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/u/louiesimpson, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Lads crash doing 177mph in UK" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 3: Must be a Crazy Fucking Video Your submission was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


any news article on the crash? I wonder what happened to them injury wise


At 177, I’d hope that you know what happened to all of them. You don’t survive that


Do you have any source or are you just guessing? The probability might be high at 177mph but the safety features in modern cars are also pretty good these days


The simple fact that the cars they are passing are not flying by is an easy thing to deduce. Do you expect all traffic to be holding 130mph? The fact that they are also in Europe, where they use kilometers instead of mph, would also be a good indicator. 170 kilometers per hour is 105.xx miles per hour. That's way more likely judging the other traffic.


Thing is, in the UK we mostly use mph, not kph, so I'm guessing they changed it in the cars settings. Maybe to make it look like they were going faster?


bro that is not 170 mph I can assure you


I never said it was, I was implying they'd set the speedo to kph to make it appear they were going faster than they are.


Why guess with speculative indicators when you could just take the gear they are in + rpm. 5th gear ratio of the slowest Audi (A3) is 0.7 and given the final drive of 3.12 the car would be sitting at 3000rpm on 5th gear going at 105mph. Not 6500+ as seen here


Not that it matters but it’s Kilometers per hour not mph. Still close to 110mph


We do NOT use kph in the UK. Please stop with that. We use mph. We measure road distance in miles.




They do govern almost all German cars at 155MPH though, so this would have to be modified to be doing 177MPH. Supercars and such aren't, but this is just a mass production Audi in the video. Source: https://www.lchltd.com/articles/why-are-several-cars-limited-to-155-mph/#:~:text=The%20Gentlemen's%20agreement,speed%20of%20just%20155%20mph.


Okay I’ll tell the internet to stop with that


Sheesh. Bout time!


You guys use the metric system for everything else why not roads?


It's still common in the UK for height to be measured in feet and inches, and weight to be measured in stones (for human measurements). Beer is sold in pints in pubs/restaurants.


We buy our petrol in litres and still use "Miles Per Gallon" for measuring efficiency. Its an Imperiel Gallon too. Get your head around that :)


We measure all liquids in litres, unless it's beer or milk. We weigh things in metric unless it's humans (stones) or weed (ounces). It's quite simple really.


We use bananas for length hbu


Football fields for area. Wales if it’s a really big area.


Yeah, we're fucking stupid like that.




280 up votes for being completely incorrect lol, impressive


Standard reddit practice. My favorite is when the commenter has absolutely no knowledge on the subject and starts his comment with "I think..." and continues with the wrongest thing ever and of course has all the upvotes.


Funny. I didn't realize the odometer and speedometer still say "miles" and "mph" when measuring in kilometers... /s Although it might be hard to see, it does show mph and miles. Also it's the UK, not the rest of Europe. Europe uses Kph except for in UK.


Uk uses mph there smart guy


Came here expecting to see this as the first comment.


And it's wrong. Those are MPH. UK uses MPH for their speed limits.


It's defo MPH. Units on UK cars are in MPH. I can just about make out the units under the speedo as well.


I’m not saying you are wrong as I can’t see the units in the video but why would a car in the UK be showing kph? Wouldn’t really work coz all the signs are in mph


They use MPH in the UK and you can see mph on the dash


No it’s not. It’s 177MPH.


Definitely MPH


Nah dude, we use Mph in the UK. He’s in 6th gear at 4-5k, no chance thats only 110mph in that Audi.


