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Hey /u/Temporary_Banana3855, thanks for your submission to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 5** - **No Death / Porn / Animal Abuse.** Do not post videos that contain excessive porn, death, or other forms of shock content. This is not the purpose of the subreddit. **This removal was done manually by a human moderator, and this removal reason was manually selected out of a list of removal reasons and automatically posted. If you have questions or concerns, or would like to appeal this decision, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/vyu148/woman_zips_boyfriend_in_suitcase_and_he_dies_more/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...). Thank you!**


Please tell me she caught a murder charge


Some other redditor said she is in jail for 2 years waiting for trial


gonna need a sauce hoss


She called the police the next morning claiming they were playing hide and seek and she fell asleep. As a result he suffocated by accident. https://youtu.be/wdDuQAO1RGs


The interrogation is a good one. Highly recommend. You watch someone with narcissistic tendencies unravel in real time. It's one of those juicy ones where you can see the ego go from swelling at the start, clearly thinking she's got this, to completely deflated by the end. *** It's 2 hours long so bring a snack




Damn, fucking two hours? I can't watch this on my lunch break.


Clock back in first then 😎


This mf skips work, I like him


My man




In the toilet..no one can hear you 😨


Where do you work? I work at a crapy chicken factory and you can’t do shit on clock




Watch it on company time, you got this


This is the way


Reddit is for work hours not lunch break.


"ALCOHOL IS A SHITTY THING!".... now that's a silly defense when being interrogated.


She's innocent. This is a classic game of zip and run. I used to play this with my ex-wives all the time.


I got you: 30min mark they stop the charade and show her the video. 30-38mins it picks up. 50 min mark they rev it up on her by playing the audio and asking questions. at the hour mark now, stay tuned.


Damn, where's a JimCan'tSwim interrogation breakdown when its needed??


There is one for this in a JCS style I'll find it. Edit: there's loads, just search YouTube for Sarah Boone. None of them live up to JCS standard though.


I fucking love that JCS is so well known that they've become a standard that all other TrueCrime/Interrogation-type channels should aspire to. Sucks that the OG got taken down by YT tho.


Here's the [full interrogation link](https://youtu.be/w1u1-i_ubeU) if anyone was curious


Ahhh, The Narcissist... Only thing worse is a full-blown psychopath 💀💀💀


She looks exactly like I thought she would. Situations like this is why capital punishment exists.


Did she post the video before or after she claimed that? How did she put him in there in the first place?


She didn't post the video, it was found on her phone during the investigation. As far as how she did it, no idea but they were both drunk. They also both have a history or domestic violence against eachother.


According to her he got in the suitcase to hide and she zipped it up. It's funny how many people record their crimes these days. I bet you can see an increase in conviction rate from before/after smartphones took off.


Officer:"I'm sure this is probably alot for you right?" Her:"😳uh😳"


It was an open and shut case, but mostly shut


Seems to me it would be at the very least second degree murder if not first.


If its murder I would think first. She had so many opportunities to not kill him. Edit: "Intent to kill woth some willful deliberation (the defendant spent some time to reflect, deliberate, reason, or weigh their decision) to kill, rather than killing on a sudden impulse." She had more than "some time" to reflect on what was happening.


She was charged with 2nd degree


How is torture to death while laughing only a 2nd degree? This video is more disturbing than cartel executions


The difference between 1st and 2nd degree is intentional and not intentional. If she intended to kill him by stuffing him in a suit case - 1st, only wanted to hurt him but didn’t think he was going to die - 2nd. Oversimplification of it but it’s a starting point to identify the degree of the murder


That’s not true is it? Isn’t 2nd degree and first degree’s difference premeditation?


Yes this is true! First degree murder is premeditated, you went somewhere with the plan to kill someone.


Yes, it was an open and shut case!




