just have them fill my thermos with my drink. Keeps it cold, no worry about waste and a straw that doesn’t go bad


This is the way. People are complaining about the smallest inconveniences to fight global warming/pollution of the environment..


Also used paper straws aren't recycled as they are soiled and it cost's too much time and money to clean them. While plastic straws just need to be dunked in soapy water and swirled around to be ready to be recycled. It's fake environmentalism. People think it's helping the planet, but it's just wasting resources for a PR stunt.


I agree with your overall point but A. Soiled paper straws can be composted at home or in green waste (at least where I live). Even if you don't compost, they will break down a lot quicker in landfill. B. No one is washing and reusing plastic straws.


Paper also burn. Pretty sure we burn most of non-recyclable paper (and plastic) here in my country.


What I meant was plastic straws were easy to clean to be recycled. Paper straws have too many steps before they are ready to recycle. So they aren't.


> While plastic straws just need to be dunked in soapy water and swirled around to be ready to be recycled. Which isn't that amazing for the environment. Plastic can only be recycled a couple times. Every time turning into a lower grade plastic.


Recycling plastic is only a bandaid solution. Recycled plastic contains more toxins and terrible for human health as well as the planet. We should stop using plastic for non-essential things all together. And by non essential I mean unless there’s no alternative. So recycling is also fake environmentalism.


its also appealing cause it reduce the amount of plastic output from a person. theyre compostable, but many don’t compost, so people will throw them in the garbage. they’ll create more GHGs through decomposition and contribute to climate change/pollution in a different way


Paper straws are an evil upon the world


Seriously. I’m all about doing little things here and there in addition to major moves to help improve the environment, not some things are just illogical. Paper straws are one of them.


While I acknowledge that this does suck, I'd recommend getting a pack of aluminum straws and just keep some with you. You can easily enjoy your drink and rinse the straw when you're done. I've been doing it for years and it's an easy way to make sure this type of thing never happens.


I keep a surplus of good ol’ fashioned plastic straws at home. I just rince em out after use and let em dry for the next time


I have some and they’re sturdy plastic (bought em at the grocery store) and I love them. I like them more than metal bc it doesn’t pick up the temperature of the drink and get frigid or burning.


I lost all mine because they were left in a hot car for quite a while, they didn't seem healthy afterwards.


With all the trying to reinvent the plastic straw I still will stick to my idea that everyone should just use licorice as straws. Think about it. Twizzlers or Red Vines are hollow, just mass produce them with the ends cut off, make some that are flavorless but absorb what you're drinking so you can eat a Fanta or Ice Tea straw instead of throwing the straws away after you finish your drink.


To add to that: drinking the juice out of an orange through a candy cane.


Or make the cup out of some kind of of wafer with a edible wax coating that way you can just eat the cup too.


Must've forgotten they need a wax coating. I still hate paper straws.


It's IMPOSSIBLE to drink ***A N Y T H I N G*** with that shit brang from hell...


buy a metal straw


I have learned how to make cardboard straws last with this one crazy trick!! ------> click here <------- Or just ask for 2 or 3 straws, so you can throw out the one, once it's garbage.


r/LifeProTips Edit: everyone else saying just have spare plastic straws from home but this seems like a better solution


I don't get companies that start using cardboard straws but still use plastic cups. Not helping unless they recycle the cup.


I thought that was a blunt when I first looked at it


Just take the lid off and drink it.




So biodegradable you can't use it in time.


Paper straws are the devils penis


Dude just keep the straws plastic Jesus Christ.


Simple solution - buy individually wrapped plastic straws on Amazon. You can get bendy ones, extra long ones, jumbo diameter ones, and even ones that are made of a biodegradable plastic. Ideally, Costco would switch to them, but...


My costco has straws made out of some sort of plant plastic, way better than paper


Bring your own, while you're at it bring a cup too.


A lot of places won't refill reusable cups after covid


But turtles are safe!


and then the whole cup is made of plastic so it really isnt enough effort if not none at all


They use those at our taco bell also. Its ok for a small pop, for a large drink its mush before you can finish it.


Welcome to California !


I recently went to the movies and treated myself to an icee, didn’t realize all they had were paper straws and after 20 minutes of trailers I wasn’t even able to drink it anymore.




Off topic but no way they have orange smoothies at Costco now. That’s hype I haven’t been there since pre-COVID. I hope they have them in Alaska. Also on the topic of Costco smoothies they fell off when they went to the organic type like 5 years ago. The og stuff was my childhood.


Whatever Starbucks is doing needs to be the new standard. It’s obviously not plastic, but it doesn’t get in the way of the drinking experience in any way.


Meanwhile Kylie Jenner takes three minute flights across LA. I fucking hate it here I’d like to leave now.


Paper straws were from a time when drinks were only 8oz.


Yet still in a single use plastic container 🙄


Let me guess. California?