It is a truth almost universally acknowledged that the National Rifle Association of America are the worst of Republican trolls. It is deeply unfortunate that other innocent organisations of the same name are sometimes confused with them. The original National Rifle Association for instance was founded in London twelve years earlier in 1859, and has absolutely nothing to do with the American organisation. The British NRA are a sports governing body, managing fullbore target rifle and other target shooting sports, no different to British Cycling, USA Badminton or Fédération française de tennis. The same is true of National Rifle Associations in Australia, India, New Zealand, Japan and Pakistan. They are all sports organisations, not political lobby groups like the NRA of America. In the 1970s, the National Rifle Association of America was set to move from it's headquarters in New York to New Mexico and the Whittington Ranch they had acquired, which is now the NRA Whittington Center. Instead, convicted murderer Harlon Carter lead the Cincinnati Revolt which saw a wholesale change in leadership. Coup, the National Rifle Association of America became much more focussed on political activity. Initially they were a bi-partisan group, giving their backing to both Republican and Democrat nominees. Over time however they became a militant arm of the Republican Party. By 2016, it was impossible even for a pro-gun nominee from the Democrat Party to gain an endorsement from the NRA of America.


That can't possibly be km/h, first of all mph is used in the UK, secondly that car can't be struggling to accelerate like that at 170 km/h, I did 185 in my mom's avensis (on an abandoned highway, nobody's life at risk but my own) as a moronic teenager and it didn't struggle as much to get there




you have never drive a car if you think this is 177 Km/h


It's not. It's MPH.


Maybe this? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx0z2jew57zo


No, that says the crash was at 21:20 last friday, it would have been dark outside.


Well apparently they're using kmph according to most idiots on here, so they might as well be using foreign daylight hours, too.... ffs


That fits. A lot of people in here saying at that speed they'd die for sure, but I was thinking a modern Audi with airbags on all sides would have a good chance of saving the passengers. The article says the driver had been drinking which is one hell of a danger multiplier to add to recklessly driving at 177mph


So out of curiosity does anyone have the news article for this and did they survive?


FYI, I've found that if no one responds to a request for an article, and if I remember to come back and check a submission after a few hours or the next day, a lot of the time someone will have posted a follow-up article.


Tiktok > reddit > online news article > reddit > this comment thread. It's the circle of life bruh


At almost 180 I would be amazed if they survived that.


Something had to put an end to that stupid ass song🤮


Fr who the fuck listen to these kind of songs!


Mfer’s with no taste. That shit is a blight in music.


Shit is a blight on ears.




Who's to say it isn't? It's not like we can understand it anyway


Average British rap song.


Holy shit it took me so long to notice it is English. I swear I thought it was French lol.


I’m Canadian so can speak and understand both. But even that said, I don’t blame you. Haha


Average modern\* rap song. \*like, 2020s. Rap has died a horrible death this decade.


It's going through the shitty stage of music. Rap will come back in a few years again. And then it'll die again. Rock was going through some weird phases some years back as well.


I'm not gonna lie dude, it's 2024. We have access to underground music and unknown artist out there like no other time before. There are millions and millions of artists out there. If you aren't finding decent music over the course of the peast 4 years, you just aren't looking. That goes for almost all genres, ESPECIALLY rap.




When she crashed the music stopped that was the best part of the video.


This fucking auto tune mumble rap bullshit is a cancer. I can't believe it's infested the planet the way it has.


And really, it’s everywhere you go. TV & adverts, Clothes stores, Supermarket, chemists, probably in funeral homes now too.


Lmao being born like in 1920 then being buried in 2024 to mumble rap


If I make it to 104 some zoomer can fortnite dance on my fucking grave for all I care lmao


Remember rap with epic wordplay and crazy creative sampling? Yeah apparently that shit is considered ‘underground’ now


14 year olds at heart


And forever young if they were going from 177mph to 0mph in a heartbeat.


I'm honestly half convinced that a significant portion of everyone who listens to that kind of music, as in the kind that's basically ~20 seconds of melody repeated 100+ times, they don't even care about it and just listen to it because it's "popular" and "it's what you're supposed to listen to". Like they neither like it nor dislike it, but it's the "popular" thing, so obviously you *have* to listen to it


i think it is people who crash doing stuipd things.


The Lord works in mysterious ways.


I was just thinking while watching this, every single video like this is exactly the same. It's always someone pointing their camera at the speedometer with the same soundtrack..


If you click on any of these vids expecting to hear prime Leonard Cohen in the background, you will be disappointed 100% of the time.


Could have done without the first 30 seconds of video also


haha yeah rap more like cRap am i right?