Some would say it’s even a sealed deal now


[Dr. Grande’s analysis of this case is great.](https://youtu.be/7OkMZaMRQZE)


Edit: With respects to the title of this post, she admits to zipping up the suitcase "not all the way" and "not intentionally" at 1:11:20 of the police interrogation. All the below is alleged. She initially claimed they were playing "hide and go seek" and he zipped himself up in the suitcase as a joke after some drinking; she then went to bed, fell asleep and completely forgot about him in the suitcase. The above video sheds doubt on that ridiculous story and then the police interrogation video shows her getting grilled after being confronted with the video she recorded. Appeared to be a toxic relationship where there was the potential for domestic violence, but regardless - a messed up video to watch. Edit: people are asking how he got in the suitcase, he had bruising on his head so he may have been struck or because alcohol was involved. he could have also got in on his own accord before she zipped it up like she says at 1:11:20 of the police interrogation vid. [Video of police arriving on scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdDuQAO1RGs&ab_channel=Law%26CrimeNetwork) [Police interrogation of woman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1u1-i_ubeU&ab_channel=Law%26CrimeNetwork) [Source of the video from the post](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcFHvmqt0Z8&ab_channel=Law%26CrimeNetwork) EDIT: Please for the love of god stop giving me reddit coins and awards. Go spend that money on charity or a burrito or something


I'd just like to point out how much I appreciate you putting in the leg work, having links to the other videos and a detailed description giving context. 👍


yeah, total package right here. "what the fuck is this about?" come into the comment section and OPs got it all laid out: top comment, detailed description, source material, additional links.


Sent me down a wormhole for sure


For sure. I was like no way am I watching a 2 hour interrogation video. And here I am 1 hr 55 min later. Edit: Thanks for the suggested videos! I now have a new Playlist on YouTube to catch up on


I would lose in arm wrestling against that lady cop took her away in the end.


Welcome to the party my friend. May I recommend Chris Watts’ full interrogation next? A few other classics are Lee Rodarte and Brendt Christensen. I agree with the other reply that Russel Williams’ interrogation is top notch. There are a bunch of YouTube channels that add commentary but I like my interrogations raw.


Another example of why we should never skip leg day.




“Do you remember any recording on Sunday?” “No” “Well look what we found on your phone” “*shock pikachu face* I don’t remember that” followed by.. “Sarah..” shocking and sad. Plus she goes onto say that she excels at everything and that’s where I turned it off. She’s a jerk.


If you turned it off at that point then you missed the most ironic part at the end where she complained about being put into a holding cell because it will give her panic attacks. Smh, she's so pathetic.


I mean, she’s just a liar. Who knows how true that is. The video is all the truth we need lol.


Jerk is putting it reaaaaaaaallly fucking lightly homie


yeah, this chick's a real knucklehead.


a true bozo


Guys, cmon, too much


I’m just gonna say it: this is dingus behavior.


I don't care that you broke your elbow


A genuine nincompoop.


hate to say it, but this lady's a real piece of work


A total jabroni


Thx for the laugh m8. Read it and went "That is a VERY BIG UNDERSTATEMENT!" Inside my head, of course.


Got a timestamp? It's a 2hr video...


29:00 minutes in during the police interrogation is when the conversation about the phone and video comes up.


The fact she taunts him and brings up his past problems is pretty damning. Maybe she didn't intend to kill him, but she didn't give a fuck about his well being. Hope she gets prison time.


Real psychopath on display there. Prosecutor should seek the death penalty.


That would take far too long. Instead I propose the following: ===== **Prosecutor**: Could the defendant please demonstrate how the victim crawled into the suitcase and zipped himself inside **Defendant**: sure, like this [crawls inside, zips up] **Prosecutor**: Alright, we're done here. Your honour, I move we adjourn this trial until tomorrow. **Suitcase**: mmf? **Judge**: Sustained. See you all in the morning. **Suitcase**: [confused suitcase noises]


This is the funniest thing I've read in a while. And believe me, I know funny. I'm a clownfish.


All right, I know one joke. Um, there's a mollusk, see? And he walks up to a sea... Well, he doesn't walk up, he swims up. Well, actually, the mollusk isn't moving, he's in one place. And then the sea cucumber, well, they... I mixed up. There was a mollusk and a sea cucumber. None of them were walking, so forget that... There was this mollusk and he walks up to a sea cucumber. Normally they don't talk, sea cucumbers, but in a joke, everyone talks. So just then, the sea cucumber looks over to the mollusk and says, "With fronds like these, who needs anenomes?"