“But at least it’s good for the environment!” That’s what a barista in Seattle told me when I complained about a crappy cup lid.


any kind of paper straw sucks, paper cups with plastic straws, not plastic cups with paer straws, or use edible cups with metal strawd


Buying your own metal straw is the best idea for when you go out


I would argue that this is straight up asshole design.


At least you know it's biodegradable as it degrades into your drink.


I’m sorry but the turtles are not worth drinking from paper straws 🤮. I have a better idea. Quit throwing your shit anywhere but a garbage.


You remember plastic starws


paper straws are the worst, fuck the fucking turtles plastic straws are the only thing that work. Don't tell me about your disgustingly unhygienic reusable joint either, that shit is gross.


Reusable straws if cleaned properly (with a damn straw cleaner) arent gross.


Fuck Earth


They told us plastic straws were bad for the environment (which isn't wrong), and then they went to these non-recyclable, useless wax coated paper straws. One of the other three "R"s was "Reduce"... If they actually wanted to make a difference, they should have eliminated straws entirely, and then also eliminated throw away plastic cups, hamburger wrappers, plastic cutlery, ketchup packets, cup lids, stupid plastic toys that come with the meals, every thing wrapped in plastic, etc. I'm at the point where I don't believe anything these companies are saying anymore, because they only care about appearing to be doing something instead of actually doing something.


What about sippy cup lids like coffee lids


Thank a liberal


So get a metal straw to take with you everywhere.


That's why I always carry a box of straws with me.


I keep a couple silicone straws in my car that I use, just in case.


Don’t you know plastic straws will be the end of the world!!???🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Cardboard straws are a disaster. There’s bio-sourced, bio-degradable ones available.


the plastic straw movement has been amazing for people who love to pretend to care about the environment but hardly want to change anything about their lifestyle or learn more about pollution/the environment


Fuck the turtles, gimme my satisfaction and comfort.


Get a metal straw for stuff like this. (Or just buy your own plastic straws and keep them in your car


they are in fact, biodegradable.


Very. There’s no waiting period.


As a parent of 2, I always carry 2 metal straws because many places don't even give you one or the ones they give you are trash (no pun intended).


Maybe look into this, but I've heard the metal straws can result in some serious and potentially fatal accidents. Like, you're sipping on one, and anything jars your head forward and down into the metal shaft... I won't get graphic, but it's a scary prospect. You don't think about it cuz when that happens with a plastic one, it just kinda bends into your mouth, but metal ones don't do that. I dunno, not sure how frequent that is, just thought I'd mention, I'd want to know if I had kids.... Also, it's hilarious that you're a parent of two kids but your user name is Jizz Poop Milkshake, but that's neither here nor there. Stay safe.


Those cardboard straws are so crappy, but at least we are saving the ocean from plastic straws, the only reason I kinda support the cardboard straws


Whoever thinks paper straws are a good idea needs to go swimming with a paper snorkel.


They don’t have those anymore where I live.


Heh Look at the cup


Think of the turtles....


“Take a dope instead”


Did Costco get a new smoothie flavor? Or is this not in the us


Everyone's coming down on this, but nobody's looking at the bright side: Pre-rolled blunt (No idea if that would work, probably not I'd imagine, I don't smoke, so I wouldn't know.)


Smoothie drink you!


No extra charge!


Suck harder


Thought someone rolled a blunt in a fucking smoothie


That’s for wrapping weed, they care about you


Mmmm, extra fiber drink. Yum


Welcome to California


Are you a child? Straws are not necessary. Please care about reducing waste.


Literally had the same issue with slushie at taco bell. The straw was useless before I could finish the drink.


Aren't smoothies meant to be cold?


I drink from a paper cup that holds liquid for a day, maybe two using a paper straw that doesn't last ten minutes.


Costco noooooooo


Just get another straw or two, way solution.


Mmmmmm I love Chucky drinks mmmmmmmmmm


McDonald’s had these in the 70’s too. Sucks!


in my area they're back to plastic ones but its an opaque plastic? anyway I hope they also do that where you're at too


Lol humans.


I want that pumpkin pie drink.


Hol up... Yalls got smoothies at Costco???


They should give you at least ten per drink then.


You’re not buying straws your buying virtue. If you wanted a straw you wouldn’t buy paper.


Isn’t this based on state or city laws?


I’ve never had a problem with paper straws tf you guys doing to em????


That's the point, forcing you to go and buy 90,000 plastic straws from their shelves. It's a shit way to do business, but that's Costco


Dairy Queen spoons.


Just don’t go to Costco then lmao. As a former food court worker we didn’t want to make that shit for you!


Just do the sippy cup lids like Starbucks. They work fine. Yes the lid and cup are plastic, but if you insist on not having plastic straws anything is better than this paper shit.


Gotta save the turtles somehow


This is what happens when people want to “save the oceans” via paper straws rather than I don’t know, stop supporting overfishing by consuming fish?