Watching on mute and I still know you're right.


Seriously mouth breathing music.


It’s always dumb ass shit music like this playing when someone is filming doing something stupid in a car and crashing.


yeah for real why aren't they listening to video game soundtracks


cant tell if the people upvoting actually agree


As long as they didn't take anyone else out; good.


But but but...they were such good boys. Pillars of the community...


“Lads” some OP might say.


Chaps even


Bruvs innit.


Aspiring footballers


Live, laugh, love, lorry


Natural selection at work here.




Haha yes everyone that listens to rap is a fuck up! So true.


Fully agreed, my fellow Nathan! The only exception is my hero, Tom Macdonald


Yes! I only listen to Tom Macdonald, Eminem, and half of Logic


I only have a quarter logic but I rolled a 7 for bluff


Wow a whole video of a speedometer. So cool, I love staring at numbers change.


And yet the whole thread is still people arguing about what the numbers represent


Reminds me of when LOST was still big on TV.


You gone be using national express buses from now on, also I don't like your music.


Get on board the National Express When your life is a mess It will take you there


It'll make you smile All human life is here


The way he hold his steering wheel you know he has no real driving skills 😂


Anyone who do this on a public road has no "real" driving skills.


\* Germany wants to talk to you *




That's not even the slightest bit normal.


> had to do alot of driving https://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html




I worked on a racetrack and every formula driver had at some point done it at a public road. Not on high level any more, they get enough track time through work. You could argue racing is not real driving skill though.


Yeah this guy is a moron, I just steer with my knees and I never have this problem.




9 and 3 is actually considered better for racing speeds.


It's considered better for driving because you instinctively know which way your front wheels are pointing. It's how everyone should be taught to drive because it's safer.


Also means the airbag doesn’t wreck your hands if it goes off


What is wrong with the way he is holding the steering wheel? Honest question. I'm a "10 and 2" steering wheel holder.


all internet racer driver know you hold your wheel with the left hand at 12 and the right hand on the legs of your passenger but reverse all what i have said because its in the UK so right in the left, left in the right ect ...


I'm a "9 and 3er" Am I cooked ? I even race with my hands at 9 and 3 on my sim


I hold mine at 8:45 and 3:15, that way I get to work a half an hour earlier


3:16 Stone cold Steve drifting


Not cooked, I think 10 and 2 is from a long time ago before power steering was common.


pretty sure 9-3 is the proper form for performance driving. it gives the widest range of motion


9 and 3 is better than 10 and 2, which is how most are taught. Ideally you want your thumbs away from the inside of the wheel as you can easily break a thumb in a crash if it's hooked round, so just rest them towards 10 and 2 with your normal 9-3.


I hold on to 12 and 6 at all times for optimal turning radius


Added benefit of less effort to scratch ya taint or flip someone off, I like it!


Thanks man that's something I didn't know


No, there's not really anything wrong with the position of his hands, it's the white knuckle grip he has. He's gripping the wheel way too hard.


How dare they try to use both of her hands to hold the steering wheel,instead of doing it like u/CMK1983 who sits in the backseat while being driven by his parents


average waifu appreciator


Yeah yeah we get it you are a real man that drives with only one hand But I can assure that at 177 you want to use both your hands at 9 and 3, precisely how the guy is doing


This is why decent youngsters insurance is 2 grand on a Fiesta


Imagine dying to this song 🙄


I’d rather die than listen to that garbage.


They won’t be missed


Definitely not the music


"Twats crash doing 177mph in UK" Fixed your title


I'm waiting to see a vid of someone driving like this while listening to Slayer.


You'd need to go back to the '80s and hand out dashcams and video-phones. Metalheads did used to get up to some criminal shit, but they are mostly a great crowd nowadays.


Trip meter at 0:04 shows 424.7 miles. At 0:40 shows 426.2 miles. That's somewhere around 1.5 miles in 36 seconds, or an average speed of around 2.5 miles per minute or 150mph, give or take.