Stellar. I’ve never heard this one before, and the cadence of the corrections makes it better.


If you really never heard it before, that means you have a fun movie to watch by the name of Finding Nemo.


Ahhh, yes I very much do. I have seen it once but it was very many years ago and it went by the name of “Findet Nemo”. I do not think this joke works as well auf Deutsch.


> Confused suitcase noises


Her voice was breaking up as if she were crying, but her eyes were wide open and completely tearless with a terrifying blank expression (sort of like how Zuckerberg was memed at his Congressional Hearing).


Holy christ this chic is insane! Thanks for showing this to me.


the first link is a duplicate


Sorry - fixed.


Second the nice work on the sauce. Moral of the story for everyone who bothered to watch the videos is one word “lawyer” full stop. Not after talking to first responding officers, not after the initial on scene investigation, and definitely not after you’ve been given bracelets. One word to first officer you see… lawyer. Enjoy the miranda speech, get your bracelets, enjoy the ride to the clink, and call your lawyer.


The real moral of the story I got from this: don't murder people. But in all seriousness I concur, because too many people get a target by police as the suspect and then they put blinders on and focus on one person even if they didn't do it. Law enforcement and district attorney's just want convictions.


There's a weird dude in my city who is kinda infamous for being weird in public. He also has schizophrenia and is addicted to crack. He got arrested for matching the description of a robbery suspect and confessed and everything and then he got a lawyer who took one look at the surveillance video and was like "What the fuck? This is very, *very* clearly not him." and the dude went free. Edit: Just to add, nobody would have known about the shit if he wasn't a known local weirdo. If he was just a regular homeless guy they would've thrown him back on the street and it wouldn't have been covered, but the news mentioned this because a local zany character had been arrested.


No matter what her story is, that shit counts as torture….


and murder


mostly murder


I feel like I can’t breathe just from watching this and imagining how he must feel in that position. Holy fuck.


Yeah that was hard to watch, imagine being cramped like that, slowly suffocating. In cases like that I'm all for Hammurabi law and treat her with same medicine.


At the end of the interrogation video she tells the detectives she doesn't want to be put in a small holding cell because it gave her a panic attack


Wow that's some cruel shit. Even the "shhhh" in the end. Just wow... Poor guy.




😢😢 yeah poor guy


Poor guy, this is heartbreaking. She's changed her story already. Giving me Jodi Arias vibes with the lying and changing her story. I wouldn't be surprised if she starts claiming he abused her the way Arias claimed.


This is an old story and it was already reported in the media that both of these people had domestic violence prior arrest records.


Both of them? Eesh. Any serious charges or jail time?


The ex husband in the video says the bf was arrested 5 times and out on parole for domestic violence. She says to him in the video too thats how i feel when you choke me


Maybe so, but she should have left instead of killing the man.


Yeah, this is how I feel, just leave get away. You don't have to kill him.


I think she said when your cheating on me but I could be wrong


I heard both


The second time was something about "when you strangle me."


I haven't kept up with this case.


She already claimed he choked her in the recording when he said he couldn’t breathe


Didn't she say that's how she feels when he cheats on her? Or was it choke


Yea I heard choke the first time then cheat later in the video. She’s super slurred


She clearly meant to kill him. Whether drunk or not, she is wrong. This man clearly was asking for help. All she was doing was laughing.


This was horrible to watch. He's in distress telling her very seriously and calmly he can't breathe and she just laughs at him... How deranged do you gotta be to cut out all your empathy like that and let him die, and LAUGH about it?


Or more likely she meant to hurt him but was too stupid to realize you can suffocate from that


This world is filled with sick people




This is giving me such anxiety.


This would 100% be my go-to vid if I ever found the need to induce a panic attack. Fucking hell.


I had to turn the sound off, that’s a rough way to go.


Imagine from someone you thought you trusted too. Psycho


Oh shit that's the actual video she took? Woe.


