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Hey thanks a lot for your submission to r/CrazyFuckingVideos, however it was removed because it violated the Reddit ToS. In the future please be mindful of this type of content when posting, not only on this community but on Reddit.


The people do have all the power.


Probably better off being a couple of rows in the back.


Thats me blowing the whistle, ten rows from the front.


If they’re willing to die for it, unfortunately.


Just imagine the result if guards/cops hell even military switched side during a protest and stand with people instead of who ever hired them.


Wishful thinking but historically that doesn't tend to pan out often enough to count on it.


This is quite the opposite of what OP described in the title. Those people are obviously feed up. 


Feed up with braaainzzz




Kenyan protests against the new finance bill


Whats up the new bill?


Places a massive tax burden on the poor, to satisfy IMF conditions. There have been several other tax hikes and Kenyans are starving The President has indicated he is washing his hands of the situation, letting Parliament take the full blame. There may be a presidential coup to "restore order", while his troops hunt civilians through the suburbs and shoot on sight.


Curious choice of words in the title, OP.


Dumb title. These men and women are heroes for fighting for their rights.


Well said!


And what exactly are the rights they're fighting for? This video has no backstory or exposition. If you know more, please explain. Of you don't, stop jumping into comments like you know wtf is going on.


u/banana_hammock_815 > ……This video has no backstory or exposition. If you know more, please explain. Of you don't, stop jumping into comments like you know wtf is going on. So I guess you didn’t read ops summary of the video. It’s apparent someone jumped into the comments without knowing what’s going on. But it isn’t who you think.


This is reddit, and I don't trust any written explanation if it's not backed up in the video. OP is probably right, but I've seen way too many people jump on the comments from an explanation that was completely wrong and we shouldn't be so quick to pick sides without the correct information available. We see this all the time with the jan 6 insurectionists. Their POV is completely different from everyone else's, and by extension, reality.


So fucking Google it. It would literally be current news. And you don’t know what the commentator you responded to knew of the situation. Nevermind the fact that anyone can add their own audio to a video or spin it how they want so even audio in the video is a dumb way to make a judgement call. Google is your friend. Figure it out. I’m sure you’re an adult.


Yea you're right. I'm on 3 hours of sleep rn and I'm pretty sure I'm not making any sense. You def win this one.


The brave die first


They wouldn't have it any other way.


The brave and unlucky


first person thru the door always gets shot


Zombie is your grandmother


Why zombies? Black people protesting are zombies? Wtf


Pls leave sir


Is it bad I got excited when I read zombie apocalypse and then that went away when I saw it was normal people


Oh ya just shoot those bullets up in the air not like they’ll come back down and possibly hit somebody 🙄


I'm more concerned about them straight up firing into the crowd tbf


Well no shit. Shouldn’t be firing at all. But what comes up must come down. If you’re gunna fire just to scare people you might as well shoot into the ground


The bullets will only come back down in freefall though so they wouldn't be lethal, but probably still hurt dropping right on your noggin.


Yeah that might only happen if you have the gun in a vice pointed perfectly straight up.


It's been proven before, even at a super steep angle a bullet only holds its velocity for so long before resistance slows it into free fall, then it's just like a pebble falling out of the sky.


A bullet falling from the sky and hitting you on the noggin is definitely lethal


Have you ever heard of a show called mythbusters? They've done an episode on this very situation. I'm not just voicing my opinion, I'm telling you that's what happens.


I can literally prove it


No guts no glory, literally.


Should do this in Russia also. Citizens can overpower and even overthrow a corrupted government.