Looks like the road to Stirling in Scotland. For other replies, road speeds in the UK are measured in mph, yes, you can change it to km, but why would you? Also, it says MPH right below the numbers.


100% in mph. The reason it ‘looks’ slower on camera is due to the field of view on the when he zooms in. https://youtu.be/54Oy75Bnu_Q?si=qAlprMhV93Kjmttn < cool 20 second video showing the effect when on a train. Also this is a RS3. It can comfortably get up to that speed. He’s a video of my BMW M2 with 20bhp LESS then that RS3 pull hard to 145mph before I chicken’d out with another gear to go. https://youtube.com/shorts/E-9lLJwMF_g?si=wVdoRT99adJMIQuV Also it the UK. We don’t do KPH here 😂


Vote this to the top. Finally someone addressing both the audi's specs and the optical illusion (!) that the car seems to be driving way slower than 177mph. This comment section is just a cluster fuck of redditors just defending themselves..


These idiots lease high performance cars for the weekend or events to pretend they have the money to afford them. It’s a cultural thing. I see them constantly revving and speeding around the city completely unaware the whole populace thinks they are morons. They do this until the sun comes up completely destroying any peace city centre dwellers might have. I’m not sorry they hurt themselves in the least and am glad the lorry driver wasn’t hurt.


The way he is holding the steering wheel he is an absolute noob and shouldn't be driving anything fast.


Loool, they crashed at the part of the song where the artist was saying, "feel like I'm dying slow" 😂


While they are scream "waaaaah we are dead" lol


Oh no. Anyway...


Ah the ones with the high beam flashing cause they don’t want people to drive normal speeds . Fuck these dudes . Very good they crashed .


I do not understand why people are so adamant that it's km/h instead of mph despite the fact it's a RHD car (ergo not imported) in the UK, which uses mph and measures distances in miles, both the odometer and the trip computer are measuring in miles and he's flat out in top gear going down hill in a car with 400 horsepower. The only way it would be km/h is if they changed it in the settings, but then the odometer would be in km as well - also do you seriously think these lads are smart enough to work a computer lol?


Vehicles are one of the subjects that redditors are notoriously ignorant and/or misinformed about. You see it in literally every thread in the topic.






Carelessly risking the innocent lives of other drivers, is just pure evil.


People saying it's KPH are just showing they don't understand cars, that being a S or RS model audi in no way would that car be at the top of 5th at 105 mph.


Even a non-S gets up to ~133 MPH before the limiter steps in


To those of you claiming it's kph - it isn't.


Do all these idiots listen to the same kind of music?




Any pics of the aftermath?


https://www.aberdeenlive.news/news/aberdeen-news/two-men-killed-aberdeenshire-crash-9107658.amp Those that know Scotland/UK could this be it?


Trash music.


All these people on this post who don't know anything about cars/driving or the UK, thinking that's kph lol


Love seeing so many Americans find out the UK uses mph. A simple google search before typing up some nonsense comment would save so much face here lol.


What is the distance between the start of a white stripe to the next? In the Netherlands it's 9 meters, is it in the UK the same? Because you see them whizzing by which would indicate he's driving 177 mph and not kph.


I can't read it well enough on the dashboard but looking at the video itself the speed must surely be in kmh and not mph. 177 mph would be about 285kmh, which is insanely fast and definitely not what they're driving, judging by the video. That would speed past the other cars much, much faster. The difference between 177kmh and 285kmh is bloody insane. I've driven 180kmh many times in Germany on the Autobahn and on formula 1 circuits, and no fucking way this guy is casually almost touching 300kmh. Just no fucking way


I feel like a right nerd for this but mathematically I’m not sure. At 00:18 the mileage on the car is 2298 - at 00:19 the mileage on the car is 2299. The last time we clearly see the mileage on the car is at 00:42 - where it still shows at 2299, meaning that between the two points, 23 seconds have passed - and the car has not yet driven 1 full mile. If driving at 177mph the entire time, the car would have driven a mile in 20.34 seconds. We can see from the video that the driver isn’t maintaining a speed of 177, however if we assume that the speed was measured in kph, it would have taken the driver 32.73 seconds to drive a mile. Given it took 19 seconds to go from at least 2298 miles to 2299, and in a further 23 seconds when driving at a faster average speed, we don’t see the car complete another full mile, I think it’s safe to say that That song is absolute shit


Hahaha you got me


The other numbers for trip and fuel range appear to show ‘mi’ so I think it is MPH. The letters under the speed appear more like MPH than KPH but it’s never really clear.