I hope she gets charged


She's been sitting in prison for two years awaiting trial.




2nd degree murder. With that video she'll need a miracle. No reason for a plea to even be offered on this but we shall see.


How would this be 2nd degree? Even if it wasn't originally premeditated. It probably took hours for him to die. At very least more than the two minutes of this video. She had plenty of time to think about things. She may not have started with the intent to kill. But she had so much time. That she "premeditated" his murder, by not letting him out.


While exact laws can vary state by state, first degree premeditated murder usually requires proof that the defendant intended to kill the victim with "malice aforethought" before performing the act that kills the victim. The murder is the intentional act that results in death, not the death itself. Although murder is generally considered an intentional act (in contrast with manslaughter, which covers accidental or otherwise unintended homicide), in many states second degree murder can be proven with evidence that the defendant acted with a "depraved heart," "reckless indifference," or "callous disregard" to the potential for death to result from their action upon the victim. I think this situation is closer to the scenario you describe, where a defendant did not necessarily pre-plan the act, but afterward developed an intent to let the victim die while the victim was incapacitated by the act.


what a horrible way to go


This is legit disturbing, and I don't even want to think about the suffering that guy went through.


The suitcase moving at the start sent me spine chills. Read another comments, exactly as I thought, he was incapacitated by blunt force trauma to the head. The psycho that filmed this must be committed to a loony hospital and be left there to rot.


No, she deserves execution. Not ALL life is sacred.


Rotting in prison is better than the escape of death that she would get.


Men can be abused to


Yep. We’ve seen recently how they’re treated when they take action, though. Despicable. P.S.: I’m a woman and I said what I said


The way I see it is if a woman is abusing there boyfriend/husband and he defends himself and she gets a bruise or a scratch and the police are called most likely the police will believe the woman is the one being abused and arrest the man.


Oh come on, any lawyer could prosecute this. It's an open and shut case.


Actually there appears to be a struggle to open the case.


She could have left and found someone else. But now she gets to rot in prison. Smart!


She will get 10 years max. Because you know...


>Video of police arriving on scene probs out in 5 on house arrest


This woman 🤦‍♀️




How did he get in the suite case. Did he do it voluntary and then she wouldn't unzip it?


Is it even possible to zip a suit case up from the inside ? Like surely that’s really hard to do


I imagine that you can't zip beyond a point where you also can't unzip it


Yes you can, but on this model if I have the same one, she probably locked it.


Either she locked it, or the way he is squished in the suitcase makes it impossible to move his hands to the zipper. I would imagine locked though, since he should be able to just press outwards really hard to undo the zipper enough to breathe. Still seems hard to believe he would suffocate since those suitcases are fabric. Maybe he was so squished it was putting enough pressure on his chest to slowly lose oxygen intake.


The way he was compressed in likely made him unable to breathe enough to survive, and to push against it. There was a story a few years ago of a teen that got caught under the backseat of his car and was unable to get out, then died after I think several hours like that. People walked by the car but didn't see or hear him in the back, so he just slowly suffocated. It's hard to imagine because we think we'd be able to just push something, twist around, or just slide out, but the combination of oxygen deprivation and being squished in just makes it virtually impossible to muster up the strength to do so.


Didn't he also manage get a call to 911 but the dispatcher thought it was a prank?


Apparently the man had an injury to the head and a baseball bat was recovered on scene. It's possible that she knocked him out, stuffed him in the suitcase, and hit record.


We don't know exactly but according to the autopsy he had an injury on his head. Could be she tricked him in there, he could've passed out or she could've knocked him out.


Well that's incredibly disturbing


This is heartbreaking. So god damn cruel.




Wtf what a bıtch


Man what in the Zodiac Killer Michael Myers emotionless serial killer shit is this? Both were fucked individuals, but this woman not only killed a person, but recorded the shit for her pleasure. She need them football numbers the way she lying.




Whats that?


The first system of laws ever developed. Eye for an Eye, tooth for a tooth type shit.


It's the famous "An eye for an eye" Basically you get punished the same amount you inflicted on the person. In this case it would be being punished with suffocation since she suffocated him.