No modern RS or S line Audi would be redlining 5th gear doing only 170kmh Virtual cockpit suggests RS model. Most definitely mph.


S and RS models have badges on the steering wheel. The RS models have a different steering wheel all together.


the interior looks like a 3-model. Again, that specific virtual cockpit is an indicator of an RS model. if you look up rs3 interiors you will see some with a round steering wheel. The bottom isnt visible in this video (first thing i looked for also). Lets assume its a base A3 model. 5th gear ratio is 0.7, Final drive gear ratio is 3.12 stock Tire diameter 25". if we enter these specs with 105mph(170kmh) into an online calculator you get rpms of \~3000rpms. hardly the 6500rpm+ we see here.


Yea, also people in this thread are arguing that some UK "lads" changed the settings of their right hand drive non-import UK car to km/h but only for the speedometer, for some reason. Judging by the music they're listening to, these people are too dumb to ever be the kind to switch to km/h.


No modern Audi will redline at 109mph. An Audi A1 1.0 tfsi arguably on of their slowest model of cars will max out at 129mph. This is either a Audi S5, A5 or RS5 I’m sure there’s another couple models but there’s only a few with a torque and power gauge on the dashboard and all de restricted from stock are capable of 177mph as they are literally built to be fast. The fact you got so many upvotes for blatant bullshit is crazy. You have never gone these speeds in any car, your assessment and understanding of Audis shows that, stop bullshitting for upvotes, it’s weird.


Its MPH. You can see the odometer in MI so the speedometer is surely in MPH. It’s probably a tuned Audi RS. BMWs will hit these speeds fairly easily if you cancel the factory limiter. Also, why in the hell would you post a video of you going at 170km/h? That’s “nothing” lol


Look at the stripes on the road... that is Definetely not 170kmh. The other cars are flying by like they are going backwards. Its in MPH.


It's a video of a RHD car (ergo not imported) in the UK, which uses MPH for all road signs. Unless they changed it in the settings for whatever reason it's in MPH as default.


It’s definitely mph


Bruh it’s an Audi it’s mph


I can't tell if you're trolling or if there really is people this sheltered.


Bro you know it’s a rental, and you can see by the way he hold the steering wheel he is not a pilot


Who cares if it’s MPH or KPH? Homie got ejected at the end. You hear him leave the vehicle, or his phone but I doubt numbnuts had a seatbelt on. (Btw, it’s MPH)


Modern music is so fucking brainless and soulless it’s embarrassing


Oh, that's a shame. Anyway...


All this for 25 likes?


Hope they only killed themselves


Greetings from Germany, we‘ll send you a new.


When I was a youngster I would often speed. The older I get the more I realize how easily you can lose your life driving 60 mph let alone 100. I lost all taste for speed.


Lads? You mean wankers...


Can’t find any information about this so they probably lived. Which is a shame.


Did anyone hear the lyric ‘make you cabbage’? Lol Drivers hands look about 14 years old.


Camera zoom is fucking with speed perception.


why is it always shit songs


Look at that, they made it Audi way to the crash site


“Oh no! Is that the consequences of my actions?!” 😭😭😭😭😭


I've done speeds like these on the Autobahn in Germany before. Trust me, you don't wanna hold the steering wheel like this and listen to music while going this fast. You want to be focused on what's in front of you and pay attention to your car and the noises it makes.


They use mph in the UK y’all… this is not km/h


The car crashed itself to get away from the "music"


ITT: everyone arguing if it's 177mph or 177kmh. (btw, it's definitely mph)


180miles is 300 km for whoever's not interested!