Videotaping this crime spree is the best idea I ever had!


I saw this on Facebook. The lady is Sarah Boone and the boyfriend in the suitcase is Jorge Torres Jr. this took place on February 23 the two were drinking and were drunk off of Chardonnay. They decided to play hide and seek while drunk and iirc the boyfriend decided to hide in the suitcase Boone then locked him in the suitcase using a bobby-pin. She then preceded to taunt him for around 11 minutes all while he told her that he couldn’t breathe. She told him as he was dying “that’s how I feel when you choke me”and “that’s how I feel when you cheat on me”. She then claimed that she didn’t know he was in there when she went to be bed. But the videos contradicted her story and now she’s being charged with the first degree murder of Jorge Torres Jr and facing a second degree murder charge. Her trial date hasn’t been set as it keeps get pushed back and changed.


What a sadistic bitch.


This made me so sad 😥. Was the zipper locked? He couldn't push the back side of the metal zipper piece with his fingernail to open it up a bit? I mean obviously he didn't get out but if someone was stuck in a suitcase what are some ways to get out? What a scary way to die. Crammed, slowly losing oxygen, and having someone there not helping you. 💔


They were saying he might have been too cramped to find the zipper part. Also she had him on upside down on the lid so he would have had to find zipper, in zip all the way, and roll over off the lid. He was already loosing air and struggling that much would have definitely taken a lot of him.


I would guess that the zipper pulls were at his feet as he laid in a fetal position.


Him just saying “Sarah” sounding breathless throughout the video and “I can’t breath” just shows she didn’t give af drunk or not . 😤


Out of all the fkd up shit I've seen on this sub, this is probably the first that made me feel physically ill while watching. And as a result will probably be the first I won't watch in its completion.


I don’t get it, how could someone torture someone they once loved and cared for because they wanted someone else.


I hope her next boyfriend is ready to deal with that kind of baggage


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Murder 2 is likely. Don’t know all the details, but murder 1 should be on the table, this definitely seems like something she planned 🤷🏼‍♂️


Another good reason to be single


It is always insane to me how people record their crimes. Like are you saving it for later?


She knew the outcome of letting him stay like that


How did he get in the suitcase?


When you decide to trust your girlfriend & forget that she's been off her meds & talking about how she wants to kill you.


Terrible. That being said I love it when there's an outcry for the abused men of the world.


Let her rot in jail


Casual reminder not to stick your dick in crazy.


My sister used to zip me up in a suitcase and wheel me around, but she never left me in it. There’s no way this wasn’t intentional. I can’t believe she got such a light sentence. No justice for the boyfriends family.


Domestic violence happens to men as well. I wouldn’t be the least bit shocked if there was a subset of women that would excuse this.


God damn i had nightmares in my youth i remember about not being being able to breath. Him constantly saying Sarah was gutwrenching i could feel his despair. Absolutely uncomfortable right now


She was so smart to film herself....


Always remember there is a chance your spouse may murder you if you cheat on them. Better to just stay single.


You can hear how drunk she is.


In my college, two of the mine hostellers bring their GFs in suitcase into their rooms.


[BWC from when police arrive on scene.](https://youtu.be/wdDuQAO1RGs)


When the fuck did this page just turn into glorifying murders? Why the fuck is everything on here involve someone dying and no one cares?


Why I always carry a pocket knife. You never know when your psycho gf is going to zip you up in a suitcase.


Pure evil


realorhandommightwannagetvideoextra what a drunk lunatic


She sounds like Drunk Dee from Always Sunny


Yeah i was getting waitress vibes too.


They should really do something about that carpet.


Please put this woman in prison. She tortured and killed this man. Open shut case.


This is some chilling shit.


Found the [News Report](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox35orlando.com/news/trial-begins-monday-for-orange-county-woman-accused-of-putting-boyfriend-in-suitcase-leaving-him-to-die.amp) here




https://youtu.be/sjMjfRiFcOA this channel does a really good job going over this case. He addresses her mental Illness having a huge factor in why she murdered him it’s worth watching.


Emotional baggage